Cell Structure & Division

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Cell Structure & Division




➔ Cell division usually occurs in following three ways

◆ Amitosis
◆ Mitosis (number of chromosomes in daughter cells remains same as mother cell)
◆ Meiosis (number of chromosomes in daughter cell gets reduced to half of mother cell)




1. Difference between the prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells is in having
(a) cell wall (b) nuclear membrane
(c) ribosome (d) None of these
The prokaryotic cells do not have nuclear membrane while eukaryotic cell have well organised nuclear

2. The function of nucleolus is the synthesis of

(a) DNA (b) m-RNA
(c) r-RNA (d) t-RNA

3. Which one of the following has its own DNA?

(a) Mitochondria (b) Dictyosome
(c) Lysosome (d) Peroxisome
Mitochondria has its own DNA. It is as structure within cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells that carries out aerobic
respiration. It is the site of Kreb’s cycle and ETS(Electron transport system). Therefore, it is also called as cell’s
energy production site.

4. Regarding the sequence of cell cycle, which one is correct

(a) G1, G2, S and M (b) S, G1, G2 and M
(c) G1, S, G2 and M (d) G2, S, G1 and M
See 1st page diagram.

5. The exchange of genetic material between chromatids of paired homologous chromosomes during first
meiotic division is called
(a) transformation (b) chiasmata
(c) crossing over (d) synapsis
The points of attachment between homologous chromosomes after their separation in diplotene are called
chiasmata. The process of pairing of homologous chromosomes is called synapsis, the phenomenon by which
DNA isolated from one type of cell, when introduced into another type, is able to bestow some of the properties
of the former to the latter is known as transformation.

6. Chromosomes contain hereditary units called

(a) genes (b) ribosomes
(c) DNA (d) RNA

7. Which cell organelle is known as the control centre of the cell ?

(a) Nucleus (b) Chloroplast
(c) Mitochondria (d) Endoplasmic reticulum

8. Who observed and coined the word 'cell' for the first time?
(a) Robert Cook (b) Robert Brown
(c) Robert Hooke (d) Leeuwenhoek

9. What part of the cell serves as the intracellular highway?

(a) Endoplasmic reticulum (b) Golgi apparatus
(c) Cell membrane (d) Mitochondria


10. Which of the following would you not find in a bacterial cell ?
(a) DNA (b) Cell membrane
(c) Golgi apparatus (d) Ribosomes

11. Which of the following could be found in both the nucleus and the cytoplasm?
(a) Nucleolus (b) Ribosomes
(c) RNA (d) Both RNA & ribosomes

12. Which one of the following structures is an organelle within an organelle?

(a) Ribosome (b) Peroxisome
(c) ER (d) Mesosome
Ribosomes are small protein complexes made of r-RNA and proteins. Ribosomes are also seen in the
organelles like mitochondria and chloroplasts.

13. The process of mitosis is divided into 4 phases. Identify the correct order in which these phases appear in
(a) Anaphase, metaphase, telophase and prophase
(b) Telophase, anaphase, metaphase and prophase
(c) Metaphase, prophase, anaphase and telophase
(d) Prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase
See page 2 diagram.

14. Which of the following cells is found in the cartilaginous tissue of the body?
(a) Mast cells (b) Basophils
(c) Osteocytes (d) Chondrocytes

15. Cells which take part in secondary growth are named as

(a) phloem (b) xylem
(c) cambium (d) medullary ray
Cambium or Cambia, in plants, layer of actively dividing cells between xylem (wood) and phloem (bast) tissues
that is responsible for the secondary growth of stems and roots (secondary growth occurs after the first season
and results in increase in thickness).


16. Which of the following is responsible for mechanical support and enzyme transport ?
(a) Dictyosome (b) Cell membrane
(c) ER (d) Mitochondria
Endoplasmic reticulum

17. Cell wall in higher plants is made up of

(a) Cellulose + lignin (b) Cellulose + pectin
(c) Cellulose + suberin (d) Cellulose + lipid

18. ATP molecule is a

(a) Nucleosome (b) Nucleoside
(c) Nucleotide (d) Deoxyribose sugar
ATP is a nucleotide consisting of an adenine base attached to a ribose sugar, which is attached to three
phosphate groups. These three phosphate groups are linked to one another by two high-energy bonds called
phosphoanhydride bonds.

