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First Day on Campus

This adventure begins when students have arrived to the Biblioplex’s Hall of Oracles to receive instruc­
on Strixhaven’s campus and the term’s classes are tions on new-student orientation. The hall sits at the
about to start. For the characters, the first order of center of the Biblioplex’s first floor, and you can al­
business is to complete the orientation required of
ready see students gathering there.
first-year students. Orientation takes place in the
Biblioplex, the university’s grand library. A full de­
scription of the Biblioplex follows this section. Orientation instructions are given in the Hall of Ora­
cles every few minutes, so let the players know that
Orientation____ ______ __ their characters can explore the Biblioplex further
Before you begin play, show the players the Strix­ before heading over. If the characters choose to ex­
haven poster map that accompanies this book so plore before orientation, make sure they see other
they have an understanding of how the university new students engaging in their own versions of the
is laid out. scavenger hunt, each unique to that set of students
With the characters arrive at the Biblioplex, read (see “Orientation Challenge” later in this chapter).
or paraphrase the following:
Strixhaven Knowledge
Majestic marble archways, tomes seemingly stacked The characters know the basics about the Strix­
for miles, and the infectious energy of hundreds of
haven campus, as well as the following information:
young adults fill the Biblioplex, the grand library at Central Campus. The Biblioplex isn’t the only build­

I the heart of Strixhaven University. The sights, sounds, ing on the central campus, where students spend
a lot of time. Two other popular locations are Fire­
and sparks of magic in the air are wondrous.
jolt Cafe and Bow’s End Tavern, whose maps are
found later in this chapter.


Strixhaven Accessibility
The buildings on campus feature magic steps and
staircases that respond to the needs of those who use
them. The steps might shift up or down like escalators,
or they might flatten out completely before raising or
lowering like lifts to accommodate larger creatures and
mobility devices, depending on users’ needs.
In certain multistory buildings (including the Biblio­
plex and Captain Dapplewing’s Manor), magic trans­
port circles also allow characters quick access between
different levels.

When a user moves onto a circle and mentally

focuses on the floor to which they wish to travel,
they are transported to the destination floor, ar­
riving at that floor’s runic circle for that staircase.
(Students are all aware that entering the second
floor is forbidden without permission from a fac-

steps transports users to the circle at the top of

the steps and vice versa.
Students and Professors. Students of all years
and colleges can be found in the Biblioplex. as
can professors from all the colleges. See chapter
TECHNIQUES to help them tackle their


7 for stat blocks for first-year students, and for ap­
prentices, pledgemages, and professors from the
I different colleges.

Biblioplex Locations
The following locations are keyed to map 3.1. All
Colleges. Characters know the overall details pre­
descriptions assume the characters are wandering
sented in chapter 1 about the five colleges that
the Biblioplex during the day. At night, the library is
make up Strixhaven. They also know that each
locked and devoid of other students or staff.
Strixhaven student chooses membership in a spe­
cific college at the start of their second year. Bl. Main Entrance
Enchanted marble steps lead up 5 feet to a small
Biblioplex plaza at the Biblioplex's entrance. The double door’s
The Biblioplex library acts as a hub for learning and vertical handles are each carved in the likeness of a
gathering for students across Strixhaven. Before robed scholar. During the day. the doors stand open.
the characters begin the "Orientation Challenge" At night, the doors are closed, locked, and sealed
event described later, they might wish to explore the with an arcane lock spell. A successful DC 25
library, shown on map 3.1. Dexterity check using thieves’ tools opens the lock
(DC 35 while the arcane lock is in effect). Only the
Biblioplex Features Biblioplex’s reference librarians and certain faculty
The Biblioplex has the following features: members know the arcane lock's password.
Ceilings. The ceilings throughout the first floor of
B2. Biblioplex Lounge
the Biblioplex are 50 feet high. The second- and
third-floor ceilings are 30 feet high. Luxurious couches and sturdy tables furnish this
Magic Stairs. As in all Strixhaven buildings, the spacious area. Students, employees, and staff mem­
stairs and steps leading into and within the Bib­ bers often use this lounge to relax between shifts in
lioplex are enchanted to move and reshape for the student store (area B5), the Biblioplex cafe (area
full accessibility. See the "Strixhaven Accessibil­ B6), or elsewhere in the library. Each table holds
piles of magazines, newsletters, flyers, and nonmag-
ity" sidebar.
Transport Circles. A runic circle is painted on the ical scrolls from around campus. A character who
floor near each staircase in the Biblioplex, as examines these materials finds recruitment flyers
well as at the top and bottom of the steps leading from ld3 Extracurriculars. They also find “Help ?
to the main entrance in area Bl. These circles Wanted’’ ads for the Jobs at the Biblioplex. Extracur­ s
riculars and Jobs are detailed earlier in the chapter. 5
are permanent, customized teleportation circles. V’


