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RAMBLE #flushyourmeds Scott Barry ;

By Scott A. Barry / Scott A Barry / Scott Barry ... ;

Scott Alan Barry is an Atheist Holocaust Denier Dunce ... ;
The Crisis : Covid 19 was only a Flu, The Mask and Vaccine
were useless and did not work, Fasting Cures Everything along
with sleeping on The Floor to re-align the Spine, also you
people are all Brainwashed by Televion and Jew School, so
it does not matter anyways, Primary Water is Well Water,
Water from the Biosphere is made with electricity,
The Trans Alaskan Oil Pipeline was intentionally shut down,
The Banks are Failing Intentionally, Global Warming is not
Man Made and Scientific Data has shown that to be the case,
Mentall Illness is all made up politics and opinions and
Psychiatry is Quackery, The Holocaust Did not happen because
there are Laws in Sixteen Countries that ban speech ... ;
So deprogramming starts now and what can you do ... ;
Organized Stalking is ran by The Government, Freemasons,
The Sheriff's Departments, Religious Cults, Neighborhood Watch,
Nextdoor Avalon, Your Narcissitc Family, Brainwashed People,
and gets referred to as Gang Stalking or Zersetzung always. ;
Sure the closest thing to GOD is Schumann and The Vaccuum
aka Energy from a Diode Antenna Ground and Coil .... ;
So Ghosts will materialize and talk to you and s*** ... ;
They somehow have Telepathy when we do not as Humans ... ;
Picture a Crystal AM Radio There is Diode One a
1N4007 and Coil Antenna Ground 100 Ohm Resistor,
Variable Capacitor, Joule Theif For More Audio.
Now replace that Capacitor with a Defibulator
Capacitor or Microwave Capacitor now you Got
Energy From the Vaccuum or Schumann, now what,
Look at a Solar Panel, The Cathode Side can be
hooked to an antenna and Anode to Ground now
you have Power from the Vaccuum Also, also a kernel
powers the Solar Panel on the Cathode Side and runs
the Solar Panel when the sun is not shining, also
you have Thermalvoltaic, a tube on a Seventy Two panel some
gas mixture, a Compressor and it gets power all hours of
the day based on temperature changes, this technology is
all shut down by Talmudic Jews, They control the Prussian
Schools we go to, They fake up the Victor Version of WWII,
They are known well from Rabbi Finkelsten Tells All,
also The Talmudic Jews get the correct Ver of WWII in their
private Kohen Jew Only Schools then join into B'nai B'rith
of the ADL, so you see where the Indoctrination goes and
Prussian Public School that taught you the Fake Holocaust
which there are denail laws in Sixteen Countries so it
shows how fake it is, and Prussian Model was adoped by
John D. Rockefeller, JP Morgan Chase, and Rothschild the
Richest Banking Family on earth of Talmudic Freemason Jews
who follow the Talmud, The Book of Globalism, also They
have Trillions of Dollars, Live in a Mansion in England,
Are simply Talmudic Jews that have all the money Period.
And you are what, a Poor Person, a Non Jew, A Goyim, someone
who cannot have Six Travel Passports when a Talmudic Jew
Can, you see, it took me a while to figure that out too,
because I was lost did not know and Alex Jones was a Lying
Shill, Just Listen to David Duke or Adam Green Know More News
Instead to get the Real info, not some huckster Freemason.
Five Volt Shortcut Two Five Hundred Ohm
Resistors One Nine Volt Battery, Three D CELLS,
Three C Cells, Three AA, Three AAA, Two Coin Cells, DONE.
Regular USB in a Computer Blows up an LED Kills it ... ;
Then put a blasting cap in that flash drive LOL ... ;
Antenna Shortcut One Hundred Ohm Resistor
Connect to it to Replace when it gets hit.
Diode Shortcut, 1N4007 and Microwave are
are the Two Most Common Used Ones Ever.
Capacitor Shortcut, Ultracapacitors for
they are more Efficient than Batteries.
Other is a Defibulator Capacitor, and
lastly a Microwave Capacitor and any
Random Ceramic Capacitor for less ... ;
For Shortwave Four Corner Antenna as this
content has no regulations is like the Internet.
Also Public Access and Fact Sheet Five Library Card.
At the Library Webliberachat Kiwiirc Dalnt Jitsi ... ;
The Library has many opportunities for Loners ... ;
Webarchiveorg permacc archivetoday tempemail ... ;
The Slinkey is kind of crappy but works, never
use analogue on Shortwave, use Digital Period.
Alex Jones Shortcut 4840 KHZ for Instant BS.
Alcohol is my favorite beverage, F*** everything.
F*** Natalism MKULTRA SRA CIA your children .... ;
F*** Earth, F*** Zionism, F*** The Talmud ... ;
Talmudic Jews Control the Earth Period ... ;
The Patent Office is Controlled By Jews ... ;
All Self Publishers Search Engines and Domain
Nane Registrars are Jew Controlled use a Home Server. ;
Holocaust is Hoax, Denial Laws show this ... ;
Andriod Shortcut, Degoogle it, No Email Linked.
OS shortcut Use Arch Linux on LUKS SSD ... ;
Networking Shortcut Spoof Mac Addr 8888 DNS ... ;
Other OS Kubuntu Lubuntu Puppy Linux Kali ... ;
Shortcut Battery, self pumping saline, paper as
paper and carbon and graphene are supreior to
Lithium that China blows up a phone in your pants.
Electric Vehicles Hover Boards all exploding ... ;
Edison make an electric car that was more efficient.
Compressed Air is also more efficient so is Hydrogen.
You see there are Policies UCC, RCW Codes, Statues
Legal, Codes, Ordinances, you must comply or die.
We live under communism not freedom, our countries are