A nucleotide is one of the structural components, or building blocks, of DNA and RNA. A nucleotide consists of
a base (one of four chemicals: adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine) plus a molecule of sugar and one of
phosphoric acid.

Q.19. Which one is not a carbohydrate?

(a) Chitin (b) Methionine
(c) Glycogen (d) Starch


Methionine is a sulfur-containing essential L-amino acid.

20. Most diverse macromolecules, found in the cell both physically and chemically are
(a) proteins (b) carbohydrates
(c) nucleic acids (d) lipids.
Proteins are polymers of amino acids. There are only 20 amino acids which can be arranged in different
orders in a polypeptide chain to form a wide array of proteins.

21. Lipids are insoluble in water because lipid molecules are

(a) hydrophilic (b) hydrophobic
(c) neutral (d) zwitterions
Water attracting molecules are called hydrophilic. Water repelling molecules are called hydrophobic. Amino
acids carry simultaneously positive and negative charges. Such molecules are called zwitterions. Lipids
are compounds of C, H, O but the ratio of H and O is more than 2 : 1 that is the ratio of oxygen is lesser than
carbohydrates. Lipids are insoluble in water but soluble in non-polar solvents such as benzene, chloroform etc.

22. Which one is the most abundant protein in the animal world?
(a) Trypsin (b) Haemoglobin
(c) Collagen (d) Insulin
Collagen is the most abundant protein of animal world. Rubisco (ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase -
oxygenase) is not only the most abundant protein in plants but also the whole biosphere.

23. Choose the correct statement with respect to unicellular organisms:
(a) in unicellular organisms, tissues work in co-ordination to perform different functions.
(b) unicellular organisms do not require food.
(c) unicellular organisms respire and reproduce.
(d) all unicellular organisms move by cilia
Unicellular organisms are capable of (i) independent existence and (ii) performing the essential functions of
life. Anything less than a complete structure of a cell does not ensure independent living. Hence, cell is the
fundamental structural and functional unit of all living organisms. Anton Van Leeuwenhoek first saw and
described a live cell. Robert Brown later discovered the nucleus. The invention of the microscope and its
improvement leading to the electron microscope revealed all the structural details of the cell.

24. Majority of cells cannot be seen directly with our naked eyes because:
(a) organisms are generally unicellular
(b) cells are microscopic
(c) cells are present only inside the body
(d) cells are grouped into tissues

25. Read the different combinations of terms given below:

The correct combination of terms with reference to an animal cell is _____.
(a) cell wall, cell membrane, nucleus, plastid
(b) cell wall, nucleus, ribosome, chromosome
(c) cell membrane, mitochondria, ribosome, chromosome
(d) cell membrane, ribosome, mitochondria, chloroplast.
Cell wall & chloroplast are of plant cell.

26. Which one of the following term is not a part of the nucleus?
(a) ribosome (b) chromosome (c) nucleolus (d) gene
Ribosomes are non-membrane bound organelles found in all cells – both eukaryotic as well as prokaryotic.
Within the cell, ribosomes are found not only in the cytoplasm but also within the two organelles – chloroplasts
(in plants) and mitochondria and on rough ER.



27. A suitable term for the various components of cells is

(a) tissue (b) chromosomes (c) cell organelles (d) genes

28. The jelly-like fluid substance present in cells is called

(a) protoplasm (b) chloroplast (c) chromosome (d) cytoplasm



29. Read the following pairs of examples of organisms:

The pair that belongs to the group prokaryotes is_____
(a) moss and sponge
(b) yeast and Amoeba
(c) bacteria and blue-green alga
(d) penicillium and Spirogyra
The prokaryotic cells are represented by bacteria, blue-green algae, mycoplasma and PPLO (Pleuro
Pneumonia Like Organisms). They are generally smaller and multiply more rapidly than the eukaryotic cells .
They may vary greatly in shape and size. The four basic shapes of bacteria are bacillus (rod like), coccus
(spherical), vibrio (comma shaped) and spirillum (spiral).

