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Technical Design Report


Project #2

Final Report

Design Advisor: Professor Mohammad Taslim

Design Sponsor: Professor Jeffrey Ruberti

Design Team
Mark Breneman, Matt Lachapelle
Daniel Leathem, Nicholas LeCain, Benjamin Ngo

April 17, 2007

Department of Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

College of Engineering, Northeastern University
Boston, MA 02115

Design Team
Mark Breneman, Matt Lachapelle
Daniel Leathem, Nicholas LeCain, Benjamin Ngo

Design Advisor Sponsor

Professor M. Taslim Professor J. Ruberti


In the biological engineering and medical fields, there are many applications which
utilize a syringe pump to dispense a measurable amount of fluid in a controlled manner.
Presently, there are a multitude of syringe pumps on the market with functions ranging
from variable flow rates, to infusion and withdrawal capabilities, to programmable
dispensing plans. One capability not yet applied to syringe pumps is a controllable
heating and cooling system. This report presents a proposal to create a working
prototype of a syringe pump with a heating and cooling system.

There are numerous uses and applications of syringe pumps which vary in nature. A
specific case study where a syringe pump is used to facilitate cornea growth is used as a
model. In the case study, Professor J. Ruberti of Northeastern University’s Mechanical
Engineering Department utilizes a syringe filled with monomous collagen at 5 °C to spin
coat a sample in a patterned array, which will lead to the formation of fibrous collagen.
The fibrous collagen will then be used in further research to develop an artificial cornea.
To control the growth process, the monomous collagen must be kept at 5 °C, or else the
collagen becomes unusable in the spin coating process. As a result of this, specific
temperature control is needed. From this specific case, a more general interpretation of
the market demand for temperature controlled syringe pumps has been developed. It has
been proposed that a syringe pump which can heat and cool be used to maintain the 5 °C
temperature criteria. The thermally controlled syringe pump utilizes thermoelectric
devices to provide temperature control, along with a linear actuator to provide both
infusion and withdrawal capabilities. This report proposes a possible solution to the
market demand and documents how a working prototype can be developed.


LIST OF FIGURES....................................................................................................................................... iv
LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................................................... v
Acknowledgments ......................................................................................................................................... vi
Copyright....................................................................................................................................................... vi
CHAPTER 1 PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION .............................................................................................. 1
1.1 Introduction and Nomenclature ................................................................................................................ 1
1.1.1 Syringe Pump Background................................................................................................................ 1
1.1.2 Syringe Pump Functions.................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.3 Case Study......................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Examination of Case Study to Develop Problem Statement .................................................................... 4
1.2.1 Examination of Case Study ............................................................................................................... 4
1.2.2 Problem Statement............................................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Impact Statement ...................................................................................................................................... 5
CHAPTER 2 USER CLASSIFICATION AND MARKET ANALYSIS ...................................................... 6
2.1 User Classification.................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1.1 User Demographic............................................................................................................................. 6
2.1.2 User Environment.............................................................................................................................. 6
2.2 The Syringe Pump Market........................................................................................................................ 7
2.3 Patents and Patent Applications ............................................................................................................... 9
CHAPTER 3 PROBLEM ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................ 10
3.1 Design Considerations............................................................................................................................ 10
3.1.1 Goals and Objectives ....................................................................................................................... 10
3.1.2 Critical Success Factors................................................................................................................... 10
3.1.3 Design Evaluation ........................................................................................................................... 11
3.1.4 Specific Force Requirements........................................................................................................... 12 Flow Rates ................................................................................................................................ 13
3.2 Design Conceptualization....................................................................................................................... 14
3.2.1 Mechanical Actuation...................................................................................................................... 14 Hand Actuation......................................................................................................................... 14 Hydraulic / Pneumatic .............................................................................................................. 14 Power Screws / Linear Actuators.............................................................................................. 14 Design of a Power Screw....................................................................................................... 14 Off the Shelf Linear Actuators............................................................................................... 15
3.2.2 Thermal System............................................................................................................................... 15 Refrigeration............................................................................................................................. 15 Resistive Heating and Thermosiphons ..................................................................................... 17 Thermoelectrics ........................................................................................................................ 17
3.2.3 Interface Conceptualization............................................................................................................. 18 Thermal Interface Concepts...................................................................................................... 18 ................................................................................................................................... 18 Inserts .................................................................................................................................... 19 Overall Configuration Concepts ............................................................................................... 19 Inline...................................................................................................................................... 20 Parallel................................................................................................................................... 20 Jack knife............................................................................................................................... 21 Mechanical Interface Concepts................................................................................................. 21 Holding Various Syringe Barrel Sizes................................................................................... 21 V-block for Finger Tabs ..................................................................................................... 22 Slotted V-block for Finger Tabs ......................................................................................... 22 Sliders for Finger Tabs ....................................................................................................... 23 Positioning Various Syringe Plunger Sizes ........................................................................... 23 Fixed Rods or Slides........................................................................................................... 23

ii Non-Fixed Rods or Slides................................................................................................... 23
3.2.4 Controller Options ........................................................................................................................... 24
CHAPTER 4 THE DESIGN AND ENGINEERING PROCESS................................................................. 26
4.1 Overall Process....................................................................................................................................... 26
4.2 Mechanical Actuation Design Detail...................................................................................................... 27
4.2.1 Syringe Force Testing...................................................................................................................... 27
4.2.2 Choosing a Linear Actuator............................................................................................................. 28
4.2.3 FEA Force Analysis on Syringe ...................................................................................................... 28
4.3 Thermal Design Detail ........................................................................................................................... 29
4.3.1 Design Options ................................................................................................................................ 30
4.3.2 Design Process................................................................................................................................. 31 Basic TEC Design Methodology .............................................................................................. 31 Thermal Model ......................................................................................................................... 32 Analysis of Thermal Model ................................................................................................... 32 Experimentation with Analysis in Cosmosworks ............................................................... 33 Examination of Experimentation with Cosmosworks ........................................................ 37 Developed Analysis in Cosmosworks ................................................................................ 38 Advanced Analysis in Cosmosworks ................................................................................. 43 Special TEC Design Considerations......................................................................................... 46 Coefficient of Performance.................................................................................................... 46 Heat Sink Design ................................................................................................................... 47 Design Options ................................................................................................................... 47 Design Process.................................................................................................................... 48
4.3.3 TEC System Design Selection......................................................................................................... 49
4.4 Preliminary Design: Testing and Implementation .................................................................................. 50
4.4.1 Preliminary Design.......................................................................................................................... 50
4.4.2 Controller Programming.................................................................................................................. 50 Rate of Actuation...................................................................................................................... 51 Temperature.............................................................................................................................. 51
4.4.3 Testing ............................................................................................................................................. 52
5.1 Final Design ........................................................................................................................................... 53
5.1.1 Thermally Controlled Syringe Pump Design................................................................................... 53 Thermal Interface Design ......................................................................................................... 54 Inserts .................................................................................................................................... 54 Mechanical Interface Design .................................................................................................... 55 Mounting Bracket .................................................................................................................. 56 Precision rail and slide........................................................................................................... 56 Ball joint ................................................................................................................................ 56 User Interface Design ............................................................................................................... 56 Slotted V-block...................................................................................................................... 57 Pusher Block.......................................................................................................................... 57 Housing..................................................................................................................................... 58
5.1.2 Controller Box ................................................................................................................................. 59
5.2 Capabilities............................................................................................................................................. 60
5.3 Budget .................................................................................................................................................... 60
5.4 Recommendations for Future Design Revision ...................................................................................... 61
5.4.1 Accessibility to the Tip of Syringe .................................................................................................. 61
5.4.2 Adaptability to Different Syringe Sizes........................................................................................... 61
5.4.3 Optimizing and Integrating the Control System .............................................................................. 61
References .................................................................................................................................................... 62
Table of Appendices..................................................................................................................................... 63
Appendix A Exploded View of Stepper Motor .................................................................................... 64
Appendix B Clam Shell Style............................................................................................................... 65
Appendix C Insert Style ....................................................................................................................... 66
Appendix D Linear Actuator Decision Matrix ..................................................................................... 67

Appendix E Ultramotion Digit NEMA 17 Product Literature.............................................................. 69
Appendix F Example Performance Graphs for Selected TEC Products............................................... 72
Appendix G Energy Calculation........................................................................................................... 77
Appendix H Melcor Product Specifications: TEC, Heat Sink, and Fan ............................................... 78
Appendix I Controller Source Code ..................................................................................................... 82
Appendix J Thermally Controlled Syringe Pump User Manual ........................................................... 90
Appendix K Test Results...................................................................................................................... 98
Appendix L Bill of Materials and Budget Spent ................................................................................ 101

Figure 1 – A Typical Single Syringe Pump from Harvard Apparatus............................................................ 1
Figure 2 – A Tropocollagen Triple Helix Subunit [2] .................................................................................... 2
Figure 3 – Normal Monkey Cornea [4] .......................................................................................................... 3
Figure 4 – Current Laboratory Setup with the Syringe Pump and Spin Coater.............................................. 3
Figure 5 – Alaris Medical ASSENA CC Syringe Pump [5]........................................................................... 7
Figure 6 – Smiths-Medical Medfusion 3500 Syringe Pump [6]..................................................................... 7
Figure 7 – Medima Model S2 Syringe Pump [7]............................................................................................ 7
Figure 8 – Harvard Apparatus PHD 4400 Syringe Pump [8] ......................................................................... 8
Figure 9 – Cole-Parmer EW-74900-00 Syringe Pump [9] ............................................................................. 8
Figure 10 – New Era NE-1000 Syringe Pump with Heater [10] .................................................................... 8
Figure 11 – Mechanical Flow of Motion...................................................................................................... 13
Figure 12 – Stepper Motor [11].................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 13 – Diagram of the Refrigeration Cycle [12] .................................................................................. 16
Figure 14 – Model Thermoacoustic Refrigerator ......................................................................................... 17
Figure 15 – How Thermoelectrics Work ( ............................................................................. 18
Figure 16 – Examples of Collets used in a Milling Machine ....................................................................... 19
Figure 17 – “Inline” Concept........................................................................................................................ 20
Figure 18– “Parallel” Concept...................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 19 – “Jack Knife Concept ................................................................................................................. 21
Figure 20 – Industry Standard Syringe Pump Interface................................................................................ 22
Figure 21 – “V-Block” Concept for Holding the Syringe ............................................................................ 22
Figure 22 – “Slotted V-Block” Concept for Holding the Syringe ................................................................ 22
Figure 23 – “Sliders” Concept for Holding the Syringe ............................................................................... 23
Figure 24 – Force Test Setup........................................................................................................................ 27
Figure 25 – Cumulative Force Output Graph for Four 60ml Syringe Actuation Tests. ............................... 28
Figure 26 – Static Finite Element Analysis .................................................................................................. 29
Figure 27 – TEC Schematic ......................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 28 – Preliminary Design: Analyzed In Cosmosworks ...................................................................... 34
Figure 29 – The Pre-processing Method on the Initial Study....................................................................... 34
Figure 30 – The Resulting Temperature Plots from the Initial Analysis ...................................................... 35
Figure 31 – A More Complex Model of the Preliminary Design ................................................................. 35
Figure 32 – The First Pre-processing Conditions Applied to the more Complex Model. ............................ 36
Figure 33 – A: Temperature Location on the Outside of TEC’s and B: The Location on the Inside Faces of
the TEC’s...................................................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 34 – ABCD Document the Results of Experimental Analysis on the more Complex Model. .......... 37
Figure 35 – Preprocessing Initial Temperature Location ............................................................................. 39
Figure 36 – Preprocessing Heat Power Magnitude and Location................................................................. 39
Figure 37 – Transient Heating Analysis Using New Pre Processing............................................................ 40
Figure 38 – Transient Cooling Analysis Using New Preprocessing............................................................. 41
Figure 39 – Resultant Plot of the 75 Watt Heating Analysis........................................................................ 42
Figure 40 – Resultant Plot of the 75 Watt Cooling Analysis........................................................................ 42
Figure 41 – Advanced Assembly Model in Cosmosworks........................................................................... 43
Figure 42 – Phase Two Analysis Results ..................................................................................................... 45
Figure 43 – A Basic Schematic of Thermoelectric and Heat Sink ............................................................... 47
Figure 44 – TECs, Insulation, Heat Sinks, Fans, and Shrouds ..................................................................... 50
Figure 45 – Photo of Finally Assembled Prototype...................................................................................... 53
Figure 46 – Final Design with Linear Actuator Mounted in Parallel to the Syringe .................................... 54
Figure 47 – An Exploded View of the Interface Block Assembly ............................................................... 55
Figure 48 – Mechanical Interface Components............................................................................................ 55
Figure 49 – Pusher Block as Assembled on Rod.......................................................................................... 57
Figure 50 – Exploded View of Pusher Block Assembly .............................................................................. 58
Figure 51 – Assembly View with Housing................................................................................................... 58
Figure 52 – Controls Box (Cover Removed For Clarity) ............................................................................. 59

Table 1 – Design Considerations.................................................................................................................. 11
Table 2 – Weighting Factors ........................................................................................................................ 12
Table 3– Overall Form Concepts.................................................................................................................. 26
Table 4 – Heating and Cooling Systems....................................................................................................... 30
Table 5 - Formula Calculation...................................................................................................................... 38
Table 6 – Phase One Analysis Results ......................................................................................................... 44
Table 7 – Phase Two Analysis Results......................................................................................................... 45


We as a Capstone Group would like to acknowledge Professor Jeff Ruberti for sponsoring our project and
assisting us in furthering our education through exploration. Additionally we would also like to thank
Professor Mohammad Taslim for his continued support throughout the project.


“We the team members, Mark Breneman, Matt Lachapelle, Daniel Leathem, Nicholas
LeCain, and Benjamin Ngo

Mark Breneman Matt Lachapelle Daniel Leathem Nicholas LeCain Benjamin Ngo
member 1 member 2 member 3 member 4 member 5

faculty advisor

Hereby assign our copyright of this report and of the corresponding Executive Summary to the Mechanical,
and Industrial Engineering (MIE) Department of Northeastern University.” We also hereby agree that the
video of our Oral Presentations is the full property of the MIE Department.

Publication of this report does not constitute approval by Northeastern University, the MIE Department or
its faculty members of the findings or conclusions contained herein. It is published for the exchange and
stimulation of ideas.