The Biblioplex
2nd Floor 3rd Floor

B16 A

Stairs to
Stairs to Lower Floors Scriptoria
and Lower Floors Collections
----- i-r-■■


- J
V ■



■ B

1 square = 5 feet

Mapj.i: The Biblioplex


B3. Student Cafe Seating Cafe Sandwich of the Day
This area typically holds 21 (6d6) students, all of d6 Sandwich
them studying, eating, chatting, or even sleeping. 1 Grilled halloumi with morels on wheat
Many enjoy food and drinks from the cafe (area B6).
2 Toasted cockatrice gizzards on rye
B4. Information Desk 3 Open-faced radish chips, deep-fried with dijon
Three faculty-appointed reference librarians work at 4 Crunchy frog legs on toast
each of these circular desks (use any of the profes­ 5 Rainbow carrots and watercress chestnuts on
sor stat blocks found in chapter 7 if needed). All are white
expert scholars and powerful mages. They can pro­
6 Dragonbreath peppers and salami on a bagel
vide helpful instructions for where to find any public
location or collection in the Biblioplex.
B7. Lecture Hall
B5. Student Store Each of these halls hosts interdisciplinary lectures
This small shop is stocked with books, equipment, for Strixhaven students. The seats magically grow
and gear useful as academic supplies. The store’s or shrink to comfortably accommodate students of
manager is Groff Lundquist (neutral good human any size or body type. The halls’ acoustics are mag­
commoner), a friendly Strixhaven staff member ically enhanced to amplify the professor's lecture
known for his ability to fashionably mix and match and minimize the disruption of side conversations.
items of university apparel. Students can buy hats, While a class is in session, each hall holds a profes­
scarves, tunics, robes, gloves, and other apparel em­ sor and up to thirty students.
broidered with the Strixhaven star or with the sigil
of any of Strixhaven’s colleges. Costs range from 5 B8. Study Area
cp to 5 gp or more, at your discretion. These open study areas feature simple wooden ta­
Once a character chooses a college at the start of bles and chairs. During the day. up to thirty students
second year, they receive a set of college robes, a can typically be found here.
knit hat, a scarf, a tunic, and gloves free of charge. If the characters pass by the western study area
(This set normally costs 5 gp.) before orientation, members of the Live-Action Role­
In addition to nonmagical gear and clothing, the playing Guild are pulling costumes and props from
store also contains the magic items from the “Magic a half dozen old trunks. The guild is preparing for
Items’’ section of chapter 2. an event later on the Biblioplex’s lawn: a game they
call Beholders versus Behirs. Rosie Wuzfeddlims
B6. Biblioplex Cafe (chaotic good gnome first-year student; see the
One wall of this area is covered with a mural made "Fellow Students” section) is directing students as
from a living tree’s roots, which move occasionally they cobble together beholder and behir costumes,
and make the entire place feel alive. The ceiling as well as visual effects made from sheets, blankets,
is covered in painted leaves, which change colors wooden frames, tin plates, and illusion magic. (This
depending on the season thanks to a permanent preparation erupts into chaos during “That Trunk
illusion effect. The magic also prompts painted Has Teeth!” later in this chapter.)
squirrels to run up and down the mural’s roots, and
painted birds to chirp among the leaves. B9. Book Garden
Up to ten students are typically present here In these quiet areas, students sit on the grass and
during the day. Ordinarily, three more students study among lush foliage. Sometime last year, three
work here, but during orientation, the cafe's man­ awakened shrubs wandered in here and settled in
ager, Aisla Fitzbottom (chaotic good gnome com­ each garden, and the university has welcomed them
moner), is working alone. She is charmingly perky to stay. Members of Witherbloom College typically
and has a mind like a steel trap when it comes to tend this space, and three Witherbloom pledge­
recognizing students. However, her organizational mages (see chapter 7) can be found here most days.
skills are somewhat lackadaisical. Members of the Fantastical Horticulture Club of­
The cafe always serves coffee and tea, which costs ten relax in this area and hold meetings here from
1 cp per cup. The sandwich of the day varies. Roll time to time. If the characters explore this area be­
below to determine which sandwich is available on fore or after orientation, Urzmaktok Grojsh (neutral
any given day in the cafe. orc Witherbloom apprentice; see the “Fellow Stu­
dents” section) is here, recruiting first-year students
to the club.


