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Bringing Social Work Review at your Doorsteps!

DTI Permit Business Name No. 2642789
Mayor’s Permit: 0401-635



1. This is a form of group interview in which: there are several participants (in addition to the
moderator/facilitator); there is an emphasis in the questioning on a fairly tightly defined topic;
and the accent is upon interaction within the group and the joint construction of meaning.
a. Focus group b. Probing question c. themes d. close ended questions e.
open ended question

2. Which of hereunder follows the phases of group development ?

a. Pre Group Phase b. Pre Group Phase
Group Formation Phase Integration, Disintegration, Reintegration
Integration, Disintegration, Group Formation Phase
Reintegration Phase Group Functioning and Maintenance Phase
Group Functioning and Maintenance Termination
Termination Phase

c. Pre-Group Phase d. Pre Group Phase

Group Formation Phase Group Functioning and Maintenance
Integration, Disintegration, Reintegration Group Formation Phase
Phase Integration, Disintegration, Reintegration
Group Functioning and Maintenance Termination Phase
Termination Phase

e. There is no difference of b and c, b and c are the answer.

3. Which of hereunder talks about Sue Henry’s phases of group development?

a. Pre-Group Phase b. Initial
Group Formation Phase Convening
Integration, Disintegration, Reintegration Formation
Phase Conflict/Disequilibrium
Group Functioning and Maintenance Phase Maintenance
Termination Phase Termination

c. Beginning d. Origin phase

Emergence of some group feelings, Formation phase
organization and program Intermediate Phase 1
Development of bond, purpose, and Revision Phase
cohesiveness Intermediate Phase 2
Strong group feeling, goal attainment Maturation Phase
Decline in interest, less group feeling Termination Phase
Ending stage
e. a and b

4. According to Mendoza, this is one of the problems in social work practice in the country
where social workers are allergic.
a. writing record b. making an assessment c. crafting the problem d. evaluation

5. Which of hereunder talks about Sarri and Galinsky’s phases of group development?
a. Pre Group Phase b. Initial
Group Formation Phase Convening
Integration, Disintegration, Reintegration Formation
Phase Conflict/Disequilibrium
Group Functioning and Maintenance Phase Maintenance
Termination Phase Termination

c. Beginning d. Origin phase

Emergence of some group feelings, Formation phase

organization and program Intermediate Phase 1
Development of bond, purpose, and Revision Phase
cohesiveness Intermediate Phase 2
Strong group feeling, goal attainment Maturation Phase
Decline in interest, less group feeling Termination Phase
Ending stage
e. a and b

6. According to Hartford, Pre group phase is what happens and what the worker (or group
organizer) does before a group is actually organized. And it consists of the following phases,
these are the following;
a. Private pre group phase b. Public pregroup phase
Public Pre group phase private pre group phase
Convening phase convening phase

c. Convening phase d. Public pregroup phase

Public Pre group phase Private pre group phase
Converging phase
Private-public phase
e. Pre group phase
Private phase
Public phase

7. Which of hereunder talks about Trecker’s phases of group development?

a. Pre Group Phase b. Initial
Group Formation Phase Convening
Integration, Disintegration, Reintegration Formation
Phase Conflict/Disequilibrium
Group Functioning and Maintenance Phase Maintenance
Termination Phase Termination

c. Beginning d. Origin phase

Emergence of some group feelings, Formation phase
organization and program Intermediate Phase 1
Development of bond, purpose, and Revision Phase
cohesiveness Intermediate Phase 2
Strong group feeling, goal attainment Maturation Phase
Decline in interest, less group feeling Termination Phase
Ending stage
e. a and b

8. Which of hereunder talks about Hartford’s phases of group development?

a. Pre Group Phase b. Initial
Group Formation Phase Convening
Integration, Disintegration, Reintegration Formation
Phase Conflict/Disequilibrium
Group Functioning and Maintenance Maintenance
Phase Termination
Termination Phase

c. Beginning d. Origin phase

Emergence of some group feelings, Formation phase
organization and program Intermediate Phase 1
Development of bond, purpose, and Revision Phase
cohesiveness Intermediate Phase 2
Strong group feeling, goal attainment Maturation Phase
Decline in interest, less group feeling Termination Phase
Ending stage
e. a and b

