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YOGA AND LIFESTYLE 1, Asanas as Preventive Measures 2. Obesity : Procedure, Benefits and Cont Trikonasana, Ardh Matsyendrasana 3. Diabetes : Procedure, Benefits and co Paschimottasana, Pavan Muktasana, traindications for Vajrasana, Hastasana, ntraindications for Bhujangasana, Ardh Matsyendrasana Asthma : Procedure, Benefits and Contraindications for Sukhasana, Chakrasana, Gomukhasana, Parvatasana, Bhujangasana, Paschimottasana, Matsyasana . Hypertension : Tadasana, Vajrasana, Pavan Muktasana, Ardha Chakrasana, Bhujangasana, Shavasana 6. Back Pain : Procedure, Benefits and Contraindications for Tadasana, Ardh matsyendrasana, Vakrasana, Shalabhasana, Bhujangasana dying this unit, you will be able to aes asanas beneficial for different types of ailments and! health problems. : Today man is not living in happy state of mind. Most of the people are very busy in their routine life. This stressful and poor environmental conditions in life has caused many health problems like obesity, diabetes, asthma, back-pain, hypertension etc. Through lifestyle changes we can prevent, cure and reduce these health problems. Yoga plays an important role to overcome these problems. Moreover, yoga helps to develop optimum level of health to lead happy and prosperous life. means the union of soul with God.” Gita (an epic book) describes yoga as “Evenness of temper”. is) frm the worldly objects and their comity .e orgal SShankracharya'says, “Yoga is withdrav Prdeally apenking, youa is a life science which deals withthe health body and harmony ofp, the main purpose of yops ist provide sound body with tension-free and sound mind. ni aerate aim of yoga s‘sl-deniieation and sef-perfection’ which comes INOUE slug, snd pefrealization', So we can any yous isa way of life, a means o enjoy compe happiness, healthy Sen inc! Union hy the purification of body and mind, Accorgp, weful living. Union of Atma with Parmatma is possible by the puri ee ee ve the union of Atma and Parmatma, Ee sto achie' njali, yoga consists of eight stages aa htang Yoga of Pal 1, ASANAS AS PREVEN Asana is third step of yoga (after ¥ ima and Niyam). Asanas are slow stretching activity in yyy, holding a body posture brings stability of body and poise to mind; Yoga (Asana) is a ‘science well as an ‘art of living’ for a healthy, happy and prosperous life; thus its effects are mostly intern ‘The effects of Asanias are internally felt and not observable. It also cures various diseases and chrog, Health problems, thus it has therapeutic effects: Regular practice of yoga develops and purifies bog and mind to its optimal level. It develops proper functioning of glands in a balanced form It develop, ability to control our sense organs to function properly. It helps to relieve our stress and tension, to lead a peaceful life. It improves physical fitness, wellness along with good health to great exten ‘Asanas are categorised under three types such as : (i) Cultural Asanas (Vyayam) : For body fitness. (ii) Meditative (Dhyanatmak Asanas) : For improving concent (iii) Relaxative and Therapeutic Asanas : For relaxing body and curing certain health problems, ‘These asanas are performed in standing, sitting, lying (proline and supine lying) or inverted postures. Th ‘warming-up in yoga is performed with Surya Namaskar (Sun Salute stretching). Asanas are slow stretching activities in which heart rate, breathing rate, metabolism rate and body temperature remain normal ‘Asanas should be performed in duration of 30 seconds to 2 minutes hold of position, whereas several repetitions can be done. The breath should be controlled while performing asana. It should not be performed immediately after meal (except Vajra asana or Sukh asana). The effects are as under : Tew ak () Strengthens Bones and Joints : Yoga asanas are performed with postural stability and complete focus on the movement of joints and elasticity of muscles. Yoga does not damage cartilage or stress the joins Instead, it helps to strengthen and maintain bone health, relieves stress, improves