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Short story by……..:




Simangaliso a.k.a SIMAH!!!

25 February 2019
Chapter 1

*Nelly:* Kelly we both know you the luckiest girl on earth

so please stop annoying me.
*Me..:* Come on Nelly. I told you many times that i don't
love Jonny.. He is all yours..
*Her..:* Then why is he always following you though??
Sometimes i wonder why we shared the same womb.. You
such a hater.
*Me...:* But i love you like that.
*Her...:* Nxaaa.

Hi guys, guess you already know my name. Im Kelly John

and we are only two with my twin Nelly John.. Im sure you
wondering what kinda twins are we, well let me help you
with that...

We are identical twins but Nelly is really fat and a bit dark.
Im slim and a bit light. And about beauty, i think we are at
a same level.. It all depends with how you see us. Well we
are black but i don't know why we have an English
surname though. I never asked. We are not rich nor poor,
but average. We stay in Highfield, yeah we are ghetto girls
kkkkk.. Ooh sorry, we are 21. At school we were both
bright and we passed then went to college. I was doing
journalism and Nelly was doing engineering.. My mom was
a nurse but she retired and my father was a police
detective. So here we go, there is nothing we did that dady
never find out kkkk..

I loved my twinny so much and she does too. But the time
we started going to college, she started changing. She was
now moody and rough sometimes. And by the way she
was talkative and i was her opposite, i was quiet. But i
always made sure that i didn't take whatever she said or
do to heart. That's how much i loved her.. I was not into
boys hangu and her, she wasn't into boys too but i think
she started this guys thing when she started playing with
this other girl called Belinda. I noticed that the girl was a
bad influence and i tried warning her but she never

I ended up letting her be because the last thing i wanted

was for us to fight every time.. So days passed and we
were only left with few months to complete our courses.. I
was so excited about going to work.. So what happened is
that, Nelly was that kinda girl who would date someone
for his money, then after some days, dump him. Inini i was
still single and i could feel it in me that i was not yet ready
to be in love.. By the way i have my friend Gabriella who
was 4 years older than me. She was already going to work.
I loved her so much. She was like my big sister.. And she
was just cool despite the fact that she came from a well up
family. She stayed in Brook.
So this other day we were going home from school, by the
way we were at Harare Polytechnic. We were 3, Nelly,
Belinda and i.. So we used road yekuMakombe when going
home. We were just talking hedu. This day my twin was in
a good mood, i don't know why.. So all of a sudden, a
certain car yakamira pamberi pedu.. The man in the car,
lowered his window then said...

*Him..:* Hi girls!
(That time my twin and her friend vakabva vatanga
*Nelly.:* Hey im Nelly.
(I felt embarrassed so i started walking..)
*Him...:* Nice im Jonny. What's her name?
(He was now asking about my name.)
*Belly.:* Kelly, they are twins.
*Him..:* I wanna talk to her..
(I started advancing because i really didn't wanna talk to
him.. He then started driving leaving Nelly and Belly
behind, following me.)
*Him..:* Hi Kelly. You are really beautiful hey. Can i give
you a ride?
*Me...:* (silent.....)
*Him..:* Come on girl i won't do anything to you.
*Me...:* Thank you sir but im not interested..

With those words, i started running. Its a good thing he

didn't follow. I waited for Belly and Nelly pacorner yepaQE
High.. They started laughing at me for running away but i
didn't care hangu.. We then continued with our journey.
We went home hedu talking.. Days passed and that Jonny
guy anga akutotimirira pagate repaschool everyday.. He
wanted my digits but i didn't wanna give him.. I noticed
that Nelly was now falling for the guy because he looked
rich and classy.. So she started the moody and rough game
again because maybe she thought i loved the guy too.. So
the conversation on the start of this chapter, we had it at
home after that Jonny guy gave her something to give me...

*Me...:* Ok fine Nelly, i will tell daddy to threaten him so

that he can stop following me. That way pamwe you can
understand the i have nothing to do with him..
*Her...:* What?? That's rude.. You know dad will get him
arrested. Ok fine if you say you don't love him..

I suggested that not because i really wanted daddy to

threaten him, but i wanted my twin to believe me.. I then
thought of a useful plan then.. The next day we went to
school as well, and as usual we found Jonny waiting for us
by the gate after school.. He insisted on giving us a ride
and i told the girls kuti tiende naye.. Nelly sat kufront and i
was kuback naBelinda..
*Jonny:* So Kelly who's the older twin between you two?
(Can you imagine he was asking someone behind, not
asking Nelly aive kufront..)
*Nelly.:* Im the older twin..
(She said that smiling)
*Him..:* I noticed that, Kelly is so childish.. So now Kelly
can i please have your number??
*Me...:* Ok its 0737 373 737
( i saw Nelly smiling.. I gave Jonny her number because
she was so eager to be part of that guy's life zvee..)
*Jonny:* Thanks a lot hey..

He sounded so happy and i just smiled. If only he knew he

was given the wrong number kkkk.. Well he drove off to
Market Square then we thanked him. This day i made
Nelly so happy i tell you. Well we parted ways with
Belinda, aigara kuGlen Norah.. We went home. This day we
found our uncle (mom's brother there..) He was the last
born and still single.. He was really free and friendly. We
were both close..

*Me...:* Uncle long time, how are you? Afternoon mom.

*Him.:* My favourite one. Im good and you?
*Me...:* Im ok.
*Him..:* Nelly didn't you see me?
*Her...:* Ooh sorry i was busy replying my friend. How are
*Him...:* Fine. I want you guys to accompany me to
*Me....:* Am i gonna get some zap nacks?
*Him...:* Kkkk this one with junk food. Of course you will.

Nelly was busy on her phone, i suspected that she was

talking to Jonny. I was so excited about going to the
shopping centre with uncle. You know i was a huge fan of
mazap.. We first ate then said goodbye to mom.. Along the
way i was telling uncle about school and staff..

*Him..:* There is a friend of mine who's waiting for us at

*Me...:* Mmmm that doesn't sound good. Am i still gonna
get my things??
*Him..:* Of course you will. And Nelly, who are you talking
to really??
*Her...:* A close friend kkkk

We let her be because yoh she was enjoying herself.

Takazosvika hedu and we went to OK Supermarket,
ndokwaive kwakamira shamwari yauncle. You know uncle
was really handsome and chikoro chaivepo hacho.. But as
the last born you know, hapana chine msoro chaiitwa
kkkkk. Kwaingove kungobata ichi, vosiya, vobata futi ichi
haaa zvakaoma.. We saw his friend akatimirira.
Pandakangoti baa the so called friend, my heart skipped
and i don't know why.. He was really handsome but he
looked poor and you could tell that things were tough on
his side.. But he looked cool though.. Uncle said...

*Him...:* Sorry Sean we delayed.. These are my two

beautiful nieces.. This one is Ke...
(Before he finished his sentence my phone started ringing.
That was Gabriella.. I excused myself.)

*Me...:* Hey sweety how are you?

📲.....: Im good hunny. Im at Machipisa Shopping Centre. I
wanna see you.
*Me...:* Wow that's where i am too, where are you exactly?
📲....: Im opposite TM supermarket..
*Me...:* Ok wait i will be there shortly..
(I hung up...)

*Me...:* Uncle my friend is here, will see you at home ok.

*Him..:* Ok let me introduce you to my friend first..
*Me...:* Make it quick she's waiting for me.
*Him..:* Ok Sean this is Kelly and Nelly. Guys he is Sean my
*Me...:* Nice to meet you Sean (we did a handshake)
(He then raised his hand to handshake Nelly)
*Nelly..:* Did you wash your hands first?? Nice to meet
*Sean..:* I always dreamt of dating a rough guy, i think i
love this one kkkkk
*Nelly..:* Are you out of your mind?? Do you think i can
date a street adult like you?? Nxaaa you smelling bad too..
(I saw a tear drop falling down his left cheek. I couldn't
wait to witness more of this..)
*Me...:* Ook will see you later guys..
*Sean.:* Can i come with you??

How is it??

Who is Jonny really??

Why is Nelly that harsh when is comes to boys??

Why was Sean crying??

Will Kelly agree on him coming with her??

Stay tuned...
Chapter 2

*Me...:* Oooh i would love that but its been long since i last
be with my friend, so we kinda like need our time alone..
*Him..:* Ooh OK, i guess i am really embarrassing..
(My heart skipped, i didn't want him to take it that way.)
*Me....:* Not my point exactly. Ok we can go..
*Him...:* Kkkkk am jut kidding, you can go am pretty sure
your friend is waiting for you.
(At least he smiled and wait,,, he had a handsome smile

I then said goodbye and excused my self. Now let me tell

you the reason why i didnt want Sean to come with me.. Its
not like he was looking too bad, no he was really
handsome that you wouldn't even think about his
dressing.. But i was feeling kamwe kanervous soo around
him.. So i knew i was never gonna have the best of time
with Gabriella because of his presence.. That is what i was
avoiding.. After all why would he wanna accompany me
leaving his friend behind?? That doesn't make any sense
though.. Well i walked to where Gab was(that was my
shortcut for Gabriella). I found her standing by her car,
about to call me.. I ran to her, geez i had missed her.. We
hugged so tight..

*Me...:* Girlfriend this is not healthy. Kurova kudai here

*Her...:* I was busy with work Darling but im back to you
*Me....:* Im glad you are. How's my bamkuru by the way?
*Her....:* Kkkkkk that one, i dumped him..
(I was shocked i tell you.)
*Me....:* What?? Why?
*Her....:* Not now hunny. Now is there somewhere you
want us to go?
*Me....:* Mmm nop but togona kuenda kuseri kwaOK, i will
introduce you to my uncle.
*Her...:* Ok girl..

Takapinda mumota and she started her car.. But nyaya

yemkomana wake was eating me up.. You know her bf was
handsome and rich.. I couldn't figure out why she had to
dump him.. Well ndakazongoti maybe she was joking, then
let it go. Takazosvika kuseri kuya and found my uncle with
his friend, im sure Nelly had disappeared.. Gab parked few
metres from them.. We went out of the car then walked to
where they were.. Tichingosvika my uncle froze looking at
Gab, i was expecting it hangu ko she was a hit zvee kkkkk..
*Me...:* Where is Nelly??
*Him..:* She did exactly what you did, received a call then
excused herself..
*Me....:* Kkkk manje inini ndadzoka along with my caller,
so she will be back too.. Anyway Uncle this is Gabriella my
one and only best friend, Gab, my uncle Bevern and his
friend Sean..
*Gab...:* Nice to meet you uncle.

Well tingatoswerera, vakamhoresana and i think there is

something i didn't understand about my uncle. Will tell
you about that some other time.. Well Gab suggested that
she bought us food muChicken Inn. We tried kuramba but
she was unstoppable.. Takanopinzwa hedu muhuku
muinside and we enjoyed the food.. VaNelly hameno
kwavaive isu vamwe tichiripwa kugara kkkkk.. But this
day my uncle's eyes were on Gab though she was not
seeing it hake.. Later after sometime of having fun, we
parted ways. Inini nauncle vangu takadzokera hedu
kumba and Sean akakumbira kunosiiwa mutown. On our
way home uncle was like *"Your friend this"*,,, *"Your
friend that"* kkkkk i could tell vanga vapenyerwa kkkkk...

Well takazosvika hedu kumba and Nelly anga asati asvika..

We lied that we had left her at her friend's place.. The rest
of the day was good. Days passed and my uncle was now
friends with Gab and i was now friends with Sean too.. He
told me that he was an orphan and he stayed at an
orphanage.. His story was really touching. He never saw
his parents, hanzi they were involved in an accident when
he was few weeks old and nobody knows his real relatives,
so he was taken to the orphanage by the police... Aitove
akapasa school but aishaya zvekuita. I felt pity for him.

Nelly was still pretending to be me to Jonny.. And Jonny

never showed up at our school again. I asked the girlfriend
[Nelly] and she said he was out of the country what what...
So some days after school Sean ndaitowana akandimirira
pagate, sis Nelly made it clear to me that he was not her
type, so kana ndina Sean, taisazivana. I was ok with that
hangu because he was a good guy to hangout with.. Kumba
Nelly told mom kuti ndaitamba nemastreet adults and she
said nothing havo...

This other day it was a Friday and the following week we

were completing whatever we were doing at school..
Dzaive time dzekuenda kumba and as usual i was with
Sean.. We saw mota yaJonny yakamira kumberi kwedu,
Nelly naBelinda vaivepo.. Ndakangoti kuna Sean
tingopfuurawo tichiti hi since i knew the guy.. He didn't
refuse bvatasvika.. Tichingosvika, Jonny came out of his
car fuming with anger...
*Him...:* I didn't know you are such a fool. I loved you not
knowing you are a dog..
*Me....:* Excuse me sir, are you talking to me??
*Him...:* Yes you.. Sure you send me your half naked
pictures waida kuti ndimaitisei?? Kelly uri saskum
wanzwa? I chose you over your sister thinking kuti you
are a decent girl..
(My heart started beating fast, i had no idea what he was
talking about..)
*Sean..:* And you call yourself a gentleman?? Insulting a
lady before you even hear her side of the story?
*Him....:* Shut up im not talking to you.. What's the
meaning of this Kelly?? I had told my family about you and
my mom saw these, what do you think she's gonna think of
me?? Huh!

He handed me his iPad.. Guys i was shocked with what i

saw.. The iPad was full of my pictures. Not original
pictures. But most of the pics i was half naked.. I started
shivering. I had no idea where he took those pictures
because i didn't remember taking pictures like those. I
quickly remembered something, he was talking to Nelly
thinking that it was me so it was clear that Nelly was
behind it.. How could my own twin, my own blood did this
to me??? I was hurt i don't wanna lie.. Well i gave Jonny his
phone back.. Nelly was even smiling. Im pretty sure she
did that to get rid of my picture in Jonny's mind..
*Me...:* Thanks Jonny. I have nothing to add nor subtract.
All i can say is that im sorry.. Nelly, im proud of you my

With those words i walked away. I was really hurt i don't

wanna lie. Why would my twin hate me so much?? Sure to
an extent of sending a stranger my body?? Im sure she
took them ndichichinja.. I was pained.. I started running
and ndakazongoona mota yakusvika pandiri, i only
remembered Sean's voice shouting... *"Kelly wait!!!"*...


who is Sean really??

Why did Nelly did that??

What happened to Kelly??

