Calculus 1

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“Thus all he conditions of Rolle’s theorem are satisfied. So, there must exist some c € JI. 3 och that '(c) = 0 ‘Clem, bot the values of elie in the Interval 1.3 ‘Hence, Rolle’ theorem i verified. QA Verify Rolle’ theorem for the function (~ B)" in the Interval [2, 5}, postive integers. = a)" (x ~ 6)", where On expanding (x of" and (x ~ BY" by the Soni ber an eninge ce ve Also, (2) = mtx — a)" (x - bY + mh a)" eo ne ay" Ce — BY. [mds 2) > rhe 0). which clearly exists fo allx € 2, A. «. fa) is differentiable on Ja, Of. Alto, fa) = fd) = 0. ‘Thus, all the conditions of Rolle’s theorem are satisfied. Inrodution to Engineering Mathematics 0 (= a) Ke tmio = (e-a) = Oer(e=B) = Dorme-b) + re—a) +0 wenacren bore (M22) QS. Verity Re fis) = ate + 3)? | | . een facese de +s] (252) =) which is clearly finite for all vlaues of x in 10. ifferentiable on }-3, O[. Also, f-3) So, there must exist ¢ € }+3, Sle) = 0. er 6-c7 Cates _ Q6. Verify Rolle's theorem for the following functions: Ses) = faa in [2,21 ‘Ans. Consider A) = fa? So, there must eniste € Ja A such tat f(c) = 0 But) = 0 => Leo Es Peas which clearly ex Jer ich clearly exists to ) a =032-ab=050- Vas. +6) c being the geometric mean of aand b, it lows that a<¢ <8, such that f'(@) = 0. 2 re ‘Ans. Consider onan re But the composite of continuous functions is cominuous. 2: (ho g) @)=Ae)= sins continuous on (0, Stab (a+ b)- log x. So, the value of the function is equal to the —— Introduction 0 Engineering Mathemay eect aporoninneconzencert Thue FE Hence, Rlle’s theorem is verified + @H Rates theorem holds for the function fa) = 2° + 62° + ax +5 00 11, 31 wig 10, nf such that 7°( x) = 2 — 2x, which exists for all x in ‘Ans. Lageange’s me Let be area function such that jous on (a, 8) is differentiable on J0, 1 itions of Lagrange’s mean- fied. ‘Thus, bot value theorem as Webs, (a) "32+ be a * (c) =0 = 3c? + 2be +a=0 So, there must exist some JO, If such that 2b Nab 120 | -b Vo =30 * a > e roi chase pen =a Lie) H(0) = =0) =( 1 ena. Pye Le)" “(ema \ Now, ( er Ba), ance ofthe mean value theorem Now /(e)= 1-32-26" 1-36" £6 II 4 Fe be a given functc te =34 4 continuous on [a, and differe 1 > 3 a “Then by Lagrange’s mean-valuetheorem, there TMS €™ 3 € JO Hsueh that = b = -6 and B ~30=3 3 b=-6 anda= Il. exists some ¢ Ja, {such t ~ Hence, a= 11 and b= -6. foe =e “a Se Hence, Lagrange's mean-value theorem is Now if we draw the curve y= fix) and take verified. he points A(a, e)) and (2, 0)) on the curve Qt, Verify Lagrange's mean-value theorem for the following function: QUO. Discuss the appl (fis) = tan x in [0, x] tanx a. co eee a Ans. Considerfa) =+ “in[1,3].