30. Read the following terms and select the pair that is related to inheritance of characters.
(a) cell wall and cell membrane
(b) chromosome and mitochondria
(c) chloroplast and cell membrane
(d) chromosome and genes

31. Choose the correct statement:

(a) Genes are located in the chromosomes.
(b) Cell is located in the nucleus.
(c) Chromosomes are located in the nucleolus.
(d) Cell membrane surrounds the nucleus.





32. Green colour of leaves is due to presence of the pigment_____

(a) chlorophyll (b) ribosomes (c) mitochondria (d) chloroplast

33. The unit of measurement used for expressing dimension (size) of cells is:
(a) centimeter (b) millimeter (c) micrometer (d) metre

34. The most important function of cell membrane is that it:

(a) controls the entry and exit of materials from cells.
(b) controls only the entry of materials into cells.
(c) controls only the exit of materials from cells.
(d) allows entry and exit of materials without any control

35. Paheli accidentally placed her hand over a flame and immediately pulled it back. She felt the sensation of
heat and reacted due to the action of
(a) blood cells (b) skin surface (c) nerve cells (d) nucleus of cells

36. Of the following parts of a cell listed below, name the part that is common to plant cell, animal cell and a
bacterial cell.
(a) chloroplast (b) cell wall (c) cell membrane (d) nucleus

37. The thread-like structures present in the nucleus are

(a) nucleolus (b) chromosomes (c) genes (d) ribosomes

38. Identify the statement which is true for cells.

(a) Cells can be easily seen with naked eyes.
(b) Insect’s egg is not a cell.
(c) A single cell can perform all the functions in a unicellular organism.
(d) The size and shape of cells is uniform in multicellular organisms

39. Which of the following is not a cell?

(a) Red Blood Corpuscle (RBC)
(b) bacterium
(c) spermatozoa
(d) virus


40. Which of the following feature will help you in distinguishing a plant cell from an animal cell?
(a) cell wall
(c) mitochondria
(b) cell membrane
(d) nucleus

41. Under a microscope Paheli observes a cell that has a cell wall but no distinct nucleus. The cell that she
observes is
(a) a plant cell (b) a nerve cell (c) an animal cell (d) a bacterial cell

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42. Cheek cells do not have _______

(a) cell membrane (c) golgi apparatus (b) nucleus (d) plastids

43. Identify the correct statement.

(a) Tissue is a group of dissimilar cells.
(b) An organ consists of similar cells.
(c) Vacuoles are not found in plant cells.
(d) Prokaryotes do not have nucleus.



44. Which of the following statements are true for eukaryotic cells?
(i) They do not have a nuclear membrane.
(ii) They have a well organised nucleus.
(iii) They have a nuclear membrane.
(iv) Blue green algae are eukaryotic cells
(a) ii and iv (b) ii and iii (c) i and ii (d) i and iv

45. Identify the correct statement about cells.

(a) All the cells have nucleus.
(b) Cells of an organ have similar structure.
(c) Cells of a tissue have similar structure.
(d) Shape of all types of cells is round.

46. Assertion (A) Lysosomes are also known as atom bombs

Reason (R) If the single membrane surrounding the digestive enzyme breaks, the enzyme released may also
destroy the cell itself.
(a) If both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) If both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) If A is true, but R is false
(d) If both A and R are false

47. Which of the following cytoplasmic organelles are treated as prokaryotic cells within the eukaryotic cells?
(a) Mitochondria (b) Golgi bodies
(c) Lysosomes (d) Glyoxysomes

48. The structure in cells which contains light absorbing pigment is

(a) endoplasmic reticulum
(b) nucleus
(c) chloroplast
(d) chromoplast

49. Which one of the following is incorrect?

(a) Leeuwenhoek---Microscope
(b) Robert Brown---Cell Theory
(c) Protoplasm---Purkinje
(d) Robert Hooke---Cell
The cell was first discovered by Robert Hooke in 1665 using a microscope. The first cell theory is credited to
the work of Theodor Schwann and Matthias Jakob Schleiden in the 1830s.
Robert Brown, an English botanist, discovered the nucleus in plant cells.