Will she be ok??

Chapter 3

I woke up in a white room like a surgery or a private clinic.

Sean was sitting next to me with his red eyes. He looked
like someone who had been crying. I tried thinking and
that's when i remembered that i got hit by a car. But i was
feeling ok hangu.

*Me...:* Where am i? And what happened?

(He didn't notice that i was awake..)
*Him..:* Ooh you are awake!! Thank God. Please Kelly
don't do that again. Don't leave me. I love you.
(I was like what??? What is he saying really?)
*Me...:* What are you talking about im lost?
*Him..:* Kelly an hour ago i thought i lost you. Trust me i
was never gonna forgive myself again for not being

He kept on speaking in riddles and i ended up looking at

him, waiting for him to explain the meaning of everything..
He later came back to his senses and started acting
normally.. He told me that the car didn't hit me, but
ndakangoita shock then passed out.. I asked him about
aive andiuyisa kuhospital and he said the car owner. I was
hurt when he said Nelly didn't follow, instead akatoenda
naJonny. I wondered what i did wrong for her to treat me
like that. Its a good thing i only took an hour ndiri
unconscious, so i would lie to my family about it..

*Me...:* Thanks a lot for standing by me when my own twin

abandoned me.
*Him..:* Its my duty to take care of you. And i meant what i
said earlier.
(My heart started beating fast...)
*Me...:* What?
*Him..:* Yes i love you Kelly. I love you for not judging me.
I love you for being real. Despite the fact that im poor, you
never neglected me.
(Ncaaww this guy had that thing, mabva matoziva
*Me...:* Woh what can i say? I don't have a problem with
you, besides, im in love with your cool personality more.
(Yeah i had to be honest, i had fallen in love with him too)
*Him..:* So is that a yes?
*Me...:* Of course..
(He hugged me so tight..)
*Him..:* Thanks Kelly for completing this lonely Sean. I
love you more..
He was really happy. Truth be told, this guy was like my
best friend so saying yes to his proposal wasn't that
difficult for me. He was really good and i always wished
him the best. After all what mattered the most to me was
morality not material things.. A punctual person knows
how to behave even with nothing. So i had fallen in love
with his personality first and the others were to follow..
Well the doctor later came and Sean signed some papers
then i got discharged. Its a good thing i had no injuries..
Instead of going home, we went to a close by park and
started talking hedu. Trust me this guy was really good. He
told me that his dream job was to be a lawyer.. He had
higher hopes though he didn't know when this was gonna
happen and how. I loved him for that. Well later we parted
ways.. I was feeling so happy. Why not when i was in love
with the one i love.. That's the best feeling ever. I went
home in my best mood. I found Nelly there and i
pretended like nothing had happened.

*Mom..:* Nelly said you went to a guy's place.

(Wow what a drama queen.)
*Me....:* Yes, there is a book that i wanted to borrow.
Anyway afternoon mom.
*Her...:* Im good.

I said nothing to Nelly then went to my room. I had no idea

why she was doing what he was doing. But i knew one day
she was gonna rip, what she sow. I changed my clothes.. I
thought she was gonna at least say sorry, but no she didn't
and i just let her be, yaive ichiri nguva yake.. Well the day
passed and the next day we went to school as usual. After
school we started window shopping hedu naSean
tichivaraidza time. Trust me i felt it in me that i loved this
guy with all my heart and he does too..

Days passed and we graduated. Finally we were done with

this going to school thing. We were now looking for jobs.
My love with Sean was growing strong each and everyday.
And i don't know about Nelly and Jonny, i never asked..
Well i had told my mom that i had a boyfriend though he
was poor. She didn't comment much on that one. At least i
never wanted them to judge Sean because of his current
situation, nobody knows what the future holds after all..
By the way Gab and Uncle were now love birds.. I was
happy for them, you know my uncle was now a straight
forward guy kwete ichi bate, ichi siye yavaiita kudhara...

This other day i was at home watching TV with my mom.

Nelly was no longer a home girl these days, she was
always out and nobody asked.. So i received a call from a
new number.. Since i was eagerly looking for a job, this
didn't surprise me. I excused my self then went outside to
answer the call..

*Me...:* Hello.
📲.....: Hello is this Miss Kelly John speaking?
*Me...:* Yes and you are?
📲.....: My name is Tendai Chipunza, im calling from ZBC,
we saw your CV. We want you come to our offices in
Highlands tomorrow after 8am.
(My heart skipped a bit.)
*Me...:* Ok thank you so much i will be there.
📲.....: Thank you. Don't forget to bring all your
qualifications. Will see you tomorrow.
*Me....:* Ok thank you.

He dropped the call and i screamed. I wasn't expecting this

trust me. I went inside shouting. Mom was even shocked. I
then told her about the deal and she was really proud of
me. My prayer now was for myself to be accepted, i
wanted to do something believe me... The rest of the day
went well, i called Sean telling him the good news and he
was happy too. But forgive me for this, i didn't tell Nelly. I
don't know why i felt uncomfortable with telling her.
Anyway the day passed.. The next day, i woke up early and
prepared myself for the great day. I was feeling nervous
though.. Well i did everything and i left. Nelly was fast
asleep. That was a good timing because i didn't want to be

I arrived well and at exactly 07:30 i was there.. That's

excitement for you. Well later my turn was here and i went
in for an interview.. The interview was not that hard and i
felt it in me that i had impressed them. Kuzongoti we
never know ka, unogona watotadza.. Anyway they told me
that they were gonna call me after 3 days.. That moment
Sean wanted to see me in town.. We met at our original
spot and this day he was looking better. I guess he wanted
to impress me or what, i don't know..

*Him...:* Today is your day babe so will take you to a

movie house.
(Trust me i loved him for trying.)
*Me....:* No hun save that money, will need it someday.
Lets just talk like we always do. I don't want you to stress
yourself, im ok.
*Him...:* No Kelly i had budgeted this money for you.
Please allow me to do this..

I didn't want him to do that. I knew things were not that

good on his side so i didn't want him to spent more on me.
I was ok without those things. But then he kept on
insisting and i could tell that by refusing i was hurting him.
I ended up agreeing but after sometime. Well we had a
beautiful day and we watched a movie together. The
movie was really amazing. At least he had a nice taste
kkkkkkk. Later i went home. Its a good thing Nelly wasn't
there so i had a brilliant chance of talking to mum.
*Her...:* Im really proud of you daughter. But about Sean,
you can try talking to daddy, maybe he can find something
to help him with.
(Ncaww what a caring mom.)
*Me....:* Ok mom but i don't think he will agree on that. He
always tell me that his dream is to become a lawyer.
*Her...:* At least he will find something to boost up himself
with, whilst looking for a way to fulfill his dream.

That was a brilliant idea but i wanted to ask him first.

Three days passed and i was called in the morning...

*Me...:* Kelly John speaking hello

📲.....: Hello Miss Kelly. Its Tendai Chipunza again. We need
you tomorrow morning if possible.
*Me..:* Its ok will be there..

Mom always told me that ukazoona wafonerwa back,

zvako zvatoita.. I was really happy guys. This time i told no
one. I wanted to surprise them. The day passed and the
next day i went to the offices.. I was looking great i could
feel it.. Trust me my dream had come true, i found myself a
job as the news director.. I can't explain how happy i was..
They asked me to start the next day.. I called Sean right
away because i couldn't keep the news to myself.. He
answered his phone right away...
*Me...:* Babe i have good news for you..
📲....: Sorry wrong number.
(That was a female voice and i was like whaaaat?)


What kinda twin is Nelly???

Who answered Sean's call??

Who is this Sean guy really??

Chapter 4

My heart skipped.. I dropped the call right away. I wasn't

expecting that.. Is he married?? Does he have a girlfriend??
So he wanted to use me?? All these questions were ringing
a bell in my mind but with no answers..That moment my
phone started ringing. I checked the caller ID and that was
Gab. I answered it..

*Me..:* My favourite Gogo.

📲.....: Mabva matocutter?? Kkkkkk i knew i wasn't the
babe that's why i said wrong number..
*Me...:* What are you talking about?
📲.....: Check your dial log now and see who you called
wanting to tell the good news kkkkkk. Excitement
inopengesa ka. Anyway chibva wangondiudza the news

I was a bit confused then hung up. Right away i did a quick
look and Boom!! I had called Gab instead of Sean.. Kkkkk
Gab's number was on top and i didn't look thoroughly, i
just dialed.. I laughed at my self guys. Imagine i almost
caused myself a heart attack. I then called Gab back and
told her the news though. She was really happy that i was
now going to work. But she couldn't stop herself from
laughing. Later i dropped the call, then called Sean.. He
answered right away like he was expecting it..

📲...: Congratulations my love.

*Me.:* What?? How did you know?
📲...: I know you always call me with good news kkkk.
*Me..:* Kkkk you crazy. I got the job hunny, as the news
📲....: Wow im proud of you my love.. I love you for being
such a hardworking girl.

We talked about a lot of things then i dropped the call. He

was really happy and my prayer now was for him to fulfill
his dreams. He said he was busy with something but he
promised to visit the next day. I then went home with
happiness written all over my face. I was so excited about
going to work guys. Nelly was still looking for something
to do so its like i had found favour before her, though i
knew she was gonna hate me for that. These days i cared
less hangu. Ko ndaigomudii. But i told no one about it,
even mom. The last thing i wanted was for them, to hate
her because of me. No, she was their daughter just like me,
so she also had the right to be loved..

I then took a combi home.. Its a good thing i found my

mom there and the princess was not there. I told her about
the job and she was sooooo happy. She even called dad
right away. You know it's really amazing making your
parents proud. This day ndakatoswera ndakunzi Miss
Director kkkkk. My mom was really funny.. Well the day
went well. And in the evening daddy brought me a new
wrist watch. He came just before the dinner and Nelly was
there too..

*Him...:* Miss Director should always be on time, so this is

a gift from me to you..
(The watch was a classy one. I loved it so much..)
*Me...:* Wow thanks daddy. I love it.
*Nelly:* Where is mine??
*Him.:* Make me proud just like her, and will do
something for you too..
*Her..:* Aah what did she do?
*Mom:* She got a job at ZBC as the news director.
*Nelly:* What?? And it looks like im the only one who is
unaware of this.
*Me...:* No Nelly its a surprise!!!
*Her..:* Shut up! I know you wanted them to see me as the
bad girl..
(With those words she stood up)
*Dad..:* What's wrong with her?
*Us....:* No idea.
Mom served us dinner and i went to call her but she just
ignored me. I was expecting that hangu, so i let her be.
Well we had dinner tichitaura hedu nyaya. My dad was
telling me some of the things i should do, if i wanted to
keep my job. Later i washed the dishes then went to sleep.
The next day i woke up early, did my chores then left for
work. My father had a car but time dzavo dzavaibuda yooh
dzaisaita kuti ndibude navo.. Sometimes vaibuda early
early, sometimes late saka haa ndaitove wemakombi

I arrived well and its like everyone was waiting for my

arrival. At first i was feeling nervous but then i realised
that there was no need for that since everyone there was
friendly.. The day went well for a first day. I really enjoyed
my self.. At lunch Sean passed by. He was in a hurry and
we talked few minutes then he left. At least he made an
effort.. The day passed an later i went back home..

Days passed and i was really enjoying going to work. I told

Sean about my mom's offer and he said he was gonna
think about it.. Nelly was now working for this other
construction company. We were just assuming. No one
had full information because she told no one about it.
These days tatatove maenermies. No hie no what. Inini
ndaimugreeter zvakadaro though aisadaira. I was doing
my part. Well Gab naUncle vakazouya kumaIntro this
other weekend. Yoh i was really happy for them. They
were so much in love with each other. Gab then told me
the reason why he dumped his boyfriend. You know he
was really rich so Gab said he was that fancy and flashy
guy wekuti pese pamasvika, he will be like honai inini,
ndefeelei kuti ndiripo and Gab didn't want that. Yaah that
wasnt a lie though. Muface aizvefeeler hake.. Zvekuti he
wasn't even entertaining..

Well days passed and became months, life was still

treating me well. I was happy Sean anga akumboitawo
tuma part time jobs. We were both saving mari yekuti
aende kuschool since he was so passionate about being a
lawyer. This other day ndaive paOff. I went to town for
some shopping.. I did my shopping well and i was now
hungry so i went to this other restaurant.. I wanted
something salty, so i ordered some fresh chips. My order
came and I started eating. That moment someone cleared
his/her throat behind and i looked that side. I was

*Me...:* Hi Jonny.
*Him.:* Hi Kelly. Thanks a lot for what you did. You helped
me see who's better between you two.
*Me..:* That's why i did that. I knew by just telling you that
Nelly is good for you, you were not gonna believe me.
*Him.:* Yeah thanks. So can i join you ninez?
*Me..:* Cool
(He joined..)
*Him.:* So what are you doing these days?
*Me...:* I work at ZBC.
*Him.:* Yoh i wonder what they saw in you.
*Me...:* The good stupid people don't see.
*Him.:* So what's your point?
*Me...:* Visit Google for more..

I started eating quietly. He kept on asking those silly

questions. I ended up ignoring him because i noticed that
he only wanted to interrogate me. He then left without
saying a word. I felt pity for him though, the day he was
gonna find out that the one he hated, was the innocent
one, trust me he was gonna kill himself. Well i enjoyed my
food then went home. Nelly as usual was not there. The
rest of that day was great. The next day Sean called me in
the morning asking me to meet him in town. I did my
things quickly then went to town. I waited for him at our
original spot. Three hours down, still Sean didn't show up.
I tried calling him and his phone was not through. I was
now worried. That moment someone said hey behind me. I
turned and looked that side.. There was standing a nice
colored guy in all black...

*Me...:* How are you?

*Him..:* You are waiting for Sean right?
(My heart skipped..)
*Me..:* Yes and who are you??
*Him.:* Follow me now, his life is in your hands..


Who is Jonny really??

What is Nelly up to?

Who is that colored guy?

What happened to Sean??

Chapter 5

I didn't know what to do. Its like Sean was in danger for
real but i didn't trust that guy too. I started shivering. Why
would someone do that really?? He started walking away
and I was confused even more, i wanted to follow him, at
the same time i was scared of being kidnapped. I quickly
dialed daddy's number and it went straight kuvoicemail. I
couldn't leave a message that guy achizvinzwa..

*Him..:* Hey young girl, follow if you wanna save your

man, or just let him die..