9. It is the less unlikely model to be utilized if the group is considered as social treatment.
a. Residual model b. remedial model c. problem-solving model
d. interactionist model e. none of the above

10. The following are strategies of Remedial Model except,

a. external means of influence b. direct means of influence
c. indirect means of influence d. extragroup means of influence

11. The phase in group development where the group gets stabilized and group bond and
commitment is observable.
a. group formation b. group stability
c. group functioning and maintenance d. group goal achieving
e. group bonding phase

12. A model which the common goal group is seen as the most effective means to achieve the
social growth of members.
a. task group b. crisis-centered group c. ad hoc group d.
developmental group
e. remedial group

13. He sees the treatment group as a small social system whose influence can be guided in
planned ways to modify client behavior.
a. Vinter b. Tropp c. Coyle d. Alinsky e. Social Worker

15. Vinters’s strategy that involved a direct face to face contact between the worker and the
member, whether in the group or outside the group.
a. direct engagement b. direct means of influence c. face to face means of
d. confrontational means of influence e. direct help

16. These are outside activities conducted on behalf of the clients according to Vinter
a. extra means of influence b. non-group means of influence
c. social means of influence d. socialization means of influence
e. direct help

17. Tropp’s basic purposive process which common-goal groups go through and involves
attaining clearer perspective of one’s self and others, new option for handling situations,
increased ability to make judgements, and a more responsible taking hold of one’s own life in
relation to the reasons for being in the group:
a. release of feelings b. Support c. Self-appraisal d. Reality Orientation e.
direct help

18. If the main target are people whose problems are in the area of 1) family and interpersonal
relations; 2) social role performance; 3) effecting social transitions; 4) securing resources’ and
5) emotional distress reactive to situational factors, what approach is most likely useful?
a. Task-centered Approach b. Remedial Model c. Crisis Intervention

d. Total Family Approach e. direct help

19. An approach that focuses on the use of guided group processes in treating and
rehabilitating individuals whose behaviour is disapproved or who have been disadvantaged by
society which would include the physically or mentally handicapped, legal offenders, emotionally
disturbed, isolated or alienated persons, and those lacking in effective socialization:
a. Interactionist Approach b. Psychosocial Approach c. Problem Solving Approach

d. Remedial Approach e. direct help

20. A systems theory approach that is concerned with both the inner realities of human beings
and the social context in which they live, hence diagnosis and treatment are addressed to the
person-in-situation gestalt or configuration:
a. Crisis Intervention b. Remedial Model c. Psychosocial Approach d. Problem-solving

21. In Remedial Approach, the worker seeks the emergence of group goals, activities, and
relationships which can render the group effective for the treatment of its members. The worker
guides the group’s interaction and structures its experience to achieve the specific goals for
each of its members.
a. Group development and treatment b. Group composition and formation
c. Intake d. Diagnosis and treatment planning e. direct help

22. The following are the types of direct means of influence according to Vinter, except:
a. worker as symbol and spokesman b. worker as central person

c. worker as motivator d. Worker as part of extra-group means of influence e.
direct help

23. Its key concept is the social worker’s mediating function wherein the individual and the
society reach out for each other through a mutual need for self-fulfillment:
a. Interactionist Approach b. Psychosocial Approach
c. Problem Solving Approach d. Remedial Model e. direct help

24.. The following are three themes which characterize developmental approach, except?
a. It is humanistic b. It is phenomenological c. It is developmental
d. direct help e. None among the choices

25. In Interactionist Approach, this is the preparation-for-entry phase which requires the worker
to understand the group members’ feelings, doubts about their own selves, about each other,
and about the worker:
a. The Beginning b. The Tuning In c. The tasks d. Ending/Separation
e. The Rules
26.. The primary goal of this model is to help a person cope as effectively as possible with
problems in carrying social tasks and relationships which are perceived, felt as stressful, and
found insuperable without outside help.
a. Task-centered b. Remedial c. Problem-Solving d.
Crisis Intervention

27. This stage using Remedial Approach, according to Vinter, has individual clients assigned to
appropriate group; purposes for group established; worker begins to develop relationships with
group; worker helps group start its program:
a. Intake b. Diagnosis and Treatment planning
c. Group composition and formation d. Group development and treatment e. The