BIO. Main Stacks B12. Student and Alumni Art Gallery
Floor-to-ceiling bookshelves fill the center and the This crisp-looking room features white walls and
east end of the library’s first floor, with the denser columns that stretch from floor to ceiling. Displayed
east stacks under a magic effect that shifts them on or within these are art pieces representative of
when students approach, creating space to stand various media. Students from Prismari College typ­
single-file between them. These books are mostly ically tend this space, and three Prismari pledge­
introductory texts, and first-year students are often mages (see chapter 7) can be found here most days,
directed here by their instructors. In each of these either cleaning the gallery or studying the tech­
areas, two cogwork archivists (see chapter 7) bus­ niques used in the displayed pieces. A storage area
ily shelve returned or misfiled books. at the back holds supplies and artwork waiting to go
Characters who browse these shelves unaided on display.
stumble on what they need with a successful DC 15 The Distinguished Society of Fine Artists often
Wisdom (Perception) check. However, it’s always meets and holds discussions here. If the characters
easier to ask a reference librarian (area B4). explore this area before or after orientation, Cado-
ras Damellawar (chaotic good elf first-year student;
Bll. Hall of Oracles see the “Fellow Students” section) is here recruiting
This hallowed hall is filled with statues of the uni­ first-year students to the society.
versity’s past Oracles. At the center of the hall, a
pulsing ball of magical energy—the Strixhaven B13. Amphitheater
Snarl—fills the area with bright light. See the This impressive stage is used for lectures, for
book’s introduction for information about snarls and assemblies, and as a gathering place in case of
the Oracle. emergencies. Magic steps lead up to the stage
The “Orientation Challenge” event later in this from the floor of the library. Members of the Play­
chapter starts here. actors Drama Guild often use this stage to meet


