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_::·~ ~ s,htli
(Zet,L, Ne)· ~- 1=1--CI I 0~-'6 ~M-lSern
A-~SI ctN M £NT C.OURSG.. :- A-t-tT-301
()A-,- C..f1 ; - W ll-12'

-t f-Re:St1 VE:,~ t.TA-&L-E:. S TOR.It~£,•.-

-, s~ Loht ~ ~ °" resh

v~~a,ble. Is l\i' t ~ lu
red,u.c~ resrl i-a!fo., St\.£ ~~ t-all 01\ raJ--,e.,
to a.. ""-nu~
poss\bte. a"°-1---fi\t'.s lat\ bQ. a-e.1'1e»~ ~'--
~ !-'\al n-1-a\ nI tQ-111f ei--a.1u-e. h eai-- ID (') "C- .

!j ~Y'\ct-e as I n J,, vet~--Hve, ~ \&.H4 ~ s/ r tV

,') 6 J ~ ~ - ~s 'f.
7 Vvtoctlfj\Y\t c_~ rerc~rdcf e- \n 8J r ~
~ \\\e , \Jeal ~et aJi .u- e._ °\\-en d.4'e>tcls. (!)\'\ f1x,e, t~taJN.
ot-\€l" ~ !;he, f~ .
- f-.eco111~Wel g\o i;e , ~ ~ vie:.¼ableb .
\- l\- c.., - a:\-<:..
<;- rfc - ~ fla.I-ct:, I fo{a,"TT) clt. .
) lo"c.. - ~t-tmp\c.\n I G' 1e .r .
7 ~A-srt t N~ '.-
Wa-; ;h\ i \ s w,ed_ nC!lt ~ 1-o \-" ove. , ~
~ &~1fce, i
IV\ U0 --0 i;8-l'\AS I-IL~
8-U>O '1J t'WY\O \le,
H J clei, 1 '1VV>aJ'icicl0,. AA.Cl ~e r f)eb~Jd.ei:, from
v,e1u1-e,l, . \)jo5n,{, 4. J~ eo ~~ $ o l ~ ~ or
~e Y 9ohA,\;i "1£1'$ ~ ('a..11., e_, ;W IJ;1
~ CO'rll f\~ l'e/YIW

. th ~~ ve2>,c,lue.h .
,e.l lo.~ A Macl-ilrie w\~ a.bta.sloti d.Q.(Jfce, Cfo-k+ol¼, n>&t vr, ei.J
~ G.~wpN\~ wi ~ 14,,\vu Catt,t'eb, ~~, ro➔cJo'tb o.k)
_,, ~tSp~ wH·h ~t)-l9,~h-i ~eJv~ ~ CJo~v,e:J-alll~).

b> th ~fcaL'.-
. . ,_, S~I\ ea.I'\ ll,U,o be. ~ ~ the ~ h .q
./1s:;<.c.eb ~

S...\it'f\~i~ ~e:ki.,blf), \ II, 1i.«>t ~ ~ ~ . '-'d

~ M~ be.

Ws 8JL Vdl" a. \bnmdr-aJl'fl11 1 ~ !:J • s -3·/ . a1 ~ gz,•c

t°r a Shra+ ~ tvte. ~~c,J (J;. s - in-t!.-i) .
9 lh.QV~al !-
V~d --b l~ ~1th ¼Fck s~tt 8b b~ ; ~a lo~ 1 c ~
J 9<.oeel ~a¼v-e.!. ~ be, ~eted, wf¾ S~CM-vt ~
~ e ,,J:;- 10 a:hv\,) OJ, -ttig ~QAS -t¾ ~
hDL-/'C<>i t
V{l,l>Scib. Whe.t +i..e, rl-V>Sute. fs ~ ~i
;! ' J s. ~
~ +-
~ &e__ s~~ ~~ A- ~e b the- s~n ~
era ~. !he.£,~ YI'? ~\ w~h.eol. ~ wHt, jeh
~ w ~ a¼- high f ~ ~ 1n 12.a!M) . V

--, Mehttcl ~~ is LU>ect wh.en ihe__ ~ n-i.~

i IY] $$ lbte. (') r So" " e.HM ,el> ol5 a. Q!1n ~l e.li6.... 1 11, e__ ~e >-

~a .
fli ,-.e_e

~ ~LANtHI Nli '.-

. The, sfe.e.!al heat h-eatM.Qkct; In l l\W'\v@e e,,. ~" " e. s Is

lltiow ti 8!:. bt811c.hl nt • Srviatl V~ et.>

1 ~~
wii ~ e..
b~~ \" ~Ut\S w ~ \t\ ~ rr d~ o..- ~o ,

Laite.. ~ \ es II\, reiiul ~ 3Wetal.- rn \ tu.deh .