28. Mark recognizes the need to form a group in order to achieve a certain goal of the agency,
which is important in the phases of group.
a. Pre-group phase b. private pre-group phase c. public-pre-group phase

d. social worker e. pre-convention phase

29. Mark, Jan, May, Revy, Levy, Seth and Joakim meet for the first time in the MSWD Talisayan
facilitated by Leya, the group worker for a certain task to be undertaken.
a. Convening Phase b. Group Formation c. Engagement Phase d.
Task group

30. Usually group undergone the stage/phase where, the appearance of conflict around
interpersonal issues and expressed resistance to group influence and task requirements occur
according to Tuckman.
a. Disintegration b. storming c. disorganization
d. weak phase

31. In this least defective stance, the worker assumes the major responsibility for organizing and
convening the group as well as guiding the members, the group process, the discussion, and
the flow of ideas and emotions.
a. facilitating stance b. autocratic stance c. direct stance d. dictatorial stance e.
permissive stance

32. May as group worker, sees herself as member of the group, although one with special
expertise and different roles and functions from the group members.
a. facilitating stance b. autocratic stance c. direct stance d. dictatorial stance e.
permissive stance

33. Johan, as an expert of handling groups, uses his professional skills to encourage individual
members of the group to assume responsibility and with the group and each other, this is his
most effective stance.
a. facilitating stance b. autocratic stance c. direct stance d. dictatorial stance e.
permissive stance

34. This is the utmost needed stance for a group worker to assume, especially, if the group is at
the convening phase
a. facilitating stance b. autocratic stance c. direct stance d. dictatorial stance e.
permissive stance

35. John Mark organized a highly competent and achievement task group. What is his least
inappropriate stance to assume?
a. facilitating stance b. autocratic stance c. direct stance d. dictatorial stance e.
permissive stance

36. Methods through which individuals are helped by a social worker to relate themselves to
other people and to experience group opportunities in accordance with their needs and their
capacities .
a. community organization b, group work c. casework d. social

37. Is the period when an idea occurs to one or more persons to organize a group for some
purpose. This can be agency volunteers or officers who think that group service is relevant to
the agency’s mission or a social worker thinks a particular purpose can be best served through
group approach.
a. Private pre group phase b. Public pre group phase c. Convening phase d. Pre
group phase

38. The decision to make a group and is shared with others thru announcements or in writing.
Fliers are sometimes sent to parties perceived likely to be interested in the endeavour, including
possible sources of referral.
a. Private pre group phase b. Public pre group phase c. Convening phase d. Pre
group phase

39. Which one of the following is an appropriate target clientele for group crisis intervention?
a. victim of sexual abuse b. victim of natural disaters
c. professionals and volunteers helping people in crisis d. Youth group e. a, b and c

40. In tropp’s Developmental Model, this basic characteristic guides the group in its goal-
achieving process.
a. individual problems/concern b. individual goals c. group’s common goal

d. group program media e. b and c

41. In this list, choose the one client group for whom Robert Vinter’s Remedial Model should not
be used;
a. Juvenile delinquents b. victim of crisis c. adult legal offenders

d. street children e. a and b

42. This concept about how groups can effect change targets the individual member and views
the group at the source of influence on this member.
a. The groups as target of change b. the group as medium of change
c. The group as agent of change d. The group as means and ends e. None of the given

43. This concept on how groups effect change underscores the need for practitioner
interventions to modify group condition which, in turn, will produce change in the members.
a. The groups as target of change b. the group as medium of change c. The group as
agent of change
d. The group as means and ends e. None of the given answers

44. This concept on how groups effect change refers to the active involvement of the group in
efforts to modify features or forces in its social environment which can have adverse effects on
the group’s development or group achievements.
a. The groups as target of change b. the group as medium of change c. The group as
agent of change d. The group as means and ends e. None of the given answers

45. This is the type of group leadership where the leader determines all policies and rules.
a. democratic b. laissez faire c. socialist d. autocratic e. c and d

