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Geo-spatial Information Science

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The technique of quasi-lossless compression of

the remote sensing image

Hu Qingwu & Xuan Jiabin

To cite this article: Hu Qingwu & Xuan Jiabin (2001) The technique of quasi-lossless compression
of the remote sensing image, Geo-spatial Information Science, 4:1, 50-55, DOI: 10.1007/

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Geo-spatial Information Science
Vol.4,No. 1 ,p. 50 - 5 5 Mar. 2001



HU Qingwu
XUAN diabin

KEY WORDS qu~i-lassl~,s comprc~-~sion;image restoration; fidelity;peak value signal-

noi~ ratio;edge curve;line spread function
AR$TRACT In this paper,the techniqueof quasi-k~less compressionbased on the image
restoration is presented.The techniqueof compre-vsiondescribed in the paper includes three
steps, namelybit compre.~ion,correlationremovingand imagerestoration basedon the theory
of mcxlulatlon transfer function (MTF). The quasi-k~,slms comprmsioncomes to a high
speed.The qualityof the recxmstructkmimageunderrestoration is up to par of the quasi-lo.~-
less with higher compre~c,sionratio. The experimentsof th4 TM and SPOT imagesshow that
the techniqueis re,x~onahleand applicable.

Thus, the technique research of the remote sensing

1 Introduction data compression is a very urgent task.
Normal data encoding technique comes to lossless
With the rapid development of aerial and space compression, while the compression ratio only
remote sensing technique, the digital camera has ranges about 2. That can not satisfy the actual re-
been explored, and mapping experiments with this quirement. The new developing compression tech-
kind of digital images are being proces~d as the niques, such as wavelet compression and fractal
regular mode of areophotogrammetry. On the other compression, will reach a high compression ratio,
hand, the technique of integration of 3S (GPS, RS but they belong to degraded compression and need
and (}IS) has been al3plied in many field success- more CPU time. These methods have much local-
fully and widely discussed. The digital photogram- ization in the field of the remote sensing compr~s-
metry system has been put in actual u ~ as a mature sion,,so they have not much actual u ~ currently.
technique. Meanwhile, the information superhigh- In this paper,the technique of quasi-losdess com-
way will be the new key technique in the coming pression based on the image restoration is pr~ent-
21st century. All these developments mean that the ed. The technique of compression described in the
spatial geographical data require multi-level remote paper includes three steps, namely bit compression,
sensing image data. correlation removing and image restoration based
In RS, GIS and DPS (digital photogrammetry on the theory of modulation transfer function
system), one of the key technique is how to deal (MTF). The quasi-lossle~ compression comes to a
with the real time transmitting o{ huge remote high speed. The quality of the reconstruction image
sensing data and how to build image data base under restoration is up to par of the quasi-lossless
with higher compression ratio. The tests of TM and
Project supported by the State Bureau of Sorvey~ngand Mapping Grant ( Nb. SPOT remote sensing imagesshow that the average
compre.~ion ratio is about 4 ~ 5, the fidelity reaches
PLI Qingwu, master, School of Remote Sensing and information Engineerir'g,
Wul'en University, 129 LuoyuRoad,WLt~an4300?9,China
0.99 and the peak value signal-noi~ ratio (PSNR)
E-maihqingwu@wtts,'n, edu. cn is over 42. All of these results confirm that the
The Technique of Quasi-losslessCompression of the Remote Sensing Image 5I