- Br\ 0 fd.ei,- fo ..-eouue. ~e G 1r ~L e_ S\,,bSial\c..e1,

Cmt n e.i-el ~ / V~ I IV> J sr eF) c,ct.u.\1'"t o!uti "i

be~ d.e tJ~ ~ .
~ b\. &\~ f~ 1 seve.ral h\~ oJ . ~a.ue.
~-No -~ Te tllf ~ 8e!U11t at Bs- a&C. II\$ ~ 1 101/c_ .

- ~ le.rt Ji I nt J 5if cJ etJ---

Htri e li8" lz> be u&t- hi /~&-ll vcJ-.e..
eJ\ ~ meh cata1as~ t 'pei-o)C f&8-' e. .

----'? Q.lahcli\i f tahi~tcS

1 &>me.. V~bles ' -
Ve~clcile. lemp~ ~L-- 111-vte I rn)t) .

- f ea..s is - eo .2.--:f-
- ct~ b~ ~ o-- e~ t--s
- Cae.qlol,Jer l?,n.lll>it 2..

- Ca~ ~o '5-S"

- P~ 1o ~

-'> Cw-ti i aj_ t>~b leh 31,W- toalor I~ (') 1- s ~

Is pe>"rbl fn o,J,ei,- ~ ~d ~teS&lve.
•j tt-ie, f-/'G&u~ atJ, has b ~t.0 !h\rn eJJ4 ~
~Q s~~ ~s .

7 RbLf Df £rHttlf.Ne_ J!:!_ fosr1-t~v~ST L~r;_

- ""Ti le.\" "~ ~e,_1 ~oQ.. as a pla,J- ti-o..-i/1,
~tt.Ja J.,r his be.e.t, ~}al,~s~ed. ©Uet- fliQ. (as\- -::ro '/~ .
11-,e. t11os+- C.otnrno>ilj f41.otu tt1,e._ '°I: ~It h ,e_ I5 ~
h-ltger Hf ~\"tI':I SoMe.- ctt> \,s 1 ~ w1i as 'o2,l\a.t1 as <l;--
~~cadr>s . ~~ 1f\katio~ ~ ~I~~ a¼ a Cot\,mili.~ t/4:te.
Y'f\QcU\5 -theb these.. pn')ctw,\;s can b~ p~~ m rJ\~ CtU>k>~
asql1'j ~ eat( .1he. t;111e. aid Vi lf~ ' f-reamte.J- al.!

tr~ -\1\e. ta¼e. °fj iifOru~ wlth ~ bel°t

~F°a)u.te. b~M tt l5 to ~V~c. Bt\.ol ~"~
rf~a: { U-
h.llh1lcU~ 1
~r;-9 0'/o • tlh~~ on a ch~\ cd p~n~ ~le t,~ C8J'\
ptomol-e. WJetal ben1ts ~ a{, ~ t th\nn ii ~fle s 1
chQJ+le~ ,F-+ looten\nvt \oHer tt> hawee+- ~) J CObw--
cl~elorrnruJ;Ca~p\Q~ 1 d~b ~I~ cc;~) I Pl"'~ 1rcl.u.t.nDl1
Cpi neat,p las) . 'b I .,

°=; Vt.~eTli-BLf. DR'-/INC, ( () ~t1~flR.A'TION :-

8h -the.. pnx.Q$ i ~i~t Or ~a. \-lo n 51t1cten.b mclt>h..u-e, ts
retnouQd.. bQ -!he. ~J; on ~ aHi~clcJ 1-iea¼- ~v -
c~l lec l utdHio115 ® 'I~ 1~•& ~i ~''ftoc.u hi
~~ {he_ p~ from e;~~t8fe .
- A-11 clJ.1er1 u~a bles .:<le.- ~ 'oj ~fl€ Ct:lO i<-l1 ·
q~~ct 1u.atl~ ~~ ►.~, ~ coo~~ a-ncL 'rh-
~\t)M ~

