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@ BAOSTEEL 3 ENA TN BAOSTEEL GO ELECTRICAL STEEL Early Vendor Involvement 7 HATTA EVI = Fa 1 Baosteel Electrical Stee! Intertek BAOSTEEL GO ELECTRICAL STEEL |Early Vendor Involvement mmm SMEVIZE& | Baosteel EVI Concept SOONER RITA RR MORA RBCS, To be customer’ sincere and reliable partner in providing RTAS HHAR seca se and ter suns fo achieve wi wn mmm SMEVISC{L | Baosteel EVI Culture PRESTR BRA tA Customer Thinking From customer, Serve customer, Achieve customer wmee— SEM AT LPS MERRIE Et AR RTE, MOS ‘Synergy Thinking —Same target, Networking, One word ing Thinking — Professional, Sincere dedication, Beyond expectation mmm S998 (6) EVI | Baosteel EVI for GO Electrical Steel HALRB RAMA RHR: SsiSiaataeMschs, LieitemuMbAMIERE; OR isReP AMEN, RBA RA; ORAMLRRR, MUN See RTE; Oa MARNE, TERA RORPD, Baosteel could offer a variety of specialized services and technical support from material selection in design of transformer cores to transformer manufacturing, including (© Waterial electing in core design for propery/cost conto {© optimization of ste! and structure in terms of cost and performance purposes (© Technica support for core manufacturing to ensure the best performance {@ recommendation ofnew products and technologies to enhance the competitiveness of transformer products == SEHRADLAT MAANARBAD | Perfect Product System of GO Electrical Steel © 21: AOSTA, SPRATT, OR: BEL, TTL, ATMEL OREN TRREROLTBER, SRSA © Sia: BENS BANE O CSW Kg OR A: RABAT TEAM OOM mERRS LURE NA O1 swmasrusmnr ssosres co ED CL ee ira @ experience: Devoted in grain-orented electrical ste! 40 years ago, with a complete capability of RED, manufacturing and application (© Products: great variety of products, including convetional, high permeability domain refine, low magnetostricion and chromate-ree coating galn-orented elececal steel © Grade: The most advanced grade with ron loss P17/50 lower than O.6SWikg, (© Abit: The ever fis steel company In China who developed low-temperature reheating technology with the ability of ‘manufacturing 100% high grade rain-orfented electrical stl. 27QG100-H (#unss38KFS) 270G120-H (HUBS) 827R080 B27R085 me B27R085-LM B27RO90 B27RO9S __Hestresstere B27ROSS-LM eee eet 827P090 “~Y << 'B30R090 B30R095 B27P095, RERBHRAL Eenvironmenttriendly B30R100 B30R105 B23R085 A Domain refined, 827P100 2 B23R090— aemmami, am ao imjsnie, 830P095 830P100 Domain refined NSGO Domsinvefined B30P105 B30P120 B23P085 23050 tm, 4 wane 30QG105-H (Huns) B23P095 B23P100 NsGo ——0.27mm = sree — 3006120-H (euaIHS) B20P080 = QF ‘exvivormeni-fiendly” B30P100-LM B30P105-LM_ B30P120-LM mmm B20P085 23mm 0.30mM guy, ee Heat resistant 0.20 830G120 B30G130 yy Neto: P= 660 B20Ro6s —oaeeme, = (NSGO 035mm Bssc135 B20R070 B35G145 B20R075 Brenogg: 018mm B35G155 ee, Se amma pisross _, Davsneined B18R070 3h EPAPER SUMMA HE BESTS “LM OLN ERI SBMS OH ARERR S. Note: Baashan base GO electrical tee grades forilustation, (Grades suffix with “LM or LN" stand forlow magnetostction products (Grades sued with “H" stand for ehromate-fee coating products. sookvee