Tor 18CSDC02

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Republic ofthe Philippines DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND HIGHWAYS. ‘TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE Conduct of Feasibility Studies/PDE/Economic Analysis/Technical studies/“Traffic Impact ‘assessment - Region IV-A 1) Bugaan-Gulod-Buso-Buso Bypass Road 2) Malvar-Sto, ‘Tomas Diversion Road FEASIBILITY STUDY. 1. INTRODUCTION |A. BACKGROUND “The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) is secking to develop its pipeline of road transport projects nationwide for implementation and/or possible external financial ‘assistance in thelr implementation. As part ofthe intial stage Inthe project development cycle, feasiblity studies assessing the technical, economic, and socal impacts of the project are required, ‘This sin ine with the Department of Budget spending proposals for DPW projects/programs Presentation ofthe resus ofthe preinvestment Fes oBiecTIvES: ‘The project that will be studied isthe proposed Construction of ‘Buso Bypass Road 2) Malvar-Sto. Tomas Diversion Road on the Province of Batangas. “TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE Conduct of Feasibilty Studies PDE/Economic Analsis/Techncalstudles/Traffic Impact assessment Region IV-A 1) Bugaen-Gulod-Buso-Buso Bypass Road 2) Malvar-Sto, Tomas Diversion Road C, SCOPE OF THE SERVICES, 1. GENERAL ‘The scope of consulting services shall involve the preparation of Feasibility Study Reports ‘and inal Socal Assessments and isthe subject of the TOR. “The Consultants scope of work shal cover but not necessary be limited to the ems sted hereunder. feasibity studles and detailed enaieering reports and other a. Existing situation of the project roads and relevant road network under study i Identification of alternative alignments, design and Improvement. ten on the ensng stuaton of the project roads and relevant road network understudy Supply and quay of transportation facies in the area &_Identiication of alterative Improvement levels and/or alignments including ‘network capacty expansion proposals ‘measures to improve drainage system and address flooding problems. fh. Locations of accident-prone access and recommend measures that will address the problem |. Applicability of value engineering ge 20122 “TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE Conduct of Feasibility Studles/PDE/Economic Analysis Technical studles/Taffic Impact assessment - Region IV-A 1) Bugaen-Gulod-Buso-Buso Bypass Road 2) Malvar-Sto. Tomas Diversion Road and for the findings and recommendations arising therefrom and presented in their report. 1.4. The Study shall be performed in accordance with accepted professional standards necessarily be limited to the items listed inthe subsequent paragraphs, 1.5, Recommend technical solutions with respect to type of improvemnent/construcion and Pavements required with appropriate justification, taking Into consideration the applcablty of Department Order No. 40, Series of 2014. 4.6. Coordinate with the Environmental and Social Safeguard Divison, uring their technical and economic eva DETAILED SCOPE OF WORK ‘In the conduct ofthe Study, the Consuttants shal perform the work, but not necessarily limited to the following: ‘TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE Conduct of Feasility Studles/PDE/Economic Analysis Technical studes/Taffic Impact assessment - Region 1V-A 1) Bugaan-Gulod-Buso-Buso Bypass Road 2) Malvar-St. Tomas Diversion Road P. Ukely tafe dveson from oter tarsport mates to the rats due to ut not direct included in this Study) ast afecs traffic generation and assignment. 3 into account, including an assessment of transport costs by analysis using appropriate opportunity costs of capital (12% various project components with a view to determine the size and timing of execution. Compare the estimated economic costs (a5 distinct from the financial costs) with the benefits expected to accrue (for economic Ife “TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE be estimated on a project basis adopting applicable rameters. and employing regional estimates of transport demand income Information inthis regard on the evaluation and the its effect on scope, timing and scale of the age 5022 “TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE Conduct of Feastilty Stucies/PDE/Economic Analsis/Tectnicalstudes/Traffic Impact assessment - Region 1V-A 1) Bugaen-Gulod-Buso-Buso Bypass Road 2) Malvar-Sto. Tomas Diversion Road 3. ENGINEERING STUDY HIGHWAY DETAILED ENGINEERING DESIGN 3.1, OBJECTIVE ‘One of the objectives of the services is to prepare the preliminary highway detailed ‘engineering design, including topographic surveys and geotechnical investigations and ‘estimate /quantication upto the