46. This is the main characteristics of an open group in social work groups.
a. There are no membership criteria b. anybody can apply/join
c. New membership are admitted even after the group has been organized
d. The group is allowed by the agency to see its own rules e. None of the given

47.It is during this phase that the social and emotional qualities of giving support and helping
a. group functioning and maintenance phase b. group formulation phase
c. group integration, disintegration or reintegration phase d. termination phase

48. Verbal and non-verbal activities selected and engaged in by the group with the guidance of
the social works are referred to as
a. Program tools b. Program media c. Group Dynamics or G.D d. Activity

49.Interactionist Approach I group work, the function of social work is to the

transactions between people and the various systems through which they carry on their
relationships with society-family, peer group neighborhood, social agency, school, work, etc.
a. Negotiate b. Facilitate c. Mediate d. Enhance

50. Which of the following are discussed with prospective group members before group
I. Agency services and purpose for the group program
II. Agency expectation from group
III. Duration of program and basis for membership termination
Choices: a. II and III b. I and III c. I and II d. II and III

Case No. 1
On the first week of March, the worker receives her transfer order to assume bigger
responsibilities in the capital town 100 kilometers away effective April 25 of the same years.In
the village, she handled a group of youngster, 14-16 years old, whom she organized more than
a year ago. It was a play group to begin with but as time passed the youth start to think about
bigger things for the neighborhood cleanliness and beautification projects that would change the
image of their neighborhood completely. To begin with, the worker motivated them to practice
habits cleanliness, orderliness at home. The big project was going to be launched at the end of
the school year.The worker has mixed feelings about her living there were projects to finish;
group projects were picking-up momentum, the community at large which was now beginning to
fill her positive influence on the youth, etc.Thus, she decided to keep the news to herself until
the week of her giving, causing the group mixed emotional responses: confusion, bitterness,
feeling of being abandoned, etc.
51. The worker violated this major responsibility in the worker-client relationship.
a. preparation of the group b. giving the group before project completion c. turn over d. exit

52. You are the worker. From the choices below, what is the most appropriate thing to do
concerning the assignment/transfer such as this?
a. The group should know as early as possible-“ the temporariness of the worker. Both
worker and group should work toward building leadership and independence.
b. Tell the group that you are going to be replaced by equally good, if not a better worker.
c. Meet the group as early as handle the group anxieties. d. Do exactly as this worker

53.Given this situation, what is its most likely effect on the subsequent worker-client
a. Unwelcoming b. Willingness to give the relationship a second try c. Disbelief
d. Distrust

54. It is apparent that the worker had her own relationship problem with the group, what is this?
a. mother-figure relationship b. the group is her source of power and authority
c. did not maintain professional distance d. uncontrolled emotional involvement

55. The worker’s keeping the transfer assignment to herself indicates this coping mechanism
referred to in the list:
a. avoidance b. denial c. rejection d. acceptance

Case No 2

A company labor union is already preparing a list of what worker should negotiate for in
the next collective bargaining meeting.
All of his union leaders are male only a few women are bold enough to speak up what
other women workers would likely want, such as a day care center in the company and more
women overseas in factory departments where more women are involved.
But most of this request of women workers hardly ends up in the bargaining, this
transpired. “Hindi maintindihan ng ating mga lider ng union ang mga bagay na hinihingi nating
ibang mangagagawa kasi panay lalaki sila”. (The union officers don’t understand why these
things are necessary because all of them are men!) One woman blurted to a co-worker during a
meeting. “Hintayin nyo na ang botohan, tingnan natin kung kapag sinuwerte kayo”. ( Just wait
for the elections, let’s see if your kind will win.) a female co-worker teasingly batted in.
A union officer overheard the exchange, to which he retorted, “Tigilan na ninyo ‘yang
daldalan kasi para may pupuntahan itong miting!” ( Will you two stop bickering, so our meeting
will have some direction).
56. You are the company social worker. The union is suspicious of your motivations. Of the
options hereunder, how best you can gain the group’s trust.
a. Visit them in their homes, befriend their families and look into their needs.
b. Attend all their meetings.
c. Demonstrate your support to their cause if you find them justifiable including
representations to management.
d. Give them small tokens to remember their birthdays/anniversaries.

