Stake Holders

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• Admin
• Trainer
• Learner
New features (Learner)
• The learner must be able to edit leave request
• Must be able to edit date
• Must be able to edit type of leave
• The System must be able to to tell the user to add empty field when they try to apply (front end
• The leave system must communicate with Scheduling system
• Add a Schedule milestone on the learner UI to show if the is an event taking place on day of
leave request
• If the learner is not free the request must include details about the event to be sent to
trainer and
• If a leave hasn’t been approved and leave days have passed send leave to achieved

What we need to do:

1. Usecase Diagram
• Fix the lines
• Usecase to be more descriptive on types of leaves
• Add new use cases that match the new features

2.Sequence Diagram
• Refine the sequence of actions of the geek
• Add new features
3.Activity diagram
• Add new activities that match the requirments

4.Class diagram
• Check if there the classes correspond to the requirement
• Add new fields if needed
5.Refinement of Requirements (Hlopeho)
• Fix the English
• Make sure requirements are not too generic specify

How the leave request works

1. Learner request for leave
2.Leave is sent to admin and trainer
3. If Both parties approved , leave status goes changes to approved if not the status is partially approved
4.If leave is not approved by the time of the dates requisted is must be achived
5. If a leave was approved and it has passed it should be achived aswelll

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