technique is reasonable and applicable. The bit slicing of digital image shows that the low
bits only include a small quantity of information
2 Image compression and they are mostly measure of noise. Thus, delet-
ing the low bits image of two bits can reduce the
The compression process presented in this paper entropy of the image. Correlation removing can also
includes two parts: bit compression and correlation depress the redundancy of the in,age. All these pro-
removing. Fig. 1 shows the compression flow. ceasing can increase the compression ratio of the re-
mote sensing image. At the ~ m e time, the com-
L OriginalImage (8 bits) ]
pression processing is very fast. They are quite suit-
Bit Coml~rm~.sion(Obtain6 bits ImageLj able to the real-time transmission of the remote
sensing image and the establishment of the image
Correlation Renx*vingProcessing ]
1 ,m~. (~ae (t~.,,,c.,.,) ---] 2.1 Pretreatment of the image compression
The entropy of the image directly affects the
Fig. 1 The flow chart of imagecompression
eompre,~ion ratio of the image (Table 1).
Table 1 The entropyof imageand ratio of compression
Image Entropy of Entropy of High ('ompre~ion Ratio (7ompres.skmRatio ('onll~rcssionRatio after
Name OriginalalIn,age 6 bits Image of 8 bits Image of 6 bits I m a g e CorrelationRemoving

TI 4. I)9 2.16 2.56 5.07 5.91

T2 5.02 3.05 1.97 3.61 4.08
T3 5.55 3.58 1.78 3.08 3.58
T4 6.33 4.41 1.55 2.47 2.94
T5 5.73 3.79 1.75 2.99 3.46
PYA 5.45 3.48 1.90 3.38 4.01
PYB 5.70 3.74 2.37 4.57 5.64
SP1 4.16 2.32 2.38 4.65 5.60
SP2 4.63 2.75 2.19 4.25 5.60
SP3 4.96 3.02 2.26 4.40 5.08
NSPI 4.20 2.26 2.63 5. I3 6.29
NSP2 4.85 2.90 2.31 4.48 5.39
NSP3 5.38 3.42 2.03 3.72 4.35

If the entropy of the original image is 4 - 5, the 4-neighborhood or 8-neighborhood.

compression ratio is over 5. If the entropy is 5 - 6 , 2.3 Huffman code [2'3]
the compre,~sion ratio is over 3.5. In order to in- In order to ensure the request of quasi-lossle~s
crea~ the efficiency and the compression ratio, re- compression, Huffinan code without lo~s is adopt-
ducing the entropy of the image must be done. The ed. Huffman code is very fast and its efficiency is
pretreatment of the image compression is to delete considerable. On the other hand, relating to the en-
the low bits image of two bits. tropy of the image, lossless compression has a limit.
2.2 Correlation removing of the image Huffman code can obtain the ratio near the top ra-
Becau~ of the position adjacency and the coher- tio and be processed easily.
ence of the ground object cla,~sification, the gray in-
fom~ation of the image has strong correlation in 4- 3 Imagerestoration
neighborh~x'/J or 8-neighborh~xxt of the image. The
correlation removing process of the neighboring As the compression technique discussed in this
pixels can depress the image's redundancy further paper try to cut low bits image of two bits to in-
and increase the compression ratio. The integer or- crease the compression ratio, the quality of the re-
thogonal wavelet transformation is done to remove construction image falls down. In order to improve
correlation combining the contour feature of the the quality of the restoration image, restoration
52 HU Qingwu XUAN Jiabin