balance and thereby reduces the likelihood of falls. (i) Amproyes Blood Circulation : system efficiency improves. Di crermpren sce eT Asanas improves the efficiency of respiratory system thus cardio- respiratory improves aerobic and an anaerobic endurance. (iv) Digestive and Excretory Systems woks Properly : Yoga asanas improve the efficiency of digestive organs. The digestive glands function properly. Moreover, it excretes body waste. Lack of sleep, poor nutrition, and life stress all lead to a weakened immune system and vulnerability to disease. Yoga calms the mind and contributes to deeper, regulated sleep, which is fration and mental activities, foga asanas improve the blood circulation in body thus cardiovascular crucial for wellness. (i emomnGardicesblens Practice of yoga asana improves the efficiency of heart. It keeps us awdy from cardiac problems and cures it. Heart and abdominal viscera get gentle massage by yoga. (il) (Controtvover Sense\Organs¢ Yoga practices develop the ability to control the sense organs My develops them to function properly according to the individual needs, It also relaxes the body from its paits and thus stabilises mind. (vii) RElevesStESMMETOASAR: Yop relaxes the body and mind. It removes the stresses, tensions J yorries. Thus, it freshen our mind and soul completely and (ix) DevelopsioncenteAtlOH® Various techniques of yoga develop the concentration to great extent, thus memory recall ability increases, The meditation techniques stabilise the deflected mind in proper direction. (x) Toning of Body Muscles and develops Good Posture : Yogic asana tones up body and its muscles. It shapens the body to look attractive. It reduces excessive fat from the body, thus prevents obesity. It also regulates proper diet according to individual needs, (xi) Removes Orthopedic Problems : Many types of chronic orthopedic problems like arthritis, joint pain, spondilitis, backache etc. can be prevented and cured through youa (xiisi@uresiDiseasesis/ Yoga practice prevents and cures many types of diseases like cold, cough, asthma, gastric problems, constipation, piles, high blood pressure etc (ili) Prevents Premature Ageing : Yoga techniques prevent premature ageing, thus old age factors can be delayed and optimum healthy living can be attained (xiv) Improves Health and Hygiene : Yoga practices improve the health and develop hygienical habits of the individual. Thus, healthy, happy, peaceful and prosperous life can be achieved ee ert CR LR LLU PLSIL SEDC LCEL OMe) | MATSYENDRASANA co [Obesity is the excess accumulation of fats resulting in increased body weight. In this problem, the excess fats of body get deposited under the skin, especially in areas like abdomen, chest, shoulder, buttocks and legs.| Symptoms :/ Obesity leads to many health problems like loss of physical efficiency; decline in physical personality (appearance); feeling tiredness while performing physical activity; cardiac problems etc. According to WHO the criteria for Obesity as per Body Mass Index(BMI) the score is 30 above. \ === [ea Pisa Causes / The causes of obesity are genetically or hereditary; activity; ove Weight (kg) Height (m)? wrong dietary habits; less physical ting or eating a lot of fried things; drinking alcohol; sedentary lifest le; hormonal ‘ariation like; hyper thyroids, imbalance of physical, mental and emotional energies ae) Dietary change along with Yoga (Asana, Pranayams and Kriya). ‘Yoga can cure obesity problems by Tutsing physical activity and controlling glandular functioning (thyroid, pancreatic and digestive hormones). ‘The following yogic asana are helpfullto cure obesity : Vajra-asana, Hast-asana, Trikon-asana, Ardhmatsyendra- ‘asana, it is also named as Triangular Pose. Feet apart, try to touch opposite hand to foot while other hand is raised up and look upward. Hold this position. The preparatory asana is Virbhadra-asana whereas the relaxed by Tada-asaria.) _~ (i) Prevents and cure Obesity. — (ii) Improves trunk and legs flexibility. _— (iii) Cures Acidity problem and Gastric problem. > (iv) Corrects the