and rehearse when the Rose Stage on Silverquill’s this area, two shield guardians patrol at all times.
campus is unavailable. If the characters pass by Both the guardians have sleep as their stored spell,
this area before or after orientation, Quentillius and their control amulets are in the possession
Antiphiun Melentor III (neutral human first-year of two of the librarians on duty in the Biblioplex.
student: see the “Fellow Students" section) is Students with permission to work here are given
here recruiting new students to the Playactors passwords by which the Constructs recognize them
Drama Guild. as friends.
B14. Student Activities Center B17. Advanced Student Office
This room is filled with tables and chairs and is These private offices are for students working on
available to any student organization registered their theses, accessed using the same keys that al­
with Strixhaven for use as a meeting place, re­ low access to area Bl6.
hearsal facility, or crafting site, or for other ap­
proved purposes. B18. Advanced Student Lounge
If the characters explore this area before or after This rest area is designed to help stressed-out se­
orientation, it is set up to promote Extracurriculars, nior students unwind. Large tables are set up for
the rules of which appear earlier in the chapter. gaming and shelves are filled with recreational read­
The tables are covered with flyers from the Dead ing material. The area can be accessed only through
Languages Society, the Dragonchess Club, the the advanced student stacks (area B17).
Dragonsguard Historical Society, Future Entrepre­
B19. The Compendium
neurs of Strixhaven, the Intramural Gymnastics
This area on the library’s third floor holds copies
Club, the Intramural Silkball Club, the Intramural
of most of the mundane, widely available written
Water-Dancing Club, the Mage Tower Cheer Squad,
works in the multiverse. The books are inscrutably
the Strixhaven Iron-Lifters Society, the Strixhaven
cataloged, so it’s almost impossible to find anything
Show Band Association, the Strixhaven Star, and
without requesting information from a reference
Student-Mages of Faith, and are staffed by the stu­
librarian (area B4). Characters who look for infor­
dents listed in “Extracurriculars" as being associ­
mation without obtaining help discover what they're
ated with them.
looking for only with a successful DC 20 Wisdom
Extracurricular groups not here can be found
(Perception) check.
elsewhere in the Biblioplex, along with their student
At the center of this area stands a statue depicting
NPCs—the Live-Action Roleplaying Guild (area B8),
a mighty, benevolent dragon. The magical statue
the Fantastical Horticulture Club (area B9), the Dis­
reads aloud the contents of most books placed in
tinguished Society of Fine Artists (area B12), and
front of it if a character makes that request verbally
the Playactors Drama Guild (area Bl3).
or mentally. (The magic of the statue can assess
B15. Student Council Hall text such as verbal curses that present a danger if
Filled with wooden tables and benches, this room read aloud, and the statue ignores requests to read
has a flag displaying the Strixhaven star symbol such text.)
hanging on its back wall. Here, a student council
publicly debates Strixhaven policies that most affect Orientation Challenge
the student body. The leaders of the school’s Extra- When the characters enter the Hall of Oracles to be­
curriculars come to the council to conduct matters gin orientation, read or paraphrase the following:
of business, and the council usually meets on the
first day of every month. Outside those meeting
An almost sacrosanct sense of calm descends as you
days, the room is used for other official university
step into the Hall of Oracles. "Brilliant scholars," says
business or stands empty.
a rich, soothing voice radiating from the hall’s central
B16. Advanced Student Stacks snarl of glowing energy. "Your attention, please.
Rooms on the Biblioplex’s second floor can be “As you are now Strixhaven University students,
accessed only with keys held by faculty members,
this storied Biblioplex will be your second home for
or that the reference librarians in area B4 grant
research, studies, and even leisure. There is just one
students on a case-by-case basis. Typically, students
don’t receive keys to these stacks until they’re study­ task to accomplish before you officially embark on
ing for their final thesis during their fourth year at your academic journey—a scavenger hunt!"
Strixhaven. The arcane knowledge in the books
here is not public—and is sometimes dangerous.
A small parchment materializes in front of the
To prevent overly ambitious mages and Strixhav-
characters. It presents a list of clues.
en’s enemies from teleporting into and accessing


Clue 3. Each group deserves a free treat for their
“The rules are simple," the voice says. “Each clue on
investment. Serve up this list and enjoy your
this list will lead you to a different location in the Bib- refreshment.
lioplex. Simply travel to the area each clue references Clue 4. These leafy beds aren't always what they
and perform the action the clue suggests. Time is of seem. Give them a pat and see what you glean.
the essence. You have only until the end of the day to Clue 5. Some stars are ancient, enduring, and
finish your hunt.
bright. But others—maybe you!—are born on
opening night.
“Solve as many clues as you can, because at each
location, you may win a prize! Now then, off you go!” Each clue can be unraveled either by deduction, or
with a successful DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation)
check. A decoded clue points the characters toward
one of the areas of the Bibliopiex as well as the ac­
Scavenger Hunt Clues____ tion they must take to receive a prize in that area.
A character can win a prize for each clue they solve
but can receive only one item in each place. If a Running the Hunt
character tries to redo a clue to receive a second Explain the Biblioplex’s areas in detail before the
item, the magic that reveals the item doesn’t work characters begin this scavenger hunt, so they have
again. Here are the clues: an idea of which areas the clues point to. Have the
Clue 1. You’ll forget all about any trouble or plight characters begin the scavenger hunt with the first
when you step forward and are ensnarled in light. clue, since it points to the room they’re already
Clue 2. Alumni commission works when they retire, standing in. The players can then complete the
! seeking promising mages to inspire. other clues in any order they wish.