1.1 Introduction and Nomenclature

One of the most commonly utilized instruments in biomedical laboratories is a syringe pump. Presently,
there are many applications which use syringe pumps to dispense fluids in a controlled manner. Syringe
pumps also serve other functions, which make them appealing in the varying environments.

1.1.1 Syringe Pump Background

Syringe pumps are widely used in biomedical fields and typically consist of a large rectangular base with a
fixture where a syringe sits. The actuation block is highlighted in orange in Figure 1.

Figure 1 – A Typical Single Syringe Pump from Harvard Apparatus.

At one end of the fixture is an actuating block, which rides on a power screw, or gear train actuating
system. Typically, a user places a commonly sized syringe into the fixture with the syringe plunger placed
within the actuation block. Next, the user defines the size of the syringe, the desired flow rate, and then
executes the pumping mechanism. In most cases, the contents of the syringe are forced into tubing
connected to the syringe’s Luer needle-locking tip. The contents then flow through the tube to the point of

1.1.2 Syringe Pump Functions

Currently, there are many syringe pumps on the market, all with unique functions. Made primarily for the
biomedical industry, typical functions of a syringe pump include;
• Infusion and withdrawal capabilities

• Simultaneous multi-syringe usage
• Low electrical frequency noise
• High accuracy and high pressure dispensing
• Programmable operation functions
Syringe pumps are a prime target for redesign because of their functionality and application in biomedical
labs. One function not yet explored by syringe pump manufacturers is temperature control. Thus far, no
manufacturers have incorporated heating and cooling systems into their syringe pump products. A
thermally controlled syringe pump would fulfill the consumer need for temperature control.

1.1.3 Case Study

One clear example of the existing demand on the market for a temperature controlled syringe pump device
is Dr. Jeffrey Ruberti’s research project. Dr. Ruberti is a Professor at Northeastern University in the
Mechanical Engineering Department and is currently engaged in research relating to corneal tissue
engineering. Part of the research includes examining how corneas grow along with their structural
qualities. As part of his research, Professor Ruberti uses collagen for cellular cornea growth.
Collagen is comprised of long fibrous proteins that are assembled in a triple helix formation, called
tropocollagen. Figure 2 shows a 3D model of the tropocollagen subunit. Collagen is an extremely
important structural material in all aspects of life in that it is the basis for cell growth. Out of all the
proteins that make up a mammal’s body, it is the most abundant at 40%. Because of its strength, collagen
plays a significant role in the composition of cartilage, ligaments, tendons, bone, teeth, and corneas. In
addition, it is often used in cosmetic and burn surgeries, and is partially responsible for the elasticity and
strength of skin, the strength of blood vessels, and helping develop tissue. [1]

Figure 2 – A Tropocollagen Triple Helix Subunit [2]

Collagen is critical to Professor Ruberti’s research because the cornea is made up of hundreds of layers of
Type-1 collagen fibrils, or long chains of molecules, orientated in the same direction. [3] The cornea is the
clear component in the eye that covers the pupil and iris. Along with the lens, it helps refract the light so
the eye can focus. Figure 3 shows a close up of a normal monkey cornea. The strands are collagen lamellae,
or layers of tissue. The orientation of the fibrils allows the cornea to remain transparent. In addition, the
collagen fibrils tend to self assemble, thus when manufacturing them in a lab setting, utmost care must be
taken to ensure the corneas are usable.

Figure 3 – Normal Monkey Cornea [4]

Professor Ruberti’s laboratory employs 60-milliliter polypropylene syringes from Henke – Sass Wolf to
create the arrayed collagen pattern. A separate 60-milliliter syringe is filled with air and placed on a Razel
syringe pump. Next, the technicians take another syringe filled with monomous collagen at 5 °C from a
refrigerator and place it into an ice water bath, shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4 – Current Laboratory Setup with the Syringe Pump and Spin Coater

The ice water bath prevents the collagen-filled syringe from rising above 5 °C. This is essential because
the collagen will prematurely assemble into fibers if warmed above this temperature. Once in the ice water

bath container, the technicians set the flow rate and syringe size, and turn on the syringe pump. As the
syringe pump begins to actuate the 60-milliliter syringe filled with air, the air flows through a tube
connected to the end of the syringe into the ice water bath container, where it acts as force on the plunger of
the collagen-filled syringe. The collagen-filled syringe is then actuated and dispensed at a flow rate of one
milliliter per minute through a tube into the spin coater. Inside the spin coater, the collagen is dropped onto
a dish at 37 °C where a linear pattern of collagen fibers are formed through the centrifugal force of the
spinning dish and the tendency of collagen to form fibers at 37 °C. This is beneficial toward developing a
method for creating corneas, as the pattern of collagen fibers being created mimics the pattern of cells in a
healthy cornea as shown above in Figure 3. When corneal cells are grown on top of this collagen pattern,
they will grow in the same pattern, thereby creating an artificial cornea nearly identical to an actual cornea.

1.2 Examination of Case Study to Develop Problem Statement

1.2.1 Examination of Case Study

Examining Professor Ruberti’s current method for developing the arrayed collagen pattern, a critical
success factor in the process is maintaining the temperature of the collagen at or below 5 °C. Presently,
Professor Ruberti’s method of keeping the syringe pump cool allows for error, and could be improved upon
by a temperature controlled syringe pump device. There are two main problems with the procedure. The
first is that if the collagen’s temperature is not controlled, it will not form fibers in a patterned direction and
consequently aligned cell growth will not occur. To temporarily solve this problem, Professor Ruberti and
his team place the syringe in an ice water bath container that contains ice water at 5 °C. This is
cumbersome, awkward and inefficient. This temporary solution is also not reliable as a result of the
convective heat transfer between the warm ambient air, the ice water bath, and the tube through which the
collagen flows through as it goes into the spin coater. Even though the ice water bath is at 5 °C initially, as
time progresses and it is exposed to the ambient temperature, the temperature of the bath will increase, and
therefore allow the collagen to exceed the 5 °C range. There is also the problem of the collagen flowing
through the un-insulated tubing into the spin coater. This tubing is exposed to ambient room temperature
which in turn heats the collagen up, defeating the purpose of the application. In order to counter the effects
of convective heat transfer on the operation, temperature control must be introduced.

The second issue with Professors Ruberti’s lab setup is the size of the syringe pump. The size of the
syringe pump and its ice water bath force the temperature control to be spatially apart from the point of
application (the spin coater). The current setup is shown above in Figure 4. The current syringe pump is so
massive that it must be rested on the table, or suspended away from the spin coater. If the size of the
syringe pump heating and cooling device had a smaller form factor, it could be located closer to the point
of application, or even suspended above it, and therefore eliminate much of the temperature control
problem in the tubing as well as provide a more marketable product.

After scrutinizing the areas of improvement available in Professor Ruberti’s setup, it is clear that there is a
need for a thermally controlled syringe pump in this application. A thermally controlled syringe pump
could be used in any medical laboratory or research environment where temperature control is an issue.
This demonstrates a demand in the syringe pump market.

1.2.2 Problem Statement

As a result of the fact that the syringe pump market does not possess any devices that provide temperature
control, it has been proposed that a thermally controlled syringe pump device be designed and prototyped.
The design of this prototype should be able to meet the primary needs of Professor Ruberti’s application
(maintain the collagen at 5 °C, and have a small footprint) as well be marketable to the larger syringe pump
market. Size, form, and temperature control capability (heating and cooling) are all factors that shall be
designed for to differentiate the thermally controlled syringe pump from other pumps on the market.

1.3 Impact Statement

The impact of designing a syringe pump heating and cooling device has immediate ramifications on both a
small and large scale. The small scale ramifications include a solution to the problems which presently
plague Professor Ruberti’s cornea tissue growth research. The creation of a device that efficiently
maintains the temperature of the collagen filled syringe at 5 °C and allows a closer point of application to
the spin coating samples results in a more controllable collagen growth process. This subsequently
facilitates more efficient cornea growth. The large scale ramifications include the introduction of a product
to the current market that previously was unavailable.


2.1 User Classification

To fully comprehend how to best design a syringe pump heating and cooling device, a brief study was
taken up to determine the types of users and environments syringe pumps are used in.

2.1.1 User Demographic

The success of a design is ultimately based upon its ability to satisfy the user’s needs. In the case of
Professor Ruberti, the primary user of the syringe pump in the lab is a technician, Nima Saeidi. With a
background in mechanical engineering, Nima represents a typical syringe pump user on the market. The
typical syringe pump user has technical knowledge, as well as a scientific background. In addition to the
basic technical knowledge of how a syringe pump works, the typical syringe pump user is also familiar
with the parameters by which they need the pump to operate for their scientific experiment. As a result of
the typical users’ technical and scientific knowledge, certain assumptions can be made when designing the
user interfaces. Since the typical user has some technical knowledge in how to program, the user interface
does not have to be overly simple. The user has a basic knowledge on the specific task they are trying to
accomplish with the syringe pump, so a guided interface is not necessary.

Although the typical user of a syringe pump has some technical and scientific knowledge, there also exists
a non-typical user in the biomedical field. Syringe pump users can also be those in the medical field,
though not as common. These users may not possess the strong technical background that engineers and
those in the biological engineering field maintain. For these users, the interface of the syringe pump must
be easy and simple. In addition, the syringe pump device must also be extremely accurate, as a result of the
highly sensitive human applications.

2.1.2 User Environment

Another important consideration to keep in mind while designing for success is the user’s environment.
The environment in which the syringe pump is operated is important to the design because it dictates both
the form and function of the pump. In general, there are two types of environments where the syringe
pumps are used, the lab environment and the medical environment. In both cases, there are similarities in
form and function of the pump. Both environments demand small units. For example, in Professors
Ruberti’s case, the smaller the syringe pump heating and cooling device, the better the unit will perform.
This is a result of the point of application being in closer proximity to the point of application.
In addition to having a small form factor, both the lab and medical environment require that the heating
device be safe and self contained. The thermally controlled syringe pump must maintain normal laboratory
safety standards because of its close proximity to highly sensitive equipment and people. Additionally, the

unit must be self contained because of the fact that in both of these environments, other electronic
equipment is abundant and there is little space for a syringe pump device that is reliant on large electronic
powering units.

These requirements will dictate the type of design and problem analysis which should occur when
designing a thermally controlled syringe pump.

2.2 The Syringe Pump Market

The medical and biological research fields are the two main consumers for syringe pumps. For each field,
there are a number of well respected companies that have quality products on the market now. For the
medical field, Alaris Medical, Smiths-Medical, and Medima produce a variety of syringe pumps. Alaris
Medical produces the ASENA CC Syringe Pump shown in Figure 5. Smiths-Medical produces the
Medfusion 3500 shown in Figure 6. Medima produces the Model S2 shown in Figure 7. They all have
unique factors separating them from the competition. For example, the ASENA CC Syringe Pump can
have up to 50 pre-programmable protocols, the Medfusion 3500 is compatible with 2 milliliter syringes,
and the Model S2 has a flow rate range from 0.1 to 2000 milliliters per hour.

Figure 5 – Alaris Medical ASSENA CC Syringe Pump [5]

Figure 6 – Smiths-Medical Medfusion 3500 Syringe Pump [6]

Figure 7 – Medima Model S2 Syringe Pump [7]

For the biological research field, Harvard Apparatus, with their PHD 4400, Cole-Parmer, with their EW-
74900-00, and New Era, with their NE-1000 are appropriate choices for syringe pumps. Figure 8 - 10
depict each syringe pump. The PHD 4400 can generate up to 200 pounds of force. The EW-74900-00 can
accept syringe sizes from 10 microliters to 60 milliliters. And the NE-1000 has an additional heating
element option. The heating element can heat the syringe up to 100 ºC, however it cannot cool. The heating
system costs an additional $475 to the $995 for the pump. These syringe pumps can range anywhere
between $1000 to more than $4000 for higher end, precision models. A requirement of this design project
is to integrate thermal control capability as well as offer comparable flow rates and accuracy as these
standard syringe pumps. It is desirable to offer this product at costs equivalent to existing syringe pump

Figure 8 – Harvard Apparatus PHD 4400 Syringe Pump [8]

Figure 9 – Cole-Parmer EW-74900-00 Syringe Pump [9]

Figure 10 – New Era NE-1000 Syringe Pump with Heater [10]

2.3 Patents and Patent Applications

Examining patents is an effective way of profiling the competition. It is also a necessary part of the project
in order to ensure a similar design is not already patented. There are patents that describe similar aspects of
the design, but fortunately there are currently no patents that directly describe a syringe pump that can heat
and cool.

United States Patent # 6955946, Flip chip underfill system and method, and # 6541304, Method of
dispensing a viscous material describe a device that dispenses a viscous material onto a substrate and
claims to provide temperature control in order to maintain the material’s viscosity. This device achieves its
temperature control at the dispensing point of the syringe, so that the material arrives at a desired
temperature upon being dispensed. However, as stated in the background section, collagen must be
maintained at a refrigerated temperature in order for it to exhibit its desired properties.

United States Patent # 6585700, Syringe, syringe plunger and attachment mechanism for front loading
medial injector, describes a syringe pump device that includes a sleeve for clamping on a heater blanket to
the syringe barrel. This is similar to the products developed by the New Era and Watlow companies.
However, this design includes no elements for cooling, which is a part of the primary goal.

United States Patent Application # 0050036919, Syringe pump, claims a syringe pump that can sense
temperature. Sensing is an important aspect of this application, but it makes no mention of how to control
the temperature. For the syringe pump that can heat and cool, the temperature must be both sensed and


3.1 Design Considerations

After review of the background information, it is logical to begin the problem analysis by examining the
design considerations. In this section, goals and objectives are designated, followed by a list of the factors
that are critical for success. The design considerations are evaluated and ranked in order of importance to
the overall design.