-The given the curve = ¥ the chord 4B. esl function is) = 21 ‘Ans. Consider fi a function such hax # 0 We muy exes fe)= {Teper axe yaa Cleary = A= 1. Also, f'(@) = (-3}{ : ). which x clearly exis for al vaues of x aerate QU. Verity Lagrange's mean-value theorem for the following function: But, Ci £0- =f) _ =F $0,,fx) ible on J ‘Thus, both the conditions of Lagrange’s mean- value theorem are satisfied, and 1/"(0) fim Inaroduction to Engineering Matheney, ratio Sener mareisivonece Hud[such at HE Ng 0 te given Curve ate pj a1 se ('2-2) ; (3-5) is paral to the chord Joining the eng prey = RLM AIL LY the curve wichy’s mean value th fe functions and in re = Atha Porrewus bores 5 ( the arithmetic mean between a and b. Hence, Lagrange’s mean-value theorem is verified. £0)- So) = ela) ~ Second part ‘e(b)= (a) ~ (Nb: Let f(x) = 2? and g(x) = 2°. Then and ting these values in Cauchy's mean v geometric mean between a and b, AN ay ee a Q.19. If in Cauchy mean value theorem, we write tx) = _ tarmonte mean between @ and b. both the conditons of Lagrange’s mean- Now L2=£0) _ 4-13, ete ‘e@)-a) ~ 8-1-7 Also (1G) = 25.216) = 32. ams 25-2: puting hese values = Boaz puting these vals ws 1 1 3. 20,.M Now (0-13 —henteen2e4, 32a cu!, which tes i , LO I= esalsende Fe (dyweget 3 = Ee= y which les inthe fe 9 open interval, 2. Hence Cauchy's mean valve issem Pepa theorem is veri in the Cauchy's mean yalue theorem, | ‘we write fx) = & and g(x) = €%, show that ‘2 is the arithmetic mean between @ and 6. le, © isthe harmonic mean between @ and b. Aniroducton to Engineering Mathenaa, 2 ia ||US 10.20. Eapand aby using Maclaurin’s series. 7 on) re a) Expand ai power of Ans. = D-II 2 Cay a pa Set] [anes = 20+3)"] roe > re Now, ie make the following table: a aengeayt Function | Expression | Value of =0 fe) a 1 [- ene nt] Fe | dog loga a F7G) | (log? (og a) Ire) | A (logs) og a)" = se) By Maclauri’s theorem, Now, we make the following tal PO ee Function | Expression | Value ofx=0 +f) +f") +L f+ ua POI O HI “fe) | log +3) a Tone: a Tez re ao - a = re re) + gam or xn 21 6 rent a re 44) = 1nd) [fon] = x a)» 4 re) sf Le) “1 (=F ] faa? = ha) $e) = {M4 FO)4 FLO S7O)+ > fl) = 0+ x(-1 vie log(t-ay= =~ (925-expandtansinpowersot <4 yay Tabor erie A. Ge faction fe) = tan x > f= setx ape) = A (ectx)=2sc0x Pa) =F loe0? 3) = Ieee (5602) = 2sec x (sec x tan x) [-enenerens] S°G) = 2sec? xtanx $700) = Las? xxtans) d loot = 2A (sec? xtans} $-(sec*stans) trust Enger ee i Mth + a[zucertecrunanans ese sse'«] Zcetyean and Loans) see's = dsecx-(secxtans)tanx+ 2see*x seca 0 ‘ (0.24, Expand og xin power ofx~1 by Taylor, 22S") * see! xtan? x4 2500! theorem and hei lue of log ti * * ‘Ans. Given fu ve tan m1, ec = Jf usingtese ales ‘We make the following table: = fey Function | Expression | Vatue otz= = vatweots== | pee