50. Cellular totipotency is

(a)Capability of plant cells to form complete plant
(b) Formation of a new species
(c) Formation of a new plant
(d) Synthesis of new cell


Cellular Totipotency is the ability of a single cell to produce all cell types and to organize them into an entire
organism when cultured in a suitable culture medium at an appropriate temperature and aeration conditions.
Spores and Zygote are examples of totipotent cells.

51. Which of the pair is incorrect?

(a) Chlorophyll---green
(b) Chromoplast---yellow
(c) Leucoplast---colourless
(d) Elaioplast--- red
A plastid is a self-reproducing organelle of plants and algae.
Chromoplasts synthesize and store pigments such as orange carotene, yellow xanthophylls, and various other
red pigments. As such, their color varies depending on what pigment they contain.
Elaioplasts are a type of leucoplast that is specialized for the storage of lipids in plants.

52. Which organelle is also called director of the cell?

(a) Mitochondria --powerhouse
(c) Chloroplast
(b) Nucleus
(d) Ribosomes

53. In which phase of meiosis, centromere divides?

(a) Metaphase-I (b) Anaphase-II
(c) Anaphase-I (d) Metaphase-II

54. In the region of kinetochores, what attaches to the chromosomes?

(a) Centrosome (b) Spindle fibres
(c) Nucleus (d) Chromatids

55. Which one of the following corresponds for the start of M-phase?
(a) Cytokinesis
(b) G1 -phase
(c) Karyokinesis
(d) Karyogenesis

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56. Which of the following statements is true, with respect to meiosis-I?

(a) Centromere divides between prophase and metaphase

(b) Centromere divides between metaphase and anaphase

(c) Centromere does not divide
(d) Centromere divides but the two daughter remain attached

57. Nuclear envelope and nucleolus disappearance occur at the end of

(a) prophase (b) interphase
(c) metaphase (d) telophase


58. DNA or chromosome replication occurs during which phase?

(a) Prophase
(b) Telophase
(c) Metaphase
(d) Interphase -- S phase

59. In mitosis, centromere divides during

(a) Prophase
(b) Telophase
(c) Metaphase
(d) Anaphase


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1) The term "meiosis'' was coined by

A) Hertwig and Van Bevedin
B) Sutton and Boveri
C) Hofmeister and Waldeyer
D) Farmer and Moore

2) Condensation of chromosomes occurs in

A) Prophase I
B) Prophase II
C) Anaphase
D) Metaphase
Condensation of chromosomes occurs in the prophase-I. After that chromosome moves toward the poles.

3) The replication of nuclear DNA occurs in

A) G1 phase
B) G2 phase
C) S phase
D) M phase

4) The role of meiosis

A) Formation of gametes
B) Bringing haplophase
C) Bringing diplophase
D) Completing life cycle
The most important role of meiosis is to maintain haploid phase.

5) The number of DNA in chromosome at G2 stage of cell cycle

A) One
B) Two
C) Four
D) Eight


The duplication of DNA takes place in 'S' stage of interphase after that cell reaches inG2phase. That is why the
strand of DNA in G2 phase will be two.

6) Which stage connecting link between Meiosis I and Meiosis II

A) Interphase I
B) Interphase II
C) Interkinesis
D) Anaphase I

7) G0 state of cells in eukaryotic cell cycle denotes

A) Checkpoint before entering the next phase
B) Pausing in the middle of a cycle to cope with a temporary delay
C) Death of a cell
D) Exit of cells from cell cycle
When cells are not to divide after G1 phase and start undergoing differentiation into specific types of cells such
cells are said to be in G0 phase/G0 state.

8) Synapsis is pairing of
A) Any two chromosomes
B) Non homologous chromosomes
C) Acentric chromosomes
D) Homologous chromosomes
Synapsis takes place always in homologous chromosomes take place in zygotene sub-stage, which is due to
small amount of DNA replication at this stage.

9) Mitosis occurs in
A) Haploid individuals
B) Diploid individuals
C) Both (a) and (b)
D) In bacteria only

10) Spindle apparatus is formed during which stage of mitosis

A) Prophase
B) Metaphase
C) Anaphase
D) Telophase

11) Cyclin is associated with which one of the following

A) Glycolysis
B) Cyclosis
C) Haemolysis
D) Mitosis
Cyclin is a protein, which participates in cell division.