approval ofthe pan. 3.2, PROJECT SCOPE Hereunder is the proposed road project, wherein preliminary detaled engineering design shall be undertaken. Conduct of Feasibility Studies/PDE/Economic Analysis/Technical studies/Traffic Impact assessment - Region IV-A 1) Bugaan-Gulod-Buso-Buso Bypass Road 2) Malvar-Sto. Tomas Diversion Road 3.21. GENERAL ‘2. The Consultant shall be responsible for carrying out the necessary preliminary (CAD) software. Ater competion of the detailed design, al electronic les of ‘eports, plans and drawings and other relevant documents shall be tumned- ‘over by the Consultant to DPWH, Batangas IIT DEO. 3.3. THE SERVICES 3.3.1, GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION “To conduct Calfornia Bearing Ratio (CBR) Investigation works for the aforementioned project “The purpose ofthe conducting California Bearing Ratio (CBR) investigation work '5 to provide technical information needed to prepare an engineering design of the raad pavement a. SCOPE OF WORK Pape 6022 “TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE Conduct of Feasibity Studies/PDE/Economic Analysis/ Technical studies Traffic Impact assessment - Region IV-A 1) Bugaan-Gulod-Buso-Buso Bypass Road 2) Malvar-Sto, Tomas Diversion Road The nsdn sal rode a the br Insrumenequmet, materi 5, bunkhouses, et., necessary to perform satisfactory investigation works herein raqulred, via soll logayerdiagram)/TestPting Investigation CCapacty forthe sections with possible construction of slope protection, box culverts and other structures. '. SCOPE OF GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION ‘+ The Consuitant shall be responsible for carrying out the necessary geotechnical sll investigation works in respect ofthe projects Ged above. is and unnecessary delays In the preparation of final imate / quantification, (c THE SERVICES FOR THE GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION +The Consuitant’s Services shall be liited tothe following: ~ Fld geotechnical survey = Feld gtd! sure sal bs conducted the necessary data to undertake the pavement design. This Include ste investigations and tests. (soll and_ pavement “TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE Conduct of Feasilty Sudles/PDE/Economic Analysis/Techncalstudles/Taffic Impact assessment - Region TV-A 1) Bugaen-Guiod-Buso-Buso Bypass Road 2) Malver-Sto. Tomes Diversion Road and fil where there are no specal problems, the exporation shall extend to a i visual cescription of each ayer, depth below the surface, water levels (if any), etc. These samples willbe subjected to the following tests: Mechanical Anaiss, Specie Gravity, Atterberg Uimits, Moisture-Density Relationship, CBR and Natural Moisture Content. Classfcaton of sos shall be ewoxking/re-compaction of any remaining pavement layers including the subgrade layer. €. GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY INVESTIGATIONS Detailed geotechnical and geological survey shall be caried out along the Proposed feisting road project road. ‘The Consultant shal coordinate with the District Office during the conduct of {geotechnical and geological surveys. and investigations along the entire aignment of each road section, speciclly at locations with observed slope failures, tension cracks, landside scars, and areas with settlement and “The Consultant should be able to identify areas with geological problems and ficulties, and water-bearing stratum causing subsurface discharge which ‘could affect the stability ofthe roadway. = Collection of geological information such as geological study reports, ‘documents and maps forthe project areas. ~ Geological mapping of the existing ground formation along the project ‘alignment specifically at slope dsaster areas by conducting site ocular Inspection. ‘+ The conduct of geotechnical investigation consists of, but not limited to, the following: = Undertake detailed sol investigations along the road alignment with the ‘purpose of identifying types of subgrade sols. This should not be Page 8 of 22 “TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE Conduct of Feasibity Studies/PDE/Economic Anaiysis/ Technical studies Traffic Impact assessment = Region IV-A 1) Bugaan-Gulod-Buso-Buso Bypass Road 2) Malvar-Sto, Tomes Diversion Road ‘confined to the centertine and edge of the pavement only, but indude ‘ie cut sections affected by widening of RROW. ~ Test pits shall be caried out at an interval of 250 m. along the centrine Geotechnical and Geological Investigations must be performed by the Consultant. Page of 22 “TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE Conduct of Feasiity Suties/PDE/Economic Analsis/Technicalstules/ Traffic Impact assessment - Region IV-A 1) Bugaan-Gulod-Buso-Buso Bypass Road 2) MalvarSto, Tomas Diversion Road (GEOTECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR DESIGN [BORING REQUIREMENTS FOR EACH PROJECT CATEGORY \ehicles per day (VPD) + 500 m interval trac Is <3 vO. * Boring & test pitting. shall + 2.0m. along centerine (ew roads) f. PREPARATION AND SUBMISSION OF REPORTS + Reporting ‘final report should be submitted together wit the final daft of the plans for detailed engineering, + Outputs Factual and interpretive geotechnical Investigation report. «+ Reports on Investigation Results grzpr the fia enor n tre (3) bound copies, 2 3¢ of proposed countermeasures ‘geotechnical problems and (ther data to be submited: Boring logs ob, boring, hole number, date, time, boring/diling foreman and ‘uperisor Page 10 of22 ‘TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE Conduct of Feasibilty Studies/PDE/Economic Analysls/Techncalstudles/Traffic Impact assessment - Region 1V-A 1) Bugaan-Gulod-Buso-Buso Bypass Road 2) Malvar-Sto, Tomas Diversion Road Photographs showing the borehole diling and sampling at each proposed sites shal be taken by the Consutant and form part ofthe report. The 3.3.2. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY One of of the services isto prepare the topographic survey plans a. SCOPE OF WORK: ‘+ The Consultant shall be responsible fr carrying out the necessary detalles topographic surveys forthe various road sections for these project. ‘+ The Consuitant shall provide all the labors, instruments/equipments tke GGiobal Positioning System, Electronic Total Station, Electronic Distance Measurement, ett, calbrated by the DENR, Land Management Bureau; ‘materials, supplies vehicles, etc., necessary to perform satisfactorly the survey works: works, all electronic fles of repors, plans and other relevant documents shall be tumed-over by the Consultant to DPW, Paget of22 “TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE Conduct of Feasibtty Susies/PDE/Economic Analysis/Techncalstucles/Traffic Impact assessment - Region IV-A 1) Bugaan -Gulod-Buso-Buso Bypass Road 2) Malvar-Sto, Tomas Diversion Road ‘applicable provisions of existing Includes but nt limited tothe following: Establishment of Horizontal and Vertical Ground Contols BBLLM's andfor triangulation stations oF higher orders estab ‘Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey. Pape 120622 ‘TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE Conduct of Feasibity Studies/PDE/Economic Analysis/Technical studies Traffic Impact assessment - Region IV-A 1) Bugaan-Gulod-Buso-Buso Bypass Road 2) Malvar-Sto, Tomas Diversion Road | ee Tate essed [Elevation inmetes | To be reflected i the ao Vertical control leveling shall have the folowing Accuracy Requitements: | Speciieations | 2° order Accuracy —_) | N. of wires read 3 | ‘onable dosing eror of 8 mim sy. root OPK peat ae . SURVEY OPERATIONS ‘+ SURVEY OPERATIONS 8 PREPARATION OF SURVEY PLANS/RETURNS pulated as maybe required by the Regional Director. Any recommendations, corrections of Page 13 22 “TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE Conduct of Feasibity tudies/PDE/Economic AnalsisTechncalstudles/Taffic Impact assessment - Region 1V-A 1) Bugaan-Gulod-Buso-Buso Bypass Road 2) Malvar-Sto, Tomas Diversion Road ‘aterations required by the authorized representative on this subject survey works shall be folewed accordingly. The right is reserved by this office work not consistent withthe hereln requirements and £0 Incorporate other details deemed necessary but nat to embraced in the herein scope of work. ~ Preparation of topographic survey plans ‘The Consultant shall prepare the following plans In accordance with 1.0. No. 56 series of 1995, Re: Qual of Plans. the adjoining towns, = Technical description of all controling points + Plans and Profile + Project area plotted with geographic [coordinate system grid and north arrow drecton ne stationing in every sheet of plans all topographic/physical features within the limits of survey f Geodetic Engineer sin every sheet of plans oes of Snatresarpang Cross sections shal be potted by coordinates and to scale + Stationing fr every cross section as incited in the plan «, SUBMISSION AND APPROVAL OF SURVEY PLANSYRETURNS Page 14022 “TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE Conduct of Feasiitty tusies/PDE/Economic Analsis/Techncalstudles/Tratfic Impact assessment - Region 1V-A 1) Bugaan-Gulod-Buso-Buso Bypass Road 2) Malvar-Sto. Tomas Diversion Road ‘+The end product ofthis survey shall be submitted for ‘approval tobe used on the detalled engineering des the following, all of which to be included inthe final detailed engineering plans: Of print copies (A'3 size) of the plans and cross-sections ing field books, survey retums, computations and other related nt for checking/eview. Such plans & profile and cross-sections shall be