3.1.1 Goals and Objectives

The primary goal for the project is to create a working prototype of a syringe pump that can heat and cool,
which will operate under the following conditions:
ƒ The system shall be capable of actuating the plunger for numerous syringe sizes
ƒ The system shall be capable of providing flow rates in the range of current syringe pumps
ƒ The system shall be able to cool a syringe barrel and its contents to 0 °C
ƒ The system shall be able to heat a syringe barrel and its contents to 60 °C
ƒ The system shall be able to hold a temperature within ± 1.0°C
ƒ The system shall have a small footprint and mass comparable to any syringe pump on the market

The secondary goals for the project are:

ƒ To develop a product that is comparable in cost to other syringe pumps on the market
ƒ To optimize and expand on the characteristics of the primary goals
ƒ To create a marketable design

3.1.2 Critical Success Factors

The following factors have been designated as being critical to the success of the project. This means that
they are essential deliverables that cannot be compromised in order for the project to be successful.
Critical success factors are:
ƒ Size: The product shall be smaller than any current syringe pump design so as to able to be put in
close proximity to the application. Current syringe pumps vary in form but on average occupy an
area of 12” by 12” by 10” tall.
ƒ Output temperature range: The product must be able to heat and cool the contents of the
syringe barrel to temperatures as low as 0 °C and as high as 60 °C.
ƒ Temperature Control Accuracy: The product shall maintain an accuracy of ±1.0 °C.
ƒ Flow Rate Range: An appropriate power actuation system must be developed in order to actuate
the syringe plunger at different standard flow rates. Desired flow rates range from 0.1 to 90
milliliters per minute.

ƒ Flow Rate Control Accuracy: Accuracy shall be consistent with the current syringe pumps on
the market.
ƒ Adaptiveness: In order for the product to have any marketability, it must be able to accommodate
the different standard syringe sizes available on the market.
ƒ Thermal properties: Due to the nature of the product, a thorough thermal analysis of the product
in working conditions must be completed.
ƒ Deadline: The working prototype shall be delivered by April 17, 2007.

3.1.3 Design Evaluation

To aid in the design evaluation, a decision matrix has been implemented and is shown in Table 1. The
matrix allows the design team to enter and rank the different design considerations. It should be noted here
that the criteria for evaluation in this matrix is based on soft requirements. That is, due to the nature of the
problem analysis, certain hard requirements are absolute and therefore must be met in order for the design
to be successful. These are listed as “Critical Success Factors.” The soft requirements are those that are
considered above and beyond the basic hard requirements. An example of the difference between a hard
and soft requirement is temperature range. It is an absolute requirement that the system be able to heat and
cool to a minimum of 0 °C and a maximum of 60 °C. This is the hard requirement. However, it is
desirable that the system be able to heat to a maximum of 95 °C. This is the soft requirement. Thus, the
design considerations in the matrix are evaluated based on the optimization of soft requirements once the
hard requirements are met.

Table 1 – Design Considerations

Design Temp
Size Time Portability Adaptiveness Accuracy Cost Rate Total
Considerations Range
Size - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7
Temp Range 0 - 1 1 0.5 1 1 0.5 5
Time 0 0 - 1 0 0.5 1 1 3.5
Portability 0 0 0 - 0 0 1 0 1
Adaptiveness 0 0.5 1 1 - 1 1 1 5.5
Accuracy 0 0 0.5 1 0 - 1 0.5 3
Cost 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0
Flow Rate Range 0 0.5 0 1 0 0.5 1 - 3
Enter 1 if the row goal is more important than the column goal
Enter 0 if the row goal is less important than the column goal
Enter .5 if the row goal is equally important as the column goal

The design considerations are listed both in rows and columns. Each consideration can then be compared
individually with the other considerations. From this matrix, a ranking is developed. Weighting factors
(WF) are developed by examining how each consideration relates to the overall design. They are then
assigned to one of the following groups: Critical, Important, and Optional. These are rated on a 0 to 100
scale. The weighting factors are shown in Table 2.

Table 2 – Weighting Factors
100 Size
(Necessary for
Success) 85
80 Adaptiveness
70 Temp Range
Important 50 Time
(Not Critical; Not
Optional) 45
Flow Rate
Optional 20
(Desirable; Not
Necessary for 15 Portability
Success) 10
0 Cost

It is evident that “Size” is the most important design consideration (WF =100). It is followed by the ability
of the product to adapt to several different standard syringe sizes and to be able exhibit temperature control
over a broad interval (WF =80, 70 respectively). Alternatively, cost is the lowest on the scale, with a
decision factor of zero. This is consistent with the idea that cost is not a large constraint if other
deliverables are met and optimized. The considerations, along with their respective weighting factor, shall
be used to rate the effectiveness of the different design concepts.

3.1.4 Specific Force Requirements

The market has a variety of syringe pumps with many different performance characteristics in different
price ranges. Specialized high pressure syringe pumps can generate forces as great as 500 pounds. These
forces are out of the range of the prototype thermally cooled syringe pump. Most pumps on the market that
would fit Professor Ruberti's needs are capable of producing 20 to 200 pounds of force. The goal is to meet
the performance of the existing syringe pump in his lab now. Once this goal is accomplished
enhancements shall be made to try and achieve the performance of a higher end pump. Harvard Apparatus

syringe pumps can produce 200 pounds of force. Figure 11 below shows basic correlations of linear force
to motor torque.

Mechanical Flow of Motion

Step Motor’s Drive Power

Rate Number Train Screw
of Steps Ratio Pitch

Fr = Volumetric Flow Rate

A = Cross Sectional Area of Syringe
Lt = Distance per Thread on Power Screw
Dr = Drive Train Ratio
Ms = Number of Steps in Motor
Sr = Step Rate Needed
P = Linear Force Applied
Dp =Pitch Diameter of Lead Screw
Tm = Motor Torque Required

Fr = A x Lt x Dr x Ms x Sr Equation Relating Motor Step Rate to Volumetric Flow Rate

Tm = ((P x Dp)/2) x Dr Equation Relating Motor Torque to Linear Force

*These are idealized formulas that do not account for friction. More complex formulas will have to be developed

Figure 11 – Mechanical Flow of Motion Flow Rates

Volumetric flow rate is the primary flow characteristic that Professor Ruberti is concerned with. Since this
system will be able to accept multiple syringe volumes, this must be accounted for in the linear actuator
controller. The desired volumetric flow rate is divided by the cross sectional area of the syringe to
calculate the linear velocity needed to achieve this flow rate. The linear velocity of the syringe will be
calculated from the motor’s angular velocity with the drive train ratio, and the pitch of the drive screw. All
these variables affect the desired flow rate and angular motor velocity.

Current syringe pumps on the market consist of flow rates that range from a minimum of 1.34E-9 ml / min
up to 240 ml / min, with accuracies in the fractions of a percent. For Professor Ruberti’s application, flow
rates of 0.1 ml / min to 1 ml / min are desired. The intent is to meet Professor Ruberti’s needs and come as
close to industry standards as possible.

Accuracy of the system will stem from the accuracy of the cross sectional areas of the syringes. Cheap
syringes with low tolerances will make the pump’s accuracy decrease.

3.2 Design Conceptualization

3.2.1 Mechanical Actuation

The very essence of a syringe pump is the mechanical actuation it provides. To determine which method of
actuation is best for the syringe pump heating and cooling device an examination must be made into all of
the differing methods of actuation. After examining all of the different actuating methods, each method
must then be weighed against the design considerations for power and accuracy. Hand Actuation

The simplest and most common way to actuate a syringe is by hand. No extra tooling or controllers are
required, but it has some very serious drawbacks. The human hand is not capable of the very accurate flow
rates that are needed in most syringe pump operations. Also, highly viscous fluids can require forces that
the human hand is not capable of producing. Hydraulic / Pneumatic

Hydraulic and pneumatic actuators are very popular because of the high forces they can generate. A very
small cylinder can be used for the actuation of a syringe. The use of fluids to produce the actuating force
has inherent problems. Due to the compressibility of all fluids, there exist small fluctuations in the
displacement of the cylinder. These fluctuations will produce inconsistencies in the flow rate. To compete
with other syringe pumps on the market, the proposed syringe pump heating and cooling device needs to
keep the flow rates as accurate as possible. Hydraulic and pneumatic actuators also need lots of supporting
equipment: pumps, reservoirs, controllers, and hoses. Any leak from the hydraulic hoses or fittings could
cause contamination problems for experiments, making this mode of actuation unusable. Since pneumatics
use air, contamination would not be a problem, but the high compressibility of air exacerbates the constant
flow rate problem. Power Screws / Linear Actuators

Most syringe pumps on the market use a power screw design. This is because of the extremely accurate
linear motion that can be obtained using a power screw. Today, very fine threads are easily produced.
Used in combination with stepper motors, a very precise linear motion can be achieved. Design of a Power Screw

In order to set up a power screw system, a drive screw is used to produce the linear travel needed. An anti-
backlash nut is also required to help reduce chatter in the system. A stepper motor or a dc servomotor with
an encoder and control system is necessary as well. Stepper motors are ideal for this application because of

their method of producing motion. By changing the magnetic positioning, as shown in Figure 12 below, a
very accurate controllable motion is achieved. Appendix A shows an exploded view of a stepper motor for
reference. If designed correctly, all of these components can create a drive system that can actuate a
syringe with precision.

Figure 12 – Stepper Motor [11] Off the Shelf Linear Actuators

Many companies make power screw linear actuators in different shapes and sizes to meet many different
types of applications. Using a self-contained mass produced unit allows for a working prototype that meets
the established force needs for a cost effective price. Off the shelf actuators also come with published
specifications to simplify the design variables. Many of these linear actuators come with controllers or
have options for purchasing customizable controllers. This would simplify the structural and automated
part of the design. The accuracy of linear motion for the unit will already be published, leaving only the
variation of the syringe cross sectional area as the major error source.

3.2.2 Thermal System

One of the major design considerations for the thermally controlled syringe pump device is the thermal
system aspect. Maintaining the collagen at or below five °C is of utmost importance. As mentioned
before, if the collagen is allowed to reach higher temperatures it will form prematurely, ruining the entire
sample. To efficiently and effectively remove and add heat, research and analysis must be performed to
determine what devices, if any, can be used to achieve the temperature requirements set out in the critical
success factors. The first step in this process was to survey the available options for heating and cooling. Refrigeration
A basic approach to cooling would be similar to a refrigerator. Refrigerant at low pressure absorbs heat as
the pressure is increased with a compressor. It then passes through a heat exchanger to release the heat.
An expansion valve decreases the pressure of the refrigerant, repeating the cycle. Figure 13 shows a simple
diagram of the refrigeration cycle. This system is complicated, involving too many components and

requiring the routing of tubing. This contradicts a critical design goal of having a small form factor and
being portable.

Figure 13 – Diagram of the Refrigeration Cycle [12]

Another refrigeration method involves using thermoacoucostics. A thermoacoustic refrigerator uses sound
waves to compress gases so they can carry heat away from a source to a heat sink. A magnetic loudspeaker
generates sound waves which compress and expand a gas, usually a noble gas. During compression, the
warm gas moves toward an ambient heat exchanger, while during expansion, cold gas moves toward a cold
heat exchanger. [13] Figure 14 shows a model of a thermoacoustic refrigerator. This effort is being
spearheaded by Pennsylvania State University and is still in the experimental phase. There is a working
prototype made for Ben & Jerry’s which stands 19 inches tall and has a 10-inch diameter. With this device,
a cooling capacity of 119 watts and a temperature of -24.3 oC were reached. [14] Although this sounds
promising, a thermoacoustic refrigerator will have the same issues as a regular refrigerator; it will not be
portable or have a small footprint. In addition, since it is still in the experimental phase, reliability will be
another factor.

Figure 14 – Model Thermoacoustic Refrigerator Resistive Heating and Thermosiphons

Although heating is not required for Professor Ruberti’s application, one design goal is marketability. The
design should be able to be used in a number of applications. Being able to heat the syringe is very
desirable. There are a variety of ways to heat; such as resistive heating and thermosiphons. Resistive
heating is generated from resistors when current is passed through them. It is simple, reliable, and
compact. Thermosiphons heat coolant through convection, which passes through a heat exchanger. They
have problems similar to refrigerators, such as a large footprint and issues with tubing lines. In either case,
to achieve both heating and cooling, two separate systems must be integrated together. Thermoelectrics
Thermoelectric devices are semiconductor-based electronic components that function as small heat pumps.
The benefits of using TECs include high reliability, small size, low cost, light weight, and precise
temperature control. Thermoelectrics also provide the unique ability to heat as well as cool with no moving
parts, making them the most viable solution for the thermally controlled syringe pump design.

Thermoelectrics consist of two ceramic plates with an array of P and N-type semiconductors sandwiched in
between as seen in Figure 15. The array is connected electrically in series and thermally in parallel. When
a DC current is applied to the thermoelectric device, a temperature difference is created. The top plate is
cooled and the bottom plate is heated. If the polarity of the DC current is reversed, then the plates being
heated and cooled are switched. This capability makes thermoelectric devices beneficial for applications

that require both heating and cooling, such as ours. Their size is very small, with lengths and widths in the
range of 15 to 80 millimeters and thickness of 3 to 4 millimeters. Thermoelectrics can move heat in the
range of 5 to 100 watts and can be connected in parallel or in series in order to increase heat flow and
temperature range capabilities respectively.

Figure 15 – How Thermoelectrics Work (

3.2.3 Interface Conceptualization Thermal Interface Concepts

One of the main concerns in the design of the cooling system is good thermal contact with the syringe. One
of the most common materials used for syringe barrels is polypropylene. Polypropylene is an insulator and
thus makes thermal transfer to the contents of the syringe more difficult. An essential part of the design is
to have the maximum surface area of the syringe contacting the conductive medium. The design
requirement of being able to utilize multiple syringes increases the difficulty of making good surface
contact. Thus, extensive brainstorming and evaluation were needed to develop functional ideas for
interface designs.
The first concept is to use a bladder system filled with a conductive fluid that is compressed around the
syringe. This is a universal solution and eliminates the need for different adapters. Using the same bladder
concept, but filling it with varying diameter copper pellets as opposed to conductive fluid is another option.

A preliminary concept involving the bladder is shown in Appendix B, denoted as the “Clam Shell” style.
In this concept, the user opens the heating and cooling device and places the syringe inside. This design
allows the user to access the syringe heating and cooling cavity with ease. This design, although appealing
because of its ability to accept various sized syringes with easy accessibility, does pose a number of issues
involving temperature control and conductivity. In addition, there are in depth design issues such as

material selection and size that allow for good conductivity without being susceptible to puncture by a
syringe, as well as the ability to adjust to various syringe sizes. Inserts
The simplest concept is to use a block of conductive media containing a thru-hole sized to the largest
syringe that is common on the market. The insert concept relies on the insertion of the syringe into this
heating interface block which mounts thermoelectric devices on its sides. To accommodate smaller
syringes, conductive inserts could be created to fit each individual syringe size with every insert being able
to fit directly into the thru-hole in the thermal interface block.