His words scared me and i gathered some courage then

followed him. I was now praying for the guy not to kill me.
All i wanted was to save the love of my life, though i had no
idea if this was true, or it was a trap. I was following him
hangu but keeping a distance.. He turned achipinda
nepane kaway kadiki you know tumagap twepakati
pemashop tuye.. My heart started beating fast because i
never liked using those roads. Well takazobudikira kune
this other street and he pointed me paside peimwe mota
soo. He then went the opposite direction. I ran there, only
to find my Sean in a pool of blood.. It looked like he was
stabbed padumbu.. I screamed..
*Me...:* Sean please what happened? Please don't leave

I hugged him then started crying. I was hurt. Who would

be that heartless nhaimi?? I didn't mind that ndaizara
ropa. I was hurt. He opened his eyes faintly and tried to

*Him...:* K-ke-e-lly c-a-ll m-m-my....

(Then he passed out..)

I started screaming, asking for help and that moment i

heard a siren yepolice. I smiled because i wanted my Sean
to be saved.. Mapurisa acho akangosvika and said...

*Officer:* Ma'am you are under arrest..

*Me....:* What? This is my...
*Officer:* Anything you say will be used against you in the
court of law.

Before i even utter a single word, i was handcuffed. I

couldn't believe this was real.. Who was gonna help me
then?? I was trying to help my man, but here i was, being
accused of hurting him. Why would that coloured guy
leave really?? Does that mean he was the one who hurt
him?? Who did that and why? I kept asking myself many
questions but no one was gonna answer them. I was now
praying for Sean. If he was gonna die, then i would rot in
jail.. Why me?? Kuchema kuye hunge usina kupindana
neyangu iyi.. Ndakazvuzvurudzwa ndikapinzwa mumota
yepolice. That moment daddy called me and one of the
officers took the phone from me..

*Him...:* No phone calls allowed.

*Me....:* Ok at least answer it. That's my dad, tell him you
arrested me.
*Him...:* Shut up! We don't care about your dad. He will
find out soon because you will the on the front page of
tomorrow's Herald..

He switched off my phone.. An ambulance came and Sean

akabva atakurwa. Mota yakazosimuka and they went
straight to Harare Central. This time i cried. I never dreamt
of being there, most specially in that condition.. Its like the
other officers there were told the issue ndisati ndasvika.
They were all expecting me.. The other lady officer then
came close to me and said...

*Her...:* Kkkkk ndomaslay queens ka aya anouraya kana

anyimwa mari? Manje lapha, sifundisa abantu
abanjengawe. Uzobatshela abanye abangane bakho..
[Here we teach people like you. You will tell your other

I didn't get what she said but i could tell she was talking
nonsense. Ndakabva ndavharirwa right away.
Ndakachema guys. I had no idea how my family was gonna
find out. Ndaizoburitswa nani nhaimi. My only prayer
theb, wasn't to be set free, but Sean's health. I knew he
was the only one who was gonna help me. But considering
his condition, i had no idea when he was gonna recover,
and as an orphan with no one to call his own, he would be
neglected kuhospital kwacho, achingosiiwawo akadaro. Ko
these days money talks ka, kana usina mari
unongosairirwa uko...

I cried until i fell asleep pafloor ipapo. My life changed

unexpectedly. I woke up later and the cell was now dark.
And i was alone there. Trust me kana nzara handina
kuinzwa. I was now feeling cold. But i couldn't call anyone.
I was afraid of being beaten up, that's what i heard many
people saying.. I tried sleeping again but this time it was
now difficult because of the coldness in the room.. Let me
cut the long story short, i spent the night up. I was sleeping
here and there but zvebhaiz kusvika kwaedza. Apa kwanga
kwasara 3 days kuti Off yangu ipere... The next day i was
served plain porridge. I was now hungry so i ate the
porridge quietly. Later i was called.. I found my father
waiting for me, holding that day's newspaper.. I couldn't
stop my tears from falling...

*Him...:* Princess what happened??

Instead of answering, i cried. He let me be kusvika

ndapedza shungu. I then first took a deep sigh, then told
him everything. I told him everything from the start. But i
didn't mention Nelly and Johnny's part.. He too took a
deep sigh. I could see that he was puzzled too..

*Him...:* So far there is no lead hunny. The only way to go,

is for that Sean boy to give his statement.
*Me....:* So are you saying there is nothing you can do??
Daddy am i gonna spend another night here??
(I was still crying..)
*Him...:* Don't worry hunny, dady will make a way out. For
now let's wait for Sean to be better so that we can try to
talk to him.

His words came to me as a bomb.. So does that mean if

Sean was gonna take a month to recover, i was gonna
spend a month too locked in that cell?? What about my
job?? My reputation? Everything was ruined. I cried non
stop. He then left me some fresh chips and juice. He then
left and i went back to my new home. I couldn't eat
because i had lost my appetite. Ndaive nezibundu pahuro
apa zvekuti i was even having a difficult time breathing..

The day passed and nothing changed. The next day my

mom paid a visit too and i didn't spent much time with her
because she was crying non stop so that hurt me even
more. The day passed again and Off yakapera inini
ndakavharirwa.. I knew they had seen the newspaper and i
was sure that i was gonna be fired.. Dady came everyday
updating me about Sean's condition and nothing was
changing. He was still in the ICU.. A week passed and i was
still there. Nelly only paid a single visit and she was not
even touched. Everything seem to be fine with her and i
was like *"zvake agere"*...

My story circulated rapidly and its like everyone was now

aware of it.. Those close to me visited me everyday the
likes of mom, dad, Gab uncle and some close relatives... A
week and a half passed and Gab nauncle vakabva vauya..
Trust me ndanga ndaonda, not because ndaisawana
chekudya, but stress chaiyo.. They brought me food as

*Gab...:* Girl we have good news for you?

*Me....:* Finally you gonna tie the knot?? Im happy for you
though i won't be there at your wedding.
(I started crying..)
*Her...:* Kelly what are you saying?? Stop that. The good
news is that Sean is awake now and he can talk..
(What?? This was good news indeed.)
*Me...:* Are you for real??
*Her..:* Yes..

That moment pakabva pasvika someone i suspected to be

the Chief Commander because vanhu vese vakabva vati

*Him...:* James how could you?? Huh! What did i always

tell you? Now where is she?
(The other officer pointed my direction and he started
walking achiuya that side..)
*Him..:* Hi Kelly right?
*Me...:* Yes sir
*Him..:* Kkkk don't call me sir my name is Prosper.
Anyway im here because Sean....
(He paused like that...)

Who stabbed Sean??

What was the motive??

Who's that coloured guy??

Who's Prosper to Sean??

What happened to him??

Stay tuned...


Chapter 6

*Me...:* Why did you pause? Sean what? Is he dead? Is he

ok? What's going on really??
*Him..:* Kkkkk he's fine. I just wanted to scare you.
Anyway he wanna talk to you. So we can leave now if you
(At least that was a relief.)
*Me...:* Yes i would love to. But is it ok if we can take my
relatives with us??
(I was referring to Gab and uncle)
*Him...:* Its ok. Let's go.

We didn't take much time, we went straight to where he

had parked his car. Everyone was saluting him and i
wondered who was he, and how did he know Sean. I was
gonna ask Sean about this later. Uncle vakagara kufront
then Gab and i kuback. Along the way i was praying for
everything to go well. Prison life is never interesting.
Worst part of it, when you are being accused of something
you didn't do.. Well i thought Sean was admitted to
Parirenyatwa, but nop. Prosper drove us to a private
hospital and i wondered who was taking care of the bills
there. I didn't ask hangu.. Well we arrived well and i
couldn't wait to see my love. We followed Prosper as he
led the way to Sean's room..

Ndichingopinda, kungomuti baa, i couldn't stop my tears

from falling. I went straight to his bed, hugged him then
we started crying. We cried zvekuti vanaGab
vakatombobuda. I was hurt for real.. After some minutes of
crying on each other's shoulder, we stopped crying and we
were about to talk.. Sean said something first before me...

*Him..:* Babe im so sorry. Blame me for everything that is

going on in your life right now.
(His words shocked me..)
*Me...:* Why would you say that??
*Him..:* I shouldn't have passed out before saying
something. And i shouldn't have went unconscious for so
many days like this. I know you were suffering there. Im
(Aaagh i couldn't see the reason why he was blaming
*Me...:* No no don't say that. And do you know who did
that to you??

That moment, the crew entered. I was eagerly waiting for

his answer. He then said some other guy who was wearing
a mask did that to him. He couldn't see his face. I then
asked him about the coloured guy and he said, he was
someone who was passing by soon after the incident and
he called him. He only managed to type my name and
where i was. He then asked the coloured guy to call me for
him. Im sure the coloured guy was a bit scared of being
involved in the mess, that's why he didn't stay long at the
scene.. The story was touching though. The biggest
question now was..: "WHO DID THAT, AND WHY"..

*Prosper:* Its a good thing you guys talked.

*Me...:* Does that mean i will soon be freed?
*Him..:* Yeah im sure.
(I was happy guys.)
*Sean:* But i will make sure i catch the culprit.
*Prosper:* Sure bro. Oh by the way, we are friends from
long back.
*Me...:* Ooh nice..

We spent sometime there talking a lot about our future.

This day i enjoyed food. Sean kept on promising me that
he was gonna catch the one behind that and i was just
smiling. He wished. Well i was happy that he was going to
be discharged the next day. Later Prosper took me back to
the police station. I arrived there full of happiness hoping
that i was going home. That moment someone called
Prosper and i went to my bedroom there kkkkk. Yeah that
was my room that time. They took almost an hour, then
later i was called. Prosper first took a deep sigh then said...

*Him...:* I have sad news for you .

(I knew it, that's the reason why he sighed first.)
*Me...:* Ok just tell me.
*Him..:* That same day Sean was stabbed, they are saying
they found another dead body of a man in that same
street. And the statement Sean gave the police, they are
also saying they will consider it invalid since you guys are
*Me...:* What?? So are you saying am also being accused of
killing that man??
*Him..:* Exactly. But don't worry, all will be well soon.
(Tell me this dude is insane? All will be what?? When?)
*Me...:* Stop lying to me. Nothing will ever be well!!

With those words i stood up. I went straight to my cell. I

don't know what was going on with my life that time. Why
me of all the people?? I cried my lungs out because i was
really shattered. Where exactly was i going to get a
lawyer? How many days or weeks or months, was i going
to stay there again? What if there will be so many evidence
against me, what was i going to do??? So it means i was
gonna rot in jail?? All these questions were running
around in my head, with no answers.
I cried my self to sleep but what does that change??
Nothing at all, i woke up with my problems still waiting for
me. You know my father was a well known PD, but this
one seemed to be really tough. Where was he gonna start
from? Trust me my life was definitely going to an end. I
curse the day i was born. Maybe dai hangu ndisina
kuzvarwa, zvese izvi zvisipo. But as we all know, “Dai"
haana chaanobatsira. Vamwe vanototi.: “Dai kufunga
kwebenzi"…. My life changed all of a sudden, and trust me,
the sudden change was unexpected and painful. Well as
usual, i forced myself to fell asleep, that way i would
refresh my mind...

The next day my father came telling me that Prosper had

asked him to leave everything in his hands, but he
promised me that he was never gonna rest, until he catch
the real snake. He brought me some clothes and food. I
told him not to allow mom to visit me, i knew she was
never gonna like my condition. And the other thing was
that, she had a heart problem, so we were afraid of
damaging it. He told me that she was unaware of
everything and that was for her own good. I asked about
Nelly and i was shocked with his answer...

*Him..:* She moved out.

*Me...:* What?? Going where?
*Him..:* She only said im old enough to take care of myself.
That girl is gonna be a real problem in the future..
*Me...:* I warned her several times about her best friend.
Dad that girl is bad news. Ever since she started hanging
out with that one, she changed. She was never like this
*Him..:* Will deal with that one later. For now, will focus
on your story. Don't worry princess. Always remember
that mommy and daddy loves you..
*Me...:* I love them too.

We talked a bit then he left. This day i was feeling better. I

had no idea when i was going home, but by just talking to
my dad, i felt relieved. And about Nelly, i was trying so
hard to love her because there is this other thought that i
was trying to destruct. The thought that she knew
something. I loved my twin and i had so much faith in her.
I knew she hated me for so many different reasons, but i
knew she wouldn't do anything to hurt me. That time she
sent Jonny my pics, maybe she was just not thinking
straight. So i never wanted to involve her in that mess. I
knew it was someone and someone i didn't know, though i
couldn't figure out the motive.

Well days passed and a week down the line, Prosper then
came back and told me that they were trying to see if they
would manage to pay the most intelligent lawyer in Zim.. I
told myself that i owe this guy a lot for helping me out. I
asked about Sean and he said he was not allowed to be
seen by the public for safety, until the case was closed.. At
least i had hope these days. Prosper looked serious about
this and i trusted him. I had so much faith in him..

Well after a day he told me that case yangu yaipinda

mucourt after 4 days. They had managed to negotiate with
the lawyer. I was so happy though i didn't meet him. Hanzi
he was always busy what what.. The remaining days
passed and day recourt rakabva rasvika. I was praying non
stop, you know mucourt magara munotyisa, unogona
kuloser case wakatemba ka.. Ndakatakurwa nepolice car..
Takasvika hedu bhoo and i was now feeling nervous.
Worse more the fact that i was gonna sit facing everyone,
scared me more. Ndakapinda ndakatarisa pasi because i
was so nervous. Suddenly i lifted my head up and my eyes
met up with a terrible miracle.. The intelligent lawyer
everyone was talking about was someone i never dreamt
of. Someone i prayed for everyday to be a lawyer. I was
now scared even more and im sure he noticed, then he jut
smiled. I tried smiling back but i was like...: *What??? Sean

Who is behind all this??

Why did Nelly moved out??

Who is Prosper really??

Did i hear correctly? Did Kelly just said Sean was the
intelligent lawyer????

Stay tuned....


Chapter 7

Guy i didn't know what to do or think. You know its like i

was dreaming. Is Sean really a lawyer? Then why did he
lied that he was poor? Why would he do that really? Does
that mean he was on a mission? What was his motive? I
had so many questions running in my head. Well
questioning myself was never gonna help me find the
answers. I then told myself that i had to focus on the
situation on the ground. The rest i would deal with it later.
Well i sat pandofanira kugara. I was even surprised to see
some of my workmates from ZBC there, including my boss.
Im sure everyone was wondering if the quiet Kelly really
attempted to kill someone and killed a man too.