Clue 1: Hall of Oracles Clue 3: Biblioplex Cafe
This clue refers the characters to the room they This clue refers to the Biblioplex Cafe in area B6.
start the orientation in (area Bl 1). When the characters enter the cafe, they see
If a character touches the pooled energy below several students enjoying drinks and snacks. Aisla
the snarl, they momentarily lose track of their Fitzbottom (chaotic good gnome commoner), the
body, overwhelmed by the snarl’s magical power. cafe manager, is a Strixhaven staff member and
The character automatically disengages from the the only worker behind the counter at present. The
snarl and discovers that they are holding a potion characters must present their scavenger hunt list to
of healing. Aisla. When they do, she tells them to come behind
the counter and help her quickly restock the cafe’s
Clue 2: Student Art Gallery sandwiches and baked goods from several modified
This clue refers to the Student and Alumni Art Gal­ Howard’s handy haversacks.
lery in area B12. If a character goes above and beyond in their as­
When (he characters wander through the gallery, sistance with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check,
they see a portrait of several older alumni wearing Aisla gives that character a random trinket from
Prismari College robes. If a character examines chapter 2. Many students have ignored her requests
the portrait, they find a plaque that reads: “At Strix- for help during the orientation, she says, so she de­
haven we were all inspired.” Below the plaque is a cides to make an exception with a gift from her own
small lever. If a character uses an action to pull the pockets. Plus, she likes the new students’ ambition.
lever, a box pops out of the wall containing a Strix-
haven pennant (see chapter 2) for each character in
the party. Once it dispenses the pennants, the box
disappears back into the wall and doesn’t work for <
the characters again. u


Clue 4: Book Garden_ is only temporarily animated, it has the following
changes to its stat block:
This clue refers to the book gardens of area B9.
When the characters enter a book garden, they • It has 30 hit points.
see a lush arboretum. A successful DC 10 Intelli­ • It has disadvantage on attack rolls.
gence (Investigation) check reveals that three of the
Once it's defeated, the mimic turns back into an
shrubs are not ordinary greenery, but are instead ordinary trunk.
awakened shrubs, each with a glistening crown
of leaves. If a character uses an action to pat the Ending the Threat
shrubs on these leaves, the branches part to reveal a If all the characters fall unconscious during the
cuddly Strixhaven mascot (see chapter 2), represent­ fight, Professor Mavinda Sharpbeak (neutral good
ing a random mascot. This magic works only once owlin Silverquill professor of radiance; see chap­
per character. ter 7) arrives on the scene at the start of the next
round and finishes off the mimic. If the characters
Clue 5: Amphitheater defeat the mimic, Professor Sharpbeak arrives on
This clue refers to the amphitheater in area B13. the scene shortly after the group dispatches it. She
When the characters reach the amphitheater, carries a bag of potions of healing, which she ad­
they see an impressively lavish stage, with the cur­ ministers to any injured or unconscious characters.
tains drawn back as if to reveal performers on the A guidance counselor at Strixhaven, Professor
opening night of a major production. If a character Sharpbeak was overseeing the orientation activities,
recites, sings, hums, belches, or otherwise emits but the mass of fleeing students prevented her from
any line or tune while standing on the stage, bright responding to the incident immediately. When she
floodlights snap on around the stage’s perimeter—a has assisted any wounded characters, she intro­
number of lights equal to the number of characters duces herself.
in the group. Approaching any of the lights reveals a
recess in which lies a hooded lantern filled with oil. “Students, well done!” Professor Sharpbeak exclaims,

That Trunk Has Teeth! ruffling her feathers with pride. "Such bravery in this
incoming class! And what a bizarre occurrence. I can’t
Once the characters have completed as much of the
scavenger hunt as they wish, they hear a commotion remember any of those old costume trunks ever bear­

coming from the west shelves of the main stacks in ing a hint of magic—let alone that manner of trans­
area BIO. Read or paraphrase the following: mutation. I will be having a word with the equipment
managers over at the Rose Stage. They’re supposed to

The joyous and energetic atmosphere of the first floor keep this sort of thing from happening!”

is shattered by panicked shouting.

“That trunk!” a young elf screams, pointing toward If the characters chat with the professor, she reas­
the stacks as she runs by. “That trunk has teeth! sures them that this was an unfortunate incident—
Please, anyone, stop it!” but sadly, not an unheard-of one, since strange
Chaos erupts in the library as students stream in all monsters often find their way onto campus. Still,
it’s nothing to worry about. Before she goes, she
directions, their books and papers flying as they shout
reaches into her bag and gives each character 1 plat­
in fear. The only faculty mages in sight are trying to
inum piece, thanking them again for their help and
deal with panicked students. You can’t just let some welcoming them to campus.