12) Which is not the character of mitosis

A) Leptotene
B) Zygotene
C) Pachytene

D) All of the above

Leptotene, zygotene, pachytene, diplotene and diakinesis all are successive stages of meiosis.

13) Four daughter cells formed after meiosis are

A) Genetically similar
B) Genetically different
C) Anucleate
D) Multinucleate
During meiosis, daughter cells has the half number of chromosomes with respect to parent cells. Therefore
daughter cell will be genetically different.

14) Which cell division is found during cleavage

A) Amitosis
B) Mitosis
C) Closed mitosis
D) Meiosis
During cleavage, cell divides mitotically without taking any gape, so that is known as closed mitosis.

15) How many ATP is required during anaphase to move chromosomes from equator to the poles
A) 38 ATP
B) 5 ATP
C) 30 ATP
D) 76 ATP

16) Mitosis is the process by which eukaryotic cells

A) Expose the genes for protein synthesis
B) Become specialized in structure and function
C) Multiply
D) Grow

17) In pachytene stage of meiosis the chromosomes appear

A) Single stranded
B) Double stranded
C) Three stranded
D) Four stranded
During the pachytene, chromosomes get crossed with each other and forms a four stranded or tetrad

18) The spindle fibre contracts in

A) Metaphase I
B) Anaphase II
C) Prophase II
D) Telophase II

19) Recombination of genes occur at

A) Prophase in mitosis
B) Prophase I in meiosis
C) Prophase II in meiosis

D) Metaphase II in meiosis
The crossing over of homologous chromosome occurs in Pachytene of prophase first of meiosis. It is known as

20) The second division in meiosis is called

A) Equational division
B) Reduction division
C) Multiplied division
D) None of the above

21) The meiotic process by which homologous chromosomes are paired during prophase-I is called
A) Interkinesis
B) Crossing over
C) Chiasma
D) Synapsis

22) At what phase of meiosis are there two cells, each with sister chromatids aligned at the spindle equator
A) Anaphase II
B) Metaphase II
C) Metaphase I
D) Anaphase I

23) If there were 4 chromosomes present during prophase, how many chromosomes are there in each cell at
the end of anaphase II
A) 16
B) 4
C) 2
D) 8

24) If at the end of meiosis, the 4 daughter cells have 4 chromosomes, how many chromosomes were in the
mother cell
A) 8
B) 16
C) 2
D) 4

25) How many time meiosis will take place for the formation of 80 wheat grains
A) 100
B) 80
C) 40
D) 99
Wheat is an angiosperm plant. In this plant 80 grains (seeds) are produced by fertilization between 80 male
and 80 female gametes. 80 male gametes i.e. pollen grains are produced by 20 meiosis in microspore mother
cells while 80 female gametes i.e. megaspores are formed by 80 meiosis in megaspores mother cells because
in angiosperm plants, after meiotic division in single megaspore mother cell, four megaspores are formed but
only one megaspore is survived and other three get degenerated. Thus total meiotic divisions are 20 + 80 =


26) In which type of cell division spindle formation does not occur
A) Mitosis
B) Meiosis
C) Endomitosis
D) None of the above
Because it is irregular nuclear division of nucleus.

27) How may mitotic divisions must occur in a cell of root tip to form 256 cells
A) 256
B) 8
C) 128
D) 64

28) The best stage to count the number of chromosomes during mitosis is or structure of chromosomes can be
best seen at
A) Prophase
B) Metaphase
C) Anaphase
D) Telophase
Because in metaphase, chromosomes are present in bivalent form on equator. Chromosomes are much
condense and well visible.

