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You work for a water quality testing laboratory and have been tasked with interpreting the
results of a recent analysis of drinking water samples collected from a local municipality.
The laboratory has conducted various tests on the drinking water samples as shown in the
table below.


Client: Momba District Council Collected by: RM
Project: Analytical Laboratory Services Project Number: CL000001
Date collected: 21st December 2023 Time collected: 07:35 AM
Collection site: Songwe river Lab Number: 01000
Analysis Results Units
Total Coliforms bacteria Absent CFU/100 ml
E. Coli Absent CFU/100 ml
Turbidity 3 NTU
Ph 7.5
Nitrate-nitrite <2.0 mg/L

Interprete the results and provide recommendation.

2. In a small suburban community, a sudden surge in gastrointestinal illnesses among

residents who consumed water directly from the local municipal water supply, which uses
surface water as its source. Concerned about the situation, the local health department
and environmental authorities swing into action to investigate the cause of this outbreak.
What water quality parameters might be investigated to identify the cause?

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