Examining the Trunk________

In the western part of area B8, the characters Characters who examine the mimic and succeed on
see a half dozen old trunks strewn about. Sheets, a DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check notice that the
blankets, large wooden frames, and half-painted defeated trunk’s wood and leather has been rubbed
wooden props are scattered haphazardly around the with a black, oily substance. If asked about this,
tables where members of the Live-Action Roleplay­ Professor Sharpbeak says it’s likely just a leather
ing Guild were setting up for a show. Rampaging conditioner. With no magic remaining in the eldritch
throughout the mess is a trunk that has been trans­ balm to reveal the contamination, she has no expla­
formed into a mimic, which attacks the characters nation for why the trunk temporarily turned into a
as soon as they enter the area. Because the mimic mimic and attacked.

Firejolt Cafe
i!-ir!Vii.~ J

£5 O i Bl"'...... M
b b g
F5 F6 it
L pph o

In u •'-‘o-I
F6 c J

I n
I l 3

1 square = 5 feet

Map 3,2: Firejolt Cafe

Frog’s the Word The characters are meant to join the festivities in
the nearby Firejolt Cafe. If a player or character ex­
At some point during the weeks that follow their ori­
presses reluctance, mention as motivation that other
entation day and the start of classes, the characters students the characters have interacted with during
are hanging out together on the central campus.
this adventure are already there.
Another student is part of this scene—ideally a
student the characters have interacted with, or you Firejolt Cafe
may choose another student from the “Fellow Stu­
Firejolt Cafe is the most popular place at Strix-
dents” section.
haven to grab tea or coffee, chat with friends, or
When you’re ready to begin this event, read or
paraphrase the following, altering the text to incor­ study among the hustle and bustle of a typical day
on campus. The cafe’s interior is clean and well lit,
porate the student’s name or other details:
and its walls are decorated with fun, cartoonish
scenes animated by permanent illusion magic. Well-
Murmurs of excited curiosity ripple through the clus­ known scenes include a jovial frog in a wizard’s
ters of students around you, and another student sud­ hat stirring a cauldron, a dancing trio of lightning
denly barrels toward you, laughing uproariously. bolts with grinning faces, and a raven wearing a
cravat and sipping daintily from a cup of coffee held
in one wing.
Seeing no faculty nearby, the student beckons to the
characters. Firejolt Cafe Features
The cafe has the following features:
"You’ve all got to see this!” the student chortles. "We Ceilings. The cafe’s ceilings are 20 feet high.
Doors. At night, the exterior doors to the cafe are
side Lounge at Firejolt Cafe, and now we’re going to closed, locked, and sealed with an arcane lock a

race the little hoppers! Quick! Come see before the

spell. A successful DC 25 Dexterity check using
professors find out!
thieves’ tools opens the lock (DC 35 while the
arcane lock is in effect). Only certain faculty mem-