Well the magistrate then came and the court started.. Guys
the lawyer who was representing the other part had so
many points. And false points futi. But my guy was indeed
intelligent. He started showing everyone his skills. Wow
he was really great. The other one tried clashing him with
his points but haa he was smarter than i expected. Well
later it was discovered that the man died some days before
the Sean incident. That's what the postmortem stated and
also that he was drugged with a poisonous drug.. Lastly
someone i never thought would be there was called. That
coloured guy was the witness and he said everything as it
I couldn't stop myself from crying. I was hurt, imagine i
spent some weeks locked up for something i didn't do.
They were still running some investigations for the real
killer.. To cut the long story short, everything went well
and i was found not guilty. I cried for real, this was a relief
i tell you. The case was closed and i got my freedom back..
My family, real friends and relatives were really happy for
me.. By the way Nelly wasn't there and no one had an idea
of her whereabouts.. I was just happy that i was freed but i
was still confused with Sean being a lawyer. I tried asking
my parents and they were all surprised even uncle. He
said he was not aware of Sean's real identity...

Well later Prosper came telling me that i had to go home

from there. I was so happy. But he said Sean wanted to talk
to me before i leave. Everyone went home and i sat in
Prosper's car waiting for Sean since he had another case to
represent. I couldn't believe that my man, the one Nelly
always call *"Street Adult"* was a well known intelligent
lawyer. I couldn't figure out why he pretended though.
Prosper bought me food and these days i had my appetite
back. Well later my one and only handsome dude came. I
was so happy to be with him again. Despite the fact that he
was an educated man, i had missed him.. He opened the
door then said...

*Him..:* Where is prosper?

*Me...:* No idea.
*Him.:* Ok wait here i will go and call him. I want him to
drive us home because we have a lot to talk about.

With those words he left. I looked at him walking away,

admiring him hangu. Trust me i had a brilliant choice
kkkkk. Suddenly kwakangobva imwe mota iri muspeed.
He tried running but it was too late because yaive
yatosvika.. I don't even know kwayakabva nako.
Yakangomudhuma achinowira uko, ichitopfuurira. I
opened the door quickly then ran there.. I cried ndichiona
achiita kubuda blood mumusoro. Why me nhai?? I started
screaming calling his name but he wasn't moving. Its a
good thing Prosper akabva asvika and he didn't waste
time asking, he just took him to his car then right away, we
drove off to that private hospital..

Along the way i was crying non stop. I couldn't even utter
a single word. I was heartbroken. When was i going to be
happy? In no time we were there and he was admitted. He
was taken to the ICU because they said his condition was
bad. Prosper was making several calls and i wonder who
was he calling. I was hurt. That time i couldn't even hold
my phone to make a phone call. My hands were shaking
and my voice too was terrible. After some minutes i was
now trying to sob and Prosper sat next to me..

*Him...:* We need to go home now so that we can talk, im

not in a better position to be telling you everything, but
considering my brother's condition, its time you know the

His words scared me. Of course i wanted to know the

reason why Sean lied but the way he said *"the truth"*,
sounded like there was a lot. Well i just zipped my mouth
then followed him to his car.. I was actually down this day..
He then started his car then that moment, i gathered some
courage to call my family. I called dad because i knew
mom was gonna have a heart attack. I told him to find the
best way to deliver the news to mom. I also called Gab and
uncle. These two had a right to know whatever that was
going up and down in my life. They were the two humans i
wished to have as siblings. Along the way Prosper was still
making calls. The last one he received was from someone i
suspected to be someone he respected so much. And it
seems like that person on the other hand was angry. I had
no idea why, and it was non of my business though..

I was busy on whatsup chatting with Gab that i didn't see

where we were going. I only came back to my senses when
i saw him parking on front of this beautiful maroon gate.
He told me that we were in Greystone Park.. The gateman
opened the gate and he drove in. The house was beautiful i
don't wanna lie and that gave me a picture that, that was a
rich someone's house. If it was his, trust me he was loaded.
Well i got out of the car and followed him to the main door.
He opened the door and i couldn't stop adoring the place.
The place was neatly furnished with expensive things...
*Him...:* Kkkk feel at home this is your man's house.
(Did i hear him correctly???)
*Me...:* My what?
*Him..:* Kkkk ninez soo, this is Sean's house. Anyway i will
be there shortly.

He went upstairs and nzeve dzangu dzaiita maungira.

Sean's what?? No he was just joking right? How was that
possible? That moment my eyes met up with this big
picture frame of him on his graduation day. I almost
screamed but i controlled my self. I was now puzzled even
more. Who is this Sean guy really?? I asked myself. I then
told myself to wait for prosper to give me the full details.
He later came back holding a laptop and he gave me some

*Him..:* Kkkk some crazy things Sean do, well i don't want
you to panic ok. Just listen then ask later.
*Me...:* Ok.

He first told me that his name was Prosper Musonza and

Sean was Sean Musonza too. These two were not blood
brothers, in fact they were both orphans but adopted by
this successful rich lady [Helena Musonza]. She was a well
know business lady and she was the owner of the TM
Supermarket. What happened is that their parents died
the same death, his parents were killed and Sean's were
involved in an accident that's why they ended up at an
orphanage. By the way he was 31 and Sean was 27. So they
were so close and intelligent. Ever since they were
growing up, Prosper wanted to be a cope, so that he can
help the nation control the accidents rates and Sean
wanted to be a lawyer, to find those killers who killed
Prosper's parents. That's how they became so close..

Prosper wrote his O'Level the same year Sean wrote his
grade 7. When the results came out, they had passed with
flying colours and that's when Mrs Musonza visited their
orphanage and she was attached to them, that's how they
started living with her. She was a widow. Her husband
suffered from lung cancer and he passed on. They had no
kids though, so from then, she had no interest in getting
married again. She was supporting many kids though she
chose Prosper and Sean to be her real sons. From that
time, they changed their surnames to 'Musonza'.. They
both went to university in England and become well
known people. She taught them several things and that's
how they became so rich. They had businesses all over the

So at the moment their mom was in Australia with

business and she was that one person who was calling
him, scolding him for not being a responsible brother. I
asked him why Sean lied about his real identity and he
said he was unaware until that day he was stabbed.. He
said Sean never forget where he came from [orphanage]
so his motive was to help those kids in need. He said by
matching with their standards, it was easy for him to talk
to them, and help them uplift their desires. That is why he
always pretended to be poor. That was him.. But he was
shocked that he even did that to someone he love kkk that
was like a joke to him... I was touched by their story but
inspired too. At least he did that with good intentions.

*Him..:* Now you know everything so i don't wanna hear

you questioning my brother kkkk..
*Me...:* Kkkk i won't trust me.
*Him..:* One more thing, i didn't tell mom that he was
stabbed, trust me she will swallow me alive.
*Me...:* But still you have to tell her.
*Him.:* I will but not now.

I asked him about his gf and he was like im not yet ready
to be stressed kkkkk the reason yacho hayas.. Well I was
more than happy that i had one of my Sean's relatives who
was on my side. Later after knowing each other more, he
took me home. I found everyone there even uncle and Gab.
I told them everything and they were all shocked..
*Dad..:* His face was familiar but i never took note of it.

They were happy that he was a nice guy, but sad that he
was in the hospital.. Well the rest of the day went well. I
was no longer that stressed knowing that he was gonna be
fine. Prosper had told me not to worry. The day passed
and the next day i spent the day sleeping, i had missed
sleeping in my room. 3 days later i was called kubasa
again. I was happy i don't wanna lie. At least i would keep
my self occupied. I started going to work and i never saw
Nelly i don't know what she was doing. A week passed and
Sean was still unconscious. I was now worried about him.
But Prosper was my pillar of strength, he always
comforted me.. This other day it was a Friday and i was
coming from work. I received a call from Prosper and i
started smiling before answering. I knew good news was
coming my way..

*Me...:* Hello bamkuru.

📲.....: Ninez i wanna let you know that Sean is awake.
*Me..:* What?? Ooh im on my way there..
📲....: No need for that. He lost his memory. So mom
processed everything so he is leaving for Australia for a
brain test tonight..
*Me...:* What??????

Who is messing with Sean??

Wow he is such a loving guy..

Will he ever be alright?

Will their mom accept Kelly?

How long is it gonna take for him to recover?

Stay tuned......


Chapter 8

📲...: Don't panic. He will be fine soon. Will come back after
3 days then will tell you how he is.
*Me.:* Ok thank you.

I dropped the call. I had never seen someone suffering

from a memory loss live, but i had seen it in movies many
times. It takes some time for that one person to remember
everything. The worst part of it is that, you will be like a
stranger to that person and its like starting afresh.. How
was i going to live knowing that my Sean didnt recognize
me?? When was i going to be happy really?? Questioning
myself like that was really gonna do nothing but stress me
more. I had to be strong because life is full of challenges,
and they either strengthen you or kill you. So i didn't
wanna die of stress, i had to be strong..

I then went straight home trying to think positively.

Everything will always be well, if only you believe. I took a
cab home and along the way i was thinking of a better way
to tell my mom about this, i didn't wanna stress her more..
Later i arrived home well and i tried by all means to smile
so that my mom won't suspect anything. For real she
suspected nothing. I called Gab telling her everything and
she promised to drop by the next day.. The rest of the day
went pretty well and it passed. The next day it was a
Saturday, i had nowhere to go so i was spending the day at
home. This day i thought of my twin. Why did she hate me
that much, to the extent of not even checking up on me? I
had no idea where she was staying, and every time i tried
her number, it was always unreachable.. I really wished
for her to come and tell me where i went wrong, maybe i
would do something to correct the mistake. Than
punishing me for something i didn't know..

Dad left in the morning and mom went to her friend's

place.. I was just alone at home. I did my laundry first then
started watching movies. I just didn't want to think too
much. Gab then told me that she was on her way home, at
least i was gonna have someone to tell my problems. She
was just like a sister to me.. I prepared something for her
before she arrived. She later arrived with some fruits.
Ncaww she was so lovely. We started by talking about her
love life and staff. Shame she was really enjoying life. I
adore her so much. Later we started talking about mine,
my problems and Sean. She never said anything negative,
she was just there to comfort me.. That's why i loved her

*Her...:* Kelly everything will be fine, just take it as a

passing phase. And never, i mean never ever give up.
*Me...:* I know Gab but it hurts.
*Her..:* Real happiness comes after struggle, don't ever say
your problems are too much. There are other people out
there who are facing challenges more than yours, but they
don't show it to the world.. The enemies are watching you,
and your tears are like fuel to their vehicles. If you cry, its
like you're filling their tanks, and their will never stop
chasing you. No mater how terrible your situation is, just
keep *"SMILING"*.. It confuses your enemies. It makes
them wonder what you up to. And you know what? By
doing that, happiness will never leave your sight..
*Me...:* Wow, thank you so much. Why are you not my
sister neh?
*Her..:* Come on im your gogo kkkkk..

Her words gave me so much strength, for real who ever

was messing with us, was really happy seeing me crying. I
had to act like i was never affected so that he/she will
wonder why. Those were wise words indeed. I loved this
girl i tell you. Well we spent the day together talking,
laughing and watching TV. Trust me she was a stress
reliever. I really had a nice time with her. Well later she
left. The day passed and i was feeling much much better.
Mom later came back so as dad, and i was dome with the
dinner, then we enjoyed our meal. Later we went to sleep..

Days passed and i was going to work as usual. Prosper had

called me telling me that they arrived well. He called using
Skype and i managed to see Sean though he was asleep.
Shame i felt pity for him. He was such a nice person and
everything that was going down in his life, really was
terrible. But at least i knew that he was well taken care of..
Days passed again and Prosper came back because he was
now serious about looking for the culprit who was behind
all this. Trust me he loved his brother more than anything.
He told me that Sean was remembering nothing. Even me,
he didn't recognize me when Prosper showed him my

Just like what Gab had said, i had to be strong. I just told
myself that all was gonna be well.. I continued going to
work as usual and i was happy when Prosper told me that
they had a lead to that person who was after me and Sean..
At least i wanted to know why they were doing that. I had
so much faith in Prosper and my dad because they were
now working together.. I was worried about Sean but not
that much because i had faith that he was going to
recover... Days passed and Prosper told me that Sean was
now feeling better but since he had amnesia, the doctors
there suggested that he came back to the place where the
accident occurred, that way he can be able to memorize
some things.. I was so excited about him coming because i
knew maybe he was gonna remember me...

This other day i was at work just after lunch and my boss
called me to his office. My heart started beating because i
was just afraid of being fired. I went there trying to be
strong. Well when i got into the office, my eyes met up
with this beautiful lady wearing expensive outfit. My heart
skipped because she looked classy and serious..

*Boss..:* Come in Kelly, we have your guest here.

(My what???)
*Me...:* Ok thank you sir.
*Boss:* Will leave you two to talk.
*Lady:* No we actually running out of time.
*Boss:* Ok so you can take her. See you tomorrow Kelly.
*Me..:* Ooohk

I was scared. Who is this lady and where is she taking me?
But she smiled at me im sure she noticed that i was really

*Her..:* Don't worry daughter, im Sean's mom and im

leaving with you for something important..

My heart skipped again. She is what??? Woh is this some

kinda joke? Did i just met the richest business lady? I was
still scared because i never saw this coming.. I first took
my staff then followed her to the car park. She had a Benz
and it looked brand new. She opened the front door for me
and i adored her humbleness. Well she didn't waste time,
she then started the car..
*Her..:* Im so sorry my daughter we are meeting this
terrible way, actually we arrived yesterday with Sean. So
Prosper had told me a lot about you. You the right
candidate to help us bring my son's memory back.
(She said so with a serious face and i noticed that she was
about to cry.)
*Me...:* Nice to meet you mom. Don't worry he will be fine.

Along the way she was telling me a lot about herself and
her two sons. She told me exactly what Prosper had told
me. She was friendly i tell you. She even thanked me for
loving Sean wholeheartedly, before finding out about his
real identity. Well later we arrived to Greystone Park
[Sean's House].. She drove in and we went out of the car..
She led the way to the main door and we got inside.. We
found Sean watching TV sleeping on a sofa.. He then stood
up and came to hug his mom..