Em TOV SEEES 1OOOKVESREA = SOOKE © ARR a SOOKV AC transformer TSOKVAC transformer 1OO0KV AC transformer 2800V DC transformer Energy efficiency lstribution transformer snostee. co RLECMCAL STEEL Ext) Verderincienen RmBECAETA OP Pea ees mmm NABLASHRAM ADR | Comprehensive Technical Solutions for GO Electrical Steel FESR RBM MGB IG Complete Material Database Support for Transformer Use ARRHORAN SEEM TRIER, DAMIEN Continuously updating and improving properties database ‘SURIERE, SSAWHERRIERERRIA TD ALES —AIISEES of Baoste! products Yor transformer vse, supporting custom RBA Reeas fs wth arange of ull et of data from mechanical properties BES Ie RAE ESSER, THRIR ats SI Sd baie magneve properties athe properties unde peda. ERIE 8 ESCRIE, working conditions. According to the diverse requirements, Baostee! can provide customers with performance data, the ‘original curves, an other forms of data, TRMAMILIEREE Transformer material database Biaeuieth ae te pray Pree! eines wie Core loss curves Tensile strength MRE Sa AC Exciting power curves Number of bends am od AC Exciting curves Yield strength Syren SER D.CMagnetization curves/D.C. Permeability curves Elongation ORI cag Core oss at high frequency Hardness FEANEREMIRIS Property Test Support 1) HEEMRFE Magnetic Property Test Platform RSC ES, SPUR A HRT E—HAR HH NMR, LURE-P, BH, HUE AO FRAC, BARRETT \With complete material property test platform, Baostee! could provide customers with magnetic property data at any fre quency and magnetic Mux density ofall sizeof the material, find the measurement of BP -H and Hey and other forms of ‘magnetic property curve, 10 fully make use of the material properties atthe greatest extent O83 semasrmsinr siosree co 2) amRuERERE Typical Magnetic Properties AETRa LMS see S MTR “Typical magnetic properties of major grain-oriente electrical steel grades Cre Ed pee 5 EE Dios i.e Ero Se ue et Es Conventional Grades asain aun High Permeabiity Grades ames Domain Refined High Permeability Grades 3) eit nae 8236110 8276120 306120 8356135 arePoso 20Po80 823P08s 827P09s 827P100 0Pi0s 30P120 BreRoss 20R070 B2aR07s 2sR0so B2aR08s 27R08s 227R090 s0R0%0 0R100 ‘Typical Magnetic Curves 1 BIAREE ron Loss Curves o7 076 07 090 oss 059 082 ost 069 07 076 oat ost 056 057 059 082 064 08s on 099 104 108 ae 079 079 083 092 094 099 102 ry 068. om 77 80 02 08s oss. 094 198 139 198 199 198 189 192 191 191 191 131 191 131 192 191 191 191 190 192 191 185 190 190 wn 148 134 120 134 142 vat 132 ast 196 165 186 210 192 205 167 193 WARBATEREE Magneticfaxdensity 7) B23R080-SOH2 823R080-s0H2 HL Core loss (Wika) ROSTEEL GO LECTRICALSESLEwyVencerinvokenent seam OZ Pea ees 1m SEWRANTAWAEE ACMagnetic Curves TRSRATREE Magnetic fluxdensity (1) B23R0g0-SoHz 823R080-50H2 sm RRMIDEARE ating Power Curves BARRATEREE Magnetic flux density (7) B23R080-50HZ 823R080-60H2 NE cating power (Vivkg) OS sxwmaerwnmn sxosren. co itcrmea. srs. tay Yendornvevement RIC BRAEEHRER DC Magnetic Curves BURATEERE Magnetic uxdensty (7) 4) PRA RON MMA BLAM A BEG Permeability (mei) 8-H 823R080 |” — Hu 823R080 HBAPAEE Cecitng force A/mm) ‘Magnetic