bers and Ellina Tanglewood, the cafe’s manager F4. Newsstand
(see area F3), know the arcane lock's password. This small store inside Firejolt Cafe sells maga­
Magic Steps. The steps marking the edge of each zines, knickknacks, posters, stickers, and other
tier of the study area are enchanted to move and decorative and leisure items. The subjects of the
reshape themselves for full accessibility. See the magazines are all magic themed, with titles ranging
“Strixhaven Accessibility” sidebar. from Mages Monthly to Potions! Potions! Potions!
Students. Students of all years and colleges can to Spells and Caster. Staff members at the barista
be found in Firejolt Cafe. See chapter 7 for stat station take turns working the newsstand, which
blocks for first-year students, and for apprentices sometimes closes when the cafe is particularly busy.
and pledgemages from the different colleges. Most items here cost 1 cp, though higher-end items
might be available at your discretion.
Firejolt Cafe Locations
The following locations are keyed to map 3.2. All F5. Fireside Lounge
descriptions assume the characters are in the cafe Much more comfortable than the cafe’s other
during the day. At night, the cafe is locked and de­ seating areas, this lounge is filled with sofas and
void of students and staff. armchairs where students can relax away from
the hubbub. Fireplaces in the northern corners
Fl. Study Tables are lit by continual flame spells. Some twenty stu­
These long benches sit atop two raised tiers with dents are typically found here, using the tables to
magic steps between them, affording easy access study quietly.
to the seating area below. Some thirty students are
typically here during the day, studying quietly. F6. Quiet Room
As with the fireside lounge, these rooms are quieter
F2. Seating Area than the cafe’s main seating areas. However, with
This area is usually more crowded than the cafe’s large tables and more functional chairs, they’re
study tables. At least fifty students sit sociably in more oriented toward studying and completing
groups, chatting and having tea and coffee. The classwork. Up to ten students are typically found in
open spaces in the north part of this area are typi­ each of these rooms, engaged in quiet study.
cally filled with students waiting to join the queue at
the barista station or scouting for a good place to sit. A Great Frog Rage
Characters following the student who invited them
F3. Barista Station to the frog race are led to the fireside lounge (area
This bustling service counter is the demesne of El­ F5) of Firejolt Cafe. As in the scene above, the stu­
lina Tanglewood (chaotic good elf mage), the Strix­ dent speaking in this scene should be a student the
haven employee who manages the cafe and serves characters have interacted with. Read or paraphrase
as its chief barista. Ellina typically works alongside the following, altering the text to incorporate the
five older student employees, one from each college, student’s name or other details:
though she sometimes hires younger students who
express interest in working for her (see the “Jobs”
section earlier in the chapter). The air buzzes with excitement—and the smell of cof­
The front counter of the barista station is a whirl fee—as you make your way toward the back of Firejolt
of chaos while Ellina and the other employees deal Cafe and duck into the lounge to witness the scene.
with the orders of dozens of students and faculty Hidden from the view of the barista station, the
members. The back of the station is calmer, and lounge’s central table has been pushed toward the
includes a small break area for employees as well as
wall and its chairs haphazardly tossed out of the way.
shelves for personal belongings and cafe supplies.
The cafe strictly sells coffee and tea, but Ellina In the middle of the room hop four unusual frogs.
and the other talented baristas can make nearly Each is glowing in vibrant colors—red, blue, violet,
any form of those drinks on request. A relatively and orange—and has been outfitted with a tiny
common coffee or tea costs 1 cp, while a more com­ costume. One wears a makeshift cape, another has
plicated order might cost 2 cp. The cafe’s signature suspenders, a third wears a stylish bow tie, and the
firejolt latte costs 10 gp; it confers resistance to fire fourth has a top hat perched jauntily on its head.
for 1 minute after drinking it, and it can be brewed
Someone has used chalk to mark lanes on the floor,
only by Ellina using her fire magic.
and multiple students are trying to corral the frogs
into a starting position.