processing of the deleted low bits image must be Then, according to the principle of imaging, the
done through the reconstruction image. grey of any pixel is:
3.1 Design d image restoration technique f ( i - 2)
It is well known that the quality of the remote f ( i - 1)
image is affected by many environment factors, g(i) = (a'aa'll a, a2) f ( i ) (2)
such as image shift and shaking of the sensor plat- f ( i + l)
form. These all make the quality of remote sensing f(i +2)
images fall down sharply. While the course of In Eq. ( 2 ) , f ( i - 2 ) , f ( i - 1),f(i),.f(i + 1),f
falling down of images' quality is random, it cannot ( i + 2) are the grey of the original inmge. And a'2,
be expre,~aed with a fixed mathematical model. a ' l , al, a2 are the numerical values of the line
Most scholars take the predigested mode when they spread function at the neighboring pixels, which are
study the image restorauon [4] . For example, they
equal to the weight of convolutional imaging.
predigest two dimensions point spread function to Considering the line spread function A (.r) as an
one dimension line spread function. In addition, even function a'2 , a' l , a l, a2 , and taking negative
they take the imaging system as a space invariable in the processing of contrary filteringIll , we get
linear system so that the line spread function can be
al = a'l = - A ( + 1) - 1 __L
assumed Gauss symmetrical distribution. The image v / ~ o . e 2,: (3)
after bit' compression can be lcx>kedupon as the im-
as = a'2 = - A ( + 2 ) -- 1 _2 (4)
v/~O. e
age with the falling of quality after a high frequen-
cy filtering. The principle of image restoration tech- Then, we obtain
nique is based on the following three premises. g ( i ) = a l ( f ( i - 1) + f ( i + 1)) 4 - f ( i ) +
1 ) Imaging system is a space invariable linear a a ( f ( i - 2 ) + f ( i + 2)) (5)
system and then the line spread function of the 3) Assume that the relation of object function
imaging system is assumed Gau,~ symmetrical dis- f ( i ) and image function g ( i ) are linear, that is
tribution. Then we get: f(i) = k(i) x g(i) (6)
A(a:) - , / ~1 e--'20.2 (I) In addition,
k( i + 2) = g( i + 2)
2) According to the hypothesis of Eq. ( l ) , the k(i) g(i) (7)
line spread function A ( z ) of the imaging system is k ( i +_ 1) = g ( i + 1)
shown in Fig. 2 : k(i) g(i) (8)
Put Eqs. (6), ( 7 ) , (8) into Eq. ( 5 ) , w e can get
A(X) Eq. (9):
/ \ k(i) = g(i)
l/I g(i) + g(i) 4-

.,.- g(i) (9)

eel X (s 1) 2 ,g(i + 1) 2 ) )
(i) + g(i) + g(i)
So we can get the original image pixel by pixel
through Eqs. (5) and (9). This is the restoration
(a) The line spread idnction 3.2 Obtaining of the line spread function A (,r)
From Eqs. ( 5 ) and ( 9 ) , calculating the two
f(i-2) f(i-l) J(i) f ( i + l ) ~
eigenvalue a 1, a2 of the line spread function A ( .z: )
(b) The corresponding distribution ol pixel is the key technique of image restoration m that we
Fig. 2 Figureof the line spread function
can take transformation pixel by pixel to build
of the imaging system
restoration image. The technique flow of image
The Techniqueof Quasi-losslessCompressionof the Remote SensingImage 53

restoration is shown as Fig. 3 : A(z) 8H

- ,'13: (11)
O a m p r e ~ i o n Data
Calculating differential coefficient point by point
in the edge curve can obtain the line spread func-
tion. The restoration presented in this paper is

Remnstruction Image(6 bits) bared on the following two points. First, the imag-
ing system is a linear system for position invariance
in the spatial domain. Secondly, the line spread
! Reconstructk~n function is a Gauss distribution. From Eqs. ( 1 ) and
Restoration I m a g e ( 8 bits) -~ & Restoration
( l l ) , w e get
I Image (8 bits)
H(h') - e2.Tr
1 r
"~'=-~r| - ~ 1 7 6> : d . r


l~w 2 BitsImage(2 bits)
H(G) = 0.16 (13)
Fig. 3 The process of image reconstruction & restoration H(- or) = 0.84 (14)
In order to get a l, a2 from Eqs. ( 1 ), ( 3 ) and This is showed in Fig. 4.
( 4 ) , ~ must be calculated at first. The following is
the detailed process[t l: H
1) ~%earching the straight edge in the image ac- 1.00

cording to row and column separately and taking 0.84

the following cosine curve formula to simulate the

edge curve based on the approximate sampling val-
ue of the edge curve.
H(a:) = Acosi:b: + C (10) 0.16