A preliminary concept involving inserts is shown in Appendix C. The outer perimeter of the block is
dimensioned to fit inside the pump unit. The heating interface block then comes in contact with the
thermoelectrics in the pumping unit. The benefits of this design are its simplicity and high thermal
conductivity, reducing the amount of time it takes to heat or cool the syringes. A downside to this design is
that inserts must be made to accommodate each syringe size; therefore the marketing value of the multi-
syringe use decreases. An additional idea is to use collets as inserts which retains the benefit of good
conductivity while providing the possibility of accepting more than one syringe size per insert. Examples
of collets used in a milling machine are shown in Figure 16 below.

Figure 16 – Examples of Collets used in a Milling Machine Overall Configuration Concepts

As the established design factors demonstrate, size is critical to the success of the project. As a result of
this requirement, the overall configuration becomes an issue. Initial concepts were derived from looking at
the syringe pumps on the market and trying to break down their overall form. Preliminary brainstorming
was done on how to create a thermally controlled syringe pump and what the interface would look like
compared to syringe pumps on the market. Three main overall concepts resulted: an inline concept, a
parallel concept, and a jack knife concept.

19 Inline
The inline concept, shown in Figure 17, is overall the simplest design to implement. It involves the
actuation system being directly in-line with the syringe. This eliminates the need for extra mechanical
parts, as the actuation system would drive directly into the syringe plunger. The downside to this design is
its very long form factor. Its length would be 1½ to 2 times longer than a typical syringe pump on the
market. Future challenges with this design include keeping the form factor as small as possible while
designing for the ability to remove and insert the syringe without the actuator being in the way. A simple
solution would be to back the actuator away from the interface block even further, but increasing the length
of this design is not acceptable given our focus on form factor.

Figure 17 – “Inline” Concept Parallel
The Parallel concept has a more compact form factor, but requires additional mechanical parts to transfer
the motion of the actuation system. In this concept, shown in Figure 18, the actuation system would be
positioned underneath the syringe and accompanying thermal interface system. A mounting bracket as
shown in the figure would be added for structural stability, as well as to provide a solid surface for
mounting to something, such as a lab stand. Since the motion must be transferred indirectly, one solution
would be a plate attached to the end of the actuator that would adjust to attach to the syringe plunger as
well. In this setup, when the actuator is extending, the syringe would be withdrawing. Alternately, when
the actuator is retracting, the syringe would be infusing. A major issue with this concept involves the
moment that is applied to the actuator by this plate via the syringe during infusion and withdrawal. Future
challenges for this design will be to implement a system that can handle the moment applied to the actuator.
The analysis on this design will require the use of structural finite element analysis.

Figure 18– “Parallel” Concept

20 Jack knife
The Jack knife concept theoretically has the ability to work in both the inline position as well as the parallel
position with the aid of hinges. Shown below in Figure 19 is a preliminary model of the concept using an
actuator mounted to one half of the system, and a thermal interface block mounted to the other half. The
two halves are hinged as shown to allow for inline actuation when closed, and loading of the syringe when
opened. With extra piece parts added on the end of the actuator, the system could theoretically actuate the
syringe when parallel as well as when inline. The issue with this design is if it is to be used in both inline
and parallel configurations, it requires the user to attach and detach these extra piece parts when switching
between the two configurations. If the system is to be used in only the inline configuration as shown, the
design becomes much simpler but has the same form factor drawbacks as the basic inline concept. There
are also issues with maintaining structural stability in the parallel position.

Figure 19 – “Jack Knife Concept Mechanical Interface Concepts

The mechanical interface between the syringe and actuation system must also be considered. It must be
determined how to hold various syringe barrel sizes, and how to position and grip various syringe plunger
sizes. Holding Various Syringe Barrel Sizes

The syringe barrel must be held in place to maintain the thermal interface. The syringe plunger must also
be gripped firmly on both sides and interfaced with the actuation system to allow control in both infusion
and withdrawal of the syringe. The industry standard is to grip and hold the finger tabs on the syringe
barrel while also gripping the syringe plunger and interfacing it with the actuation system as shown in
Figure 20. Two preliminary solutions for our system have been drawn up and integrated with the thermal
interface concept of inserts in CAD models.

Figure 20 – Industry Standard Syringe Pump Interface V-block for Finger Tabs

The first concept offers a solution to gripping the finger tabs of the syringe barrel. As can be seen in Figure
21, this concept involves a gripping piece that accommodates the three syringe sizes of concern by utilizing
a 110 degree opening and the ability to be adjusted in the vertical direction. Once adjusted to the proper
length its position can be fixed via a set screw. The particular concept shown has been combined with the
thermal interface concept of inserts. It utilizes the interface block to hold one side of the finger tabs in
place while the clamp restrains the other side of the syringe barrel for both infusion and withdrawal

Figure 21 – “V-Block” Concept for Holding the Syringe Slotted V-block for Finger Tabs

A more simplified version of the V-Block design would be to eliminate the top-mounting piece and posts,
and use a larger Slotted V-Block Piece, shown in Figure 22. The block would slide on and be fixed by
thumb screws. The thumb screws have not been depicted in Figure 22.

Figure 22 – “Slotted V-Block” Concept for Holding the Syringe

22 Sliders for Finger Tabs
The sliders concept consists of two sliding arms as can be seen in Figure 23. The sliders would simply be
screwed into the face of the interface block and the user would slide them toward the syringe plunger,
covering the syringe finger tabs, effectively holding the syringe firmly up against the interface block.
Benefits of this design are that it does not protrude outside the edges of the interface block, while
downsides include it being less robust.

Figure 23 – “Sliders” Concept for Holding the Syringe Positioning Various Syringe Plunger Sizes

Positioning the syringe plunger refers to the challenge of adjusting to the end of different length syringe
plungers so that upon actuation, the infusion or withdrawal of the syringe contents will start at zero and the
amount of liquid dispensed or retracted will be able to be controlled by the user. Since there is both
infusion and withdrawal being done on any syringe, a method of gripping the syringe barrel is necessary, as
well. Upon brainstorming this problem, two preliminary concepts were created. Both concepts grip the
syringe plunger in a manner similar to that shown in Figure 20. Fixed Rods or Slides

The first concept uses the idea similar to the industry standard where we would position the syringe plunger
with a block of aluminum that slides on either two rods with linear bearings, or two linear slides. The rods
or rails would be fixed to the interface block and the bearings or slides would be fixed to the positioning
aluminum block. The actuation system would drive the positioning block in or out sliding along the rods or
rails while being supported by them in a position that is normal to the syringe plunger. The sliding block,
when attached to the syringe plunger, would allow conduct the infusion and withdrawal of the syringe. The
rods or rails would serve to severely reduce the moment that would be applied to the actuator in the parallel
configuration. Non-Fixed Rods or Slides

The non-fixed rods or slides concept is the same as the fixed rods or slides concept with one functional
difference. Instead of the rods or rails being fixed to the interface block with the linear bearings or slides
fixed to the positioning block, the design is reversed. The linear bearings or slides are fixed to the interface
block respectively while the rods or rails are fixed to the positioning block. The difference is that instead
of the rods always being a fixed length from the interface block, their length now adjusts when the
actuation system adjusts, thus providing the benefit of a smaller form factor when the device is fully

3.2.4 Controller Options
Both the actuation system and thermal design system will need to have some sort of control system for the
user to interface with. Although the control systems will ultimately be driven by the specific design
choices, basic control systems are proposed here. The design requires two separate control circuits: one
control circuit to control the temperature of the syringe via the heating and cooling system and one
controlling the mechanical actuation. A simple off the shelf proportional integral derivative (PID)
temperature controller, such as the ones offered from Omega or Cole Palmer, will suffice for temperature
control but a controller that can handle both temperature and motion would be ideal. Controlling
mechanical actuation is a different scenario as there are multiple inputs and outputs needed. Stroke limit
control switches, linear potentiometer, step pulses, on signals, off signals, direction signals and finally
speed sensors will have to be monitored. A total of seven possible solutions have been proposed for
controlling motion.

Labview is capable of creating digital control circuits and allows the computer logic to control actuation
and possibly the heat as well. Labview works off a Windows-based computer that does not allow full
access to the processor. The Windows base has applications running in the background which seriously
limit the response time of the system. It has been found that the computer and data acquisition hardware
being used is not powerful enough to run both a control and data acquisition mode at the same time. In
addition, the large size of the computer increases the overall size of the product. This means Labview will
not work for the application.

Basic mini stamp controllers were researched, many of which are available through Parallax. These mini
controllers are basically small programmable computers. They are programmed in PBasic which is
Parallax’s form of Basic and requires advance programming knowledge. The very small size of these
controllers and their price make them very appealing. These controllers work entirely on a digital level
making it very hard to get the Basic Stamp controllers to read thermocouples and linear potentiometers.
These problems make use of these controllers impractical unless designed by an electrical engineer.
Rabbit Semiconductor makes single board computers that can be used for control applications. They even
provide HMI’s (Human Machine Interfaces) that readily connect to their products. These controllers are
programmed using C. Programming in C is complicated and it is difficult to control single bits of data.
Due to the difficulty of programming and the slightly higher price Rabbit Semiconductor is not the ideal

Programmable logic controllers (PLC’s) were also recommended for control of the system. These
controllers work off an industry standard called Ladder Logic programming. The programming package
differs from each manufacturer but they all work in the same general manner. Ladder Logic is based on the

idea of relay programming. Ladder logic makes it easy to do conditional programming and control of bits

Two main companies have been looked at: Unitronics and Tri-PLC. Tri-PLC’s major attraction is the cost
of their controllers. They are fairly cheap and have a good HMI. Their programming software is hard to
use and requires knowledge of Visual Basic. Unitronics has a very nice programming environment that is
very intuitive and, with a short tutorial, a control program can be created.

Finally, an analog control system that is programmed and controlled by a switch board and potentiometers
is the cheapest solution. Many linear actuators today are programmed through analog means. A possible
issue with control is the fact that the stepper driver is not a controller. The driver needs a stop go signal, a
direction signal, and a pulse every time to move the motor one step. Finding or creating a controller that
can produce accurate variable frequency square waves could pose a problem. Labview can accomplish this
easily, but would require a computer to control the device and cannot accept feedback at the same time that
it is producing the wave. Basic stamp controllers have oscillation functions, but through testing with an
oscilloscope, they are not uniform waves. Also, there is a lag in the pulse times, so every pulse gets
continually longer giving an initial speed that proportionally slows down. Pre-manufactured programmable
stepper controllers have been recommended as well. These systems are not changeable in the field. These
controllers can be programmed for one speed. A start/stop button will start and run the program. In order
to change the speed of the linear actuator, however, it needs to be reprogrammed with a computer every


4.1 Overall Process

With the overall problem identified, the user and market analysis defined, and the problem analysis
established, the next natural step was to begin the design and engineering process. Like the design
conceptualization in the problem analysis chapter, the design and engineering process was broken down
into specific detailed categories. The categories were mechanical actuation design detail, thermal design
detail, and preliminary design and testing. In each of the categories, the engineering development was
documented to follow the evolution from concept to design formulation.

As a starting point for design, the team made the decision to use the inserts concept for overall design. This
was an important decision to make because it laid the foundation for the integration of the rest of the
components. When considering overall form factor and functionality together, two concepts met all the
design requirements. The concept of inserts is very simple and satisfies all the requirements while
maintaining a small form factor. The second concept of a clam shell form factor offers ease of use. When
combined with the bladder concept, which offers versatility, it would theoretically be able to accept any
syringe size or brand, increasing its marketability. A comparison is made in Table 3.
Table 3– Overall Form Concepts
Overall Form Concepts
Clam Shell
With Bladder
Multiple Syringes? YES YES
Ease of Use Very Simple Simple
Size Medium Small
Thermal Very good
Conductivity (Direct Contact)
Robust NO YES
Unknown Straight forward
Design Simplicity Complicated Simple

The best option for the design of the thermally controlled syringe pump is the insert concept. It is only
slightly larger than the actual syringe itself, wasting nearly no space and having the smallest form factor.
The bladder system is not only larger, but is more complicated as well. The bladder concept also needs an
additional system to pump or inject thermally conductive fluid into the bladder to adjust to the size of the
syringe. Also the thermal paste and bladder material will have higher thermal resistance than the direct
metal contact that inserts provide. Robustness is a concern with the bladder material in that it needs to be
as thin as possible to improve thermal conductivity, but makes it susceptible to damage by the tip of a
syringe or some other method by the user. Considering the bladder concept’s few advantages over insert

concept and then contrasting them with the increased design challenges, the insert concept proved to be the
best choice for this situation. With the basic layout of the interface block and inserts in mind, detailed
design of the components can commence.

4.2 Mechanical Actuation Design Detail

To actuate the syringe, an off the shelf linear actuator was selected. This was by far the best option of all
the concepts proposed because of the fact that it can provide the required force, meets the accuracy
requirements, and requires relatively little supporting equipment.

4.2.1 Syringe Force Testing

In order to select an appropriate linear actuator, several factors must be considered: overall size, cost, and
force output. To determine a proper force output, testing was done. Taking the largest syringe, the 60
milliliter, as the most difficult to actuate, a test fixture was designed and constructed. It consisted of an
aluminum plate with a thru hole for the syringe and capturing features for the finger tabs. The syringe was
then filled with water, which has similar characteristics to collagen. The syringe was placed into the fixture
and a Chatillion testing apparatus, similar to an Instron machine, provided acutation (Figure 24).

Figure 24 – Force Test Setup

The force output, measured and presented with the help of a force gauge and computer software, generated
a graph which displayed force applied versus time. Figure 25 shows a cumulative graph of four of the tests.

The maximum force applied was about 33 pound force. Applying a factor of safety of 2, 66 pound force is
an appropriate force output for the linear actuator.

Figure 25 – Cumulative Force Output Graph for Four 60ml Syringe Actuation Tests.

