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Employee name: Muhammad Umer Khan Manager’s name: Sir Ali Ahmed Salik

Department: Sales Period of evaluation: Last Quarter


Kindly note you need to fill the comments for all questions and provide ratings in the boxes,
its mandatory that the comments given should reflect the ratings given in the boxes.(Ratings
are from a scale 1 – 10, where 1 to 2 is poor, 3 to 4 is satisfactory, 5 to 6 is average, 7 to 8 is
above average, 9 is Excellent and 10 is Outstanding just write in the box accordingly.

Q1 What is your main contributions and achievements during this period so far?

Employee Comments:


Manager Comments:

Employee Manager

Q2) What objectives you are unable to achieve and lesson learnt during this period?

Employee Comments: While I couldn't meet the target of expanding our client base by 20%, I've
learned valuable lessons about refining my outreach strategies and the importance of adapting to
dynamic market conditions.
Manager Comments:

Employee Manager

Q3) Did you fulfil the responsibilities and tasks as described in the Functional Description?

Employee Manager

Q4) Were you able to solve problems independently, but ask for support when needed?

Employee Manager
Q5) Delivered quality work and respond in stipulated time to the assigned tasks & also showed
flexibility in taking on additional tasks?

Employee Manager

Q6) Followed processes/SOPs that are relevant for the position?

Employee Yes Manager

Q7) Listens to and acts upon constructive feedback and pro-actively shares ideas to improve
work or working conditions?

Employee Yes Manager

Q8) Drives Change & sets clear goals and follows up on a regular basis?

Employee Comments: Actively involved in driving positive changes and consistently set clear goals.

I ensured regular follow-ups to track progress and make necessary adjustments.

Manager Comments:


Employee Manager

Q9) Effectively delegates tasks and responsibilities to subordinates to brings out the best in

Employee Comments: Delegated tasks effectively to bring out the best in subordinates, fostering a

Manager Comments:


Employee Manager

Q10) Listens to and acts upon constructive feedback?

Employee Comments:

Manager Comments:


Employee Manager
Part- B
Q1) What are your key strengths and improvement areas?

Employee Comments:

Manager Comments:


Q2) What are your ambitions?

Employee Comments:

Manager Comments:


Q3) What training do you need for your future development?

Employee Comments:

Manager Comments:


Q4) Other important reflections and feedback on performance?

Employee Comments:

Manager Comments:


Q5) Where you would like to see yourself in coming years?

Employee Comments: I aim to take on a leadership role within CTI Shipping Services LLC,

contributing to the company's strategic vision and growth.

Manager Comments:

Employee Signature______________________ HOD Signature___________________________

Date: ___________________________________ Date: __________________________________

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