postural deformity like Neck Spondylitis, Lordosis, Scoliosis and Bow-legs. (iv) Reduces the stress and controls the anxiety. : Person with severe Back-pain, Diarrhoea, Hypertension (High Blood Pressure), Migraine patient should avoid. It is also names as Half Spinal Twist Pose. Ardh-matsyendra asana is deri from three Sanskrit words, where ardh means half, matsya means fish and Indra is king of all lords, thus it is king of all asanas. In this we sit in crossed Jeg, one leg is placed over the other so that the foot touches the opposite hip joint. The opposite hand (of raised leg) presses the leg inward whereas other hand supports the spine while looking back. The spine is twisted at same time erect. The preparatory asana is Bhardva- asana whereas the advanced form is full Ardh matsyendra asana | openefits ¢ (i) Prevents and cures Obesity and Diabetes. (ii) Back and abdominal muscles are strengthened and toned up. (iii) Inere __ (iv) Shapes the body and improves the spinal flexibility. _ (v) Cures postural deformities like Arthritis, Kyphosis, Lordosis, Scoliosis and Bow-legs. Wonteaindication’: Person with severe Back-pain, Disc problem, Hernia, Piles, severe Abdominal problem and Pregnant women should not do this. ses the glandular functioning 3, DIABETES: PROCEDURE, BENEFITS AND CONTRAINDICATIONS FOR BHUJANGASANA, [SV OCDE MUM tia eer Ly Diabetes is a disorder in which sugar (glucose) level increases in blood instead being used for energy . production. In other words, Diabetes is a condition in Diabetes which pancreas fails to produce insulin, Insufficient secretion of insulin by pancreas results in excess of glucose level in blood stream, resulting diabetes. Incidentally insulin is the hormone that converts the sugar (glucose) level in food into energy.,If level of glucose is high, it eventually affects the important organs of body. It can be checked by Glucometer; when it shows reading above 150 (after normal meal) is considered dangerous. (Symptoms: Symptoms of Diabetes are like fatigue, hazy vision, excessive thirst (Polydipsia), excessive urination (Polyuria), weight loss, increased appetite (Polyphagia), prolonged healing time of injury, foul smelling of urine et. Quuses :/The main causes of diabetes are genetically or hereditary; overweight or obesity; Kidney disease; gastro intestinal problems; drinking a lot of cold drinks or soda water; sedentary lifestyle; smoking and alcohol; less physical activity; taking lot of sweets, ef¢-) Dietary change along with Yoga (Asana, Pranayams and Kriya). The following yoga asana help in curing Diabetes like Bhujangasana, Paschimottanasana, Pavanamuktasana, Ardhmatsyendrasana Bhujang-Asana “(It is also named as Cobra pose. From pro-lying position start raising the upper part of the body without the support of hands while looking up. The preparatory sana is standing backward bending, The advanced form is Shaly-asana, Dhanur-asana. It is relaxed by Utthita Bal-asana or Vajra-asana, | Benefits ~(] Prevent and cures Diabetes, Asthma and Obesity. ~ (ii) Improves digestive functioning, reduces. iii) Reliyes the Cold & Bronchial problems, Gastro problems and Constipation problem ~ (iv) Cures and correct Postural deformities like Kyphosis, Neck Spondylitis. ~ (iv) Strengthens hand and abdomen muscles. Contraindication : Person suffering with Hernia, abdomen surgeries patient, pregnant women and swear Back injuries should not do this a pot a asehimottansAsana’:)The other name is West Salute Pose or forward bending in sitting. It is begat fi egs stretched i sitting with straight legs in front ek rts he 4 bending forward. Person tries to f ' ae feet inces: ‘The hands hold the feet a raising knees from floor. The preparatory asana are Bal a asana or Janusirsasana oF ‘Adhomukhavirasana. ) vent and cures Diabetic and Asthma patient and prevents obesity. Jes are strengthened and relaxed. © (i) Pre © (ii) Controls weight _Aiii) Back and leg muse! © (iv) Cures gastric, indigestion and constipation problems. Person suffering from Slipped Disc, Hernia, Enlarged liver, Spondylitis, Intestine