subjected to Joint fed Verification by the representatives of the approving offices concerned together with the consutants to check/verfy the actual existing fed condition of the project site, established horlzonta/vertical ground control monuments, existing structures, etc. before the approval ofthe Regional Director. = Upon compliance ofall the requirements mentioned above and/or other actives deemed necessary for the finalization of the plans, the Consultant may now use the data for the preparation detalled engineering desions. + Approved plens in Act size and all field data/records, computations, electronic files, and other technical data furnished by the consultant shall Temain as the properties ofthe DPWH which shall have the ght to use ‘hem for any purpase inthe future. 3.3.3. DETAILED ENGINEERING DESIGN {2. PRELIMINARY HIGHWAY ENGINEERING DESIGN AND STUDIES/ASSESSMENT Improvement/Design Standards + Geometric Design, Pavement Design & other related Structures (On the basis of the resuts of the preliminary studies and geotechnical investigations, the Consultant + Establishment ofthe design = Design ofthe highway works Underground water level i high, suchas rice eld and road cuting.. Page 5 022 “TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE Conduct of Feasibity Stucles/PDE/Ecoromic Analysis/Technical studies Traffic Impact assessment - Region 1V-A 1) Bugaan-Gulod-Buso-Buso Bypass Road 2) Malvar-Sto, Tomas Diversion Road ‘+ Preliminary Detaled Design of Slope Protection, Countermeasures against SOR ‘Ground, Rood, etc. design citeia for slope protection and other protection works and countermeasures against soft ground, 19. Sope stabiity analysis) lanes) Shoulder Width | Pavement cross slope (Asphalt/PCCP) Bike Lanes, Refer to Planning and Design Division, Tis Region + Cutfil Slopes feasibility tues forthe ‘+ Drainage/Hydrology |A proper assessment of the existing drainage facies, if box cuiverts and citches) wil be made on functional adequacy (serv (Gafety). Functional adequacy relates tabiity ofall slopes and b. PREPARATION OF PRELIMINARY DESIGN PLANS Page 16022 “TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE Conduct of Feastilty Studles/POE/Economic Anaysis/Techncalstudles/Taffic Impact assessment - Region IV-A 1) Bugaan-Gulod-Buso-Buso Bypass Road 2) Malver-St, Tomas Diversion Road ‘The Consultant shall prepare the following plan In accordance with D.O. No. 56, series of 1995, re: Quality of Plans, Page 17 22 “TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE Conduct of Feasiifty tudies/PDE/Economic Analysis/Technicalstudles/Trffic Impact assessment ~ Region IV-A 1) Bugaan-Gulod-Buso8uso Bypass Road 2) Malvar-Sto, Tomas Diversion Road 1n order to facitate the process of design review by DPWH, Bat the concepts ofthe proposed structures facies, the folowing activ undertaken: © Clearance with Regional Office of Design Criteria and Specications (© Presentation to and dlscussion with Regional Ofice of the Preliminary Designs Note: Presentation of documents shal Include computer programs software, Quantities Compute al quanies to an accuracy of 10 % and prepare Bill of Quantities. Unit Price Analysis Prepare a detalled anayss of all applicable unit prices using current cost indices, rates, et. (REPORT REQUIREMENTS/DELIVERABLES ‘The Consutant shall submit the folowing reports in three (3) copies but not led to the folowing: Coneact Drevin Detaled Preliminary Design Plans and Reports ‘Pavement Evaluation and Design and Calculation Report + Preliminary Ora + Progress Report Road Safety Audit Report ‘The Consultant shall submit promptly all pans/drawing and report under a standard electronic format in DVDs/CDs and in hard copies. 9. REPORTS Five (5) copies of the following reports presented in legible manner and all in English sofebound copy wn te ofthe repr wren ie se Ueecaeddomoger of WE ‘of one percent (1%) of total cost of service shall be imposed for every day of delay. ae 8 of 22 TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE Conduct of Feasibllty Studles/PDE/Economic Analysis Technical stules/ Traffic Impact assessment - Region 1V-A 1) Bugan-Gulod-Buso-Buso Bypass Road 2) Malvar-St. Tomas Diversion Road FY week starting from the second Friday after DRAFT FINAL REPORT (Part I) tobe suid within eight (8) months rom the ‘commencement of the key assumption without the need for supplementary data. Al required reports and drawings shall be submitted at this period Office No, IV-A. Liguidated damages of 1/10" of one percent shall be imposed for every day of delay ofthe submission ©) FINAL REPORT to be submitted within two (2) months after receipt fom Goverment of comments on the draft final report incorporating all appropriate revisions and

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