57. You are the worker. Given this particular situation, what do you do
a. Moderate the discussion initially to help group draw up a long list of needs as basis for
further discussion.
b. Suspend the meeting to give you time to coach the leaders.
c. Tell the group that the important thing is for them to negotiable for higher pay.
d. Preside over the meeting to avoid conflict.

58. The process in decisions making that it is most appropriate in determining the union’s
common needs include in the bargaining list.
a. Consensus b. Brain storming c. Sort Listing d. Prioritizing
Case No. 3
Several boys in a middle-class subdivision were organized by Mang Tomas, parent of
one of the youth, into a basketball team. He provided uniforms and play equipment.
On his request, parents donated goodies for the boys snack every time they played. It
was the beginning of summer and they agreed that it was a good idea to keep the boys busy
and out of idleness and mischief in this manner Sometimes the parents played with them. By
mid-summer the group started to disintegrate. And the fun was over.

59. What was wrong in the organizational process?

a. over eager parents to help the youth b. the boys had other interest
c. it was not the boys’ decision to form a recreation group d. too much parental

60.You discover that Johnny is a church elder. He grew up in an atmosphere where obedience
is strictly emphasized. How best would you describe Mang Tomas’ relationship with the group?
a. put self-interest above others b. hearing
c. clannish d. paternalistic and authoritarian

61. You are worker. Among the options listed, what do you do to start the work?
a. Meet with the boys’ parents and plan with them.
b. Get acquainted with the boys and find out their needs.
c. Make a survey of community resources
d. The parents know them best. Encourage them to engage in sports.

62. What group work principle was violated in the organizational process?
a. individualization b. acceptance c. self-determination d. client participation in
problem solving

63. Mang Tomas comes to you requesting for help to save the situation. Appearing peeved, he
says his own son embarrass him. What should you do initially?
a. meet the parents b. deal with Mang Tomas’ feelings
c. organize the group d. encourage the boy to apologize to his father

Case No. 4
Bigay tulong, a youth group of ten members doing charity work was on in the season of
looking for new recruits. For the past few years, the group had not seen a new member though
there were at least 20 youngster who tried joining in.
One who back out from joining the group was Linda, 16-year old who moved to the
neighborhood only 3 years ago. She said she felt left hour, especially with those private jokes
and group gossips going around. She added that although the members were friendly towards
her, they seldom listen to what she had to say.
Linda noted that during organization meetings, the group would only affirm what the
officers had planned ahead or what members have voiced out in informal talks with one another.
Much to her disgust, Linda learned from the grapevine that the group prefers recruit
close friends or kin of present members “to keep the organization intact”, Linda believes this
rumor to be true since some of the officers are relatives and most members were friends from
“Kamag-anakan lang naman iyan eh!” ( The group is just about being relatives anyway.)
Linda remarked to youngsters in the neighborhood who wanted to join Bigay-tulong.
64. What is it about this group that makes it difficult for them to take in new members?
a. unattractive programs b. in-group culture/kinship
c. disorganized d. lacks funding

65. A basic criterion in recruitment of new members is not spelled out in this case. What is it?
a. community needs b. structure c. purpose d. qualification requirements

66. You are the local social worker. The charities of the group are useful to you and you also
want to help the group. What will you do?
a. encourage the group to be warm to new members
b. assess the group’s situation (focus on Individual needs, group goals and programs)
c. endorse Linda to thr group d. reorganize the group
67. Linda tells tou about her falied experience in seeking group membership. This is not new to
you. You had heard the same stories before. She needs your help. What do you do?
a. engage her in small talk to and out more about herself and motivations for joining the
b. let her release her hurt feelings c. confirm her story to lessen her pain
d. help her join another group

68. A social worker sees a couple who describe frequent conflict and arguments. During a
session, the wife tells the social worker that her husband never wants to talk about his feelings.
The husband confirms this but says that when he tries to express himself his wife gets upset
and yell at him. The wife jumps in and says loudly. “That’s not true! He’s always making things
up about me! The husband then says, “See? and crosses his arms, sitting in silence. The social
worker should NEXT:
a. Recommend that the husband and wife be seen individually.
b. Point out the communication pattern that just occurred.
c. Move the conversion to a topic that is less than conflictual
d. Teach the couple more effective communication technique.