*Her..:* I brought you your girlfriend.

*Him..:* No they are twins right?
*Me...:* Yes and im Kelly.
*Him.:* Yes and Nelly your twin sister is my girlfriend.
Where is she mom??
*Me..:* What?!!

Who is behind everything?

Where is Nelly and what is she up to??

Where is Jonny too and are they still together?

Now what is wrong with this Sean guy?

What will Kelly do now that his boyfriend thinks that Nelly
is his girlfriend???

Stay tuned....
Chapter 9

You know i looked at him shocked. So he was really

thinking Nelly was his girlfriend? This memory loss thing
is really terrible believe me. He looked serious mufunge
zvekuti instead of being angry at him, i felt pity for him.
When was he gonna recover nhaimi?? He was acting like a
baby apa he was already cool shame...

*Mom..:* Come on Sean, she is your girlfriend. Don't you

remember her?
*Him...:* I do, but mom when i saw those pictures of both
of them, i knew Nelly was my girl. And im sure of it.. Why
are you insisting that she's my girl?

She didn't reply then walked away to the kitchen. I saw

tears falling down her cheeks. She was really hurt i guess.
As for me i was confused even more. I saw it useless trying
to force him believe that i was his girl, when his mind
recorded Nelly.. I just sat down thinking of how i was
gonna cope. I was now thinking of asking my boss to
transfer me to Bulawayo. Maybe there i would survive.
Because i was never gonna be comfortable being around
him knowing that he was remembering my sister. Moving
out was a good idea. I would come back when he
recovered from this memory loss. I was thinking of this
quietly and Sean asked me something i was avoiding..

*Him..:* Kelly why is Nelly not with you? Asi she's not
happy im back??
*Me...:* She was just busy lately. Im sure she will be here
*Him..:* Ok..

That moment i called mom and told her that i was leaving.
Seating beside Sean was really boring kkk. She wanted me
to stay a bit and i just agreed. I didn't wanna hurt her
already bleeding heart. We went and sat outside. She was
just telling me not to lose hope. She told me that the
doctors had said his condition was not that bad as
compared to the other patients they had. So there was a
possibility that he was gonna be ok soon. I wanted to first
think about it because hey it was really tough. But she was
really lovely. She said i was the only girl she loved to see
near her son, so she was willing to do whatever it takes to
help him. She was a lovely mom i tell you..

Later Prosper them came and he opted to take me home.

Sean insisted to go too because he wanted to see Nelly but
Prosper didn't want him to. We left him behind.. We then
drove off..
*Him..:* Ninez don't stress, he will be fine.
*Me...:* I was thinking of asking my boss to transfer me to
Blues because i cant take it.
*Him.:* If you want him to forget everything for good, do
that. We need you closer to him so that even akaona Nelly,
he will be able to differentiate because don't ever think the
bond you created is gone.. He will soon remember you, but
with Nelly in the picture.
*Me...:* Manje where we will find her?
*Him.:* Will do some investigations..

He kept on telling me the benefits of my presence in Sean's

life. At first everything sounded silly, but later i saw that
he had a point. Going away was like giving Nelly an
opportunity to create a bond with my man. And that bond
was gonna take me sometime to break or never. I didn't
want that. I had to fight for our love. Remember i loved
Sean when many called him 'Street Adult' and i fell in love
not knowing who he really was. Its like we had come a
long way, and we were almost reaching our finishing line.
So really, giving up was not worth it. I was really happy
that i had strong people in my life, they never get tired of
strengthening me. That in particular made me feel

I thought he was gonna drop me then left, no he asked to

at least greet my family.. Its a good thing dady was there
too and they had enough time to talk about the case. He
looked so passionate about his job, and i felt pity for the
culprit, they were never gonna rest until they caught
him/her.. Well later he left and i felt happy knowing that
my family was too concerned about me. We had dinner
and later went to sleep. The next day i went to work and
Prosper had advised me to pass by Sean's house everyday
so that we won't distance ourselves from each other.. I did
and it was like i was just checking up on him.

Days passed and they managed to get a hold of Nelly.

Prosper told her everything and she was really excited.
Why not when she heard that Sean was rich. But Prosper
always made sure that whenever Nelly paid Sean a visit, i
should be there too. That would disgust Nelly but she had
nothing to do.. This other day we went to see him on a
Saturday. Nelly was still staying kuGlenview, that's where
she was renting. We found Sean swimming.. I just sat on
the bench and Nelly was like..

*Her..:* Kelly we need some privacy, may you please

excuse us?
*Me...:* Sure.

I excused them and that moment Sean's mom arrived. She

never liked Nelly so she didn't want her close to her son
on a place that no one would see them. We went and sat
mulounge. She had called Sean, and we all sat mulounge. I
could see Nelly was uncomfortable but then she had
nothing to do..

*Sean..:* Will be in my room with my girlfriend.

*Mom..:* At least respect us, you will do that in our
*Sean..:* But every time im with her, you will be there too.
*Mom..:* Because i will be looking after you..

He just zipped his mouth. He respected his mom. The day

passed and we said goodbye. He drove us to town then i
left them with his girl. I called Prosper telling him about
their whereabouts and he told me not to worry.. Well i
went home.. My dad was really stressed about this issue of
Nelly and Sean being lovers. But we all had nothing to do,
we didn't wanna disturb him. Because mom in law had
said according to the doctors, he was not far away from
getting better, but if we were to stress him, he would take
time or we would damage his memory to the extent of not
recovering for good. So we were trying our best to tolerate
him, so that we don't worsen the situation...

Days passed and Prosper told me that they had a suspect

by the name Jonny Dota. My heart skipped when he
showed me Jonny's picture.. I couldn't figure out why him.
Prosper was still gathering more information about him,
but it looked like he was the one behind. But nobody was
aware of his reasons.. I knew we were gonna find out and i
was now praying for Nelly not to be part of it. And i had no
idea if they were still together. Maybe she had dumped
him when she heard that Sean was in love with her.. Days
passed and i was transferred to Bulawayo for a month. I
was gonna miss Sean, but Prosper promised me that all
was gonna be well.. I went to Bulawayo with my mind
settled.. My mom in law called everyday, checking up on

Trust me i had a nice time there and i didn't even miss

home. There i met Chris who was a Ndebele and we
became friends.. He was a good guy and he made me enjoy
Matabeleland life to the fullest.. He had a car so after work
he would come and pick me. He made me forget about my
problems.. We became close friends in a short period of
time.. At least i had found my self someone to tell my

At fist i didn't trust him so i didn't tell him anything about

my life, but he was really open. He told me a lot about his
life and i ended up telling him about mine too. He told me
that he knew someone who was once suffering from
amnesia but she recovered after 6 months.. He suggested
that we pay her a visit some other time. I really wanted to
see her.. Days passed and Prosper found information
about Jonny.. He said he couldn't tell me through the
phone so i had to go back to Harare for some days. I was
planning on going there the next day.. That same day i
received a call from uncle.. It has been long so i answered
it right away..

*Me..:* Malume linjani??

📲....: Now you speaking Ndebele because you working that
side kkkkk. Anyway did your father tell you that Jonny is a
well known armed robber and child trafficker?


Will Sean ever recover???

Jonny is a what???

Is Nelly part of it??

Stay tuned.....
Chapter 10

*Me...:* No i didn't know.

📲.....: They will tell you soon don't worry..
*Me..:* Ok thanks uncle, i will be there tomorrow. Prosper
said there is something he wanna tell me and he couldn't
tell me through the phone..
📲...: Ok niece. See you then.
(He dropped the call)

I was shocked henyu. Who would have known that Jonny

was that dangerous? Im pretty sure the reason why he was
after me like that is that he wanted to kill me. I felt pity for
my sister. I just prayed that she knew nothing about this.
Wait,,,, i just remembered something, the day Sean was
stabbed, the previous day i met Jonny, and he was acting
weird. Could that possibly mean he was planning
something? How then did he know i was in that
restaurant? Who told him that we were gonna meet up
with Sean the next day?? Could that possibly mean he was
stalking me? Or someone was giving him information??
But who could it be? I had so many questions running in
my head.. I later concluded by promising my self to tell
Prosper about that. Who knows that little info was gonna
That day went well and i was now planning on going
home. I was given a 3 days off at work.. I told Chris that i
was going back home and he insisted on coming with me..
I agreed hangu because aive akatooma musoro.. So he
suggested that he was gonna come pick me early in the
morning. At least i had free transport. That's the
advantage of having many friends kkkk. The day then
passed and the next day around 5:30 am, Chris was there..
He was indeed a timekeeper. Well we didn't waste time,
we then embark on our journey.. Along the way Chris was
playing house music. Woh that type of music was never
my favourite so he was punishing me kkkk.

*Me...:* So you will come back today?

*Him..:* Kkkk will come back with you. I have got my aunt
who stays there, so will be living there waiting for you.
*Me...:* Kkkkk and what if im not coming back?
*Him..:* Will stay there too..

Trust me this guy was a stress reliever. I enjoyed the long

ride. With Chris by my side, the journey wasn't boring..
Later we arrived and he took me home first then went to
his aunt's place.. This day i just rest, i was exhausted.. The
day passed. I slept peacefully due to the long journey we
had. I had texted Prosper telling him that i was home. He
told me that he was gonna come the next day.. The next
day i woke up around 6 am. I had missed cooking for my
family, so i started cooking something for mom because
dad had left already.. She walked in when i was busy with
the pots..

*Her..:* Someone missed mommy's pots kkkkkk.

*Me...:* You can say that again and again.. I just wanna
make something delicious for you.
*Her...:* I had missed your touch too...

Well i continued cooking and she went and sat mulounge.

When i was done, i served her the food. She was really
happy. That moment Prosper arrived.. He just greeted
mom and then he wanted us to leave.. I told him to give me
more 5 minutes to first finish my food, but he suggested
that i ate my food along the way. He was really on a hurry..
I quickly changed my clothes then followed him. He didn't
waste time, he then started his car.. As usual, along the
way he was making several phone calls. Trust me this job
of his, was indeed busy.. I finished eating and that's when
we started talking. He told me how he found out that
Jonny was the one behind all the drama. That moment i
told him everything that i knew about this Jonny guy..

*Him..:* Can i ask you something kinda personal?

*Me...:* Sure go ahead.
*Him..:* How much do you trust your twin sister?
(My heart started beating. I wasn't expecting him to ask
me that.)
*Me...:* I trust her with my life.
*Him..:* Ok.
*Me...:* Why did you ask?
*Him..:* Nothing i was just checking...

He then continued with driving. But to be honest that

question left me with many questions. But i tried to
convince myself that it was not what i was thinking. We
later arrived to where we were going.. We were going to
Greystone Park.. I found my mom in law waiting for me
there and Sean was there too. She was really happy to see
me, so was i. I had missed her. Sean was still the same. I
just ignored him, ko yaisavewo mhosva yake..

*Pro..:* You guys you need to talk.. Mom and i, will excuse
(I had no idea what he was trying to say..)

They left and i was left with Sean, i wondered why they
had to left me with him knowing his condition. I just
zipped my mouth. I was waiting for him to start the
conversation. He too didn't say anything. Instead he stood
up and went upstairs. He didn't take much time there. He
came back with his laptop. I was just looking at him trying
to figure out what he was up to. Well he removed a flash
on the laptop, and inserted it in the DVD.. He then
switched on the TV..

*Him..:* I don't want you to panic ok?.. Just use your eyes,
and questions later..
(I just nodded my head)

*⏸He played a certain video* and i opened my eyes wide,

wanting to know what was the video about.. At first i was
lost, but later it was now clear.. That was him in a hospital
with his head bandaged. I suspected that was in Australia..
He was alone in the room and suddenly Prosper walked in.
He was checking up on him i guess.. When prosper walked
in, he opened his eyes. Remember he went to Australia
just for a brain test since he was feeling much better..

*Pro..:* Hey bro how are you feeling now?

*Him..:* Im ok. Where is my girlfriend?
*Pro..:* Kkkk you still remember that?
*Him.:* Yes but i can't remember her face clearly.
*Pro..:* But if i show you her picture, are you able to
*Him..:* I think i will. Please do.
(Prosper took out his phone from the side pocket of his
*Pro..:* They are twins, you remember?
*Him..:* Not really.

Prosper handed the phone to him and he looked at the

picture for sometime. Im sure he was trying to remember
who his girl was between the two. Later he said..

*Him..:* What are their names?

*Pro..:* Kelly and Nelly. Kelly was your girlfriend. The one
on the right side.
*Him..:* No i remember. Nelly was my girl.
*Pro..:* No Sean, its Kelly. Kelly not Nelly.
*Him..:* And now who's girlfriend are we still talking
*Pro..:* Yours of course.

Prosper took his phone from his hands angrily, and left the
room. He then slept. The next day Prosper visited him
along with their mom and he was still thinking that Nelly
was his girl.. *▶He then paused the video...*

*Me...:* Why are you showing me this??

*Him..:* Because i want you to know where this came
(I didn't understand his words..)

*Him..:* I was really blank and i thought Nelly was my girl.

But then i started wondering why they were both insisting
that you were my girl.. I knew something was wrong with
me.. Even when we came back here, they wanted me to be
with you more than Nelly. They had told me that i was
suffering from amnesia but i didn't understand the
meaning of that.. So i started doing my own research.
Prosper showed me several pictures of you and i but still i
never felt like you were my girl.. But then the time i spent
with Nelly, meant nothing to me too. I felt like i was
attached to someone before, but then i couldn't figure out
who that person was.. When Prosper told me that you
went to Bulawayo, i don't wanna lie, i started missing you
more. And seeing Nelly in your absence, started to be
boring than ever.. This is what happened 5 days ago..

*⏸He played the video again..* He was in his bedroom busy

looking at my pictures in his laptop. He was looking at my
pictures, but his mind was far away. Suddenly Prosper
walked in..

*Pro..:* Bro look at this. Its terrible but you can watch it.
*Him.:* What is it?
*Pro..:* Just watch.
Prosper gave him his flash and he inserted it in his laptop..
That was a video of two love birds crossing a highway,
holding hands.. That moment a car came from nowhere
and hit the girl, the guy ran to the girl and i was shocked
seeing the girl with my face.. Its like someone was zooming
it and then my face covered the whole screen.. That
moment Sean just screamed...