A student notices the characters and shouts, “You're The other students scatter, and it’s up to the char­
just in time! Want to race these frogs with us?” acters to subdue the giant frogs. Luckily for any
The amphibians in the lounge are four frogs character who has grown attached to a frog, any
that students found outside the cafd and smuggled frog reduced to 0 hit points becomes docile, and its
inside. The frogs’ glowing colors appear to be the eyes return to normal. Alternatively, a character can
result of some magic the students haven't been able use an action to coax a frog into shaking off the mal­
to source. The costumes—and the frog race that is ady affecting it with a DC 15 Wisdom (Animal Han­
afoot!—were the students’ ideas. For the race, a sin­ dling) check. On a success, a frog becomes docile
gle student will “coach” each frog toward the finish. again and stops attacking. After 1 minute, each doc­
The winning coach will receive bragging rights—as ile frog reverts back to normal size and appearance.
well as a purse of donations from the crowd that to­
tals 30 gp. Ending the Threat
If all the characters fall unconscious, cafe manager
Participating in the Race Ellina Tanglewood (chaotic good elf mage) rushes
A character can participate in the fun in one of the onto the scene and subdues the frogs. She has two
following ways: potions of healing behind the barista station and can
Race a Frog. A character might coach one of the administer them as needed if anyone gets hurt.
frogs, encouraging it toward the finish line with
Examining the Frogs
words, gestures, and other antics. The character
can urge their frog to victory with a successful DC Once the frogs are no longer threats, a successful
12 Wisdom (Animal Handling) check. Encourage DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals that the
a player to really sell this scene by naming their frogs belched out a strange, black oily substance just
frog and coming up with ways to inspire it. If one before they grew in size and attacked. It appears to
of the characters succeeds on this Wisdom check, be the same substance found on the trunk during
that character’s frog wins the race. (If more than orientation; indeed, Murgaxor coaxed the frogs to
one character succeeds, it’s a tie, and those char­ ingest some of the corrupted eldritch balm to cause
acters split the 30 gp prize.) If no characters win their transformation. Any character who notices the
the race, roll a d4 to randomly determine which oily substance also can tell that it smells slightly
frog wins. sweet, which likely encouraged the frogs to ingest it.
Cheer a Coach. A character might shout encour­
agement to one of the coaches. If the encouraged Magical Physiologies
coach is another player character, that character
gains advantage on their Wisdom (Animal Han­
Exam: Slaadi
dling) check to coach the frog. If the coach is an The characters are enrolled together in the course
NPC, any characters racing a frog receive disad­ Magical Physiologies, which is held in a lecture hall
vantage on their check. in the Biblioplex (one of the areas marked B7 on
Heckle a Coach. A character might taunt one of the map 3.1). The course covers the anatomy, abilities,
coaches. If the heckled coach is another player and dispositions of monsters commonly encoun­
character, that character has disadvantage on tered while adventuring. Students read popular
their Wisdom (Animal Handling) check to coach accounts related to Aberrations, Monstrosities, and
the frog. If the coach is an NPC, that student’s frog Oozes, as well as studying how best to either avoid a
automatically loses the race. fight with such creatures or battle them and emerge
triumphant. The class’s professor is Verelda Lang
Relationship Encounter (chaotic neutral dryad professor from Witherbloom
At the race, characters might mingle with other stu­ College), a respected arcano-biologist who teaches
dents. If there are students the characters wish to Quandrix College courses in addition to her Wither­
earn Relationship Points with, treat this as a Rela­ bloom College and general education offerings.
tionship encounter. Have players note the results of This course’s first Exam takes place a short while
this encounter on their copies of the tracking sheet. after the events of the “A Great Frog Race” section
and sees students tested on their knowledge of the
They’ve Gone Berserk! creatures known as slaadi. The rules for Exams can
After the race ends, the four frogs start belching be found earlier in this chapter.
strangely, and their eyes turn red. As the charac­
Studying Phase________
ters and the other students look on, the frogs sud­
denly grow into four giant frogs, shredding their The day before the Exam, the characters can study
the course material. A character can use any ability
makeshift costumes and furiously lashing out at
check and skill during the Studying phase. 9
the crowd! a


Once you’ve asked each player how their charac­ All about Slaadi
ter is approaching the Studying phase, resolve that To give this Exam more flavor, describe some of the
phase by having each character who studies make facts the characters are trying to memorize, such as
a DC 12 ability check. Make sure players keep track the following:
of their characters' rerolls and apply them during • Slaadi are Aberrations known for their regenerative
the Testing phase. abilities and magic resistance.
• All slaadi are dangerous and unpredictable, but red
Testing Phase slaadi and blue slaadi are the least powerful and
don't cast spells.
On the day of the Exam, each character makes two • Red slaadi can use a gland under one of their claws
ability checks related to parts of the test: to implant an egg into a Humanoid. The egg even­
tually becomes a tadpole that bursts from the host’s
Slaad Facts. Choosing the correct multiple choice
body and transforms into a full-grown blue slaad, or
answers to questions about red, blue, green, gray, a green slaad if the host could cast spells of 3rd level
and death slaadi requires a successful DC 12 In­ or higher.
telligence (Arcana) check. • Green, gray, and death slaadi can shape-shift into
Defusing Slaad Confrontations. Writing short Small or Medium Humanoids.
essays about commonly accepted ways to • A green slaad usually wields a staff and can hurl both
keep slaadi calm during unexpected encoun­ fireballs and magical flames at its foes.
• Death slaadi are rumored to have a stench so bad
ters requires a successful DC 12 Wisdom (In­
it can be deadly. In reality, they can cast the cloud­
sight) check. kill spell.
Have each player note their character’s Exam re­ • Inexperienced scholars and adventurers some­
times assume that "slaad" is a misspelling or mis­
sults—how many Student Dice they gained and what
pronunciation. Calling these creatures “salads" is
skills they used during the test—on their copies of
frowned upon.
the tracking sheet.

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