fe 1 fe) 2 at fe) 4 Se) | Asec! stan’ 16 = see- +2sec'x Taylor's theorem, expansion off) aboutx _ By Tel sthcre, expansion of) abot Pa hea s0)+ 21 3 2 Here ant = fe-5 2 widest) roralgdases ae) sede = pore tel(eBaret(e-8) = 2-34 cal = 64 6 = Mae MMMM { | | Now. we make the Expression Function | we log x fo rey reo Expand fx) = VX In Taylor's series in powers of x9 upto four terms. Hence find Ji AS we want to calculate J0- We take fis) = J 10). Nearest values ‘of x at which fx) can be calculated easily is 9. ‘We shall eapand fix) in powers of x ~ 9. Now, fern i 1 > faye? 2)+ Lx Ih 6) = = 6-9-f0-0 2-9 -§ 3 loges -D-4 1 +3C-W-ta-phem fe yG0=toe] To calculate log 1.1, we putx = 1.1 Introduction to Engineering Mathemati $8 rt y3 aai(g2 = Fe) Now, we mike the following table: Function | Expression | Value ofx=9 Sx) = 3 1 St) 6 ee re) 7 1 Se) em ’s theorem, expansion of f(x) about seas fis)= Sla)+bx-ay f(a) theo Poe dte-a) + ("C0 FETS + 2-9) + 1% Herea=9 2A) S04 He-9 f(a) igo FEN LO+ ~ £70) tom To calculate 19. we put x= 10. Thus, -9(-)4.o-sp(_t o-97(- 5) +h00-9) (ca) to v 2 pie detec Ag): 6 216° 3888 ~3+ 0.16667 - 100863 +0 o00% = Vid = 3.16230 ).26. Expand sin x in powers = a ‘91° correct to 4 decimal places, ot OF ta OR Expand sin x In neighbourhood of x = 3. Hence find sin ‘Ans. Given function ix) = seoncesx [> a Sa) = Fleosx) sins [»-£(ooe2)=-sin] coleulusl a Golem) ‘By Taylor's theorem, expansion of x) about x fey= JO+5 (xa) f' eae = nortel(e-Sord 1 2 ports anaPart : F = 0.0175, we get, ar , (0.0175) + 7 (0.0175) of x at Taylor's series, compute the value which f(x) can be in powers of x ~ 30° necessary. + Weshallegndinpovesof #2 +3 =F ndian. Now, flx)=sinz = fey scose [- > Pe=nsins |: = SQ) =~ cose Now, we make the following table: Lanny] = 30x radian 180 ‘ Leinneen] a 4 (oss) =-sins Syleoss) = sin Expression | vaigeore= = Vatueotx= 2 5 t fe) sing z & re cos 2 ; a rey | -sinz t rey | -cose A Lrrouction 0 Engineering Mather 18 - z Sp tr sineorem, expansion offs) abouts c08 32°= 32") eget ty Taylor's theorem, EB aig 1 Hee ang fixy= Mantra f(a) + 5, ees | (2)-3 eo toradian is mecessary. "3 | = Ba a We shall expand in powers of x - (ge Here a-z 5 6, 6, 6 2 » 330"= 30x agi 17, 8¥(_8) 1, 2) (1),. 2), Me) ¢(2 iso ™ +h +t(x-2) (¥ aro Ades) ee | . Jex(e-]| i ae 2 1 6 32° = 30°+ 2¢= S42 rate xa radian 1 x ‘z), 1,” a hg Now * 6 180 180 HDG) Now, flx)= cos - Lf.) 1 = seeye-sine [-L (e003) =-tar > #690 aye bets -2) Bt = = fra il a 2 3 x3 Z-00us (3 (eae-s}(S- > sW)--coss \ . ea 6h 2 [ 4 ] ‘Thus, putting X-Z = 0.0349, we get, x = sir 2 = (cosx) = ~sinx | Now, x=31?