*Him..:* Noooo!!!
*Pro...:* What's wrong bro?
(He kept quiet for a while then said..)
*Him..:* I need to go there now. Where is she? Is she dead?
*Pro..:* Who are you talking about?
*Him.:* Damn Prosper drop the act, where is Kelly my
*Pro..:* Oooh thank God my brother's memory is back..

*▶He paused the video again...* I then froze. Its like i was
watching a movie.. Everything was like a drama to me. I
couldn't believe that was real.. Sure Sean's memory was
back? Ndakaita kupererwa manzwa...

*Him..:* Come on babe. Its me your Sean. Im ok now so

don't be scared of him..
With those words he hugged me so tight. That moment i
came back to my senses.. And i started crying. Really my
guy was back? I was really happy guys.. That moment
mom and Prosper walked in..

*Pro..:* Im sure you done talking.

*Sean:* Not really we still talking kkkk.
*Mom:* Haiwa tibvire apa.

Well they told me everything. I was now sure that he was

ok. They worked hard for real. He didn't take much time to
recover. I felt pity for Nelly, she was really gonna die after
finding out about the truth. At least the one problem that
was eating me up every night, was solved.. I was
relieved..Later Prosper said...

*Him..:* But there is something we need to tell you ninez..

*Me...:* Its ok.
*Him..:* We want Sean to pretend like he's still suffering
from amnesia.
*Me...:* Why?
*Him..:* We still want Nelly's presence in his life.
*Me..:* What?? Why? Is he now in love with her.
*Sean:* No cwty i love only you and you know that.
*Me...:* So what's the other reason???
*Pro..:* We think Nelly knows something and she's
somehow working with Jonny...
*Me...:* No no no that can't be true!!


Wow thank God Sean is now ok..

Will Kelly believe them??

Will she agree on that idea of Sean pretending??

Is it true that Nelly is working with Jonny??

Stay tuned...
Chapter 11


Hi guys! Im sure you all know me so i won't waste much of

your time introducing myself. Well the fact that Sean and i
lost our parents the terrible way, made me love him more.
By that i mean i don't want anything to hurt him. He is my
closest relative. So that time he was stabbed, i was really
hurt. And i promised my self that i was gonna do anything
to catch the culprit.. He had told me that he found his love,
but i was not aware that he hasn't revealed his identity to
her. That time he woke up, he told me everything and i
loved the girl too, even before meeting her. All i wanted
was keeping my brother's smile forever..

Well everything went ok and my sister in law was freed

from jail. But its unfortunate that, they were never given
enough time to enjoy their relationship. Something
terrible then happened to my brother again. My heart
broke. I felt like i was gonna lose him. From that incident i
didn't rest. My brother's life was in danger. Well i told
mom and she was angry. Trust me that woman deserved
to because she had done so much for us.. He later
recovered but he had lost his memory. Everything was
processed and he flew to Australia. I knew he was gonna
recover quickly so i had to use that time to look for the

When he thought Nelly was his girl, i was really happy.

From the time he told me that Nelly hated Kelly, i never
liked her. So i used that as an advantage. He came back
home and i arranged that Nelly act the girlfriend role. Its a
good thing that worked a lot. She helped me with all the
information i was looking for. So i then worked hard to
bring back my brother's memory since i was done with the
investigation. I told him everything and he too suspected
her. But then he was now worried about Kelly. He told me
that she was never gonna believe it. I called her up and for
real, she didn't agree on my suggestion. The reason why
we wanted Sean to pretend was that,, we wanted Nelly to
relax until we were ready to attack. I was really hurt
because i was trying to protect them, she really didn't
know how “Terrible Her Twin"was.. But still i didn't give
up, because i was now afraid of them being hurt again. I
then did what i thought was the best thing. And i had so
much faith in myself that this was gonna work.

*Pro..:* Kelly we just trying to help each other here. Its not
like we going to kill her..
*Me...:* Even though, why on earth would you pick her?? I
know she don't like me, but the fact that we shared the
same womb, makes her harmless. She will never work
with such dangerous people.
*Sean.:* Sorry babe. That was just a suggestion. But if you
not ok with it, cool..
*Me...:* Im not..

There was a moment of silent for sometime. Trust me i

knew Nelly hated me, but still what they were accusing her
of was too much. But then i was now confused. They all
looked down when i disagreed with them. I didn't know
what to do guys.. The last thing i wanted was for them to
make me chose between my sister and boyfriend.

*Pro..:* I guess that's all we wanted to talk about.

*Me...:* So you planned this? Calling me from Bulawayo
just to accuse my sister?
*Pro...:* Not as such. That was for your own safety too. But
now that you not ok with it, will tell her the truth that Sean
is ok. Let's just hope nothing will happen. Sean you can
take your girl back home. I need to rush somewhere now.
With those words he walked out. He was no longer that
happy as compared to time yatakasvika. I felt guilty. But
then i couldn't sell my sister too. I was stuck in the middle.
Life was never great to me. Always under a lot of stress.
When was i going to be stress free? Its like every time i
wanted to enjoy life, something happened and took away
that little happiness. For as much as i wanted to convince
myself that i was strong, something happened again and
weigh me down.. My life was never interesting.

*Sean..:* I will be in my room. Call me if you need me.

(He took his laptop then went upstairs)

I could tell everyone was pierced off. But why would they
be? I didn't do anything wrong. I guess that was the simple
sign that they all didn't want me there, in fact, my
presence was irritating. So it was better to go back home.
Maybe i would be giving them peace.

*Me..:* Mom, i will leave now.

*Her.:* Why so soon daughter?
*Me..:* Wanna do something at home.
*Her.:* Sean will take you home later. Let's talk its been
long Darling.
I didn't wanna stay, but she convinced me. But this day she
was not herself. I noticed that her mind was far away. The
whole family looked down from that minute i disagreed on
their suggestion. I was now wondering if they had planned
this or they were being serious. This began to confuse me
even more. Well we spent some hours talking about a lot
of things. Sean didn't come down. He had locked himself in
his room. This was really messed up. That was supposed
to be our time to rejoice but there we were, mumwe
kwake, mumwe kwake. Trust me i missed Bulawayo this
day. Harare was now sour and not appetizing. I really
wanted to go back, giving everyone enough space.

Later i wanted to go and mom went upstairs to call Sean. I

didn't want her to bother him, but she insisted that he was
supposed to take me home. He came down looking super
hot. Trust me this was like my first time seeing him
wearing all that classy and fancy clothes.. Mamwe madays
i would find him wearing simple but smart though. This
day yoh, he was indeed looking more than great. Apa
already he was handsome. Well he had his car keys and
then went outside. I said goodbye to mom, then followed
him. I found him waiting for me outside. He opened the
door for me and i felt humbled. He got in too and started
his car.. Along the way, "Maroon 5" Girls Like You was
playing but all of a sudden he started playing “Grenade" by
Bruno Mars. At first i was wondering the meaning but later
i got it, listen to the lyrics...:
_Easy come, easy go, that's just how you live oh_
_Take, take, take it all, but you never give..._
_Should have known, you was trouble from the first kiss,_
_Had your eyes wide open,_
_Why were they open?_

_Gave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash,_

_You tossed it in the trash, you did._
_To give me all your love is all I ever asked 'cause...._

_What you don't understand is I'd catch a grenade for ya..._

_Throw my head on a blade for ya..._
_I'd jump in front of a train for ya...._
_You know I'd do anything for ya.._

_Oh oh, I would go through all this pain.._

_Take a bullet straight through my brain.._
_Yes, I would die for you baby,_
_But you won't do the same._
Im sure the lyrics aren't confusing you right? Well but they
did confuse me. If i got it right, the song was saying
something like a one-sided love. Someone was willing to
do everything even sacrificing his/her life, but then the
one he/she was doing that for, would never do the same.
So since Sean was the one who played that song, it was
clear that he was feeling the same way Bruno Mars was, in
that song. So the question was that, why would he think
that i wouldn't do the same?? I know he had sacrificed a
lot for me, but who told him that i wasn't willing to do that
too. I then decided to ask because he was the only one
with the answers i needed.

*Me...:* Why that song?

*Him..:* I just love Bruno Mars.
*Me...:* Sean you changed, did i do som....
*Him..:* Not now Kelly, i have a lot in mind right now.
*Me...:* If not now then when?

He didn't answer. I just zipped my mouth trust me he was

now stressing me more. No body said anything to anyone
kusvika tasvika kumba. Tichisvika kumba i heard my
father shouting and i thought he was doing that to mom.
No i never wanted him to do that. Sean akatozotevera
ndatove mumba. I was shocked kuona muina Nelly maziso
akaita red. Dady had his belt in his hand i could tell he was
beating her..
*Me...:* What's going on here??
*Mom:* Ask you sister Nelly. How could she be that evil?
How could she hate her mother's daughter like that??
(She was crying..)
*Dad..:* Nelly you going to jail no mater what!!!
*Me...:* What???


What will Kelly do??

How did her parents find out??

Will she allow them to take her sister to jail??

Stay tuned...
Chapter 12

*Me..:* Why are you shouting at her? What did she do

*Sean:* Ooh i guess i will come back some other time.
*Dad..:* No Sean you also included in the story.
*Sean:* Oh Kelly will tell me later. I gotta go now.

With those words he left. He wasn't looking ok though.

Well i was gonna talk to him later. At the moment i wanted
to know what was going on. Daddy looked really angry
and i knew whatever happened, wasn't pleasing at all.. My
heart was now beating fast. I was now scared of being
beaten up too kkkkk. Ko unobatanidzirwa zvee.. Well i sat
next to my mom, and i started comforting her. I was
waiting for everyone to calm down so that they would tell
me what was going on. After sometime, there was a
moment of silent. I took that chance to ask them. Whoever
was gonna answer me i didn't care, all i wanted was to
know the truth.

*Me..:* Can someone explain to me whats going on here??

*Dad.:* Ask your stupid sister.
(She was looking the other side.)
*Me..:* I guess you don't want me to know.
(I stood up herding my room)
*Him.:* She was behind everything. Sean being stabbed,
and the car hit too..
(My heart stopped beating for some seconds.)
*Me..:* Dad what are you saying??
*Him:* Your sister is behind your tears honey, she's
causing everything that is going on in your life right now. I
don't even know where she got that evil heart.
*Mom.:* Nelly why you my daughter? Why your sister?

I didn't say anything. Instead, i ran to my room then locked

my self in. I was hurt. Worse when i thought of Prosper
telling me the same thing,, my heart broke. My other half
had left without even saying goodbye because of my
foolishness. They were trying to help me but what did i
do??? I pushed them away. I was hurt to the bone. Why
Nelly? Why her?? Why Why?? I trusted her so much, with
my life. And now what?? I couldn't believe that was real.
Why her of all the people??? I cried my lungs out.. My mom
came and she tried knocking but i ignored. My dad too and
i did the same. I felt like living was really unnecessary.
That moment i thought of calling Sean and apologize. I
tried his phone many times but he had switched it off.
Trust me my world turned upside down in a second..
Within a blink of an eye.
But wait, i only heard, i didn't see. What if they were joking
and here i was, killing myself with crying? What if it was
just a trap for them to see how much i trusted my sister? I
then unlocked the door then went back to the lounge.. I
wanted to get full information. I found only Nelly and
daddy there.. But their faces were still reporting the same
story, sad and angry. I ignored that and asked...:

*Me...:* Daddy were you joking?? Where is the proof??

*Him..:* Switch on the TV if you think this is a trap.

My hands started shaking. These videos they always made

me watch, were never interesting. Remember few hours
ago, Sean had asked me to watch some videos again. And
now another video? This was becoming more and more
scary... I then switched on the TV and the terrible video
started playing...

*00:01 🔘________________10:55
⏮ ⏸ ⏭
Nelly and Sean were sitting at the backyard in Gretstone
Park.. Im sure that was the time i was in Bulawayo because
i didn't know this day... They were having a nice time i

*Sean:* Where is Kelly today?

*Nelly:* Come on hunny, why are you asking about her?
This is our time to be alone.
*Him..:* I know hunny, but im used to seeing you guys
*Her...:* I just do that for peace sake. Otherwise i don't like
*Him..:* Why? She's your twin sister.
*Her...:* She's evil i tell you. She wanted to kill me several
times because of you.
*Him...:* Yoh why? What happened?
*Her....:* Shes in love with you too. So my friends told me
to eliminate her because trust me, she's so jealous of my
relationship with you.
*Him..:* Eliminate?? How?
*Her...:* i first framed her and she was arrested and i also
tried to kill.... Never mind.
*Him..:* Come on babe tell me.
*Her...:* Will tell you some other time.
I didn't wait for the video to end, i had heard enough. I had
watched enough. So really she was responsible for
everything bad that was going on in my life?? Wow i got
what i wanted for trusting too much. I went straight to my
room, took my phone and wallet, then left the house. I ran
to the bus station. My plan was to go and see my man, then
apologise. I wanted to apologize for not trusting him, for
not believing his brother. They were looking after me, and
what did i do?? I turned them down because of her, *"My
Terrible Twin"*.. Nelly taught me a lesson i was never
gonna forget. A lifetime lesson.

In no time i was at the bus stop and its a good thing i found
an almost full commuter omnibus then bordered. Along
the way i was trying Sean's number but still, it was
unreachable. I even tried Prosper and mom's, and they
were the same. I was now stressed even more. Does this
mean they no longer need me? Is Sean that upset with me?
Does he still love me? All these questions were running
around my head. I didn't know what to think anymore. All
because i couldn't close my mouth. Why didn't i just keep
quiet?? Why didn't i just tell them to give me time to think
about this? Now it was messed up and i had no idea how i
was gonna clean the mess. Trust me Nelly destroyed me.
She ruined everything and i didn't know if i was gonna
forget about everything she had put me through..
Well ndakapinda mutown and took a taxi to Greystone
Park. The taxi didn't take much time, and i arrived. I ran to
the gate and knocked. The gate man then came out..

*Me...:* Good afternoon.

*Him.:* Hi madam maswera here?
*Me...:* Mushe. Can i get inside i wanna see Sean??
*Him..:* Eish you are a bit late. Sean left a while ago going
to the airport.
*Me...:* Ooh really? Was he accompanying someone
*Him..:* He said he's leaving for Australia this afternoon.

This was like a stab in the heart.. So now who am i?? I

asked my self. My man chose to leave me, my sister
betrayed me. Everything about me was bad news. I guess i
didn't deserve to be happy. I didn't comment, instead i
walked away. But before i took several steps, i felt like
someone was taking my breathe away and i couldn't
breath anymore. Slowly i felt dizzy and just went zii.....