4.2.2 Choosing a Linear Actuator

In order to purchase a linear actuator, extensive product research was carried out and the results were
organized in a decision matrix. Linear actuators that were found were evaluated initially for the force they
were capable of producing. After the force testing was done, it was shown that the maximum force needed
to actuate a syringe with water was approximately 30 pounds. This test data was factored into the decision
matrix. All actuators were rated for their size, cost, resolution, force output, speed, stroke length,
adaptively, and aesthetics in a decision matrix located in Appendix D. The decision matrix ultimately
pointed to the Ultramotion Digit NEMA 17, which is driven by a stepper motor. Product specifications for
the Ultramotion Digit NEMA 17 are added in Appendix E. The next step was to decide what drive
electronics to use. A mid-range general stepper motor driver was decided upon. This driver would allow
simple controllers to control the stepper motor and because it was supplied by Ultramotion, it assured that it
was compatible.

4.2.3 FEA Force Analysis on Syringe

Using Cosmosworks, finite element analysis was conducted on the solid models made in Solidworks. The
assembly was properly restrained and a force of 75 pounds was applied to the top of the syringe plunger.
The maximum displacement, shown in Figure 26, was about 0.009 inches on the edges of the plunger.

There is negligible reaction on the aluminum block. This is acceptable because the syringes are disposable
and the deformation is negligible.

Figure 26 – Static Finite Element Analysis

4.3 Thermal Design Detail

The thermal design chosen for the heating and cooling system utilizes thermoelectric coolers (TECs).
TECs were chosen for a number of reasons, namely their ability to function in both heating and cooling
modes depending on application. A comparison of TECs to the other heating and cooling concepts is
shown in Table 4:

Table 4 – Heating and Cooling Systems
Heating and Cooling Systems
TECs with Thermo-Acoustic Heat Bridges with
Heat Sink & Fan Refrigeration Heat Sink & Fan
Size Small Large Very Small
Temp Range -10C to 70C < Ambient > Ambient
Outsourced Design
Ease of integration
Simple Difficult Simple
with Actuation
Reliable? YES Experimental YES
Cost $500 - $800 $10,000+ $200 - $500
Weight 1/2 lb 4 lb 1/2 LB

Refrigeration is much more expensive and cannot heat, and heat bridges cannot cool. If a system
combining thermo-acoustic refrigeration and heat bridges were able to heat and cool, it would still be worse
than the TEC system due to its sheer size, cost, and difficulty to design. The TEC system fulfills all design

4.3.1 Design Options

There are two design paths that are considered when using TECs. TEC vendors supply both individual
TEC modules and pre-packaged TEC assemblies. The difference between the two is that the TEC module
is just the basic heating and cooling semiconductor element, where as the TEC assembly includes one or
more heating and cooling elements packaged with accompanying heat sink system. There are advantages
and disadvantages to each. The TEC module itself will not function properly without an appropriate heat
sink coupled to it. Thus, it becomes the designer’s responsibility to select an appropriate heat sink for the
specific module. This increases the complexity of the design, and adds an additional step which could
possibly cause the TEC module to malfunction if not designed for properly. On the other hand, it allows
the designer more freedom in design, which may be desirable in terms of shape and size. The TEC
assembly takes the responsibility away from the designer. Heating and cooling capacities are specified up
front and it then becomes the designer’s job to select an assembly based on system requirements. This
simplifies the designer’s job and takes the liability of a malfunction away. However, the TEC assemblies
can be very large, which may not be acceptable depending on size constraints.

Upon review of the various options available among each path, it was decided that custom system design
using individual TEC modules was the best choice for the thermally controlled syringe pump. This is
entirely due to the fact that prepackaged assemblies are too large for implementation into the system.

4.3.2 Design Process Basic TEC Design Methodology

In order to create an efficient TEC system, not only must a TEC be selected that sufficiently removes or
adds the required heat to the syringe pump, but a heat sink system must be selected to sufficiently remove
the total heat dissipated by the syringe pump system and TEC device. There are four main design
parameters that are considered in the design and implementation of TECs in a system. They are the DC
voltage and current required by the device, the difference in temperature from each side of the device, and
the amount of heat that the device can move. TEC vendors organize these parameters in performance
graphs for each module. The performance graphs for selected modules from various vendors are presented
for reference in Appendix F. Each of the parameters is interrelated to each other and thus affects the
overall performance of the device. The parameters are shown in Figure 27 (here in cooling mode) and are
defined as:
Pin: the DC voltage and current that is required to power the TEC
Qc: the amount of heat the device is capable of removing from (or adding to, in the heating mode)
the system
ΔT: the difference in temperature from each side of the device (ΔT = Th – Tc)



Tc Th

Block TEC

Figure 27 – TEC Schematic

For the design of the thermally controlled syringe pump, a separate power supply shall be purchased.
Therefore, the design of the TEC is not restricted at all by power requirements because an applicable power
supply can be selected. The difference in temperature from the hot side and cold side of the device is a
function of the desired temperature of the syringe contents to be attained and the achievable temperature
that can be maintained through use of a heat sink. The Th that is maintained through use of a heat sink will
play an important role in TEC selection, and will be discussed later in the design process section. The
amount of heat (Qc) that is to be moved by the device is dictated by the system design itself and the
required change in temperature of the syringe contents. In order to quantify Qc, a thermal model is
developed. Thermal Model

Before the TEC system can be chosen, the maximum amount of heat to be pumped from the syringe must
be determined. Altering the system design to minimize the heat load allows the TEC to achieve colder
temperatures or reduces the power required to reach a defined temperature. After a basic design has been
settled on, a model can be created to simulate the design. The efficiency of the system must be analyzed
closely. The efficiency of the overall system will hinge on the optimization of the design and on the
effectiveness and placement of insulation. Without proper insulation of the system, a much higher powered
and more expensive thermoelectric device will be required. Likewise, significant effort must be put into
optimizing the tolerances at different interfaces to minimize air gaps. This will increase thermal contact
and thus heat transfer efficiency. Analysis of Thermal Model

Since it is impossible to empirically gather data from a TEC before purchasing it, extensive hand and
computer calculations were performed to ensure adequate output. A three pronged initiative was proposed
to ensure completeness in design. The first task was to use hand calculations, simple two dimensional
thermal resistance diagrams, and a two dimensional axis-symmetric model in Ansys to quantify the amount
of heat that needs to be removed or added. The remaining two parts required the use of computer finite
element analysis (FEA) to determine the heat power needed to achieve the proper internal temperature. One
endeavor employed Ansys Workbench with exported Solidworks files while the other ran analysis in
parallel in Solidwork’s Cosmosworks.

It was determined that a two dimensional axis-symmetric model in ANSYS would deliver the desired
results and would be the easiest analysis to conduct. However, it soon became apparent that this would not
be completely accurate because the system itself is not axis-symmetric. The next logical step was then to
shift the focus to three dimensional analysis. This was very difficult to achieve using the basic ANSYS
software because the model was very complex and the program itself is not very user friendly.

After many attempts, the problem was reevaluated and simplified. A basic energy calculation was done to
estimate the amount of heat that is dissipated by the contents of the syringe. A spreadsheet was created that
can be used to calculate the amount of heat for different variables such as material properties, different
volumes, and different amounts of time. The spreadsheet is added as appendix in Appendix G and is based
on the thermodynamic equation:
Q = MCΔT (1)

Where m is the mass of the syringe contents, c is the specific heat capacity of the contents, and ΔΤ is the
change in temperature that is desired to be achieved over a given amount of time. This provided the Q in
joules that is needed to change the required volume from one temperature to another. Expressing Q over a
certain amount of time yields the Qc in watts. This process provided a rough idea of the Qc that would be
needed to achieve a given change in temperature. However, it only takes in to account the syringe contents
itself, not the entire system. The entire system consists of the syringe itself, the air gap between syringe
and interface block, and the interface block. It is clear that in order to account for the entire system, a three
dimensional thermal finite element model is needed.

While calculations progressed by hand, problems arose using Ansys Workbench. In preliminary studies,
temperature profiles of the collagen were not present. This was due to the fact that a 0.005 inch air gap
would not mesh properly, thus not allowing heat to flow in or out of the collagen.
Alongside the ANSYS heat analysis, a parallel method of analysis was taken up at the same time using
Cosmosworks. The embracing of Cosmosworks in parallel to ANSYS was taken up as method for
safeguarding the heat analysis. By utilizing both Cosmosworks and ANSYS for the project accurate heat
analysis could be confirmed by comparing the results of the two programs. Furthermore, if one of the
programs could not be utilized successfully, the project could focus more on fine tuning the other program
to make sure it worked.

Cosmosworks emerged as the main FEA program for the heat analysis. This was because of its ease of use
as well as the complete integration with Solidworks. Experimentation with Analysis in Cosmosworks

Initial analysis in Cosmosworks was started by using a basic simplified model of the design as shown in
Figure 28.

Figure 28 – Preliminary Design: Analyzed In Cosmosworks

In the simplified assembly an interface block with the material properties of 6061 Aluminum alloy contains
a modeled air gap (with the properties of air assigned to it), a cylindrical body with the properties of
polypropylene copolymer (to represent the syringe), and a cylindrical body with the properties of water
(representing the collagen).
With the model created in Solidworks the first steps were to apply a set of pre-processing steps, mesh the
assembly, and run the analysis to see if any results could be obtained without error.
The first study began with a steady state analysis, and then a transient analysis. For both of these analyses
an initial temperature was applied to all the objects in the assembly of 22 °C to simulate all the components
at room temperature (Figure 29-A). Additionally, a heat power was applied to three sides of the interface
block (See Figure 29-B), simulating thermoelectric devices on three sides, and convection coefficient, H
was applied to the outer sides of the interface block to represent the circulating air on the back side of the
interface block (Figure 29-C).

Figure 29 – The Pre-processing Method on the Initial Study

For the actual values of the heat power and convection coefficients, estimates were made because empirical
data was not yet researched. With the preprocessing conditions in place the model was then meshed and
solved without any error. As a result of this minor success, continued analysis was done using the same
preprocessing methods, but with slight changes to values of power, time, convection coefficient and
material, to see how the model would react. Thirteen studies were run, some as a heating analysis and some
as cooling analysis. The results of these analyses can be seen in Figure 30 A-M.

Figure 30 – The Resulting Temperature Plots from the Initial Analysis

With the program solving successfully, a larger model (Figure 31) was analyzed, in hopes of gaining a
better idea of how the more accurate model would react.

Figure 31 – A More Complex Model of the Preliminary Design

The larger model consisted of three heat sinks modeled after a Therma Flo Extruded heat sink, nine
thermoelectric units from Melcor, a interface block of 6061 Aluminum, a .05 mm air gap, and a model of
the Hanke Sass Wolfe 60 ml syringe filled with a body of collagen. The collagen body was assigned the
same material properties (specific heat, density, conductivity) as water as suggested by Professor Ruberti.
When the study of the large model began, the same preprocessing conditions were applied as in the
simplified model, except for the convection coefficient which was applied in a different position. The
initial temperature remained 27 °C, and was applied to all the bodies of the assembly (Figure 32-A). The
heat power was then applied to the three sides of the interface block as if the thermoelectric units were
making full contact (Figure 32-B). The convection coefficient (h) was applied to the all the faces of the
heat-sinks as if they were removing the heat at the quantified h (Figure 32-C), and the exposed surfaces of
the interface block and the syringe (Figure 32-D).

Figure 32 – The First Pre-processing Conditions Applied to the more Complex Model.

With the preprocessing conditions in place the model was meshed and solved, although with the solution
came mesh errors, and other solving errors. Even with these errors the overall study of the model continued
in an effort to experiment with the program and see how it worked. In an effort to work around the
meshing and solution errors, as well as model the thermoelectric units affect more accurately, a modified
set of preprocessing conditions were applied. The initial temperature and convection coefficients remained
the same, but the heat power was removed and two set temperatures were applied to the faces of the
thermoelectrics (Figure 33-A and B) in order to simulate the temperature differential across the

Figure 33 – A: Temperature Location on the Outside of TEC’s and B: The Location on the Inside
Faces of the TEC’s
Having applied the new preprocessing conditions the model was again meshed and solved without any
errors. With both pre-processing methods a variety of results were obtained and are shown in Figure 33.
Some were arrived at with errors and some not.

Figure 34 – ABCD Document the Results of Experimental Analysis on the more Complex Model. Examination of Experimentation with Cosmosworks

After experimenting with a simplified model and a more complex model in Cosmosworks, a closer
examination was made into the accuracy and the feasibility of these results. At the time of analysis full
knowledge of the operations of a thermoelectric, what physical conditions they could withstand, and the
capabilities of heat sinks were unknown.
With all of this in mind, the plots were scrutinized and found that the ending temperatures were inaccurate
and violated laws of thermodynamics. In talking with thermoelectric vendors much more insight was
gained into how thermoelectrics operate, in addition to how they can be positioned. After discussing the
thermoelectric design with the vendors, it was discovered that because of the way thermoelectrics operate it
is quite difficult to place them side by side, as was originally modeled in the simplified and complex
assemblies. The modules fail because one module tries to compensate for the combined temperature Th of
another unit. Therefore, the use of three or even two thermoelectrics directly next to each other is
discouraged. In translating this into the design of the syringe pump, it changes the position of the
thermoelectrics. This will also modify the analysis as far as the location of the heat power. Additionally
this requires a separate analysis of any heat sink design to ensure that the heat sink will be able to dissipate
the amount of heat power in an adequate time to avoid failure. This shall be discussed later in the design
process section.
Northeastern University Professor Hameed Hashemi was consulted on thermoelectric design and how it
relates to finite element analysis. In theory there are two approaches to the FEA side. The first is to apply
a Qc (negative or positive relative to cooling or heating) and look to the temperature profile of the model
over a set time to see if the desired temperature per position is met. The second approach is to set the
temperature on a face of the TEC and see the amount of time it takes for the desired points to reach
In relation to the syringe pump project, where a certain amount of time to reach temperature is desired, the
only method which works in Cosmosworks is the method of applying a Qc. To do this a proof must first be

devised to check the validity of the results. Using Equation 1 above, a general Qc can be calculated for the
volume of collagen within the syringe. This represents the amount of Qc which can be pulled out of or
inserted into the volume of collagen over the specified amount of time. For the FEA analysis to be accurate
the results must mirror the results of the formulaic calculation shown in Table 5.