=3+18= T+ = Seyesing [OE i Gi mn . Now, we make the fllowing table, Sary= F-70009) P00) 477100308) pore ee 329) = 0.848026 [: 80 in] Tancon | Eeres | van ota E = CRS pani +3) ln powers of x and y upto terms of third degree. whe G eae yene TUTU 2016-17, maria] 6" 180 ee) cose 2 ‘Ans. Given funetion: > ; 7 f= log (1 +y) (Let ° fe) sing 5 = x . 2 [e"log(l+ 9) Ths, puting =~ = 00175, we get yo loser | 8 ¥ comes [tere] 1 fi 2 = Z me ogy z S319) = 7 +0017 -L 00175)? 1 a a ae re) sing A FZ 2 opis yee! Ztogtt+y) —Beorrsy a 3 x 2” By Taylor's theorem, expansion of f(x) aboutx pt gogsy = ons me = g. [rgeno-3] 0.28. Com value of cos fi) = $0) gence ‘Ans. As we want to calculate cos 32° ; & Try ‘2 We take fx) = cos x As) (OF S(O) + To} [a+ ar. 2(¥) a? aelae, a FL. 2p togit+ Ef = Stetoe+) PL eeeiien Lh. (4-2/5) aay” ala) &lisy. of. es Bay I+y — notin Ege Nana, 21 a ee nT ean Se OTT | joo KonrellenaLog-o eget Lrate-ony- ZL oey-oQ 2L ete DP 2 OMY DIET + yO EE PE xe-oFo-o SL. 5 s-aKy-b) a=0,b=0 IEN=F0,0) s3ety2L ay 2, ps], SY aay PP" Bey” oP (0) +324 y(I) + 3ay7(-1)4+ 9" 2 ey ay Se tye rt AP Ee which is required expansion. (0.30. Expand e cos y about the point (04). ‘Ans. Given function f= e* cos y a? Bla] ality. or -+ We ae to expand in powers of x andy, -2(4) 1 We are to expand about (0, 0) ‘We make the following abe. es ne Fara mn Spre ono Function | Exprenion Fey Lt log (l +») oF (24) x ° es a : a” alae a ; = tettog +> > 2, Ea ° Shea togit+y) ar 7 PL (Ps) ale = bay axl aeay) 3 lT+y, Zz a i. o-5 ey | eben rd as as. ofas)_ af -e poe eee wot alot) S| we | ie ar 2 & ih = 2 ay _ afes)_ a x ay & a) & % oteny ¥ ries #3 2 =e cosy a al) ie ee thay ay [ es ZL eesiny | oe | : | 2 .2(k a a3) = a =< cosy Now we make he fllowing table Fanction | Expression | Value ofx=1 O31. f(y) = tan “lGy), exp f e cosy e PP ¥ on # fox 9) = ta! (a) ind f (09, 1.2) approximately. ey a Ane Given function f= tan“! Gy) & ae > x | soy « > © 2 tenho a a or cosy e ar a ¢ ey | esiny _e = a a ~< # x PL) |e a x e , , “TD” Letina 5] By Taylor's theorem, expansion of f(x) about the point (a,b) is sen stadrtfe-o%-o-0¥] 24) of [oor Shore nn ES 0-0) Here a= 1,b=2 4 sane s(vh)> eae) “(ry Lntroductiont Engineering Mathemaiy me | | af 2, 2 a” Gy? Hy. o(a).2f_* -alsbaler) uae eA (8) Tae tee [-26) 3] ° aye 2f . ey [Interchanging x and a Similaty S- terchanging x and yin Now, ) We want to calculate /(0.9, [Nearest whole number to 0.9 is 1 Nearest whole number to < We are to expand about = We make the following Sf] SIS/ RIS] ore] wie] By Taylor's theorem, expansion of function f(x,y) about the point (a, coteuusl cates) Soy) = owt aZ+y-0) “a To calculate (0.9, -1.2), we put x= 0.9, y= xl 1 1 $50.2) + 7-0. (09, -12) =-0822. 