Curves Under Special Conditions 1m PRIBVARTFAVREE | Magnetic properties along various directions tM coe (U8 rage hadeney 48917 — er0r070 BROSTEEL GO RLECTRCALSTESLEwyVencerinokenet eMmEZEREA OB Pea ees RPLLAFIRIRSE FEUER’ Iron loss curves at various working temperatures 20 18 16 14 12 10 oa TRSRAVEREE Magnetic fluxdensity (1) °6 [— sazpr0c-s0%¢ | — s27P100-50c oa | — 27P100-80 | 827 100-100% 02 003005 on 0305 071 3 BIB Core loss (Wika) {RFABARSIG Application Support 1) BEPAHERE Material Selection ROeMHOHR, MHIBR, MERE BH RTE Considering overall the factors such as material properties ang HSS. RIBBON MLLER, SRS, prices, Baostel could supply technical support for material selection for the design of transformer cores. By effective comparison between different material through predicting core properties according to the design and process, the ‘optimal cost an be achieved. SOR RMR, TMI. 1.1) MORERRBREEARL High Efficiency Distribution Transformers, REATARD LMS Grain-oriented electrical ste! grades applied to high efficiency distribution transformers Ge pee Eee eeeneee ne ee Tenney CSE e i} va re nein bonus sao TE B23R075, sng cent torn sores O7 sxwmasxwnmnn sxosres. co iecrmea. ss. tay Vendor nvevement MMA BLAM A 1 B20R070: SREP, ,«=0.68W/kg, B,=LS1T. 8208070 :typicalvaluesP, .=O.8W/ig, BERRREA Magnetic fuxdensity (7) HERRETERAT Magneticfux density (1) B20RO70-50H2 820R070-50H2 820R070-50H2 B20R070-60H12 BROSTEEL GO RLECTRCALSTESLEwyVencerinokenest eS TEREA OB Pea ees é g i i 4 # e = 2 B20RO70-50Hz B20RO70-60H2 8-H 8208070 WLURADEREE Magnetic fuxdensty (7) — ty B20R070 BERRA Exciting force mm) OG sxwmmexwsinn sxosres. co itera, srs. Ea Vendornveement BEA Permeability (mH/m) MMA BLAM A 1 BLSROSS:SAMEP,,,=0.64N/kg, B=1.917, 8188055: typical values P, ,.-O Wiha, BERRREA Magnetic fuxdensity (7) BisRo6s-soH BiBR06s-soHz BiBRO6s-50H2 B18RO65-6oH2 HERRETERAT Magneticfux density (1) BAUER Exciting force Wm) SROSTEEL GO LECTRCALSTESLEwyVendoriuokenent seamen OQ Pea ees e caareete 3 3 4 ew e = 2 818R065-50H2 21 8R065-60H2 € i g é i : i e | = ae a i & e-rereRoss |~ 3 Hau B18R06S ‘EFI Exciting force (Wm) 41.1 xmmoexmpmnn snostes co tcrWcAl STL Ea Vendor iveiement REBAR Permeability (mim) EE Dios i.e Gl — Ieee ARE MLL ORLA (case — Cost-performance ratio analysis forthe distribution transformer RASMOVAM LET LRM ALTE High cost performance ratio is one motivation to use high BANE. PUM RE RNR MRS. M-630)/10- NXE, performance gran-arented electrical steel. For an energy ef ERA ASEM SHEDS, Imened trbuien vanfomer 2s an example casper formance ratio analysis between four Saosteel grades has be cotried out, 5 § z BRMRALERAL Magnet densty Git Desgned magnseaxdensy (1) sin cw taonn 800 35000} / 1 - + 22 ——— de & roo & saa0o} oo 4 se jo 5 sox Be Bi 2 | 2 Sian so powaiiceirieim wes cincninee, este eonaman wl bec wth ese ge will ise up 3-486 ROSTEEL GO ELECTRICAL STEELEavyVendorineohement seiRmBIIARIEAA 12 Eel ease ess a SA RIES LITBIBROSS, BIOROTORLAR High grade grain viented electrical steel B18R065, 820R070 S-M-315/10-NXIDSES, SITS EY i has been successul applied to manufacture the transformer ASI AR AE RARER EER, SM-315/IONXI, Noload loss and load loss meet the require ments of energy efficiency grade transformer, SRFAB1SROGS, B2OROTOMEIA)—AR MERE ABTERE Properties of energy efficiency gradel transformers made of B18ROSS or B20RO70 Prereanncs Eee) crea ea por Standard value Poteet SebsiTe, kw uso 258,301 (818068) Nosoad oss 329,332(620R070) ‘AEA, kW sees 2846, 2531 (818065) Ladies kW 2845, 2877 (8208070) emt. . 