29) Cytokinesis in plants takes place by the formation of

A) Sphaeroblasts
B) Equatorial cell plate
C) Idioblasts
D) Cell budding

30) In meiosis, the centromere divides during

A) Prophase-I
B) Metaphase-I
C) Anaphase-I
D) Anaphase-II
In meiosis II division is equational division; thus centromere divides and chromatid move towards the pole during

31) During interphase, RNA and proteins are synthesized in

A) S phase
B) G1 phase
C) G2 phase
D) In both G1 and G2 phases


32) The number of chromosome groups at the equatorial plate in metaphase-I of meiosis in a plant with 2n=50
shall be
A) 50
B) 25
C) 30
D) 100
One chromosome forms one chromosome group in metaphase-I after splitting of tetravalent condition.

33) The significance of meiosis lies in

A) Reduction of the diploid number of chromosomes to haploid
B) Maintaining constancy in the number of diploid chromosomes during sexual reproduction
C) Production of genetic variability in the population of a species
D) All the above

34) Mitosis results in

A) Reduction in chromosome number
B) Doubling of chromosome number
C) Constant chromosome number
D) Increase in cell volume

35) In which phase of mitosis the chromosomes are arranged around the equator of the spindle
A) Prophase
B) Metaphase
C) Anaphase
D) Telophase

36) Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched

A) Anaphase I -- Homologous chromosomes are separated
B) Metaphase I -- Pairing of maternal and paternal homologous chromosomes takes place
C) Interphase -- A nuclear envelope encloses each haploid set of chromosomes
D) Prophase I -- Non-homologous chromosomes are separated

37) Mitosis and meiosis take place respectively in

A) Meristem and gametangia
B) Gametangia and meristem
C) Permanent tissues and secretory tissues
D) Secretory tissues and permanent tissues

38) An anaphase chromosome contains

A) 1 DNA molecule
B) 3 DNA molecule
C) 2 DNA molecule
D) 4 DNA molecule

39) Chromosome number is halved in meiosis during

A) Metaphase-I
B) Anaphase-I
C) Metaphase-II

D) Telophase-I

40) Chromosome start separating at which stage of mitosis

A) Early metaphase
B) Late metaphase
C) Early anaphase
D) Early telophase

41) Normal cellular activities, such as protein synthesis occur primarily during
A) Interphase
B) Anaphase
C) Metaphase
D) Prophase

42) At G1 stage which phenomenon takes place

A) DNA synthesis
B) RNA synthesis
C) Reverse transcription
D) All of the above

43) In mitosis the movement of chromosomes requires

A) Presence of centromere
B) Plasmalemma
C) Spindle fibres
D) Nucleotides
Because they are thread like structures, which contract to pull the chromosome towards pole.

44) During cell division, sometimes there will be failure of separation of sister chromatids. This event is called
A) Interference
B) Complementation
C) Coincidence
D) Non-disjunction

45) If a cell has a chromosome number after first meiosis equal to 48. The chromosome number in the
daughter cells after the completion of meiosis will be
A) 48
B) 24
C) 12
D) 36

46) In mitosis nucleolus and nuclear membrane disappear at

A) Interphase
B) Prophase
C) Metaphate
D) Telophase

47) Chiasmata formation occurs during

A) Diplotene

B) Leptotene
C) Pachytene
D) Diakinesis

48) During the first metaphase of meiosis the centromeres

A) Undergo division
B) Do not divide
C) Divide but do not separate
D) Are not identical

49) The number of chromatids in a chromosome at anaphase is

A) 2 in mitosis and 1 in meiosis
B) 1 in mitosis and 2 in meiosis
C) 2 each in mitosis and meiosis
D) 2 in mitosis and 4 in meiosis

50) In mitosis the duplication of chromosomes occurs during

A) Early prophase
B) Late prophase
C) Interphase
D) Late telophase
In the S-phase (synthesis phase) of interphase DNA is replicated and then the DNA content of nucleus become
doubled. It is also known as duplication of chromosome.

51) Cell division in blue-green algae is more or less similar to that in

A) Red algae
B) Green algae
C) Brown algae
D) Bacteria

52) Which out of the following is not a divisional stage

A) Telophase
B) Interphase
C) Metaphase
D) Prophase

53) When, during the meiotic division, do the homologous chromosomes pair with each other
A) Leptotene
B) Pachytene
C) Zygotene
D) Metaphase-I
During meiosis prophase-I in leptotene stage, chromosomes appear as beaded thread like structure and in next
stage zygotene, homologous chromosomes pair up and become shortened. It is the initial stage of crossing over.

