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Choose the most appropriate answer by encircling the correct letter.

1. Which of the following would be considered a construct in psychological assessment?

A. Emotion
C. existential suffering
D. none of the above

2. Certain tests consider measuring _____ characteristics of human behavior that is observable,
while certain tests measure ____ characteristics of human behavior as it takes place within the
A. Obvert; covert
B. Cover; Overt
C. Overt; Covert
D. Covert; Obvert

3. Kyle informs the client to draw a person on the paper in any way they want. How would Kyle
score this test?
A. through overt observation
B. through covert observation
C. through objective scoring
D. through subjective scoring

4. What type of reliability would we typically use when we measure only traits or characteristics
that do not change over time such as IQ?
A. Parallel Forms Reliability
B. Internal Consistency
C. Split-Half Reliability
D. Test-retest reliability

5. This type of reliability is typically obtained by splitting the items on items on a questionnaire or
test in half, computing a separate score for each half, and then calculating the degree of
consistency between the two scores for a group of participants.
A. Parallel Forms Reliability
B. Internal Consistency
C. Split-Half Reliability
D. Test-retest reliability
6. Two parents evaluated the ADHD symptoms of their child. If they both yield identical ratings,
then the measure has good ________.
A. Parallel Forms reliability
B. Inter-rater Reliability
C. Split-Half Reliability
D. Test-retest Reliability

7. During comprehensive appraisal that uses pre-test and post-tests , what type of reliability is
being demonstrated?
A. Parallel Forms reliability
B. Inter-rater Reliability
C. Split-Half Reliability
D. Test-retest Reliability

8. I am a licensed psychometrican, then I am allowed to do the following except:

A. Purchase and use level B psychological test
B. Communicate the result of a psychological test in some specific situations
C. Administer any intelligence test that can be bought to test publishers.
D. Release psychological reports to non-minor test takers.

9. Which of the following would be considered Level B tests?

A. Achievement Test
B. Specialized Aptitude Test
C. Personality Tests
D. Projective Tests

10. Which of the following would be considered Level C tests?

A. Group Intelligence tests
B. Individual intelligence tests
C. Personality Tests
D. Projective Tests

11. John was assigned to validate a tool merely by its appearance. He asks himself, does this
test look like it will measure what it’s supposed to measure? This type of validity is called:
A. Content Validity
B. Face Validity
C. Concurrrent Validity
D. Predictive Validity

12. What would you consider as predictive validity evidence?

A. SAT scores possibly foreseeing 1st year GPA
B. Job samples
C. Questions appear to be related to the construct
D. OJT portfolio for interns

13. What would you consider as concurrent validity evidence?

A. SAT scores possibly foreseeing 1st year GPA
B. Beck Depression inventory foreseeing depression levels
C. Questions appear to be related to the construct
D. OJT portfolio for interns

14. Mikayla sent her research tools to a panel experts to review the test items and rate them in
terms of how closely they match her research topic. By going through this process, she is
A. Concurrent validity
B. Construct validity
C. Predictive validity
D. Content validity

15. When can we say that a test has high construct validity?
A. Test scores remain the same even through passage of time.
B. No differences are observed between pre-test and post-tests.
C. Test measures a single concept validated with high coefficient alpha.
D. Test measures several concepts validated with MANOVA.

16. Which of the following shows a possible test bias that can affect the validity of a test?
A. A test checker incorrectly marking correct answers (RATING ERROR: Leniency Error)
B. Rating a person higher than they objectively deserve due to putting positive attributes
independently of the observed behavior (RATING ERROR: Halo Effect)
C. Answering “I neither agree nor disagree” in a questionnaire (RATING ERROR: Central
tendency error)
D. Answering a test that has not undergone local validation

17. When a researcher-psychometrician created a test of depression and correlated its result to
the test takers’ score in a certain test that measures anxious tendencies, he is establishing what
type of validity?
A. Convergent
B. Concurrent
C. Divergent
D. Predictive

18. Reliability is closest to the meaning of ___.

A. Dependability
B. Utility
C. Discriminability
D. Validity

19. Test constructors can improve test reliability by

A. increasing the number of items.
B. decreasing the number of items.
C. retaining items that have the most face validity.
D. increasing items with most face validity

20. Suppose you wanted to develop a measure of jealousy, but were unable to define precisely
the concept. What type of validation studies would you most likely use?
A. face validation
B. reliability validation
C. criterion validation
D. construct validation

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