021.021 (6168065) Novoad current, % 119,021 (6208070) 133 smmmmrmemnn srostes cone ste EE Dios i.e 12) ARBARAMLA Large Power Transformers ARERATRGTR OSA Grain-oriented electrical steel grades applied to large power transformers 2sR080 030 2190 sa7R08s 2085 z180 8278090 sos 2190 8278095 080 190 B27P100 5093 a1 © Kl SSERAMSLAREMOASESO Case ——Dual milion transformers used in the ultra high voltage AC transmission project SWARMS LiKE IAT EA MRAM RQRAGSERNRS LORE WA he eBOOF- PS-1000000/1000, SEARS RUE, SALEM REA EER. Baostet high-grade grain-orented electrical stee!827ROSO was successful applied to manufacture the ual milion transformer ‘00#PS-1000000/1000 forthe wtra high voltage AC transmission project. Al the transformer properties including no-load loss, ‘no-ioad current and noize meet the design requirements. SRBBITROGOBIAUTRE Fs ELRWR ERE Properties ofthe dual milion transformer made of 8278090 Picea por ereaceetcrny Poteet SS eHARE, KW Renee 185, +158 1799 enn, % Norload caren, % ” oor 28,4810) 5 a Noise, dB(A) ROSTEEL GO LECTRCALSESLEwyVencerivohenent seimmBeA 1 CE Pea ees 1.3) SARAR-LRLELE special Demand—Low Noise Transformers WARS, AD, BARAT, nit With the development of national economy, population in TRE AER RSME. CRGREST ESR Grain oriented electrical steel grades applied to low noise transformers Cad See ed rere) od cites, substation load is Increasing. Requirements forlow noise transformers ae high ge UA 827R095.LM Adar BUA) B30P105-M Pron WI 4 LayT edge BI) s30P1204M Ce) JauiT 7 090 ast ” 101 as 7 104 191 se 098 2190 103 2190 196 2190 I, regency SRR, Freceney DPR A, 8) BEA, RERSTARANSOHE, ABN TTS ROA RIAA (AH) a ros SSS toriasa PSHE A Note: Au, be the A'weighted magnetostriction velocity level atthe frequency of SOHz and the magnetic flux density of 1.77 415 sxmmosexmsmnn snostes. co tcrwcat srk tay Vendor invehement EE Dios i.e 1 BEFBRROL Cases LUERANEMRESRACHE, BRIE With transtormer noise 2-3d8A) lower than the requirement, WESRIG(E2-2d8(A), MARGIE Baostee! low magnetostction GO electrical steel has been widely accepted by customers SEERA SISSIES Properties of transformers made of low magnetostriction grain-orlented electrical steel Beal Co eer eet ca) roan eat Ded Coes Pane Poetry $8211-240000/22080 85588 'Z11-240000/220 vanstormer nad - re) ‘SB11-M-500/1 oP FESS ‘SB1T-M-500/10 transformer mained amened eso) FS2-180000/2208 55588 'F57-180000/220 transformer nad en aera $2-50000/110M/SEFERE 2-50000/110 transformer cee eaeay ese) ‘ScB11-1000/108 EEE SCB1'-1000/10 transformer ace BE see BKS. 750007238058 FR 8 rae a 754810) 72488) 724810) 2) AEH Simulation Analysis © REHEARSE PIR THE © Ablityo provide