32. Expand tan'(2) in the neighborhood of (1, 1) upto and inclusive of second degree terms, Hence find 1.1, 0.9) approximately oR Expand f(x,y) = (2) In powers of x~ 1 and y~1 upto 2nd degree terms. Hence compete Introduction o Ngee ne Matha ‘Now, we make the following table, Function | Expression | Value of t (2. x = (2) 4 x _l ae 2 2 i ay 2 af ! of. 2(2)-2f 2 ] at | ry? 2 ay * Hla) aL PF arg ee a ry 2e-2euy Le | OF ey | a y 2 jlor’s theorem, expansion of f(x, y) about 2 G2 +y K-32) ty? vole aos _tyeae ay ay Bar te aNy DES ay yet = Rey ay soo Sf ——EE a +02 —1=D = le = oF 04 (1-1, 09) 0.6884 33 Expand f(x, y) 1) up to second degree terms and hence evaluate (1.02)". TUTU2012-13,5marks} ‘Ans Given function an = 7) y*osy [i 1 a 2) = ZL. 2oyrigy) ae” a 2 = a =¥ (ogy? _ » came _ ‘Ans. Given funetion f= x" Siete SL 1 peg[e-9E 0-8] Meer ZLs20-yy- ZL + [« wa x=, = {By product rule of diferentia tl loge? 4 =» Vai * EL yet “1 2 Fhe w oper or 28) oe, (1.02)! = 1.0206 loge 2, Q.34, Expand x” in powers of (x — 1) and yy “a ¥ es aa 7 G1) upto the third degree terms. = logs. (@ log x) =3y- De hg ye? +=) logy oR a ‘i Expand. in neighborhood of (I, 1) upto the EZ (a")=0" loge oy aes | xe DyF}——o third degree terme open ba ] aa? -a5 OR ey. Expand 2” about the polat (1,1) upto the ae Flesh = Rl Moe By Taylors theorem, expansion of. third gree terms. the point (4, &) is roduc leaf JUTU 2013-14, 5 marks} CO iS Introduction to Engineering Mathemat 7 - 1 = yoga +7206) Fee.) = fla, silt Z 0-93 ¥. [ederren + qe- op oh +2x-ayy— 2h ay 2a +u- ore Os ey £07 (ra) 2S 4300-0 = (ogy £2") +Hfe af re 0-o ae 2) > o = (logs) [:fer- a" loga os + Xx any 0 -w oh to Now, we make the following able: Fusction [Expression var ax 4 ? H ee to-03 Z = i Zoy-0¥] = 2 x err 3 Ef ote hy- vel s 2 syne 0 a . sow ep eT 7 ay ay F (logs? * ale “one a Day 5 y eT 73 Goan ‘ oxen 0 Zh vty v8 ey | 00-b? re T Fd 2 fey)= Vee +(0Ky-} ey | ee ° = - + Hors +€24-11y-H+0-H1] xy + HK +0936-HFG=9) By Taylors theorem, expansion off(x,)) about the point (a, 6) + OX NY = DP + OYy= 1] + = fm. Coleuus-t 3 Dean: Tana tan y= tne Adding (1), 2) and (3), Sf) t= I+ an tna» ° 2) log (tanx + tan y + tan 2), au sind! + ny + sinde sin aah sina Sanne Mo & & a = Manx + 2tan y+ 2tanz tan tan y+ tang fanz +tany + tanz ( 1 -) kt an cx cay tai Aina au naa ana sinay Hs sinaelta2 aaSs snap in * ex (tanx+tany +tanz) 036. itu =e, then find z ; = 27 then ons Oe Been + 2) hag Here w= au sect Mw 2 igeye™ 2B” erereaprins 7 Pu _ 2(m)_ 23 [+ Sansy asec] B- 3B ae . sin2xsee?x 2 Lye ete tye x2) nea lane tany tang x a Pu _ (20) Bug nedyerr oan 2H Bie Ue) -Sternener ial aise anes ne Ney + (+ 2c | ' r + BY2 + | + 29210" [raat coat" eis sin a pains pte ea sno! : zo rye inact, "cose Bae Se a ae ony FANE Sef set lap t"( Spots en llrees aanatee? un(2)-y?e0"(2), or ae "tart ny ine oe sind we Bee [geen] par ial, ‘Ans. Given that sin2y2t,__2tany = z= tea(2)-s2in-(2) 3 lanes tany-tane 2 Introduction