In the Fxt. ( 1 0 ) , z stands for the coordinate of x

:~ v i

pixel; H ( z ) is the grey of pixel. Thus, at least 0 Xl X2

three pairs of (a:, H ( x ) ) are needed to work out
A , B and C. The pivotal question is how to pick up Fig. 4 Edge curve of brightness distribution

three or more pairs of (a', H ( x ) ) . Edge feature in 3) Thus, ~ can be obtained from Eqs. (12 ,
digital image is continuous pixels with the grey in- (13), (14). That is,
creasing or decreasing by degrees. Thus we draw l C A0.16 C - 0.84)
out feature edge according to some orderliness from
the whole image. Synthesizing the feature values (15)
and taking them as the initial value of Eq. (10), the According to Eqs. (3), (4) and (15), we can get
edge curve can be simulated quickly. The character- a l,O2. For a i, a2 are negative, kl is not less than
istic of this method to simulate the edge curve is 1.0. This might compen~te the deleted low bits
that it does not have to find obvious edge in thetm- image of two bits. Thus, the whole restoration pro-
age. cess can be described as follows. First, calculate the
As a complete unit of the image restoration, the line spread function and a I, a2 fi'om the reconstruc-
calculation method of the edge curee is approxi- tion image (6 bits). Secondly,obtain the coefficient
mate, while it has self-adaptability according to the k;. Then,do the transformation (Eq. (8)) pixel by
theory to pick up the edge curve. pixel to get 8 bits image. At last, add the low bits
2) The .solution of the line spread function image of two bits, which is drawn out from the 8
The slope of every point in the edge curve H(a:) bits image in the previous step, to the reconstruc-
distributed as the brightne.~ is the value of the line tion image. The whole restoration proceK~ has been
spread function. shown in Fig. 3.
54 HU Qingwu XUAN Jiabin

In order to prove that the restoration processing (Table 1 ) and the images quality after restoration
has compensated the low bits image of two bits, (Table 4) both increase.
rome statistic value of the low bits image of two Table 3 is the test images in this paper.
bits between the original image and the restoration Table 3 Test images
image are calculated. Table 2 is the statistic result:
Image Senmr Experiment Area Image Size
(original image/restoration image) Name Band (Pixels)

I~ndsat Suburb
Table 2 The statistics data of low 2-bit image T (America) 5' of Wuhan 512 • 512
S~TF Urban Area
Image Max Min Aver Entropy Deviation PYA (France) 1 of l~ijing 6 000 • 6 000
SIX,)T Suburb
TI 3/3 0,41 1.50/1,53 2.00/1.97 1.14/1.10 PYB (France) 1 of Beijing 5 000 x 5 000
"I'2 3/3 0,4) 1.45/1,53 2.00/2.00 1.12/1.10 SIROT Wuhan
"I"3 3/3 0,4) 1.46/1,40 2.00/1.99 1.12/1.14 SP (France) 3 City (1986) 500 x 500
T4 3/3 0/0 1,52/1.38 2.00/1.99 1.14/1.13 SI~)T Wuban
NSP (France) 3 City (19951 1 024• 1 024
T5 3/3 0,4) 1,47/1.20 1.98/1.92 1.08/1.16
* TM has 7 bands,while the correlation between l~-md 1 and 2 is
PYA 3/3 0//") . 1,47/1.46 2.(10/1.99 1.12/1.11 t~x~high and the resolution of band 6 is not the stone as other
PYB 3/3 0/11 1.48/1.45 2.00/1.99 1.12/1 9 10 bands. Wc omit band 2 and 6. In fact only 5 bands are in u ~ and
SPI 3/3 I)/10 1.42/1.54 1.99/1.97 1.16/1. l0 we number them T1 ,T2,T3,T4,T5 in turn.
SP2 3/3 0,'0 19 2.00/1.99 1.13/1.06
SP3 3/3 0/0 1 . 48/1 . 53 2.00/1.99 I . 10/I . 08 In the digital image communication, fidelity and
NSP1 3/3 0/'0 1.51/1.38 1.97/2.(1(I 1.12/1.11 PSNR are often taken to do the quality access of re-
NSP2 3/3 0/0 19 2.00/1.97 1.12/1.07
construction images. The calculation formulae are:
NSP3 3/3 (/,41 1.51/1.45 2.00/1.99 1.13/1.10