Kelly indeed pushed her man away.

Will she be ok??

Will Sean ever come back?

Will Nelly be arrested for real??

Stay tuned...


Chapter 13

Hi guys! I'm sure you happy im on the platform. Well i
think you now know a lot about me. Prosper or Kelly,
whoever between the two, already told you a lot about me.
And there is nothing i can add or subtract from what you
know. So i will use this opportunity to tell you what you all
want to hear.. Kelly and i right???

Well the honest truth is that i was never interested in girls

before. All i wanted was boosting my self up. I wanted to
be someone in life first before anything else. And the real
reason behind, was to make that one woman who changed
my life proud. I never wanted her to regret adopting me.
So i used much of my time doing business and staff. By the
way im a lawyer, and a business man too. So after some
years of running my own project called life, i decided to
help those kids in the same situation i was in. So in order
for them to feel free around me, i decided to act like a
normal somebody, with nothing much in life. All i wanted
was to at least have a group of potential kids and then help
them with everything they needed in life.. I just felt like
helping just the exact way i was helped by someone...
Well before i started acting this whole poor thing, i was
starting to be interested in a certain girl. This girl i met her
at a particular business meeting and i liked her for being a
hard working lady. We exchanged numbers and we
became friends for sometime. So one day she bumped into
me somewhere and i was actually herding to a nearby
orphanage, there was a kid i wanted to see there. She was
never pleased with the way i looked. Instead of asking
what was going on, she said a lot of hurtful things. And to
her, it was like i had done something bad to be rich [dirty
games], and then things turned back and boom,, i was now
suffering. Actually i was a bit hurt because i never
expected her to think that of me. But still she was never
worth my tears, so i let her go. I told myself that she wasn't
the one.. The funny thing is that, what she did, didn't stop
me from doing what i loved to. Instead i continued...

Days passed and i was happy that i had found a group of

those kids i wanted. But they weren't enough though.
That's when i met Berven in town one day. He looked
simple and friendly and that's how we clicked.. We became
best of friends but i didn't tell him who i was really. It was
not yet the right time for him to know.

We were really close and this one day I heard that there
were so many kids in Highfield who were in need. I told
Bee and he told me that his sister stayed there, so he was
going there too. I suggested that i wait for him at
Machipisa Shopping Centre, after doing what i wanted to.
Later he brought his two nieces. I don't wanna lie, the
other one made my heart skip, and she was really
beautiful and simple as compared to the other twin. But i
was hurt she met me in that terrible state. She was indeed
lovely that i wanted her to meet me in my original self,
then i could treat her like a queen. But still it was water
under the bridge. Actually that kinda helped me know if
she truly loved me though. Trust me, she was indeed a
woman every guy would die for. Beautiful, caring, humble
and above all she was loyal.

Days passed, we started dating and our love became

stronger each and everyday. I loved her with every part of
me. Things turned out the wrong way but i promised my
self the i was gonna fight for her no mater what. When my
brother told me that i had lost my memory and think that
Nelly was my girl, i was really hurt. I could imagine how
stressed my girl was during that period. But i thanked my
brother and mom for keeping my love alive. They made
sure she never lose hope. I owe them big time trust me.
Well the day my memory came back, Prosper told me that
he had managed to gather more information regarding the
culprit behind everything that was going on in my life and
my love's. I was shocked when he said Nelly was. He had
many videos of Nelly saying rubbish. Shame my brother
really knows his work. He had made sure that wherever i
was, there was a camera inserted near. And trust me, he
had everything. Some of the things i don't even remember,
he had them all. He was a genius i tell you..

Trust me Nelly was indeed a “Terrible Twin". How could

someone hate her own blood sister like that?? She was
indeed dangerous. Well the problem then was delivering
the news to Kelly. She trusted her sister with her own life.
We knew very well that she was never gonna believe us.
But keeping it from her too was gonna cause more
damage. She was still gonna find out and she would blame
me for not telling her. So we had no other options, we
really had to tell her. Prosper had suggested that i pretend
to be still sick, then he would tell her. But i found it a bit
risky, so i then suggested that i tell her the truth about my
condition, then in that happy mood, i would tell her about
her sister. That sounded like a really good idea.. Because to
be honest, i don't remember much about what was going
on that time i lost my memory, but i remember that i never
felt deeply in love the way i felt when Kelly was around. I
felt like i was dating my sister. My mind had someone but
it was like that someone never existed. So everything
made sense when my memory came back.. I was really
happy. I had missed my real love, Kelly the queen of my
heart. And i was sure she had missed me too..
Well Prosper then called her up from Blues and she
promised to be there the next day. As promised, she came.
She was looking good as usual.. Damn i had missed this
girl. I started by letting her know that i was feeling ok. She
was really happy guys, trust me she had missed me for
real. Well the problem then came when we tried telling
her who her sister was. She was indeed angry and i was
hurt. I never expected her to think that we had planned it
and we were framing her sister. My brother too was hurt.
Guys he had worked so hard to get that info and now my
one and only girl didn't believe us? Its not like we were
really going to get her sister arrested. We wanted her and
family to know, then we would decide what to do from

When Prosper left, i did the same going to my room too. I

was really broken, to me its like she was never concerned
about me. She never cared about me. I went to my room,
locked myself there and started watching movies. Prosper
then called telling me that he was planning on sending the
videos to Kelly's father. I didn't want him to do that but he
insisted. He also told me that he had arranged that Nelly
went there. I don't know how he did that but he had faith
in himself. That time i really wanted to be alone. Well later
mom called me so that i could take Kelly home. I didn't
want but i had no other options. I did take her home and i
was shocked seeing Nelly there and my father in law
shouting. So Prosper was serious? I asked my self. I didn't
wanna stay because i wanted Kelly to at least trust me
first. I then left though her father didn't want..
I then switched my phone off because i knew she was
gonna call me. I arrived home well and all i wanted was
sleeping. That moment Prosper walked in. Mom was
sitting in the lounge. So i just greeted her and on my way
to my room, Prosper stopped me.

*Him.:* Don't tell me you mad at her.

*Me..:* Nop i just need sometime alone. So i will be in my
*Him.:* Alone for what?? Sean Kelly is so much in love with
you and we all know that. You need to understand her. I
understand it hurts, but she's hurting even more. She
trusted her twin much that she never expected her to
betray her. I don't think its that bad.
*Mom:* Yes Sean your brother is right. She need a
shoulder to lean on so by distancing yourself from her, you
hurting her more.
*Me...:* i just want her to at least trust me.
*Mom.:* The way she trusted her twin is a sign that she
trusted everyone she loves. She trust you so much and
never take advantage of that.
*Him..:* Do something fast bro. She's the only sister in law
i want from you. Right mom?
*Her..:* Yes my son. She's the only daughter in law i want
from him.
They had a point though. I couldn't dump my girl just like
that. We had come a long way and it was actually now our
time to shine. I had to show my girl how much she meant
to me. That moment someone knocked the door. I thought
maybe that was her. Prosper went to check and he came
back with a fine white lady with a big bag..

*Him..:* She got beautiful engagement rings. Chose one for

your girl.

Wow my bro was lovely i tell you. I never thought he

would think of that. I felt humbled. Indeed he cared about
me. The rings were really beautiful and expensive. I
remember the cheapest cost $500.. I then chose the
diamond one which goes for $1.679. That one was really
beautiful for my special lady. I thanked my brother for the
caring heart. Then the white lady left. That moment we
started planning a surprise engagement for my girl. We
called friends and relatives because it was gonna be a
night engagement.. We even called her parents and that's
when her father told me that she had left. I knew she was
on her way home so we told the gateman to lie that i had
left for Australia.. In no time she was there and the
gateman did exactly what i had instructed him to and my
poor Kelly collapsed. Shame that time i realized how hard i
was being on her. She was so much in love with me.
Its a good thing Gab was on her way and she took her to
Borrowdale so that she could take care of her. It was now
getting late and almost everyone we had invited were
there. Gab was giving me an update and she said
everything went well and she managed to lie to her. What
was left was for her to find out about the surprise i had
planned for her, and i had something great for her too...

I woke up in a beautiful room. The room was well
designed and i wondered where i was. I quickly
remembered what had happened. So Sean had left me?? I
wanted to scream but i really had no power. Tears started
falling down my cheeks. I felt weak that i couldn't even
shout for help because it seemed like i was kidnapped.
That moment Gab walked in..

*Her..:* Ooh my word why are you crying? There is no time

for that. We going out to refresh your mind..

I was not even in the mood but she insisted. I then agreed.
I really wanted to occupy myself so that i don't think
much. She told me that the time i collapsed, she was calling
and the gate man answered my phone telling her what had
happened to me. She then rushed there. She was lovely.
Well she then gave me her nice new yellow long dress and
heels, she also styled my hair. In no time i was looking
gorgeous. She said we were going to a friend's place for
some drinks. That was like a house party or so. We didn't
take much time then we left. She drove really fast and yoh
she looked like she was out of time. She then stopped and
blindfolded me hanzi i have a surprise what what. I was
now beginning to suspect her acts. We arrived where i
suspected to be the place and i couldn't see the place since
i was blindfolded. She parked inside then i got out with her

She helped me to the main door. But the place was quiet
and i wondered what kinda party was that. I didn't ask
though. She opened the door and made me stand. She told
me to remove the fold in the count of three. After 3 i
removed it and i was like what??? The room was full and
they all shouted "SURPRISEEEE". That moment Sean
popped up from nowhere and knelt down on one knee,
holding this blue ring box.. I was like whaaat??? And the
next thing i did was.....

What a lovely guy Sean is??

Is Nelly aware of this surprise engagement party??

What will she do??

Will Kelly agree on them getting her arrested??

Stay tuned....


Chapter 14

The next thing i did was crying. I thought he had left me
but here he was, about to propose. I couldn't stop my tears
from falling. I loved Sean for real, and living without him
by my side, was starting to be difficult..

*Him..:* No Kelly stop crying my love. I know you regret

not believing us, but i too regret not understanding you.
We came a long way and now its our time to be happy. To
be honest, you the one person i desire to spend the whole
of my life with. I love you with every part of me and that's
a sign that without you, im nothing. Please my love
promise to be always there for me no mater what, by just
saying yes to my proposal. Kelly John the Apple of my eye,

*Me...:* Yes Sean. I will.

(I said so with a shaking voice)
*Him..:* Thanks my love. I promise to stand by you no
matter what. And i will make sure that these tears will
always be tears of joy..
He inserted the beautiful diamond ring on my finger. He
hugged me so tight. I then sobbed in his arms. Everyone
was now clapping hands. Trust me i felt so special and i
was really happy. I even forgot about Nelly ruining my life.
After some minutes, we break the hug, then we started
greeting everyone. My parents were really happy for me i
tell you. At least they smiled for a moment, that would
help them forget about Nelly a bit.

*Dad..:* No matter how haters try to mess with your life,

you never get tired of making us proud. We are so proud
of you my daughter. We just hope one day your sister will
learn something from your kindness.
*Mom:* Please Kelly my daughter, you are our jewel now,
don't hurt us like what your sister did.
*Me...:* I promise i will try my best to make you happy.
You the two people i desire to see their smiles forever.
*Dad..:* We love you princess. And please don't hurt Sean
too, he love you so much.

Sean was just smiling. He later thanked them for allowing

him to engage with me. Trust me they loved him for real.
We then greeted everyone and i really had a pleasing
night. All Sean's friends and relatives loved me. Not
forgetting my mom in law and brother in law too. Sean
told me what they had done for him to get back to his
senses. I thanked them and even apologized for not
believing them. They were never mad at me though. Trust
me i promised my self that i was never gonna doubt the
people who loved me. I had to value them the exact way
they valued me. That way, i could be happy.

Well the night went well. I had an engagement party of my

dream, with my favourite people around me. I really
enjoyed that night. Later around 9pm the party was over.
We had to go back to our homes. Mom left with daddy.
Sean then took me home. Along the way he was promising
me many things and i was just smiling. I could feel it in me
that i loved him with all my heart. That day i vowed to
myself that no matter what, i was never gonna doubt him
again. I realised that i was about to lose the love of my life,
just because of someone who never loved me. Anyway we
then arrived and we said our goodbyes. Before i went out
he then said..

*Him..:* Can i tell you something serious?

That moment he hold my hands and looked at me with a

serious face. My heart was now beating fast. I was now
praying for him not to break my heart with his words. I
had had enough please..

*Him..:* I love you Kelly, with all my heart.

(I was still waiting for him to say his story.)
*Me...:* I know and i love you too.
(I said so looking at him with a serious face too.)
*Him..:* Kkk what?
*Me...:* Are you not gonna say what you wanted to tell
*Him..:* Didn't i just tell you?
*Me...:* You said you wanna tell me something serious, and
you only said you love me then zipped your mouth.
*Him..:* Isn't that serious?? That is what i wanted to say.
(Aaargh sure my heart was about to break for someone
who was just playing hake.)
*Me...:* Kkkk are you for real??
*Him..:* Now you don't believe me? Or maybe you want
me to lie to you,, babe i impregnated some other girl, im a
father and...
*Me...:* No no no don't say it, it's OK i heard your serious
something kkkkk.
*Him..:* Kkkk that's the problem with women. You tell
them the truth, they doubt you. You lie to them, they still
question you, so what is it that you want really?
*Me...:* (silent...)
*Him..:* Come on answer me.
*Me...:* You said that's the problem with women and my
name is Kelly. So wait, women will answer your question.
*Him..:* Kkkkk i missed you babe. Let's just spend the
night here talking.
*Me...:* I had so many sleepless nights the past days and
im sure you too, so will talk some other time. Today we
need to sleep.

Trust me this day he was really hard to convince, he really

wanted us to spend the night talking. But then i was so
tired and i needed some time to rest. He later left after
some minutes of complaining. I ignored it hangu, yooh he
was just too much. Well the day then passed. The next day
i received a call from my boss telling me that i had to come
back to Harare. I asked about the things i had left kuBlues
but he only said he was gonna make a plan. I wondered
why he sounded that serious. I then let it go.. I was starting
work the next day.