Table 5 - Formula Calculation

Mass Specific Heat Delta T Q Time Power
Syringe Size
(kg) (J/Kg) (°C) (J) (s) (W)
60 mL 0.0661 g 4.1900 J/Kg 22 6088.489 300 20.295

Going through the calculation with these variables, the maximum amount of joules (Q) able to be removed
from the collagen volume is arrived at. Since the unit of Q is Joules or Watt / second, by specifying a time,
and dividing the Q from the formula by that time a Wattage is arrived at. This wattage is what can then be
applied to the model as a "heat power" in Cosmosworks and should achieve an average temperature change
of the body as specified in the formula.
Using this information from the vendors in collaboration with the information from the formulaic
calculation a new set of accurate preprocessing conditions and steps could be applied which would lead
towards purchasing a thermoelectric unit. In creating a new set of preprocessing conditions, relations had
to be made to the parameters that had been given by the thermoelectric vendors and the parameters
available in Cosmosworks. With that in mind, the conclusion was drawn that the Qc required by the vendor
could correspond to the calculated power in watts in Table 5, if just the body of collagen was considered
under the cooling and heating load. Using this, a preliminary design plan was created to test and see if the
finite element analysis with the assumed preprocessing conditions would produce results similar to that of
equation 1. Once the pre-processing conditions were proved accurate a more complex model would then be
analyzed and adjusted accordingly. Finally with the results of a more accurate CAD model of the syringe
pump device, vendors can then be approached with a Qc and a TEC can be purchased. Developed Analysis in Cosmosworks

With a better understanding of thermoelectrics, and a methodology developed to determine whether or not
the numerical solver is arriving at correct values and the preprocessing method is correct, Cosmosworks
analysis was resumed.

First a model of the volume of collagen that is held in a 60 ml syringe was created, and assigned the
properties of water. Then the mass properties were taken from that model and plugged into Equation 1. A
theoretical starting temperature for the collagen was set at 22 °C ( as if the collagen was being heated or
cooled from room temperature), and therefore a ∆T of 22 °C would be necessary to drop the collagen to the
desire design goal of 0 °C. Using this information 22 °C was plugged into equation 1, and a prescribed
time of five minutes or 300 seconds was considered. The time parameter was settled upon only to simplify

the time required to run the FEA analysis. The Qc needed to drop the volume 22 °C was calculated to be
20.2950 W. Using this information a Cosmosworks analysis was started. With the model of the 60 ml
collagen in Cosmosworks, an initial temperature was applied to the entire body (Figure 35).

Figure 35 – Preprocessing Initial Temperature Location

Next a heat power of 20.2950 watts was applied to the cylindrical face of the body of collagen pointing
inward to simulate heating (Figure 36) and the model was meshed using a mesh size of 2 mm and a
tolerance of .106 mm. With the mesh in place the model was then run for a five minute transient study

Figure 36 – Preprocessing Heat Power Magnitude and Location

with 30 second time steps and solved for a temperature profile. In the new methodology one will note that
the convection coefficient was removed from the preprocessing in order to simulate the analysis correctly.
In talking with TEC vendors and faculty advisors, it was determined that the heat pumped and the heat
dissipated must be analyzed separately. By not applying a convective coefficient to the body the program
assumes all unrestrained surfaces are isothermal.
According to the calculations from equation 1 and Table 5, an average body temperature rise of 22 °C
should be visible (resulting in an average body temperature of 44 °C), after at the last prescribed time step.
In the actual analysis (Figure 37) an average body temperature of 45.258 °C is reached, which is within 1
°C of the calculated value, a reasonable amount of error.

Figure 37 – Transient Heating Analysis Using New Pre Processing

In order to verify that the calculation for heat was also valid for cooling, a second analysis was created,
where the same initial temperature was applied and the heat power reversed (input as negative) to simulate
the removing effect that a TEC has in cooling. Similar to the first analysis, the study was meshed and
solved without any error. Using equation 1 with a cooling mindset, the ∆T of 22 °C from an initial
temperature of 22 °C should bring the average body temperature down to 0 °C. Looking at the resulting
plot for the cooling analysis (figure 38) it is shown that the average body temperature according to the
finite element analysis is -.864 °C, a .864 °C difference from the calculated 0 °C, again within reasonable

Figure 38 – Transient Cooling Analysis Using New Preprocessing

Having successfully developed a pre-processing methodology that achieves verifiable results, other
analyses were run with the same overall preprocessing conditions: initial temperatures and heat powers
with differing magnitudes.

In order to achieve a successful thermally controlled syringe pump, the core of collagen volume must be
able to be heated to the prescribed 60 °C and cooled to the 0 °C through the use of a TEC configuration
that is achievable from both the vendor stand point and the design standpoint. With this in mind research
was done into the range of heat (Q) stock TECs can remove. This was done by comparing performance
curves for various TEC’S (See Appendix F). The initial hypothesis was that a very powerful TEC would
be desirable because it would cool the system in the shortest amount of time. After surveying different
TEC modules, an upper limit of about 75 watts was seen to be the greatest heat that stock TECs could
move. Two analyses were initially performed, both with 75 watts (an estimated value for what TEC’s
could feasibly achieve), one heating and one cooling. The resulting plots (Figure 39 and Figure 40)

Figure 39 – Resultant Plot of the 75 Watt Heating Analysis

Figure 40 – Resultant Plot of the 75 Watt Cooling Analysis

show the temperature profiles from the 75 watt analyses. At the core of the heating analysis, the collagen
reached a temperature of 60.24 °C, just over the value necessary for the design requirements (60 °C). In the
cooling analysis a core temperature of collagen reached a temperature of -16 °C, well beyond the need 0 °C
design requirement. Looking at the plots it is apparent that with at least 75 watts, the collagen will meet the
temperature design criteria. With the knowledge that the pre-processing conditions are producing accurate
results, further analysis involving more complex models can be conducted.

42 Advanced Analysis in Cosmosworks
With correct pre-processing conditions, advanced heat analysis was conducted. This involved using more
advanced models, which contained not only the collagen body, but an aluminum interface block, a
polypropylene syringe body, and simulated TECs as well. Though more advanced than the previous
models, the actual syringe was simplified for analysis purposes. A heat power was applied to the surface of
the interface block, simulating the effect the TEC would have on the system. A contact resistance of
0.0018519 °C/W was applied between the interface block and the syringe body. This represented an air
gap, which represents real world machining tolerances. A picture of the assembly is shown in Figure 41.

Figure 41 – Advanced Assembly Model in Cosmosworks

After considering controllers and looking at a final prototype design, the only physically measurable
control point would be on the outer surface of the syringe. This problem led to a two phase analysis to
accurately imitate a realistic, final prototype simulation. The first phase contained all three parts, the
interface block with simulated TEC’s, the syringe body, and the volume of collagen. The second phase
consisted of just the syringe body and volume of collagen.

In phase one, two opposing surfaces of the interface block were selected for placement of TECs. A 40 x 40
millimeter square was separated in the center from the surfaces of the interface block, duplicating the size
of the TEC. Initial temperatures of 22 °C were assigned to all bodies, meaning everything started at room

temperature. A negative heat power, or positive cooling power, was applied to the 40 millimeter square
surfaces of the interface block. This analysis was allowed to run until the outer face of the syringe body
reached 0 °C. Since the collagen has similar properties to water, it cannot be allowed to freeze because it
will render the sample useless. If the syringe body is kept at 0 °C, the collagen inside will never actually
reach 0 °C. To determine the most effective wattage, a range of TEC wattages, from 5 to 50 watts, were
selected. The time and temperature results were then recorded and placed in Table 6 shown below.

Table 6 – Phase One Analysis Results

Phase One Study with Interface Block
Syringe Temp Core Collagen
Wattage Syringe Temp Time
Inside Temp
(W) Outside (°C) (s)
(°C) (°C)
5 0 3.434 9.443 1130
10 0 6.246 16.31 500
15 0 8.075 19.48 310
20 0 9.213 20.79 225
25 0 9.778 21.17 180
30 0 10.85 21.67 145
35 0 11.84 21.84 120
40 0 12.29 21.9 105
45 0 12.48 21.93 95
50 0 12.94 21.96 85

In the second phase of analyses, instead of applying a heat power, only a driving temperature of 0 °C was
applied to the outside face of the syringe body. The resulting temperatures for the syringe body itself and
the collagen from phase one were transferred over as initial temperatures, which allowed them to change.
The analysis was allowed to run until the center of the collagen reached 0.5 °C. Because of the asymptotic
nature of this analysis, the time it would take for the center of collagen to reach 0 °C would be unrealistic.
Thus, 0.5 °C was picked as a final temperature. The resulting temperature profile is show in Figure 42.

Figure 42 – Phase Two Analysis Results

Table 7 – Phase Two Analysis Results

Study without Interface Block
Core Outside
Total Total
Wattage Time Collagen Collagen
Time Time
(W) (s) Temp Temp
(s) (min)
(°C) (°C)
5 1390 0.5012 0.1517 2520 42
10 1620 0.502 0.1519 2120 35.33333
15 1700 0.4965 0.1504 2010 33.5
20 1720 0.5058 0.1532 1945 32.41667
25 1730 0.5033 0.1524 1910 31.83333
30 1740 0.5038 0.1526 1885 31.41667
35 1750 0.4965 0.1504 1870 31.16667
40 1750 0.4982 0.1509 1855 30.91667
45 1750 0.4983 0.1509 1845 30.75
50 1750 0.5 0.1514 1835 30.58333

Table 7 shows the results for phase two and the total time for both analyses. All of the total times for the
different TEC wattages converge to approximately 30 minutes. There is no significant gain between a 50
watt TEC and a 25 watt TEC. A more powerful TEC will lower the times in phase one, but will leave the
core of the collagen around room temperature, which would result in a similar time for phase two. Also,

using a less powerful TEC would consume less power, which would produce less heat on the hot side,
resulting in the use of a smaller heat sink, thus reducing form factor. With all these concepts in balance, a
mid-range TEC with a wattage of 25 watts was selected to be an optimal performer. Special TEC Design Considerations

Although an optimal value of Qc has been decided, design selection cannot begin until a few other
considerations are examined. These considerations have been hinted at throughout the design process
section but have yet to be fully developed. The hot side of the temperature, Th, needs to be maintained at a
certain temperature in order for the TEC to function according the specification. This shall become evident
in the TEC System Design Selection section. Controlling this temperature is accomplished through use of a
heat sink system. The coefficient of performance (COP) of TECs is another important consideration in
TEC system selection. Coefficient of Performance

An important aspect of the efficiency of a TEC system is the coefficient of performance (COP) of the TECs
themselves. The COP is the amount of heat pumped (Qc) divided by the amount of supplied electrical
power (Pin). These terms are shown in Figure 43. Figure 43 contains some terms common to Figure 27.
The additional terms are:

Qh : The total heat dissipated by the TEC (Qh = Qc + Pin)

Tamb : The ambient temperature (in this case usually room temperature)



Qc Qh
Tc Th

Figure 43 – A Basic Schematic of Thermoelectric and Heat Sink

The COP depends on the heat load, input power, and the required temperature differential [15]. The COP
is an important consideration in TEC design because it ultimately effects the total amount of heat that the
heat sink will have to remove. This is represented by the value Qh. In order to maximize efficiency of the
system, an optimal value for COP needs to be designed for. Heat Sink Design

The thermally controlled syring pump thermal system requires a heat sink to dissipate the heat that is
removed from the syringe system and the TECs. As was mentioned in the Basic TEC design methodology
section, the hot side temperature (Th) of the TEC must be maintained in order for the TEC to function
according to specification. Design Options

There are three main types of heat sink systems to accomplish this. They are free convection heat sinks,
forced convection air cooled heat sinks, and liquid cooled heat sinks. Each of these three were evaluated
for implementation into the thermal system. As heat sinks research progressed, free convection heat sinks
were ruled out. In order to dissipate the amount of heat generated by the system, free convection heat sinks
become too large to be implemented. Liquid cooled heat sinks were also ruled out after a review of the
options with the group sponsor. Liquid cooled heat sinks require additional equipment to provide the
coolant needed. Also, liquid cooled heat sinks are much more expensive than free or forced convection

heat sinks. Implementation of liquid cooled heat sinks would greatly increase the cost to produce the
prototype. It would also affect marketability because the cost of the product would increase and the
consumer would need to have the capability to implement a liquid cooled system. After having ruled out
free convection and liquid cooled heat sinks, further research was done on forced convection heat sinks. Design Process
Forced convection heat sink systems consist of an extruded or bonded fin heat sink, coupled with a fan to
force air over the fins. The fans are usually mounted on top of the heat sink or on the side of the heat sink.

In order to select a proper heat sink, the critical parameter that is considered is the Thermal Resistance
(Rth). Thermal Resistance, with respect to heat sinks, is a measurement of how well the heat sink can
dissipate the energy at a given temperature and is calculated by using the formula:
Rth = (Th - Tamb) / Qh (2)

A heat sink must have a thermal resistance less than or equal to that calculated for the design parameters.
In researching forced convection heat sinks, the thermal resistance is specified for a given heat sink fan
combination. That is, an extruded heat sink profile has a thermal resistance that is rated for a certain
volumetric flow rate of air, usually in cubic feet per minute. Therefore, not only is the selection of an
optimal profile important, but selection of an optimal fan to provide the required volumetric flow rate is
also important.

Another consideration in selecting a heat sink is the surface area that the TEC comes in contact with the
heat sink. The thermal resistance supplied by heat sink manufacturers assumes that the entire surface area
for mounting the heat sink is in contact with the device that is dissipating the heat. Since TECs are very
small, the actual area that the TEC comes in contact with the heat sink is less than the assumed area. To
check to see if the heat sink was dissipating the heat uniformly throughout the entire heat sink profile, finite
element analysis was conducted. The effective convective coefficient for the heat sinks under
consideration was calculated for their basic geometry and specified thermal resistance. This was then
applied as a boundary condition on the heat sink base to simulate the effect of the heat sink fans. A
realistic heat power in watts was then applied to the other side of the base. The simulation was completed
and if little or no variation in temperature profile throughout the heat sink was observed, the heat sink was
deemed efficient for implementation into the system.