FIDELITY = ~,g(j)' •
The statistic result is basically accordant. It shows j=l
9 , X~
the restoration method is correct. g(J) / x g(j) (16)

4 Experiments and quality ap- P S N R = 101g = 4 8 - 201g8 (17)

praisement In Eqs. (16) and ( 1 7 ) , g ( j ) " is the pixel grey of
the original image; g (j) is the pixel grey of the re-
A compression and restoration system of remote construction image; 7l is number of image pixel;
sensing image based on the technique of quasi-lo.~s-
less compression was designed. The system includes = ,/-'+n ~ (g(J) - g(j),)2
four parts: image compression, image reconstruc-
Fidelity is the geometry distortion of the recon-
tion, image restoration and image quality check. All
struction image compared with the original image.
these are shown in Fig. 5.
PSNR is the radiation distortion of the reconstruc-
Image Display tion compared with the original image. Obviously, if
the image has no loss, the fidelity is 1.0 and PSNR
Image G~mpre~sion
is infinity (expressed as 8 = 0). Ifc~ equals to 1.0,
The Compre~sion and ~--1"-~ Image Reconstruction PSNR is 48. If 8 equals to 2 . 0 , PSNR is 42. The
Re;toration System
of Remote Sensing [ quality request of the quassi-lossless compression
ln~-~e Image Restoration
comes from the standard above 2.0. Table 4 is the
--{ Image Quality Check quality of restoration image.
From "Fable 4, the quality of restoration images
-{ Help
has a large-scale improvement. The test results
Fig. 5 The quasi-tossless com0ression system show the technique of the quassi-lossle.~s compres-
sion in this paper is rcamnable. For exanaple,
The compression test results of 5 TM images and Fig. 6(a) is the original image of T4. Fig. 6 (b) is
8 SPOT images show that the compression ratio the reconstruction under restoration image of T4.
The Techniqueof Quasi-losslessCompressionof the RemoteSensingImage 55

(a) The original imago (b) The restored image

Fig. 6 Compareof the original image and restored image

Table 4 Comparisonbetween reconstruction images proves separately, such as 2.35 ( T ) , 2 . 4 4 (PY),

and restoration images 2.65 (SP) and 3.19 ( N S P ) . All PSNR are over 42
Image ReconstructkmImages RestorationImages except T4 while its entropy is too high ( 6 . 3 3 ) .
The experiment a l ~ shows that the technique of
T1 0.953 3/42.55 0.999 2/46.11
the quassi-lossless compression is quite fit for the
T2 0. 956 2/41.83 0. 998 4/44.52
T3 0. 974 4/40.93 0. 998 7/42.87 RS images. This technique can not only be used in
T4 0. 979 0/39.41 0. 998 3/40.77 Digital Photogrammetry System (DPS) and Image
T5 0. 957 8/41.34 0. 997 6/43.56 Database, but also provide a new technique ap-
PYA 0. 973 3/41.73 0. 998 4/43.57
PYB 0. 982 4/42.30 0. 999 9/45.35 proach in the research of RS images' real-time
SPI 0. 967 7/42.27 0. 998 7/44.87 transmission.
SP2 0. 960 5/41.89 0. 999 4/44.38
SP3 0. 954 6/42.16 0. 999 4/45.03 References
NSP1 0. 967 4/42.25 0. 996 9/45.93
NSP2 0. 968 8/42.29 0. 998 2/45.53 1 Zhou S T,Xuan J B. Restoration technique based on im-
NSP3 0. 958 7/41.71 0. 998 1/44.38 age features. Journal of Wuhan Technical University qf"
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5 Conclusions
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