u ant women should not do, It is also named as Air Release pose. It releases waste gases from abdomen (stomach and intestine). In this asana, person lie down on back with his/her feet together and arms beside his/her body. Bring his/her knees towards his/her chest and press the thigh on his/her abdomen with clasped hhands. Lift his/her head and chest off the floor and touch his/her chin to his/her knees. Deep and long breathing is done. The relaxing asana after this is Matsya-asana or Shay-asana-\, Benefits : _ (i Prevents and cure Diabetes, Obesity Back-pain and Hyper-tension © (ii) Improves digestive functioning an reduces digestive and Constipation problems. (iii) Cures and corrects the Postural problems like Back-pain, Neck Spondylitis. (iv) Relieves in Menstrual Disorder. —(v) Relaxes mind. Kciestratotcationss Person suffering with Asthma, Advanced Spondylitis, Low Blood-Pressure, and Migraine patient should not do. Ardha-Matsyendra-Asana : It is also named as Half Spinal [jue SS ‘Twist Pose. Ardh-matsyendra asana is derived from three Sanskrit words, where ardh means half, matsya means fish and Indra is king of all lord, thus it is king of all asanas. In this we sit in crossed leg, one leg is placed over the other so that the foot touches the opposite hip joint. The opposite hand (of raised leg) presses the leg inward whereas other hand supports the spine while looking back. The spine is twisted at same time erect. The preparatory asana is Bhardvasana whereas the advanced. form is full Ardha-matsyendra asana Benefits : (@ Prevents and cures Obesity and Diabetes (ii) Back and abdominal muscles are strengthened and toned up. (iii) Increases the glandular functioning, (iv) Shapes the body and improves the spinal flexibility. (») Cures postural deformities like Arthritis, Kyphosis, Lordosis, Scoliosis and Bow-le Contraindication it a ie ‘ou ee Back-pain, Disc problem, Hernia, Piles, severe Abdominal proble™ —_ and pr ELUM ane Lea eT LULU Ln GOMUKHASANA, PARVATASANA, BHUJANGASANA, PASCHIMOTTASANA, MATSYASANA pou It is a disease of respiratory system. Asthi chronic lung gisease in which the lungs inflames or swollen or narrows the respiratory tract. It often triggers when there is exposure to an allergens, cold air, exercise or emotional stres ymptoms include continuous coughing, difficulty in exhaling (Episodic Dyspnea), shortness of breath (Hypercapnis increased CO2), chest tightness, wheezing and sometimes increased mucus production in wind pipe. Gauses : The prime cause of Asthma is pollution like by dust, pollen grains, air pollution, animal skin, hair, feathers etc. Effective treatment of allergic asthma includes identifying and avoiding allergens that trigger symptoms, using drug therapies, Asthma inhaler (as prescribed by Doctor) provides the immediate recovery. Yoga therapy (Asanas, Pranayams and Yoga Kriya) are most effective natural remedy to cure Asthma (Sukh-asana, Chakra- asana, Matsya-asana, Gomukh-asana, Parvat-asana etc.) Sukh Asana : It is simple sitting with cross legged position. The spine is stretched up and hand relaxes over knees. Perform deep breathing or pranayams. Body becomes relaxed. Advance people can also sit in Siddh-asana or Padma-asana. This asana can be performed anytime even after the meal. Benefits : (i) Cures Asthma. (ii) It is meditative posture to relive stress thus calms the body and mind. (iii) Strengthens the spine, knees and ankles muscles. (iv) Many pranayams can be performed in this posture. Contraindication : Sitting more than 5 minutes; Person suffering with joint problems of knee or ankle; Sciatica problem, severe migraine problem should not do. is also named as Wheel pose as the final position looks like a wheel or chakra, hence the name. It is a backward bending yoga asana. Chakrasana gives great flexibility to the spine. Lie down in supine line position on the floor while looking upwardly. Fold your legs and keep it down below your butt. Make sure that your feet sole touches the floor. Bring both of your hands and keep it beneath the shoulders. Then slowly raise your