to Engineering Matha, BE ray Differentiating par ‘y's we get 3 ene hl " 2, Similarly, 1X2 = +60) + He~ ch, show ~2ytan 1S =p -(53) 39. z=fe + 0+ He ef show that a ayaa 14[% 5 By 7 Peyed—inz w ade fs , 2 -eG a 32-39 = er ans =fe+ 60) + eet) & Peper lor ~~ ae &_ A ipexveni+ ZtKe-—n) ‘Adding (2) (3) and (4), we get 2 Ly tytn! 2x = ou du, du Saher e tow ayeme) 3 2 y & aye Pay eee Differentiati tially on both sides wir, tox, a 2 Sse ten + He- et) Pars ferentiating partially, es ws. 0, We Bet é Oeste ne pean 2 Ebeperen+ veo Gerytehe ty tea 2 Sind pur eas veo ey 38. = a fax byy prove that DFE +a tab. ato, = EyecvenZie-ey ‘Ans. We have, zn *4 fax by) ar Beene vte-e-2 x eee 2 E = paren Btenepee-e- Seen . 2 E = flax byy+ 5) 2b) ye cana ena} = Eee ute-aene }aGea) a ee - mien pear set yet a Fnac fax by) + of" fas) 2 Fee Stererey Mery seers é - 2 = bE = abe™* far - by) + abe™*” f(ax - iz aaa ai ° fax ~ by) ‘Slax — by) oe perc) + Ae ec) uA) gate na eyed and ys sow tat Asin e- Seer seem bnr et Lesbo) =A OR canal 3 I Ped + yt + 2 and Y= 7% show that ‘ so , Diller by pod ee aoiy = be * fax — by) — be *% x far ~ by) eee = mim + DA? + & . . ay ast . 2 a5 = abe" fa — by) — abe °F ax — by) ‘Ans. We have, = 7" Eqn. (2) + Eqn. (3) gives. eee 1a ayes a ata fax -by) a Lem sof 4 ae” gy ~ 2abe [Using (1)] Hence provel ‘] Now Pae+y? sing M. 2y= pot “ro, Se BU soe i Tae he +2 22-03) -ro% [: aaa la ae Diteentiing pail not sides et EcaP at prove Simitarly, 2-2 and =2 puting these = nflon = 27-2 3p wwe get ea Ben Osu ee =m Ym 2.3) oe 2) Jy -SeE-3) vue, Baan a wna (3) (5) (8) erate ym *y at, ‘ns Given zoom) £858 eye | Bl oa = Lenets Vogt Vy + Veg ™ mn + Y=? 269 ea baw eae cU) ct 14 A ay + AP —wed 3 FL ety as oe a Be Hence proved, Aap tretel aefet +)" —2¢et = ment Mee grovel sige MEN a Vy) and x= PO uy PS - 22 tay? Sad xteae =x? -a)=0 E=Oorr=a eet, using (I) colentus) “un fas two statoniy pons namely (0,0) wie r= 6(0) = 0, s =—3a, t= 6(0) = 0 2 n-s=9a<0 % 1 60,5= 6a nt-2= 6a) ~ Ba}? = 270" > 0 (a, a). 3 jsp) as maximum at (0) Biiene vale off=fa,0)~a +0) 3 (Qi6. Examine the extreme of fix, y) "27 + xy spe tet 1uTU 2013-14) xy Ans. Here f= Brapsytetee ol) 7 From (1) and (2), i areyedh a sear saxty Putting y =x in (1), we get te yeal ‘canbe maximum or minimum. To check the nature of fat this point, we calculate r,s and wowre far 3 [-Lersey5] 38 Inuroducton to Engineering Machen or stationary poi ) We shall now find minimum value of Lom Lo a ae eee D 448. feo ty, now Zao ee cee & & x Seon Feorety)=0 | oF Samer wm Leo _O8 g For stationary points, eee. 2 2 g. Satectng (fo snc neda2-de2tom) bal cos cos y= 0 ae Now, L-o>2r+y-0 > cosy cose trast (3.2). is ve « xy ws (33, g£ From (1), 60s x + cos 2r = 0 pare wt Looarey-0 £05 2¢ = —€08x = c05 (me =2) air [rs cos (e- 0) =~ e008} fs.) basa maximum value at (5, 2) or enor x imum value= #(4, = = simon ate- (5.3) ia Zs sin® ¢sin2® > nt co = sin +sin5 + sin Now r= Ma2( 1). 