:, ~
1oe emtia... wc.oo'kd- ~1 i
~c. .e_ . T1te.. ~~ SM.t.l~tlC001cl~ "'e#tod.,; Af't.
~co m~

~ &ul~ M~ ·.- ~ walet is ~ rr;- tie, ~ecl .., ~

ten ltrn!'S 1 1
~ fiocluJ, •
ti> Slt>t0 Me±iu>!~-~ woo )s cdieol tt) ~ ~ vr\lQ.
/.UICl is Let+ fo Sf'A.k t"'
I .\o 'l.. li(')(.US ~i-e . ~
wd ~
kl, ,
ne ~ ltt -lite.. sCUVLe.. '30<l111 •
cook.l, 11111.e. lb s ~ #'C UL~ °'t
<h.e.. qulck r11.efu>cl .

ry f ltci<.M l N~
- 11ie ~Int i rf-k arul 1CJ}a1les s~oul&_ r~
l-'1e.tvt ~ l~ j ah.d. ~ ~~ ; ih.e.. ai11.uenle,J..-
'r ha,iJ,t.l j ah& rnarke,11,'e . 1fte cos+- i
-!he.- tx,dc.8€1 'lf
r$ I rnr'rl~ / (hUt.dJnt ~heJh. Qr the_ (0 Mc?.JN2r QV\ be_
~c.ted. (!)r t·e.1ts,e!.
l-\ or H~ ptochtds Gt-towel b~ C0b\Bd._ ~ hAfiJ~
~c l olM1; ~f0.+ . 84- ls v~ 1m ,ro ~ -t-h~ th~
t ~ chcJ n l ~ co~h.tJ.Dl~ .Tru.d~ ~r ~ ~
"""J be. ~ It ~ 1 or Solvlclihles
jt1.St be.- l"- $~ ~ _
2 l r s h.lf'h\ ~ J
j-\-- \s ell ~c,J;\- {n COi\h.l ,1-1, e_ m m _~
- fw ~ Sh..\'~Q'.l\. ~ air should... be. w
~ a~
pre.coo lel .
- lfle. tuie. 't. Ceh.lrottd.- aJ~h12.11 c. C&ndJl-/o>i~ 1 as. a~

i redudi Ii\ e_a{ Ll\0,i./ cal pi-es~ al-\ ~e-' a "'cl

~Q .

~Q&Hddes; ¥last~ pa~2-1 tor ~e ~ o h ~

~a w~ +- tos~ {t\e ~t.-leha.nue... ~ ttuhitive.. vcL.t.e__
~ t>iBhO le.p\te..-'tS .

7 Vf-~£.r4'6Le, fOl-<JDE:.R f1<_oe, I Nc;

1hi & -fec1ih.oloi~ has bee.h u.secl l'Y\al11~

pal-aloes c~('.)u..t-
4 +lal<.e0 1c.arro+s C powder) Md ~ rorna-\-o~s c~wc\er) . ~n
C?rdet- +o cbtaJn ~QSe. tln lsh ~ ptOCl~ -H.~re... cSJ-e_ /too .
d-) o~,, 1 vidatl-es ~ h-m,fomiecl 1
lx,IU"'a a..J. slei,\'q •1~
it ~ lbh) d) ~ ~ clt f~ 00 ha:t!ed_ ~ e . 6
UU\c!ei- VB,C.UW1\ f~a -b~ ) ~ or sf~\,In ~ ~r.
~ PA-Gk.¥it~~ ~ SroR.FrCtt c,f- 0R\80 AND fD wo ~
V81 G.T it~Lf5
Dlltt i sto tf I the. rnok,l1u--Q. ron..le,J-- ~ Me t v~cla.bi12s /s. ~~
CO t \ ~ beCeU!>~ ' teWlue. luimlcU~ 1 ah, ii'\ sfo ~e . looh!S,
~ lh~c No .J-

,- -

➔ MW,luke- &Id_, ~I~ ~ "°me_ ~~ v~les

Kol6ht-t e.. Der-6 \ tj
~eanCt~) s t-b
I· 6-- I · 9
~e_~ 5
Cabbct t
s 3 · -s
o-4-- o ·f,
Gnlon 4-
s "3- 4--

fr Su.brn Tu ~ -
Dr- k. . S,r
.{) r. Pr&n i La Mo e-h\

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