hip, shoulder and the head from the floor. Raise the abdomen apart with the strength of shoulder and legs while holding the breath. Then keep your neck loosely and bend your back as much as Possible. Preparatory asana is Ushatt-asana. The relaxing asana is Suptabaddha-asana. Advanced asana is Urdhav dhanur-asana.) ~ (i) Prevents and cures Asthma, Diabetes ~ (ii) Strengthens shoulder, legs and back muscles. (ili) Relieves digestive problems, constipation, gastric, piles, etc. ~ (ili) Cures Postural deformity like Kyphosis and Flat-foot verson suffering from Heart problems, Hypertension (High Blood-Pressure), Uleers, Hernia, Sciatica and eye surgery patient should avoid {Gon asa [ Gomukh-asana gets its name from Cow face as this pose resembles the face of cow. The thighs and calves are replaced in such a way that the knees overlap or tapering each other and widen at ankles. One arm is overhead and other is under the shoulder. The hands holds each other at back. Preparatory asana is Baddha-asana. The relaxing asana is Bharadvaj-asana. - (i) Prevents and cures Asthma, Back-pain, ii (ii) Develops the flexibility of shoulder, neck, legs and back muscles. Person with severe shoulder dislocation problem, neck, knee problem, Sciatica, pregnani women should not do. Parvat-Asana : It is also named as Mountain pose as it resembles 1 like mountain. In this pose the person bends forward (from standing position) to touch hands on the floor. The hands are at 3- 4 feets away from feet. The person looks down towards feet while hips (buttocks) are raised up. Hold this position for some time with deep breathing. Benefits ; (i) Cures Asthma, Back pain and Kyphosis. (ii) Calms the brain and reduces stress. a (iii) Strengthens back and shoulder muscles. fe (iv) Improves legs muscles. c tion : Person with severe knee and ankle problem should not do. sontraindication : Person suffering from Stipe, c q from Slipped Disc, Hernia, Enlarged liver, Spondylitis, Intestine ulcers and pregnant women should not do {This asana is known as fish (HHH pose. From the V! ana, bend backward and lie on your back. Your feet are together and hands relaxed ‘Alongside the body. Keeping the chest elevated, lower the head backward and touches the top of the head to the floor. Lift your chest up from in-between the shoulder blades. Press the thighs and legs to the floor Preparatory asana is Suptamatsya-asana. The relaxing asana is Shav-a a. Advanced asana is Settu bandh- sana, _/(i) Cures Asthma, Back-pain and Obesity ‘e(ii) Strengthens leg, abdomen, shoulder and neck muscles. (iii) Improves spine flexibility iv) Cures gastric, indigestion and constipation problems + Person suffering from Heart problems, Hypertension (High Blood-Pressure), Ulcers, Hernia, Sciatica and eye surgery patient should avoid. 5. HYPERTENSION: TADASANA, VAJRASANA, PAVAN MUKTASANA, ARDHA CHAKRASANA, BHUJANGASANA, SHAVASANA ns when the pressure in blood vessels gets High Blood Pressure high enough leading to risk other body parts. It is commonly known as High Blood Pressure. In the diagnosing of hypertension, if the rate of blood pressure reaches above 140/ 90 then hyperte present. It is of various types such as Primary Hypertension due to no identification cause (Benign, Maligant), Secondary Hyper-tension due to disease (Cardio-vascular, Endocrine, Renal, Neurogenic, Pregnancy the symptoms of hypertension are dizziness, head heaviness, headache, chest palpitation, nose bleeding, shortness of breath, irritation and getting irritated easily, face turning red, visual problem, disturbed sleep (Insomnia), etc. Hypertension leads to serious health problems like heart failure, heart attack; Coronary Artery disease; other organs are also affected like kidney, liver, unchangeable aggressive attitude, paralysis et ‘The causes of hypertension are genetically, hereditary, physiological, psychological and environmental like overweight (Obesity), high sodium salt usage, alcohol, lack of physical activity, Smoking, stress, ageing, gastro problem. Apart from immediate steps like taking of di Pranayams and