69. A social worker facilitates an inpatient theraphy group for adolescents. One member of the
group , a 14-year old female, has been prescribed medication for a mood disorder and shares
that she does not want to take it. The other members of the group identify with the girl’s feelings
and become angry, yelling at the social worker and demanding that the social worker do
something i=on the client’s behalf. The social worker should FIRST.
a. Explore group members feelings about medication
b. Bring the conversation back to the client’s behaviors that prompted the medication.
c. Acknowledge the group members’ anger and explore underlying issues.
d. Maintain confidentiality and refuse to discuss to discuss the case.

70. A 28-year old man seeks treatment from a social worker. He reports being dissatisfied with
his career but cannot identify why or what he would be in different. He also states that he’s
unhappy about his current relationship, wishes he was in better shape, and can’t seem to find a
way to change. He says, “Eery time I try to change something, I get overwhelmed and end up
right back where I started or worse.” The social worker should FIRST:
a. Assist the client in prioritizing his concerns.
b. Identify behavior objectives to help the client change his behavior.
c. Apply a strengths-based perspective by focusing on his strengths.
d. Use mindfulness-based skills to help decrease stress.

71. A 26-year old woman is referred to a social worker in private practice by a close friend.
During the initial session, the clients describes a number of problems, including a recent
breakup with her boyfriend, a history of trauma, and almost daily methamphetamine use. The
social work should FIRST.
a. Explain the client’s reasons for drug use.
b. Assess the client’s motivation for change.
c. Explore the connection between trauma and the client’s current problems.
d. Refer the client for a substance abuse evaluation

72. A social worker at a community agency begins working with a family which reports frequent
arguments centering around the teenage son’s behavior. The mother reports that while he
maintains good grades and participation on the school soccer team, he is “totally uninterested”
in family life. The father then interrupts and states that his wife has “unrealistic expectation” for
his son. They continue to bicker about discipline while their son sits silently, rolling his eyes. The
social worker should FIRST.
a. Refer the parents for couple’s treatment b. Suggest individual treatment for the son.
c. Concentrate on interpersonal communication between family members.
d. Obtain a release of information to contact the son’s teacher.

73. A social worker has been working with a 9-year old boy and his parents to address
emotional and behavioral issues. A psychological evaluation has revealed that the boy has a
learning disorder, the parents have requested an IEP from the boy’s school but have had
difficulty making contact with the special education coordinator. The social worker’s calls to the
school administration are not returned. The social worker should FIRST.
a. Recommended that the family obtain legal representation
b. Request that the psychologist attempt to contact the special education coordinator directly.
c. Send a registered letter to the special education coordinator and administration with
the psychologist’s recommended. d. Contact the school board about the need for

74. A client seeks services at a community mental health center. He reports that his chief
complaint is that he can’t get a job so he is “struck living in his parents’ basement.” He is
dressed in pajama with a neck tie. He report that his only friends are people he knows online in
an alien tracking club. He asks if the social work believes in ghost What diagnosis should be
considered for this client.
a. Schizoid Personality Disorder b. Schizophrenia
c. Schizotypal Personality Disorder d. Schizopreniform

75. A school social worker is conducting an assessment of a student and is unable to observe
the student in multiple environments. What is the social worker’s next best choice for assessing
the student’s level of adaptive behavior?
a. Observing the student in different play activities at school.
b. Interviewing the student, the students’ parents, and the student’s teachers
c. Testing the students using a projective instrument
d. Developing a genogram of the student’s family relationships

76. A number of teachers in school are referring students with relatively minor problem for social
work services. Which of the following is the best and most cost-effective response for the school
social work to make in this situation?
a. Conducting an in-service program for teachers that discusses appropriate referrals
and an overview of the role of the social worker in the school

b. Issuing an administrative memorandum describing appropriate referrals
c. Continuing to accept every referral and prioritizing them, thus delaying some cases
d. Talking with each teacher who has recently made a referral about the types of referral being
made and the appropriateness of each.