I called Chris telling him about the new arrangements and

he was cool with it though. I didn't tel him anything about
Sean because i wanted to do it not through the phone. And
oooh there was Nelly on the other hand. Well she was
locked up in her room until we were all settled. You know
she was indeed confusing me. I never even wanna think
about it. This day daddy didn't go to work. At lunch he
unlocked her and we all had lunch together. She was just
quiet i guess she was regretting i don't know...

*Dad..:* Kelly you the reason why this evil lady is still here.
*Me...:* What do you mean by that?
*Him..:* At least tell us what you think about her, and what
you want us to do with her.
(That was indeed a difficult question. I didn't know what
to say.)
*Me..:* I don't even know what to say. In fact i don't wanna
talk about it. What she did is something i never expected
from her so im actually out of words.
*Mom:* I told you she will say nothing.
*Dad.:* Don't worry. The solution is there already. She's
going to jail.

(My heart stopped beating. Of course what she did was

really bad, but then i was once locked up and trust me, that
place is not interesting. I couldn't let them take her there.
That sounded too much..)

*Me..:* No daddy you don...

*Dad.:* Close your mouth Kelly, you once stayed there so
what so special about her? You both our daughters, so you
have equal rights. She must go and feel the pain too. That
way, maybe she will come back to her senses.
(He looked really serious that i couldn't say a word.)
*Him..:* Young lady you eating like you are on a date sei,
bare in mind that the little that you ate, you will spend
three days with only that in your tummy. Next time you
will know who's back to stab.

He was referring to Nelly. I then remembered that officer

who said hurtful words to me in Ndebele. I couldn't
control my tears, so i ran to my room. I watched them
getting out through the window. I felt sorry for my sister,
but i couldn't do anything. Daddy was very angry. Well i
then fall asleep. I woke up with my mom starring at me.

*Me..:* Mom hi.

*Her..:* Please my daughter don't stress too much. Trust
me that's just a punishment, she will be fine.
*Me..:* Mom that place is bad.
*Her..:* I know and i feel bad for her too. But baby, because
you also stayed there and for something you didn't do too,
she also have to do the same. That's our responsibility as
parents to make sure that you both happy, and by that we
need to make sure that we don't take sides. That's the fair
*Me..:* Yes mom but i....
*Her..:* Sssshhh,, someone is waiting for you. Wash your
face first, i don't want my son to be stressed more.
She then left and i knew it was Sean. Well what she said
made sense but i just couldn't accept that my sister was
gonna be jailed. That was scary though. But i was just
happy my mom didn't react to the news. So i didn't wanna
argue with her because i was afraid of damaging her
already damaged heart. Anyway i washed my face then
went to the sitting room. I found my man there looking
super hot and he wanted us to go out. That was a good
idea because i wanted something to cheer me up, i wasn't
myself this day. Well he then waited for me and i changed
my clothes quickly, then we said goodbye to mom.

We went to his house, shame that place i don't know why,

was really a good place to be. He had bought some
goodies. He was really charming this day. We spent the
day playing, running around like kids, and i enjoyed every
moment. The bond that was there between me and Sean
was unbreakable. Well later he then said...:

*Him..:* Prosper told me that Nelly's case will be in court

next week.
*Me...:* Oooh OK.
*Him..:* And there is something i wanna tell you.
*Me...:* You love me??
*Him..:* Kkkkkkk yes i love you, but not that exactly.
*Me...:* So what is it then??
*Him..:* The man Jonny murdered, his relatives paid me to
be their lawyer, so i will be representing them in court.
*Me...:* Whaaat?? Why you of all the lawyers in


What is gonna happen next??

Will Kelly agree on Sean being the lawyer against her


What verdict do you suggest on Nelly??

Will she ever change??

Stay tuned..

*NB...: Like i said, this is a short story, the next chapter will
be the final....

Chapter 15

*Him..:* Im sorry, i was just telling you.

With those words, he stood up and went upstairs. I knew

he was pieced off because i had raised my voice on him. I
felt guilty, i love Sean and hurting him was never my
intention. But on the other hand, there was "My Terrible
Twin". The thought that she was gonna rot in jail, killed
me. What she did was terrible for real, but i just couldn't
picture myself enjoying life, knowing that my other half
was locked up. I was really confused. The idea of Sean
representing the opposite side, really didn't satisfy me. But
then i couldn't lose him too. To be honest life meant
nothing to me without him by my side. He was my

I felt so weak that i couldn't even follow him upstairs. I

was stuck in the middle of a hard rock. I just found myself
crying. Thinking really became difficult. I couldn't figure
out a solution. My life was a mess i tell you. The moment i
tried telling myself that i was happy, something would
happen, and ruin everything. Trust me i didn't understand
who i was really. Its like i had a second name that i wasn't
told, and the name was "Tears".. Everywhere i was, my
eyes would be glassy, my cheeks wet. Tears always falling.
If this is what you call life, to me it didn't make any sense.

Well i cried my lungs out for some minutes, and tell you
what?? Nothing changed. The problem was never solved,
the solution was never there. So why was i crying really? I
asked myself. That moment i then thought of following my
man, we had to talk. Killing my self with crying was never
gonna help me. I remembered that i had promised to stand
by him, listen to him and never doubt him. I was too
speedy, i concluded quickly before listening to his point of
view. This was really gonna ruin my relationship slowly
and that is what i didn't want. I then stood up and went to
his bedroom upstairs. I thought he had locked the
bedroom, but to my surprise the room was unlocked. I
knocked and nobody responded then i entered. I found
him fast asleep.

I went straight to his bed, then sat next to him. Trust me

my heart broke. He was indeed stressed. Why was i
punishing him like that really?? The last thing i wanted
was making him feel the absence of his parents. You know
how it is with orphans, every time you hurt them, they will
think of their parents no mater how good their life at that
moment is. Im sure Sean felt the same that time. I don't
know why i started crying staring at him. I regretted
shouting at him.. He then opened his eyes.

*Me...:* Im so sorry babe, i wa....

*Him..:* Jeez why didn't you wake me up babe? There is
somewhere we need to go.
(He stood up and i was now confused)
*Me...:* Where are we going? We need to talk.
*Him..:* Not now hunny we running out of time. Please go
and wash your face, you look horrible..

He was confusing me more. I thought he was mad at me

but he looked OK. He then showed me his bathroom then
he went to take a bath in one of the spare bedrooms.
Asking was a waste of time because he was not interested.
I went to the bathroom then washed my face. I took some
minutes there then when i came back, i was shocked. Sean
was now wearing a white ripped jean and a red T-shirt
written..: "Sean's Queen". He had white sneakers too. Trust
me he was looking hot. I just stood there, looking at my
adorable future husband..

*Him..:* Come'on bae you too slow. You took minutes

there just washing your face. And now you stand there like
a robot instead of changing your clothes.
(I was lost)
*Me..:* Wha...
*Him.:* Change now we late Kelly..

He said those words pointing at his bed then left the room.
There was a nice red T-shirt and white ripped skin jean.
The T-shirt was written..: "Kelly's King". I smiled looking at
the T-shirt. For a moment, i wanted to scream then i
remembered that Sean had asked me to be quick. I
changed fast and wow i was looking gorgeous. The clothes
looked perfect on me. I then went out and Sean froze too
looking at me...

*Me...:* Now what are you looking at? We running out of

*Him..:* No Kelly, i can't go with you looking like that. Go
and change.
(Say what?)
*Me..:* Why? Is it bad?
*Him.:* You too beautiful and im afraid of them snatching
you away from me.
*Me...:* Look who's talking. Time is not on our side.

He smiled and i smiled back. We then went out. I had no

idea where he was taking me but i knew it was a surprise.
And guys i felt loved just looking at our matching clothes. I
had no idea when he had printed those t-shirts but hey, i
was really happy. Trust me my man loved me though
sometimes i failed to show him my love too. He opened the
door for me, then we drove off. He started playing
Enrique's *Number One". Wow personally i love Enrique
so i felt butterflies in my tummy kkkkk.

*Me..:* Babe im sorry about my reaction lately. I was jus..

*Him.:* Kelly please not now eh.
*Me..:* Where are we going?
*Him.:* You will find out soon.
*Me..:* Thanks for the clo....
*Him.:* This woman.. Kkkk swty can you close your mouth
for the next few minutes?
*Me..:* OK if you say so.
*Him.:* I love you.

He smiled then i zipped my mouth. He was receiving

several calls along the way. He was like Prosper this day.
Well after sometime we were in Hatfield. I wanted to ask
but i was waiting for him to play me since he had paused
me kkkkk. The gate was already open and he drove in..
There were many cars outside. He parked then we went
*Him..:* Babe this is Prosper's house. He is engaging with
his girl tonight and we were supposed to be here a while
ago.. But you didn't wake me up.
*Me...:* You didn't tell me..
*Him..:* Im sorry hey, now let's go inside.

Well he held my hand then we walked to the main door.

We found Prosper proposing. Shame we were not that
late.. It was a surprise engagement. Wow i loved the setup.
My future sister in law was happy. She was really
beautiful. We had fun though Prosper first scolded us for
delaying kkkk but he didn't mean it though. Its like many
of the couples there were wearing matching clothes and
red and white was the dress code.. The night was pleasing
i tell you. At least i forgot about my problems for a
moment.. Later Sean took me home. I tried apologizing
about earlier but he kept on stopping me from saying it. I
then let it go since we were cool..

I was happy that me and my bae we were OK. The next day
i started going to work. My life was now OK. Sean made
sure that he take me out for lunch everyday, and he would
come and pick me after work. He was spoiling me big time.
And Chris my Ndebele friend kkkkk he found himself a girl
and he was no longer interested im going back home..
That's how crazy he was.. And i was now friends with my
sister in law. Her name was Precious. She was simple and
cool though she came from an average family like me.
Well days passed and i visited Nelly only twice. Yes she
was never sorry for ruining my life that's why i saw it
useless paying her some visits. The court day finally
arrived and i was really waiting for it. I really wanted to
know the reason why my twin betrayed me.. And guess
what?? Sean lied to me, he was actually not the lawyer
those people paid. I guess he just wanted to test my
brains.. Everyone was there.. My sister looked pale that
day, guess life was beginning to be hard on her. But still
Nelly was Nelly, she cared less though..

Well everything went well and indeed Jonny was found

guilty. The reason why he was after me was lame i tell you.
He said someone had paid them to look for a girl my age,
then bring him.. So when he first saw me, he wanted to sell
me to that man but it's unfortunate that he fell for me. So
as i was rejecting, he started hating me. Worse when he
found out that i gave him my sister's number, he hated me
more. So he saw it useless dating me since i wasn't
interested, then he wanted to proceed with his deals.

So that time Nelly send him my pictures, he took that as an

advantage of getting rid of me but then Sean came in the
picture. So then he started pretending to love Nelly since
she was his only way out. Nelly fell for him not knowing
that he was on a mission.. So he did what he did behind
her back. Then he would tell her later. The man they killed,
was just a way of getting me arrested and he would come
to me as a life savor, then kidnap me. The reason why they
stabbed Sean was that he was like an obstacle in his way..
So Nelly was only told “We just wanna scare your sister"
then since she was amazed by the money Jonny was giving
her, she never cared..

So that time Sean was hit by a car, Nelly was asked by

Jonny to take care of Sean for a reason she didn't know.
Since she wanted to hurt me, she agreed and she sent
someone to kill Sean. The reason for that was that Jonny
wanted to get her arrested after he was done with her, and
she was unaware of this. So everything turned the wrong
way and now Jonny was being hunted by that man who
had paid them for me.. So they were trying to escape but it
was too late. I felt sorry for my sister because everything
Jonny explained, seemed to be new to her. She looked
shocked.. That's what we get for being selfish sometimes.
She involved herself in some dirty games, all in the name
of her love for money. Just because she was never satisfied
with her life..

Well Jonny and crew, were sentenced to life in prison and

my sister was given 2 years. Imagine the two weeks i spent
were terrible, what about 24 months?? She did reap what
she sowed. She was now sad. I guess at first she never
thought things would turn that bad. I felt sorry for her but
i had nothing to do.. After the court, she was taken to
Chikurubi Maximum Prison. A place i never dreamt of her
living. We were hurt but we tried to be strong. Dady was
never sorry for her..

Well days passed and became months, Sean wanted his

other half home. The bridal price was paid. Imagine my
own twin sister was not there. I missed her for real. Well
the wedding was in two weeks. Gab wanted to wed first
but then her parents went out of the country for business
so they had asked them to make it in a month time. She
was bored though. Well the preparations were not that
stressing because Sean had everything in control. And
sorry, it was gonna be a double wedding with Prosper my
brother in law. That was the sweetest thing ever...

Everything was done and the big day was finally here. My
parents were over the moon. I had made them proud. I
chose “Wild Geese" for our venue, and it was a good thing
Precious loved that place too. Gab was my maid of honor,
ncaww my love for her never dies. The wedding was well
organised i tell you. We had invited all our friends and
relatives.. We had so much fun. We were now husband and
wife with my man, the King of my heart.. Later it was now
time for speeches. Everyone said whatever they wanted to
say and shame we got so much love from people. Later
Sean said he had two presents for me. I was shocked
seeing Nelly coming out of the crowd with a big tummy.
Damn my sister was pregnant. She looked terrible. She
was now slim mmmm life was treating her bad. I ran to
her i had missed her, despite being “My Terrible Twin”. She
hugged me back and started crying.

*Me..:* Who's the father Nelly??

*Her..:* Jonny.

She said so with a shaking voice.. I felt sorry for her. Jonny
that monster really? That moment Sean came closer and

*Him..:* How about you withdraw the case hunny?

*Me...:* Yes hunny it's fine.
(I said so out of pity, she was not OK i tell you)
*Him.:* She's my first present and here is my second..

He gave me an Apple iPad and there was a beautiful white

house and i couldn't figure out what was going on there. I
looked at him and he said..

*Him...:* That's our new house in San Francisco America.

The one in Greystone Park will be for the boys. We leaving
for America soon after Gab's wedding...........

Kelly was surprised, she never thought of something huge

like that. But its because she underestimated Sean's love.
Indeed they were gonna leave in America for unknown
years. Sean had many houses but the one he loved the
most that was in Greystone Park, he had decided to make
it a place for those orphans he picked in the streets. That's
where they were gonna stay, going to school. The whole
family forgave Nelly but her life was now messed up, with
Johnny's baby in her tummy and she was now HIV
positive. That's what she got for being a “Terrible Twin"....
She stabbed her own back!!








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