54) Between mitosis a cell is called to be in the

A) Resting stage
B) Sleeping stage
C) Active stage

D) None of these

55) Meiosis and mitosis differ from each other because in meiosis
A) The four nuclei formed are not similar to parental ones
B) Homologous chromosomes pair are exchange parts
C) Number of chromosomes gets halved
D) All the above
Four nuclei formed are not similar to parent ones because they are haploid in nature. Homologous chromosome
pairs are exchange parts because in crossing over exchange of chromatid arms takes place and number of
chromosomes gets halved.

56) Cell division is initiated by

A) Centrosome
B) Centriole
C) Centromere
D) Chromomere

57) Crossing over is advantageous because it brings about

A) Variation
B) Linkage
C) Inbreeding
D) Stability

58) The process of mitosis can be studied in

A) Onion root tip
B) Garlic root tip
C) Tendril tip
D) All of the above

59) The process by which the chromosomes are separated in the sex cells and their number reduced from the
diploid to haploid condition is known as
A) Division
B) Mitosis
C) Conjugation
D) Meiosis

60) In which of the following stages chromosomes are attached on equatorial plane
A) Metaphase
B) Anaphase
C) Telophase
D) None of these

61) Period of active mitosis ranges from

A) 10 minutes to a few hours
B) A few hours to a one day
C) One day to a week
D) Less than a minute


62) Meiosis was discovered by

A) Sutton
B) Hofmeister
C) Strasburger
D) Amici

63) Prophase of reduction division is divided into number of stages. The correct chronological sequence is
A) Leptotene - pachytene - zygotene - diplotene - diakinesis
B) Leptotene - diplotene - pachytene - zygotene - diakinesis
C) Leptotene - zygotene - diplotene - pachytene - diakinesis
D) Leptotene - zygotene - pachytene - diplotene - diakinesis

64) Regarding the sequence of cell cycle, which one is correct

A) G1, G2,S and M
B) S, G1, G2, and M
C) G1,S,G2 and M
D) G2,S,G1, and M

65) Pachytene occurs during

A) Meiosis
B) Mitosis
C) Growth of a cell
D) Formation of endosperm
Pachytene is the 3rd stage of cell division in prophase-I of meiosis in which each chromosome splits in two
halves (bivalent).

66) In which of the following meiosis takes place

A) Pollen grains
B) Pollen tube
C) Pollen mother cells
D) Generative cells
Because pollen grain formed from pollen mother cells by meiosis.

67) Which of the following is the shortest phase of the cell cycle
A) S phase
B) G1phase
C) G2phase
D) M phase
M-phase takes only 1.5 - 10% time of the total time of the cell cycle.

68) Which of the following position is the base to define the formation place of cell plate at the end of nuclear
A) Microtubulus
B) Vesicles
C) Endoplasmic reticulum
D) Golgi body
Vesicles provided by golgi apparatus unite to form phagmoplasts, which join to form cell plate. Cell plate is, first
laid down in centre and then proceeds towards periphery.

69) G2 phase of mitosis takes

A) 50% time of cell cycle
B) 25 to 33% time of cell cycle
C) 12 to 16% time of cell cycle
D) 4% time of cell cycle

70) Interphase of mitosis in man takes

A) 12 hours
B) 10 hours
C) 3 hours
D) 25 hours

71) In animal cell cytokinesis takes place by

A) Cell furrow method
B) Cell plate method
C) Both (a) and (b)
D) No cytokinesis takes place

72) Prophase is longer in

A) Mitosis
B) Meiosis
C) Equal in both
D) Amitosis

73) In one meiotic cell division, the cell divides

A) Once
B) Twice
C) Thrice
D) Four times

74) The term "mitosis'' was proposed by

A) Flemming
B) Farmer
C) Moore
D) Boveri

75) In cancer cells

A) Meiosis takes place
B) Mitosis takes place
C) Sometimes meiosis and sometimes mitosis take place
D) Cell division stops
Due to rapid mitotic divisions hypertrophy takes place in cancerous cells.