2erry)=2 x 4,5 Gah 2 sore y=} isa stationary point er iran) += 2L.2(2) - (48. Find the points om the surface z= + 1, Bay ey a won Bho3(3) = 2f-2(2) =aytl a ale a = Gleos.xcos(x+ y)] =-sinz-sin(e+y) “d be the distance between (s,y,2)andorigin Thus, r= 2.3" ay oe = Z-2(8) d= oxy xF +0192)? +, a Q.47, Discuss the maxima and mi Jima of sin.x + = ltosy roost] say sin lei2) =-sin@+y) Ane aye sing + siny + sin +)) fae | I “oF aly, the second part and the eube La corrssanter = cosy + cos +9) A is maximum. ‘Ans. Let x, y and z be the 3 parts of 24 a = glory teostxe i) or el) =-sinyl sin (e+ y) eee am Foh=0 Intron o Engine ng Matheny, ue oo wd bene yes 24 Pil !F+h=0 2 LLagrange’s equations are, PP "\+r=0 2 2" nenep Ln%ao From @) h=-mety' 2 aoe ae ae From (3), A= ne" YP Mies @ia ep UamaaaR £8 From (4), h= pe" P=! ay? Bruning fom 3) sn) weg ests ent yf Pane te A and Lor oo oo puting hes ales Inf we et Bet Tesh = = 5 saps faerie sey 2-0 nett From @2) fe RE «which is maxin From @ wane py re beh tangle ABC, fied th ne trlangle ABC, find the Equal dm alue of cos eos B c3 C {Urv2016171 - aa) ‘Ans. In ABC, we have ‘psn eating rm () and, wee tn pense Replacing A, Band Cy x,yand respectively, a sk vent Fruting y= 2 and z= 3e (1), we get een and cos «cosy e052 it be maximized. let f* 608 x COS y COS = ede are 24 tans Here r+ 2=a Let feel? and gaxtyting Lagrange’s equation ae F%. ee Ly2%-0 and £442 =0 ae ea patingy® ands = 2 in. we Qextyteon ” and EBay LDgrange' equations ae, ” Fi,B ug mene aoe " ¥,,% Last. 3 mineple arsine an ang Lord oo "nent == sinx cos ycosz +40 Feos sin yeas? + =0 a ym coy sins +h =O mmtntp ), = sin.x cos y cosz ao cos x sin c05¢ SP renee = cos x cos ysin= tie 2M sz nmnsp ‘Again, equating A from (5) end (7), we Bet sin 3 €05 3 €0s = ™ €08 x 605 y sin = = yo fans F Putting these values inf, we get for ils and z be the length, breadth and spectively Let J’be its ca > Ves, [ Volume = length + breadth » heigh Let $ be the surface area ofthe box. 2 S= Toa surface area of closed box ~ area of the top = Uay + yet ay = 2(lb + bh + hl) Here So be mi cet foxy tye t Der Introduction to Engineering "E Mathemar, pot = = 30H) uaa 30") [ z 4] ‘Thus, length breadth and height of the box are (2) 4 from (5) and (6), we et Byaes F > ory ‘Again, equating 2. fom (S) and (7), we get, Lagrange equations are, pers evry x awe Lak. az yy V 59 art 2s)=2(2r +29) Fo = ayt dese += ty to > 2): » 18 | ee nO = a3 HIG 2=0 2 Hee 2)=0 ing y = x and == 5 in(1), we get ce aoe eZ) = From (2), 2-2 oo) v Oh ee coteuit From (3) 2" “Tea » From (8) 2" ~2y 42x 47) Equating 