Heat sink design and selection was a function of how much heat is dissipated through the system along
with the difference in temperature from the hot side to the ambient temperature. Heat sink selection was
also constrained by the size of the design application. The design requires a small footprint. Therefore,
the heat sink was sized accordingly.

4.3.3 TEC System Design Selection
Now that all of the important parameters in TEC system selection have been defined, and a basic
knowledge of TEC design methodology established, design selection can commence. Several vendors were
researched for TECs. These include TE Tech, Melcor, and Tellurex. TE Tech has design calculator (see
Appendix F) which offers more versatility to the designer. Parameters such as Qc, Th, Tc, V, and I are
inputted into the calculator. The calculator then suggests various modules for both smallest size and lowest
power consumption. Since Th is a function of heat sink design, a study was done using the calculator to
vary Th in increments of 10 from 40 oC to 70 oC and see how this affected COP and the thermal resistance.
After surveying various modules, it was seen the thermal resistance was at an optimal value (about .3
C/W, on average) when Th is 50 oC. At this Th, the COP is around .5. The COP is highest when Th is
lower, but in order to design for a feasible forced convection heat sink, a Th of 50 oC was selected. With the
Th and the Qc defined, the final piece of designing for the TEC system was to find a forced convection heat
sink that specified the required thermal resistance. As was mentioned in the heat sink design process
section, FEA was used to determine how efficiently a heat sink could remove the required heat. In
surveying various vendors, it was found that Melcor supplied both TECs and heat sinks. Also, Melcor is
the only vendor that supplies rectangular TECs. As more design knowledge was gained on TECs and heat
sinks, it became apparent that a rectangular TEC would increase the efficiency of the design as it would
provide more surface area on both the interface block and the heat sink. Before finding these rectangular
TECs, different design approaches were conceptualized using two 40mm by 40mm TECs on each size.
This was ruled out for the reasons mentioned in the section Using the Melcor 40mm by 80mm
(Melcor Part No. PT8-25-40x80), a thermal resistance of .27 oC/W was calculated for an ambient
temperature of 22 oC. To design for the extreme, the thermal resistance for a Tamb of 27 oC was calculated
to be .23 oC/W. This was done to ensure proper function should the device be used in an environment
where the room temperature is slightly greater than normal room temperature. Also available from Melcor
was an extruded fin heat sink (Melcor Part No. EXT 10-401L) rated for a thermal resistance of .19 oC/W
for 36 cfm. After talking with Melcor’s engineering, they suggested using two fans (Melcor Part No. FAN
201-LP) at 20cfm each to supply the required forced air. The product specification for all Melcor
components utilized are added for reference in Appendix H.

The resulting TEC system for the thermally controlled syringe pump utilizes two assemblies, mounted on
opposite sides of the interface block. Each assembly consists of one rectangular TEC, one extruded fin heat
sink, two 20 cfm fans, and one custom machined fan mount shroud. The fan mount shroud was custom
designed and machined in house out of aluminum to house the fans and mount to the heat sinks. The
assembly is shown in Figure 44:

Figure 44 – TECs, Insulation, Heat Sinks, Fans, and Shrouds

4.4 Preliminary Design: Testing and Implementation

4.4.1 Preliminary Design

As was mentioned at the beginning of Chapter 4, the thermally controlled syringe pump team made the
decision to use the inserts concept as the basis of the design. This decision provided a basis on which the
supporting components could be designed and implemented. In order to implement the linear actuator and
TECs, a rough cut at an interface block and inserts were machined. The interface block was made out of
aluminum stock and machined to 40mm x 40mm x 120mm long. The interface block was mounted to an
aluminum mounting bracket and insulated through the use of polystyrene and pvc foam. The linear
actuator was also mounted to the mounting bracket so that it was inline with the interface block. The TEC
assemblies were mounted to opposite sides of the block and clamped together using a vice to provide
adequate contact. Artic silver 5 thermal compound was used to increase thermal contact between the TEC
modules and the aluminum interface block. With the test fixture setup, testing of both the actuation and the
heating and cooling system could begin. That way the functionality of the components could be verified
while the final design was still being developed.

4.4.2 Controller Programming

Controlling the rate of actuation and the temperature of any syringe is pertinent to the success of the
thermally controlled syringe pump design, as noted in the critical success factors. Presently four controller
options have been looked into and been placed in an examination period in which an evaluation will be

made into their relevance to the project, and their ease of use in programming. While evaluating the
controllers, key attributes which must be attained are that of easy PID programming interface and an easy
human machine interface. These shall be able to be programmed simply yet still be technically sufficient.

Unitronics has been nice enough to provide a controller at no cost for the project. This provides a
controller for the prototype that will work. This controller may not be the ideal end product solution but it
is a portable controller that fits the application. A marketable end product solution would use a custom
designed controller to cut cost and size. With that in mind the controller will also have to control two main
functions: the rate of actuation and the temperature control.

Unitronics’ Vision 120-22-UA2 has been implemented for controlling temperature and flow rate control.
The controller’s transistor outputs provide a direct interface to the stepper driver board. They also power
the relays that handle the high power needs of the thermoelectric coolers. Visilogic (Unitronics version of
Ladder Logic) provides an excellent platform for logic and HMI development and interface. Part of the
testing regiment is to find bugs in the logic as well as qualify the system. Refer to Appendix I for the
controller source code. A detailed user manual is included in Appendix J to supplement the source code for
instruction on running the components through the controls system. Rate of Actuation

Programming the Vision 120 to interface with the system focused around creating the logic to create a
square wave from the tranistor outputs that changes frequency in response to the desired flow rate. This
logic has two main parts, logic that takes the input from the HMI and logic that calculates the needed
frequency. This calculation is then fed into the logic that either sets the high speed output for high
frequencies or starts up the timer logic that provides the low (under 8 Hz) frequency logic. Kill switch
interrupts, direction and on/off logic is worked in to the control code as well. The HMI allows for all the
user input variables to be controlled from one screen. Temperature
Unitronics has a built in auto tune PID controller function. This is a very generic function so a lot of
coding needs to go on to customize the PID to the system. The system was set up to use an average of two
thermocouple readings as the control input to the system. The proportional timer logic and autotune
interrupts along with the HMI were coded. All this work produced a system that when auto tuned to a
specific temperature holds the temperature with in 0.1 Deg C of the thermocouple readings. The Unitronics
controller is a general purpose controller so there is a lot of functionality that is not needed and some of the
control logic is essentially unnecessary and is just there to trick the controller into doing what is needed. A
marketable product will need to have a custom control system. The Unitronics controller makes an
excellent prototype controller with good functionality.

4.4.3 Testing
Testing has been critical to qualifying the syringe pump for Professor Ruberti’s application. Testing has
become a mechanism to work the bugs out of the control system and qualify the heating / cooling systems
as well as the flow rate control. A lab view data acquisition system was used to measure temperature over
time for different parts of the syringe pump to verify the FEA work. The cooling system was able to
produce and control a -5 OC temperature at the interface between the interface block and the 60 ml syringe
or inserts. The tests also showed that the heat sink temperature did not rise above 50 OC allowing for
optimum performance from the TEC’s. The control system limits the heating system to 70 OC too assure
the TEC’s do not see over 80 OC. This is the temperature that the TEC’s start to get damaged. The tests
showed that the Thermally Controlled Syringe Pump could easily hold a controlled temperature of 70 OC.
Flow rate testing was also done at ambient and various controlled temperatures to quantify accuracy and
prove out the system. Please refer to the test data sheets in Appendix K for results. The test results allowed
for initial tuning of the system. Further analysis and testing with more accurate measurement devices
would allow the syringe pump to work at its most accurate level.


5.1 Final Design

The final design of the thermally controlled syringe pump device consists of two major parts: the hand
held syringe pump, and a decentralized control unit, as shown in Figure 45 below. The decentralization of
the control unit allows the thermally controlled syringe pump unit to have a smaller form factor, greatly
increasing the ability of the user to maneuver it into various positions closer to it’s point of application. It
is equipped with a structural handle for easy transport and mounting to common lab stands.

The size of the thermally controlled syringe pump is a compact 13 x 6.25 x 6.25 inches, weighing 12.5
pounds. The control unit is 12x12x7 inches weighing 18.0 pounds. The choices made throughout the
design process will be reflected throughout the following sections. A photo of the completely assembled
final prototype is shown in Figure 45:

Figure 45 – Photo of Finally Assembled Prototype

5.1.1 Thermally Controlled Syringe Pump Design

The final overall design of the thermally controlled syringe pump unit utilizes a parallel design as is shown
in Figure 46 below. As mentioned in Section, this allowed the form factor of the unit to remain
as small as possible, while maintaining the ability to actuate the syringe with the Digit linear actuator.

Insert Syringe Here Front End

Figure 46 – Final Design with Linear Actuator Mounted in Parallel to the Syringe Thermal Interface Design

The final thermal interface design consists of two forced convection heat sink assemblies, each
sandwiching a Melcor TEC, surrounded by insulation, mounted to opposite sides of the thermal interface
block. The engineering behind the TEC and heat sink assembly selection has been detailed previously in
Section 4.3. An exploded view of the interface block assembly is shown in Figure 47 below. Inserts
Another aspect of thermal interface design utilizes the inserts design as an efficient method of heat transfer
from the TECs to various syringe sizes. As has been detailed previously in Section 4.1, there is an insert
for each syringe to be used in the thermally controlled syringe pump. The temperature is sensed from the
insert through thermocouples fixed inside two holes on top of the interface block which is utilized as
feedback for the controller.


10ml Insert

10ml Syringe

Heatsink Insulation
Fan shroud

Figure 47 – An Exploded View of the Interface Block Assembly Mechanical Interface Design

Mechanical interface design consists of the design of the parts associated with the movement of the linear
actuator. Major aspects of this design include the mounting bracket, precision rail and slide, and ball joint.
A model depicting these parts as they are used in the design is shown below in Figure 48:

Mounting Bracket


Ball Joint

Figure 48 – Mechanical Interface Components

55 Mounting Bracket
The main structure of the entire thermally controlled syringe pump unit is tied to the mounting bracket.
The mounting bracket, made of aluminum, mounts the actuator through its center, and mounts the interface
block directly to its top surface. In doing so the parallel design of the actuator and syringe (which is
mounted inside the interface block) is maintained. Precision rail and slide

For the syringe to be actuated within a parallel design, the motion of the actuator must be transferred from
the actuator’s plane of motion up to the syringes plane of motion. The motion must also be precise in order
to maintain the accuracy and precision of the actuator and control system. For these reasons, an IKO
precision rail and slide assembly have been utilized. By fixing the bearing slide to the mounting bracket,
and the rail to the end of the actuator, as shown in Figure 48 above, the rail becomes a moving part that
transfers in sync with the precision movements of the actuator, without any significant slippage or lag. In
conjunction with the benefit of moving in sync with the actuator, the rail provides a smooth mounting
surface for a “pusher block”, which shall be detailed later on in the user interface design section. Ball joint

A ball joint was chosen as the method to connect the actuator, which is threaded at its end, up to the IKO
rail. The reason for using a ball joint was to avoid using a rigid part that could transfer a moment to the
actuator. The IKO slide and rail serve to reduce the moment that is produced by the syringe being offset
from the actuator within the parallel design. The ball joint serves to eliminate any moment possibly
transferred through the rail. User Interface Design

User interface design consists of parts designed for user adjustment to the syringe in use. These parts allow
all aspects of the system to work seamlessly in a consistent manner, despite the option for the user to
actuate different sized syringes. For example the user could infuse a filled 60ml syringe which has a full
length of approximately six inches, then infuse a half filled 5ml syringe which will have an approximate
length of three inches, without any difference in use of the thermally controlled syringe pump. The only
requirement will be to change the syringe type used on the controller key pad from 60ml to 5ml. The
following parts allow for the mechanical adjustment to any length and girth syringe, so that the user is
always starting at zero ml of fluid infused or withdrawn.

56 Slotted V-block
The slotted V-block can be found in two forms in Figure 49 below. One is affixed to the interface block
and has slots in it; the other is affixed to the pusher block assembly.

Garolite Slotted

Pusher Block

Figure 49 – Pusher Block as Assembled on Rod

Both serve as clamps for holding the syringe in place, with the ability to do so for any sized syringe. One
clamps the syringe barrel finger tabs to the interface block via thumb screws and the other clamps the
syringe plunger to the pusher block via knurled knobs. Pusher Block

The main adjustment piece for the user is the pusher block. As shown in Figure 49 above, the pusher block
slides onto the rail and can adjust freely toward the syringe plunger. Once the L-bracket has been placed
firmly up against the syringe plunger, the user would adjust the slotted v-block up to the base of the syringe
plunger and tighten the two knurled knobs so that the syringe plunger is fixed tightly between the slotted v-
block and L-bracket. This assembly is shown in Figure 50. Once the pusher block has been fixed to the
syringe plunger it must now be fixed to the rail so that the motion of the actuator can be transferred through
to the syringe. To do this the used would firmly tighten the clamping block adjustment screw until the
pusher block is firmly affixed to the rail. The system is now ready for infusion or withdrawal.


Clamping Block
Adjustment Screw

Slotted V-Block

L- Bracket

Clamping Plate
Clamping Block

Clamping Jaw

Figure 50 – Exploded View of Pusher Block Assembly Housing
Housing was designed for proof of concept and prototyped with a 3D printer. The housing was a
preliminary design to give an idea of what the system would look like, but still requires optimization for
size and airflow impediment. A model of the thermally controlled syringe pump with housing is shown in
Figure 51 below.

Top Housing

Bottom Left Bottom Right

Housing Housing

Figure 51 – Assembly View with Housing

5.1.2 Controller Box
To house the various components that are a part of the controls unit, a separate controls box was fabricated
and assembled. The assembly is shown in Figure 52:

Figure 52 – Controls Box (Cover Removed For Clarity)

A standard enclosure box was purchased from Allied Electronics. The box was then modified to add ports
for the thermocouple, thermoelectric, and actuation electrical connectors. Holes were also made so the
exhaust from the fans that cool the power supply could exit the box. These holes were covered with
standard fan guards. All of the fans, relays, and power supply were mounted to the box using standard
hardware. Finally, to facilitate easy access to the controller, a hole was made in the enclosure box lid. That
way, the thermally controlled syringe pump can be operated without having any of the electronics exposed
to the outside.