77. In separate interviews with the school social worker, Henry’s teacher and his mother
describe the 9-year old boy as having a history of severe behavior problems, including making
threats to teachers and family members. After conducting these interviews, the school social
worker should decide that the most appropriate next step is to
a. refer the student to a family court
b. refer the family to a child-welfare agency for voluntary foster care placement
c. interview the student in order to gain a better understanding of his problems
d. place the student in a school-based group for boys who are acting out.

78. A planning and placement team has been determined that a fourth-grade student needs
special education service. The4 evaluation results indicate that the student exhibits appropriate
interpersonal behavior, is of average intellectual ability, but is not achieving commensurate with
this ability level, particularly in mathematics and reading. The disability designation of the
student is likely to be
a. mental retardation b. developmental delay
c. specific learing disability d. multiple handicaps

79. Throughout the school year, the school social worker has worked with a group of five
students on a weekly basis. They are preparing for summer break, which will occur in a few
months. The social workerwill most likely use which of the following processes to bring things to
a close?
a. Termination b. Conclusion c. Transition d. Consultation

80. You are employed in a government child welfare agency. A teacher referred a nine year old
girl after discovering that the girl is the victim of incest with the father as the perpetrator. In your
interview with the daughter and her mother, you were able to explain the daughter’s rights and
law that applies to the father. You also told them about available social services including
immediate temporary foster family care or institutional placement to protect the girl from her
father who lives in the house. In your interview with the father, he cried and admitted his sin and
asks to be forgiven and promise that those incidents of sexual molestation would not happen
again. When you talked to both his wife and daughter they express willingness to forgive him for
the sake of the family. The daughter told you no matter what happens he is still his father and
owes a half of her life to him. His wife thought it was his frustrations with their economic
conditions that drove him to abuse his own daughter. You were convinced of a strong family ties
that exist and believed the father is himself a victim of circumstances What would you do?
a. place a girl in a rehabilitation center b. file a case against the father c. ask the father to
leave for a while

81. A high school policy requires that students be dropped from classes after 10 absences,
except for medical absence. The school social work is unable to convince the school that the
special circumstances of pregnant students warrant review of the attendance policy. Several
parents of pregnant students have complained to the district about this policy because there is a
ver high dropout rate. The social worker request that a task force be formed to examine this
issue. This is an example of utilizing which of the following social work skills?
a. Networking b. Collaboration c. Linking d. Advocacy

82. A school social worker supervises and monitors a peer counseling program in a large high
school. Which of the following are appropriate monitoring activities for the social worker in such
a program?
I. Maintaining statistics related to the number and frequency of contacts
II. Reviewing reports on interactions between the counselor and counselee for adherence to
confidentiality guidelines.
III. Making informational presentations to student groups regarding the program
IV. Advising the faculty members weekly about the program

Choices: a. I and II only b. I and IV only c. II and III only d. I, III and IV

83. The school social worker is participating in an interdisciplinary school team meeting that is
focused on reviewing a student’s challenges in the classroom. The school social worker
educates the team about the effects of poverty in the home of sensitize team members to how
these stressors may be impacting the student. Which of the following values best represents the
social worker’s intervention?
a. Integrity b. Dignity and worth of the person c. Social justice d. Service

84. A social worker receives a referral and assesses the organizations and communities of
which the clients is a part so as facilitate broader changes on the client’s behalf. This type of
intervention would be considered
a. Short-term b. Micro c. Mezzo d. Macro

85. Mr. Patic, a school social worker, has made several attempts to contact Ms. Alamin to
collaborate on a success plan for her son. Mr. Ortiz might appropriately hypothesize that Ms.
Harrison’s lack of a response is due to a family system that is
a. flexibly separated b. structurally separated c. rigidly enmeshed d. structured

86. Which of the following is the best way for a school social worker to become knowledgeable
about effective school behavior management programs and interventions?
a. Seek professional development related to assessing and treating behavior problems
and read peer-reviewed journal articles published within the last five years.
b. Consult with colleagues about behavior management methods they have used in the past
and select the most appropriate strategy for the specific case.
c. Read and summarize research reports on managing behavioral issues.
d. Review records of students treated for behavior problems in the past

87. In the development of a schoolwide educational program on sexual abuse, the first and most
important goal of the school social worker is to help students.
a. disclose to their teachers any attempted sexual abuse they may have experienced
b. become aware of sexual abuse in order to protect themselves
c. become more assertive of their legal rights with respects to their parents
d. develop strategies to evade adult abusers