76) Which one of the following forms the spindle apparatus during cell division
A) Chromosome
B) Centrosome
C) Ribosome

D) Chondriosome

77) Meiosis is significant because

A) It produces identical cells
B) It restores the original number of chromosomes (after fertilization)
C) There is doubling of DNA contents in the cell
D) It occurs only in vegetative cells

78) In mitotic cell division

A) Number of chromosomes is doubled at the end
B) Number of chromosomes is reduced to half
C) Number of chromosomes remain unchanged
D) There is no division of chromosomes

79) Meiosis differs from mitosis as

A) It takes place in vegetative cells
B) It shows crossing over
C) It forms two cells
D) Number of chromosomes remain unchanged
It shows crossing over in its pachytene stage of prophase-I. It explain to reduction division. In this division
diploid cell convert in haploid cell.

80) During mitosis chromosomes go to their poles in a stage called

A) Prophase
B) Metaphase
C) Anaphase
D) Telophase

81) DNA replication takes place in or DNA molecule of each chromosome become double in
A) G1 phase
B) G2 phase
C) S phase
D) Mitotic phase

82) What happens in mitosis

A) Many divisions of a nucleus
B) Cleavage of cytoplasm
C) Nuclear and cytoplasmic division
D) Formation of a paternal nucleus

83) The decision for division occurs in a cell at

A) S phase
B) G2 phase
C) G1 phase
D) None of the above

84) Cellular structure always disappears during mitosis is

A) Cell wall

B) Cell membrane
C) Nucleolus
D) All the above

85) Which of the following cell division is found in prokaryotic cells

A) Mitosis
B) Meiosis
C) Amitosis
D) All the above

86) Karyokinesis differ from cytokinesis because it involves

A) Division of cytoplasm
B) Division of the nucleus and cytoplasm
C) Division of the nucleus
D) Division of the cell

87) If nucleus represents its large size in proportion to cytoplasm of cell, it indicates that
A) Cell is dying
B) The nucleolus is in resting phase
C) The nucleus has entered S-phase of interphase
D) Cell is about to die

88) The nuclear membrane disappears in

A) Metaphase
B) Early prophase
C) Late prophase
D) Anaphase

89) Constancy of the chromosome number in successive generations is brought by the process of
A) Mitosis
B) Meiosis
C) Conjugation
D) None of these

90) Exchange of chromosome segments between maternal and paternal chromatids during meiosis is called
A) Linkage
B) Dominance
C) Crossing over
D) DNA multiplication

91) Spindle fibres are made up of

A) Proteins
B) Cellulose
C) Lipids
D) Pectin

92) Which is not true for anaphase

A) Golgi body and ER are reformed

B) Chromosomes move to opposite poles

C) Spindle poles move farther apart
D) Centromeres split and chromatids separate

93) In which phase proteins for spindle fibre formation are synthesized
A) G1 phase
B) G2 phase
C) S-phase
D) Anaphase

94) Which is synthesized in G1 phase

A) DNA polymerase
B) Histones
C) Nucleolar DNA
D) Tubulin protein

95) DNA and histone proteins are synthesized during the following phase of cell cycle
A) S phase
B) G2 phase
C) G1 phase
D) None of these
During the S phase or synthetic phase of interphase, replication of DNA and synthesis of histone proteins

96) During the meiotic division the

A) Homologous chromosomes are separated
B) The linkage is disturbed
C) The homologous chromosomes do not segregate
D) All of the above

97) During the G1 phase of cell division

A) RNA and proteins are synthesized
B) DNA and proteins are synthesized
C) Cell prepares for M-phase
D) Cell undergoes duplication

98) Meiosis is found at

A) Shoot apex
B) Reproductive part
C) Leaves bud
D) Vegetative parts

99) Homologous pairing in prophase I of meiosis I is called

A) Synapsis
B) Linkage
C) Crossing over
D) Syndesis


100) In meiosis the daughter cells are not similar to that of parent because of
A) Crossing over
B) Synapsis
C) Both (a) and (b)
D) None of these

101) Diploid living organism develops from zygote by repeated cell divisions is called
A) Meiosis
B) Amitosis
C) Mitosis
D) Segmentation

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