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(* If writing collaboratively, I recommend copying this content into a Google doc in your project
folder to be able to work together asynchronously)

Workshop Report: [Title of Workshop]

Name(s) of student(s)


I. Summary of Workshop and Final Product (~1-2 paragraphs)

We were working on constructing our own text generator chatbot throughout this class. In order
to do so, we needed to first decide on the core and major purpose of our chatbot. As a result,
we've decided to build a chatbot that can help individuals in dealing with and coping with
friendship and relationship breakups. We are both psychology majors who are interested in the
way people act and think in relationships and how it affects them. That's how we came up with
the concept for our topic. We created an account on and began the procedure after
coming up with the idea.

Then, we gathered several sources that we thought would be beneficial in feeding the chatbot,
soit can be trained well and be able to answer the right answers to the users that are using it.

II. Description of Process and Design/Creative Decisions (~1-2 paragraphs)

To create our chatbot, we have underwent several steps. First, we had to create an account.
Second, we started thinking about a creative title or name that we can give our chatbout
anf that can also be related to our topic. Therefore, we decided to name our chatbout “Dr.
Heartbreak”. We gave it that name because it’s acting like a therapist so it should be a
doctor and the topic is about coping with breakups and heartbreaks.

III. Reflection (~2-3+ paragraphs. See workshop description for guidelines)

* Feel free to include links to your documentation in your google folder, if applicable.

* Strong reports will include specifics from the workshop product (quotations, examples, etc)

* All workshop reports are expected to engage specifically with the content of the course,
including referencing at least one reading (consider also annotations, class discussion, etc)

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