5.2 Capabilities

With the overall design established, prototyped, and tested, the final step of the engineering process is to
document the capabilities of the thermally controlled syringe pump.

When looking at syringe pumps there are three main characteristics which are pertinent when examining
the actuation process; linear resolution, flow rate range, and flow rate accuracy. The linear resolution
determines the actual precision of the device and therefore the bulk of the actuation. In the thermally
controlled syringe pump the linear resolution is 10.519 μm/step, a higher resolution than most syringe
pumps on the market. Now although the linear resolution is not as good as most syringe pumps, the
thermally controlled syringe pump maintains a comparable flow rate range and accuracy to most syringe
pumps on the market; 0.001-90 mL/min and .01 mL respectively. Having examined the key actuation part
of the thermally controlled syringe pump the next step is to look into the temperature side of the device.

From the multiples heating and cooling tests of the final prototype the temperature control range for all
syringe sizes is from 0-70 ° C. The thermal resolution of the system is ±1.0 ° C.

5.3 Budget
One of the last steps in the overall process is examine the costs of the final product and determine its unit
cost. Throughout the project an itemized list of purchases has been kept to ensure financial accountability
for the work and items purchased. This list can be found in Appendix L, subsection L-4. The total
expenditures for the overall project is $4296.05. This amount is much higher than the calculated unit cost.
The calculated unit cost is $3123.82 for one thermally controlled syringe pump. The disparity in numbers
is a result of the fact that the calculated unit cost has been itemized for each single component in the
assembly and associated hardware, where as the total expenditures includes cost to purchase all hardware
(most times are sold in packs larger than that utilized) and necessary costs for revision/ replacement parts.

Although the unit costs are somewhat of a good estimate of the actual cost, these costs do not include labor.
As a rough estimate of assembly and manufacturing costs, the manufacturing process and materials
documented in the Appendix L, subsections L-1and L-2, have been taken into account and their overall
times estimated as a total of 14.5 hours of manufacturing for all the machined, cut, and drilled parts. At an
average rate of $75 and hour for a professional machinist this calculates to about $1087.50 in
manufacturing cost.

In addition to the actual manufacturing cost the total assembly time for the prototype was recorded both for
the thermally controlled syringe pump unit, and the thermally controlled syringe pump controls. At 2 hours
for the control unit (including wiring) and 1 hour for the actual thermally controlled syringe pump, the total

assembly hours adds to 3 hours. At a rate of $25 per hour assembly this translates to an additional $75 to
the overall cost.

With the estimated manufacturing and labor cost added to the unit cost, the overall cost of one thermally
controlled syringe pump is approximately $4286.32. This overall cost is comparable to the cost of other
syringe pumps such as the Harvard 4400-001 (a comparable syringe pump) which cost $4960.00.

5.4 Recommendations for Future Design Revision

The thermally controlled syringe pump provides a working solution to the needs of Professor Ruberti’s
research process. Future design revisions that could increase the functionality could occur in three main
areas: accessibility to the tip of the syringe, adaptability to larger variety of syringe sizes, and optimizing
and integrating the control system.

5.4.1 Accessibility to the Tip of Syringe

Accessibility to the tip of the syringe while it is inserted in the syringe pump is crucial to making the
product useful. Even the most accurate temperature control system is jeopardized once the system must
rely on additional tubing to deliver the syringe contents to the dispensing point. This requires additional
temperature control on the tubing and complicates the process. The current syringe pump provides
adequate access to the syringe tip on the larger syringe sizes. However, on the smaller syringe sizes, the tip
is not as accessible. Future design revision could design for access to the smaller syringe sizes.

5.4.2 Adaptability to Different Syringe Sizes

The current thermally controlled syringe pump prototype adapts to three different standard syringes:
Henke-Sass Wolfe’s 60 ml syringe, Becton Dickinson 10 ml syringe, and the Becton Dickinson 5 ml
syringe. These are the three different types of syringes Professor Ruberti uses in his research.
Theoretically, different separate inserts could be machined to fit all of the different syringe sizes, as needed.
For future revision, many more inserts could be machined. Another design revision would involve either a
complete new concept to replace the insert design or some sort of spin off on the insert design to increase

5.4.3 Optimizing and Integrating the Control System

The current thermally controlled syringe pump system is housed in a remote controls case. The controls
were designed to be separate from the unit itself in order to decrease footprint and weight. With a larger
budget or more knowledge of electronics packaging, the size of the controls system could be minimized
and perhaps integrated with the rest of the unit. This would result in one neatly packaged unit.

[1] “Collagen – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia”,, Last Accessed
June 13, 2006.
[2] “Collagen – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia”,, Last Accessed
June 13, 2006.
[3] “Collagen – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia”,, Last Accessed
June 13, 2006.
[4] “Ophthalmic Pathology Primer”,, Last Accessed
February 22, 2002.
[5] “ALARI S Medical Systems – Products – Infusion Systems”,
[6] “Medfusion 3500 Syringe Pump”,
[7] “Model S2”,
[8] “Standard Infuse/Withdraw PHD 4400 Hpsi Programmable Syringe Pumps”,
[9] “Cole-Parmer Syringe Pumps and Accessories”,
[10] “ – NE-1000 Single Syringe Pump”,
[11] “Jones on Stepping Motor Types”,
[12] “Howstuffworks ‘How Refrigerators Work’ ”,
[13] “Thermoacoustic Refrigerator at Penn State”,
[14] “Thermoacoustic Refrigerator at Penn State”,
[15] “Technical Information – What is the efficiency of a thermoelectric module?”,

Table of Appendices

Appendix A Exploded View of Stepper Motor

Appendix B Clam Shell Style Design Concept

Appendix C Insert Style Design Concept Energy Calculation

Appendix D Linear Actuator Decision Matrix

Appendix E Ultramotion Digit NEMA 17 Product Literature

Appendix F Example Performance Graphs for Selected TEC Products

Appendix G Energy Calculation

Appendix H Melcor Product Literature: TEC, Heat Sink, and Fan

Appendix I Controller Source Code

Appendix J Thermally Controlled Syringe Pump User Manual

Appendix K Test Results

Appendix L Bill of Materials and Budget Spent

Appendix A Exploded View of Stepper Motor

Appendix B Clam Shell Style

Appendix C Insert Style

Appendix D Linear Actuator Decision Matrix
Design Stroke Force
Considerations Size Length Speed Applied Adaptivity Aesthetics Cost Resolution Total
Size - 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 6.5
Stroke Length 0 - 0.5 0 1 1 0 0 2.5
Speed 0 0.5 - 0.5 1 1 0 0 3
Force Applied 0 1 0.5 - 1 1 0.5 0.5 4.5
Adaptivity 0 0 0 0 - 0.5 0 0 0.5
Aesthetics 0 0 0 0 0.5 - 0 0 0.5
Cost 0 1 1 0.5 1 1 - 1 5.5
Resolution 0.5 1 1 0.5 1 1 0 - 5
Enter 1 if the row goal is more important than the column goal
Enter 0 if the row goal is less important than the column goal
Enter .5 if the row goal is equally important as the column goal

Ranking Design Goals Total

1 Size 6.5
2 Cost 5.5
3 Resolution 5
4 Force Applied 4.5
5 Speed 3
6 Stroke Length 2.5

Weighting Factors
Linear Actuator
100 Size
(Necessary for
85 Cost
75 Resolution
70 Force Applied
(Not Critical; Not
45 Speed
40 Stroke Length
Optional 20
(Desirable; Not 15
Necessary for Adaptivity
Success) Aesthetics

Decision Factor
Linear Actuator
DF = WF x RF
Ranking Design Goals Total Weighting Factor Decision Factor
1 Size 6.5 100.0 650
2 Cost 5.5 85.0 467.5
3 Resolution 5 77.0 385
4 Force Applied 4.5 69.0 310.5
5 Speed 3 46.0 138
6 Stroke Length 2.5 38.0 95
7 Adaptivity 0.5 8.0 4
8 Aesthetics 0.5 8.0 4

Size Cost Resolution Force Applied Speed Stroke Length Adaptivity Aesthetics Total
100 85 77 69 46 38 8 8
1 Concise Motion - Miniline 01 8 7 7.5 4 5 8 10 10 2942.5
2 Nook Industries - CCHD-1244 2 8 5 0 3 3 2 2 1549
3 Haydon - 35000 9 9 3 4 5 6 7 7 2742
4 Linak - LA12 8 9.5 6.5 4.5 6 8 8.5 10 3146.5
5 Hollin - E050 6 8.75 3 3 4 7 3 0 2255.75
6 DMI - 2100/2200 9 3 8.75 9.25 9.75 9.25 10 10 3427
7 Ultramotion - The Digit (71 lbs) 10 6 9.5 9 10 10 10 10 3862.5
8 Ultramotion - The Digit (303 lbs) 9.5 5.5 9.5 7 10 10 10 10 3632

Rate each design concept 1-10 relative to how well it fulfills each Design Goal. eg. Cap mounted filter system would have a performance rating of say, 8.
Multiply that rating by the weighting factor
sum the values in each row to obtain final value

Appendix E Ultramotion Digit NEMA 17 Product Literature

Appendix F Example Performance Graphs for Selected TEC Products
Tellurex TEC Module C1-1.4-127-1.14

TE Tech Online Module Selector

Appendix G Energy Calculation

Appendix H Melcor Product Specifications: TEC, Heat Sink, and Fan

Appendix I Controller Source Code

Appendix J Thermally Controlled Syringe Pump User Manual

Thermally Controlled Syringe Pump

User Manual

Version 1.0
April 13, 2007

Written By
Nicholas LeCain
Lead Programmer

Table of Contents:

1. Setting Up

2. Power Up

3. User Interface

4. Temperature Control

5. Flow Rate Control

6. Trouble shooting

Section 1 Setting Up:
To start place the syringe pump where it will be used or mount it vertically per your application. After the
syringe pump is securely mounted via the handles or resting on a flat surface connect the control and power
wires to the controller box. Each connector is keyed, so turn the connector until the keys match up then
screw the connector down. Do not over tighten the connector as this will make it difficult to disconnect Be
sure, however, that it is hand tight. Note: never tighten the connector with anything but your hands. Doing
so could damage the connector and may prevent the connector from coming apart. After the control and
power wires are connected, plug the thermocouple connectors into the yellow receptacles near the power
connector. The thermocouples are interchangeable so it does not matter which connector goes in each slot.
After all of the connections have been made, plug the controller box into a 110 volt 60Hz outlet. The
Thermally Controlled Syringe pump is now ready for use.

Flow Rate Motor Connector Thermal TEC T/C Connectors


On/Off Switch User Interface

Section 2 Power Up:
As soon as you plug the controller box in you will hear the cooling fans turn on. This does not mean the
controller is on. The fans always remain on to ensure the control box stays cool. To turn on the controller,
flip the switch next to the Controller key pad. Give the controller 10 seconds to boot up. When the
controller is ready to receive commands the screen will look like this.

Section 3 User interface:
The numerical keys are used to enter numbers when needed. They also function as operation buttons when
the variables are inputted. For instance there are no variables to input on the start up screen. On this screen
the 0 and 6 numbers are used to select which controller function HMI screen you want to go to. Pressing
the number 6 button takes you too the temperature control screen while the 0 button takes you to the flow
rate control screen. At any time, hit and it will return you back to the start up screen. The left and
right arrow buttons on the side of the screen can also be used to flip through the user screens.

Section 4 Temperature control:
When you first switch to the temperature control screen the number next to SET will flash requiring you to
set a desired temperature. Enter a value anywhere between -5 and 70. Entering a number that is not in this
range will not be accepted. Use the key pad to enter the number. The left arrow is used as a backspace
key. When you are finished, hit the enter button. After entering the desired set point for temperature, hit

the key to initiate the temperature control. This key is also used to turn off the temperature control.
Once the control system has been turned on you can Autotune the PID loop. For best temperature control
results, it is recommended to Autotune the PID each time a new temperature is selected. Autotuning only
takes 5 to 10 min. After you have autotuned the system for one temperature, you can return to that
temperature as many times as you want with out retuning. To start the auto tune hit the number 9 key. If
for some reason you want to abort this autotuning before it is complete use the number 8 key.

Autotune indicator Indicates if the

(Only visible when Temperature Control
Controller is Autotuning) System is active


Heat or Cool
Mode Indicator
Turn off Autotune
Section 5 Flow Rate:
As soon as you get into the Flow Rate control page you will need to enter 3 numbers. The first number that
will have to be entered is your desired flow rate. This number can be between 0.001 ml/min to 90 ml/min.
Any number outside of this range will not be accepted. Enter the numbers in the same manner as you did
for the temperature control page. Next you will have to enter the cross sectional area of the syringe you are
using. This number can be between 9.999 cm^2 and 0. Any number not is this range will not be accepted.
Finally you need to choose a Target volume. This is the amount of fluid you want the syringe pump to
infuse/ withdraw. This number can be between .001 and 60 ml. Any number not in this range will not be
accepted. After you have entered all the variables you need to decide if you want the syringe pump to
infuse or withdraw the volume. The upper right hand corner of the screen indicates which mode the system
is in. To change the mode use the number 3 key. Hitting this key toggles back and forth between infusion
and withdrawal modes. Now that you have set either infuse or withdraw mode actuation of the syringe can
begin. To do this use the number 2 button. After you hit this button the syringe pump will actuate until the
target volume is dispensed or until you stop the pump. The pump is stopped by hitting the number 2 button
again. If one of the limit switches is triggered the pump will stop as well. If this happens switch the
direction of the syringe pump and start it again.

On/Off indicator Infuse/Withdraw indicator

On/Off Button Infuse/Withdraw Button

Section 6 Troubleshooting:
* You can only Autotune once per power up if you need to retune for another temperature use the
on/off switch to cycle the power then Autotune again.

* If the motor or TEC’s are not responding unplug the controller box and check all the connectors to
be sure they are snuggly connected.

* If motor starts acting unusually make sure there is nothing obstructing air flow into the fans our
out of the vents. Unit needs clear air flow to keep the electronics cool.

* If motor will not drive in one direction check the position of the kill switch. If the kill switch is
activated the motor will only drive away from the kill switch. Either move the kill switch to the
appropriate position or drive the motor in the opposite direction.

Appendix K Test Results

Appendix L Bill of Materials and Budget Spent






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