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Ibajay National High School

School for the Arts

Colongcolong, Ibajay, Aklan


Name: ____________________________________Grade &Sec. ______________Score: ________

I.MATCHING TYPE. Match Column A from Column B. Write only the letter if the corrects


______1. Physical Self a. The way you feel about yourself and others
______2. Mental Self b. The way you look as a man or a woman
______3. Social Self c. The way you value relationships
______4. Emotional Self d. The way you interact with others
______5. Ethical Self e. The way you think as a man or a woman

______6. Self-Love a. Your regard yourself as a worthwhile person

______7. Self-Knowledge b. Your awareness of the things you can do well
______8. Self-Confidence c. Your acceptance of yourself
______9. Self-Respect d. Your understanding of your feelings and your character
______10. Self-Experience e. Your way of showing your individuality in expressing
yourself as a man or a woman.

II. CLASSIFICATION. Classify the following activities if it is related to MALE OR FEMALE

role. Write your answer on the space provide.

____________11. Play with doll ______________16. Invite a person on a date

____________12. Play baseball ______________17. Cook
____________13. Fix a broken faucet ______________18. Clean the house
____________14. Wear an earring ______________19. Ride a bike
____________15. Have long hair ______________20. Change Diaper

III. A. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read each sentence carefully and encircle the letter of the correct

21. A social concept on how men and women should think, feel, and act.
a. Gender b. Gender Role c. Gender Sensitivity d. Gender Equality
22. The way in which we experience and express ourselves as sexual beings.
a. Sex b. Gender c. Human Sexuality d. Gender Role
23. The biological basis of being male or female.
a. Sexuality b. Sex c. Gender d. Gender Equality
24. Permits man and woman equal enjoyment of human rights.
a. Gender Equality b. Gender d. Gender Role d. Gender Sensitivity
25. Refers to set of roles, characteristics, and expectations of how a man or woman should feel, think,
and act as influenced by parents, peers and society.
a. Gender Equality b. Gender d. Gender Role d. Gender
26. An integral part of what we do and who we are and the total expression of an individual’s self-
concept. A. Sexuality b. Sex c. Gender d. Human Sexuality
27. A choice you make or act upon which is carefully considered the outcome of each choice.
a. Ability b. Decision c. Idea d. Consequences
28. A communicable disease that is spread by a pathogen (disease-causing organism) from one person
to another person through sexual contact.
a. Hormonal Imbalance c. Human Immunodeficiency Virus
b. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome d. Pregnancy
29. Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) can be acquired through:
a. Kissing b. Handshaking c. Unprotected Sex d. Hugging
30. A virus that caused Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
a. HIV b. STI c. STD a. AIDS

B. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read each sentence carefully and choose your answer from the box.
Write only the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.

a. Show-off b. Worriers c. Gossip Mongers d. Bullies

e. Whiners

______31. People who spread rumors and often exaggerate information.

______32. People who grumble and complain about everything.
______33. People who would like to be the center of attraction whenever possible
______34. People who worry about everything
______35. People who use threats, fear, and cruelty to control others

God bless!

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