Kriyas) are permanent and natural Such as Tada-asana, Vajra-asana, Pavanmukta-asana, Ardh Chakra-as uretics, beta-blockers medicines, Yogic techniques (Asanas, || methods of controlling, managing and curing Hypertension |, Bhujang-asana, Shavasana etc. It is also named as Palm Tree pose. In this asana, person stands on toes, slowly raises both hands as much as possible while coming on toes. Arms by side of ears are raised over the head whereas hands holding each other at top. Maintain balance along-with deep breathing. Advanced form is Vriksh-asana.) (@) Cures Hypertension, Obesity and Back pain. _- (ii) Develops whole body muscles. _~ (iii) Increases height in children. ~~ (iv) Relieves leg and ankle pain. — (v) Corrects Postural deformities like Kyphosis, Scoliosis, Neck Spondylitis and Flat- foot - Contraindication : Person having severe Back-pain, Ankle problem should not do. It is also named as Rock or Thunder-bolt sitting. In this asana, we sit with flexed legs while hands forward and palm rests over knees. Body is resting over the ankles; back straight; chin parallel to floor. Baddha Kon-asana (Butterfly pose) are preparatory asana for Vajra-asana. The suggested asana to relax is Dand-asana or Shay- asana. The advanced asana is Paryak-asana (Couch Pose), Bhekh-asana (Frog pose), Laghu vajar-asana (Little thunderbolt pose). \ _- (@ Prevents and cures Obesity, Back pain and Hypertension. _ (ii) Improves leg muscles and shapens legs. _ iii) It is a meditative pose to perform various pranayams. - @&) Cures gastric problems, ~ (v) Cures Postural deformity like Flat-foot and Arthritis © (vi) Relives from mild Hernia and Piles. - Contraindication : Person suffering with chronic Piles; Joint pain at knee or ankle; injury over hamstring quadriceps, and calves muscles should not do. Pavanmukta-Asana : It is also named as Air Release pose. is = B BACK-PAIN It is severe pain felt at the back around spine. Usually muscles, bones, ligaments and joints aches continuously near the spine. It often paining at low back. Symptoms); Symptoms may include dull or severe pain and sometime burning sensation, weakness, etc. Back-pain may have a sudden onset, can be chronic pain or can be constant. Back- pain can be divided anatomically : Neck-pain (Neck Spondylitis), Middle Back-pain, Lower Back-pain or Tailbone-pain. Causes; The causes of back pain are wrong posture during sitting, standing, sleeping, studying injury, weak muscles, pregnancy, slipped disc due to jump or wrong action, jerky action withou warm-up, sedentary lifestyle, spondylitis, trauma, cancer, fracture, injury, inflammatory diseases etc. ——— tis also named as Twisted pose. In this son sits with one leg is crossed and bent over the other leg. The opposite leg is kept straight. Hand opposite to bent leg is kept close to bent leg and it pushes the leg inward whereas other hand is at back and waist is also turned. Deep breathing is performed Badhakon-asana provides relaxation after this. Ardh matsyendra- asana is the advanced form of this position. | (i) Cures Back-pain. a) Strengthen abdominal and back muscles. iii) Improves the flexibility of spine. (iy) Prevents Gastro problems and Constipation _-~(v) Relieves the Menstrual disorder in women. .~ (vi) Cures postural deformities like Arthritis, Kyphosis, Lordosis, Scoliosis and Bow-legs. erson with severe Back-pain, Disc problem, Hernia, Piles, severe Abdominal problem and Pregnant women should not do this. It is also named as Locust pose. From pro- lying position start raising the lower part of the body, hands are by the side of the legs. Breathing is normal after attaining the pose. Good strength and flexibility of back muscles is required to raise legs hig] (i) Cure Back- pain. (ii) Strengthens legs, abdomen and back muscles. (iii) Removes Digestive problems and Constipation. (iv) Reduces stress, anxiety and hypertension. —(v) Improves spine flexibility. erson suffering with Hernia, abdomen surgeries patient, pregnant women and severe Back injuries should not do this.

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