all still British Crown Colony Corporations Period.
We live under a Zersetzung Government, you are being
spied on by District of Columbia Government Mafia,
The Government was hijacked by Jewish Talmudic Law.
You are a slave to the system. Look at those Lithium
Ion Batteries now, they catch fire and explode LOL,
and Paper, Carbon, Saline, Graphene, The Earth are All
more efficien than that, shows you the matrix for what it
is, Silicon Valley already built a self pumping battery,
we already have cameras the size of a salt grain, every
f***ing computer now is embedded and runs Linux LOL.
You have a capacitive touch screen on your phone, no
more buttons, you have to lock your new phone now with
an alphanumeric password instead of a pin because mah
Police and the Nineteen Eightyfour Truman Show Matrix.
You literally get two motors in frot one an AC generator
and you get more efficient power when hooked to a step
up, that can run, anything in your house, but the EST
does not want that patent to exist, it would be so easy to
do, you see Nine Eleven Truthers Mossad OP Inside Job People
in The United States Such as David Dukes Jew Supremacism
got put on the Patriot Act List to Organized Gang Stalked
LOL. ;
No good ideas are made in this artificial economy, every crisis
was man made by policies and policy makers who shut down oil
pipelines intentionally, look up Primary Water and Trans
Oil Pipelines, also water can be extracted with Electricity but
we still live in this matrix with a fake crisis and a fake
Media that gaslights us with useless fear porn for Brainwashed
you see prepardness is also good, but the crisis was man made
by design
by The Central Banking system which is ran by Talmudic Jews
Hitler was not the bad guy, he god Germany out of a bank debt,
saved parts of Europe from Communist Infiltration, did not
start WWII,
did not start the Fake Holocaust, The Victor Version is All
Lies ... ;
Also Martians used Christiany as another Zionist Jew Control
tool and
Started The God Myth, the closet thing we got is Schuman
Resonances which
make up the Ghosts and Spirits you see that talk to you at
haunted location.
The ghosts will tell you that they have Telepathy and will give
you Secret
Info on Remote Viewing something The Martians want to supress
from Humans
as written in The Kyle Odom Manifesto PDF, and also The
Protocols of The
Learned Elders of Zion is another thing they call a forgery to
discredit it.
Moreso you have stuff like Mass Jewish Supremacy in all
Television Media,
They all are known pedophiles with Dual Citizenship with Israel
... ;
They consider goys non jews not anything at all and so then
Jews get unlimited
Travel Passports and Goys do not have a passort or only Two
Passports ... ;
This was mentioned in David Dukes Book Jewish Supremacism, also
Know More
News Adam Green, Brian Ruhe, Mark Collett, Alfred Schaefer, all
good sources,
so is Brother Nathanael Foundation, Jared Taylor, Martinez
Perspective all Accurate.
I've been deprogramming for so many years, just random stuff,
being told by
another ghost that Religion is a Cult and Humans become
Telepathic Ghosts when
they die and to keep this a secret form every human and martian
on Earth ... ;
Keep everything secret about Remote Viewing and how it is done
period period.
To be a little Nazi Bigot and to destroy anyones life if they
mention it in
accordance to The Talmud and Protocols of The Learned Elders of
Zion to
Supress Ozone Therapy Seven Eight Three One Pulse Magnetic
Fields, Negative
Hydrogen Therapy, Fasting as a Therapy, Vitabin B Seventeen
from Apricot Seeds,
Cayenne Pepper, Lemongrass, Chaga Mushroom, Citrus Curing
Cancer, Negive Resistor
Powering something indefinately, all of this is to be supressed
in Accordance to
The Synogouge of Satan, Protocols of the Learned Elders of
Zion, and Talmud,
you see Overunity can never be a posibility or cures for cancer
when you have
Talmudic Rule over the Press, Self Publishers, Search Engines,
Pattent Offices,
it is as Despotic as Zionist Occupied Government will ever get
and this is how
it will always be, nothing will get better or improve for the
better, the Symbolic
Snake of Ouroboros will be achieved in Year Twenty Twenty Five
and David of Israel
will be the king of the World as Palestinians will be masacred
and killed through
mass Genocide making a new real estate deal for Israel, just as
they stole Land
from Iraq and Policy Makeres allowed for Mass Importation of
Gold Look up Lindie
England a known war criminal if not sure about that one, then
think Policy Makers.
Things also escalated During the Phoenix Program with the Bogus
Fake Viet Nam
PSYOP SAM war where led to CIA created Cults, MKULTRA Mind
Control and Satanic
Ritual Abuse Pedophilia at Psychiatric Institutions and
Freemasonic Lodges ... ;
When you take your child to an IFB or Group Home you are
getting your child Trafficked,
by Talmudic Jewish Pedophiles who do not care about your
children, Jews Control The Press.
--Scott Alan Barry , passwd root , nmap -Pn -O localhost
ext4ssdntfsfat32luks ("8888") DNS ... ;
This is the First Footer EOF of all of this Pathetic Useles
Drivel of such of a writing ... ;
This is the Second Footer EOF of all of this Pathetic Useles
Drivel of such of a writing ... ;
This is the Third Footer EOF of all of this Pathetic Useles
Drivel of such of a writing ... ;

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