2 from (5) and (6), we get Ib bh © WD) * ay (> Sue Se 2 a8 ‘Again, equating 2. from (5) and (7), we get a Logrange’s equations are, By+2e a 2 Ady + 2x) = xy + 22) Lund 0 ort denayt Be > ery Fie : ayy? = FG 1,0 & Me a Puting y= xand Sythe BAe 122) ° 5 ex 200(4)-2(Z}e = sya Mate 3) = 0 ‘) 3 Peteees From (2), 2* “35035 > wes s whew > : Feeds a eee From (0, = “35 0) Equating A from (5) and (6), we get, > ff ae By+2e ” ~Bee2e and aS) 2 y(2e + 23)= x02y 422) 7" ON3 = Ly + 2yz = day + Dez ‘Thus, length, breadth and heightof the box are = => yew Dez fe of the box. Introduction to Engineering M 6 eee ”—”—™eENS ‘Again, equating i from (5) and (7). we Bet # yy Tysde Dev dy = 22x +29) =20y +25) ‘Thus, length, breadth and height of the box are aa of the box. Let V’be the volume of the solid. > = (2x)Qy)(22) [Volume = Y= Bxyz maximized, ue Peperig (eters tag, Lagrange's a axe, Sr +2en=0 Ber + A= y+ 2d <0 te From (2), 4= == 8) me) From (4), k= ~2 Equating 2. from (5) and (6), we get, lathemay he volume of the ar paralopied that canbe ofl) ume = 1 bx A) V=8oz Here Visto be mimi Let fr bye mgs ph Sal] Fee Lagrange’ eutons a, x gorge 2x From (2, 8924774 = 0 2x, = Ghe-we = a — 5) (6) a Introduction to Engineer TE eon a 1, Tei the vlume ofS, we pts yn “ = Pe V8: a (Glals = = ahs 5) Asin eqting fom (ad (ve et 48) ‘Again, equating & from (5) and (7), we get, ae = Xs ~ €) = als — as ~ B) Bea? _Sye7 = aaa 2 e- Te” a Bea R = @ra2e Thus volume of rest paralleopped i pete 257. Prove that i the perimeter ofa triage = a is constant, its area is maximum when trang 1s equilateral > =X ‘Ans, Leta, b and c be the sides of rangle. Ly Abe its area and s be its semi perimeter, > . arbre 5 satbre ‘Aso, By formula for area of triangle. (A= Js(s-aXs-bXs-c) = Aa a(s-axs~bXs~0) +» Areas tobe maximum st Letf= a(s-aXs~BXs~ ad geatbte (x sisconsasl Replacing x, yand z by a, band c, Lagrange’s equations are, 4,0 ata 7? wat. = Ayne + z +70 3-5-2) “ite = Xs nals ~aNs-8) 42-0 From @), A= ss bya-) From (3), i= s(s ~ as —¢) From (4), = a(s~ aXe ~ 6) mae P= (x-3 + (y-4)? +(2 127 Here distance isto be maximized or minimized Lagrange's equation are, Lye, a tae"? ae) ay? F440 athe 79 3 %e-3) 4202-0 3 2y~4) 422-0 Equating 2 fom (5) and xo} ye yy > K-3ye y= He 3 ycysyade = yet 4 ers ing from (8) and (7), we get -12 3 (-3eexG-12) So neken- I rae Se and = ni y= 4# and = Ann Ay 45) +(x <4 (3 (4x) eget, 2 2S ytet a4 9 92 G2 Hk? - 9 => 1697= 36 48 Thus, Similarly, Taking "1 ale Ss " & 7 Introduction to Engineering Mathem, ai a= fea) (8-4) +n} [ea =Ver—3)? 0-4)? 4-139] > d=il Again, forx = ~7y [d= Jix-37 +04 +2 -127] > d=15 Thus distances are 11 and 15 -. Maximum distance = 15 Minimum distance = 11 aac

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