no-load characteristic analysis O Rai © Abily to simulate magnetic fed disvibution © Re RAISER © Ability to simulate OC magnetic bias characterises ena mmEtiOE © Aly to simulate harmonve characteris ROSTEEL GO RLECTRCALSTESLEwyVencerinohenest semBB ERA 1G Pea ees 3) ABSTDASIS Technical Supportin Materia liting and Cross Cuting ed Dette co Ora ere] Pere sabity ABR ating tool factors omnes exams ennise enagens AKO sR emai SESSA EAN Other factors (© blade condition orm Mpbetveenblades 600d cutting quality is important aes as wensirenoda characters of oe © crinding reison eo namite: crnaing ee © Gap betwen platens @ Tension pressure © Postion fides © seoxatonsng aed Material factors ox Oneness eee eed een an Pion) 417 sxmmorermpmnn snostes. co tcrWcat STL Ea Verdoriveiement EE Dios i.e 4) SSPRILIRRASIS Technical upportin Special Operating Condition 4.1) BURL — OC Magnetic Bias & & & & 5 a 5 WBIRTRRE Magne eccensy 5 ‘HER ocala d 4.2) ERIWR High Order Harmonic iL = Ss ae 2 eater acenas oa WEBAR Magneicnardensty 2 Hormone ROSTEEL GO RLECTRCALSTESLEwyVencerinohenent seMmBS ERIE 1B SUMRRAARAA) http:wwww BAOSHAN IRON & STEEL Inpitwwwwbaosteel. com up. ‘eig-ort.sns05606 eR co7 20404818 RRRMEO RABAT ‘aug:o77atza6800 sensor atzaez24 SMMRMSA BRERA HOWATRADINGCO, LTD, SEOUL OFFICE TeL:onersazerov1 TEL: o0m2-2s000009 Fax onetazavai2s FAX ooR2s06060% SRRMAR BARA [BAOSTEEL SINGAPORE FTELTO, seararaoaent VIETNAM OFFICE SREHABAN ‘BAOSTEEL EUROPE GMBH ERRATA RORRAA ‘BAOSTEEL ITALIADISTRIBUTION CENTER SPA TEL ooae.o.s208872| Fax: onae.or0906874 eee SRRHER AIA [BAOSTEEL AMERICA INC. ‘TEL: 0012073073055, Fax: 0082012072368 mEBtteR MEXICO OFFICE TEL oosz6sar711706 ed EPSP RMSE SHRI soMOrS ‘CRS Sal Department Customer and Product Service Department Baosteel Service Hotline Ses DESIST Met: PRUNTORINNST su: 201600 sna: z01e00| 90-20-00 sa:021- 20540528 2:02 25645808 femort2e605840 femcortze6es827 PTE LASMRMRRARAD CMSMASRRERAS ALRMLSRAMAS RORMRARAR "e3f-o20.32719999 9: 020.3215 RR RAMA] ‘auf-ozsanaorse encozsra9100 een eee SURARDURRAR BARI BAO AUSTRALIAPTY LTD, TEL: oo 910595 Faxon 8.10596 Grane eee a Cine ea "938 -020.05095008 feRco7aass5800 ERA ROT MAT "93:02. 25ec0606 seacortze6e0856 '@3f:01055512000 fercorese5:2109 teem RABAD ‘93:07 2e040781 #eRc02122600700 Bowiestet IRMA MELBOURNE OFFICE BGMCO,LTD KAOHSIUNG OFFICE TELoneto-0626H60 TEL:008270-225010 TEL: Oma. 295605 FAX OUSTAREREIERS FAK ODED. 254568 FAX OONE--205E00 Sena _BAOSTEEL NDIA COMPANY PRNATELTD Semita — eMefe THAILAND OFFICE INDONESIA OFFICE SRA BAOSTEEL ESPANA Si, TeL:onsecvt922s seomefteh [BAOSTEEL CENTRAL AND EAST EUROPE REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE TEL: 04e-2-7916012 Fax ooueazrats011 smbRAA ‘BAOSTEEL MIDDLE EAST FZE TEL: oor a640458, Fax. 006718840485 arma LOS ANGELES OFFICE TEL 01-049-7526709| Fax: oor ouore2t234 SmeRaRAA BAOSTEEL D0 BRAZILLTOA TEL: 066-1-26670869 088-1-26670879 me RHR ‘CANADA OFFICE TEL 00 s05:7395885, pmmereaas ‘CALGARY OFFICE Tet ootaoos21606 Pax oonamaser428 2OIBS EBS. urea Sarg Ce Dacev tensc0101 ATM FRSA

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