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EXPERIMENT NAME : Find the area of a surface and circumference from a map by
using planimeter.


Name: Ahmed Sakib
Level: 02
Term: 02
ID: 1807005
Group: 01
Date of Submission: 06/01/2022

Find the area of a surface and circumference from a map by using planimeter.

A planimeter, as known as a platometer is a measuring instrument used to determine the area of
an arbitrary two-dimensional shape. The area of plane which boundary is traced by a planimeter
is determined from the below formula
Area = M (B-A ±10N+C)
Where, A= initial reading
B= final reading
N=no of completed revolutions of wheel during one complete tracing. N is positive if
dial passes index in clockwise, N is negative if dial rotates in anti-clock wise
direction. M and C= constant which values are provided on the planimeter. Constant
C is used only when the anchor point is placed inside the plan.

Apparatus: planometer, scale, map

Parts of a planimeter:
Before we start with how to use planimeter, first let us know about the parts of a
planimeter. Following are the parts of a planimeter
1. Tracing arm 9.Tangent screw
2. Tracing point 10.Index
3. Anchor arm 11.Wheel
4. Weight and needle point 10.Dial
5. Clamp 11.Vernier
6. Hinge
Fig 01: planimeter

Tracing arm
Tracing point is the movable needle point which is concerned to tracing arm. This point is moved over
the outline of area to be measured.
Anchor arm
anchor arm is to be used to manage the anchor position on needle point position of the plan. it's one
end is connected to weight and needle point and other end to the integrating unit.
Weight and needle point
it is also called as anchor a fine needle point is located at the base of heavy block. This needle point is
anchored at required station on the plan.
Clamp is used to fix the tracing standard length without any extension.
The tracing arm and anchor arm are connected by hinge to the integration unit. With the help of this
hinge the arm can rotate their axes.

Tangent screw
Tangent screw is used to extend the tracing arm up to required length.

Index is location where all the measuring arrangement like wheel, dial are located.

Dial is nothing but scale is to be set zero at the initial level using setting wheel.

Vernier is attached to the wheel as rounded drum with graduation on it. it is divided into hundred

Working procedure:
Fig-02: map of the Chittagong city area

1. Before tracing area of the Chittagong city the tracing lens may be set down in the middle of
the area. The pole arm should be approximately at right angles to the tracing arm. Mark the
starting point (which will also be the finishing point) with a line at right angles to the outline.
2. Position the small center ring of the tracing lens (which should be held in the right hand)
exactly over the starting point. At the same time, with the left hand, turn the zero-setting wheel
until the dial and the scale both return to zero.
3. Holding the tracing lens, trace the outline in a clockwise direction with the small center ring.
Keep looking in the direction in which the lens is to travel and try to keep the line inside the ring.
4. It is impossible to hold the small ring exactly over the center of the line all the time,
so compensate for errors caused by going off the line to one side by going off an equal amount
in the opposite direction. Extensive trials show that these errors do balance out.
5. When the outline has been traced and the small ring has returned to the starting point, the
reading is taken.
6. Then area of the traced surface will calculate automatically by the planimeter.
7. It is good practice to retrace the perimeter in order to check the accuracy of the measurement.
The accuracy can be increased by taking the average of several readings.

At first, we measured the scale of the map,
2cm = 5 km
∴ scale=25000
Average area =
713742.1947+702379.583+699708.939+695536.856 +687284.294+707406.626
= 701009.749 m2
4617.140+ 4644.831+4636.812+ 4679.699+4560.690+ 4627.83
Average circumference =
= 4627.83 m
∴We found the area, A= 701009.749 m2

And circumference, S= 4627.83 m


Final area of the surface = 701009.749 m2


A planimeter is a component of surveying equipment used to determine the area of a given plan.
A planimeter just needs a plan sketched on a sheet to calculate the area. The provided map's
particular area and the computed map's area were not exactly equivalent. While carrying out the
experiment, we may make mistakes. Planimeter roller that must freely and vibration-free revolve
the axis. As a result, the error will occur when this occurs. The context will also have an impact
on how the outcome is interpreted. An error will occur if the table or the papers are moved
during the measurement operation. Because the digital planimeter is a fragile instrument, it must
be handled with caution to avoid mistakes. Finally, if the surface on which the graph paper is to
be placed is unclean, an error may occur. If dirt emerges, the measurement accuracy for the
region above and below the centerline will be lowered. This is owing to the sensitivity of the
digital planimeter. There are various steps that must be followed and examined in order to obtain
accurate data and outcomes. To begin, we must ensure that the profile graph paper is clean and
appropriately positioned on the table. Aside from that, we should use caution when handling the
digital planimeter and avoid touching the screw at the back of the planimeter.

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