88. While visiting a parent to discuss a teacher’s concerns about an older child’s adjustment, the
school social worker observes the parent’s critical and punitive interactions with her 3 ½ year-
old child. Aware of the older child’s withdrawn behavior and lack of confidence in her abilities,
the social worker recalls Erik Erikson’s stages of social-emotional development in children.
Which statement best describes the Eriksonian concept of initiative versus guilt?
a. Guilt-ridden children have a very difficult time forming attachments to other.
b. Children who are treated harshly and inconsistently can become confused and incompetent.
c. Parental values exert a powerful effect on children and should be carefully defined,
d. A sense of competence rather than guilt develops when assertiveness is allowed.

89. In many school districts, the school social worker is a member of the Individualized
Education Program (IEP) team. Which of the following would be most useful for the school
social worker to have?
a. Written communication skills, including typing and use of computers.
b. Problem-solving abilities and consensus building skills.
c. The ability to communicate instructional strategies
d. The ability to initiate new school policy

Case No. 5
A forty-year old mother was referred to your community-based agency by the Barangay
Chairman for social service intervention. The woman often ran to the rescue of the latter every
time her husband physically attacked her accordingly because of her neglect to maintain the
orderliness of the house and leaving their children unattended most of the time. It was during
the last incident that the husband mauled the woman black and blue upon his discovery of her

overdue unpaid debt from a neighbor. She borrowed P 2, 000. 00 without informing him where
she used the money.
The mother reasoned out that her husband was more irresponsible that to teach him a
lesson, she tried to make even with him being irresponsible herself. This was to show him the
effects of his irresponsibility toward his family.
On the other hand, the social worker coming from a family whose orientation about
motherhood is typically conservative and traditional, advised the mother to be more submissive
to her husband so as to avoid quarrel and conflict in their marital relationship.
Consequently, the mother was firm on her opinion that her husband must be taught a
lesson and felt that she was right in her approach toward her husband.

90. Which conflict in value systems are depicted in the situation?

a. conflict within client’s value system vs. conflict within social worker’s value system
b. conflict between worker’s professional value system and her own personal value system
c. conflict within the worker’s value system d. conflict within the client’s value

91. This type of value system is more dominant in the worker when she strongly sustains and
upholds the beliefs system and tradition of the family.
a. personal values b. cultural values c. professional value

92. Which social work principle should be best applied in this situation?
a. confidentiality b. worker’s self-awareness c. client’s participation

93. The worker in her disappointment toward the mother’s stubborn attitudes sought the opinion
of the
barangay chairman in her favor during her collateral interview with him. Which social work
principle is violated here?
a. confidentiality b. self-awareness c. client’s participation

94. When the social worker is confronted with a decision whether to tell the mother of her plan
to home visit her or just give her a surprise visit, so as to see for real the truthfulness of
mother’s allegations against her husband, she is undergoing
a. ethical dilemma b. planning an intervention c. conflicting personal values

95. In situation where there is a clash between worker’s values and mother’s (client’s) values,
one of the following is called fro on the part of the helping persons.
a. sincerity b. non-judgmental attitudes c. openness d. self-awareness

96. It is this principle that guides the worker to regard the mother as a person which inherent
worth and dignity that he is endowed with a reason and will.
a. non-judgmental attitude b. self-determination c.

97. This is the phase in group development when the group gets organized.
a. Pre-group formation b. Group organization c. Group formation d.
Group planning

98. Feelings that certain actions will result in the groups having to give up the security it now
enjoys, thereby reducing the group’s desire to change is an example of a?
a. Negative force b. Opposing force c. Ambivalence d.
Resistance force

99. Which phase in the group development may be said to have taken place when two social
workers who had earlier discussed a group program proposal presented this and had this
approved by the agency?
a. Pre-Group Phase b. Private Pre-Group Phase c. Planning Phase d. Public Pre-Group

100. To be effective, help Crisis Intervention should be readily available, i.e, made within
hours of the request or cry for help.
a. 24-72 b. 48-60 c. 8-24 d. 48-96


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