9th English

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CLASS - 9th subject - English

Q1. Tick the correct option : ( 1x10=10)

1. The author of lost child is ...........

a) R.K.laxman b. Mule Raj Anand c.ruskin bond
2. Grandfather took toto to .....
a) mujafarpur b. Firozpur c. Saharanpur iid.Kanpur
3. Mahendra was a/an ......
a) engineer b. electrician c. Supervisor d. Clerk
4. Everything cost the same a single ..... in the kingdom of food .
a) taka b. Rupay c. Ana d. Duddu
5. Tommy found a.......
a) book b. dairy c. Pen d. None of these
6. Percussionist....... asked Evelyn glennie to ful music in some other way
a) Ron Forbes b. Ron fred c. Ron flair d. Ron Denise
7. Bismillah Khan 's first trip was of .......
a) Pakistan b. Kazakhstan c.Afganistan d. None of these
8. Bismillah Khan was fond of.......
a) banaras b. Patna c. Haridwar d. Mathura
9. Shenai is the advance from of .....
a) pungi b. Sarangi c. Tabla d. None of these
10. The two road diverged in a .........
a) green wood b. Rose wood c. Yellow wood
d) sandle wood

Q2. Answer the following in very short :(attempt any 4 ) 2x4=8

1. Who is the poet of "The road not taken'"?

2. How old was Evelyn when she went to royal academy of London ?
3. Who banned the playing of pungi ?
4. Where was Margie 's school ? Did she have
any classmates ?
5. Why did the child lose ' interest the things he had wanted earlier?

Q3. Answer the following in 30 - 40 words: attempt any 3 ( 3x4= 12)

1. How does Toto come to grandfather 's private zoo?

2. In what way is inswarnan an asset to Mahendra ?
3. Why does the disciple decide to stay in the kingdom of food ?
4. Why does the happy prince send a ruby for the mistress ?

Q4. Answer the following in detail: (attempt any 2)

2x4 = 8
1. Who is the real culprit according to the king ? Why does he escape punishment
2. Why does the author say that iswarn seemed to more than make up for the absence of a
3. How does Toto take a bath ? Where he learnt to do this ? How does Toto almost boil

Section - B

Q1. Fill in the blanks with correct from of verb :

1x2 =2

1. I............to temple daily.

a) go b. goes c. Went d. Have gone
2. She ................not like coffee .
a) does b. is c. Was d. d

Q2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions: (

1x2 =2 )
1. Rajeev has returned...............Chennai.
a) in b. by c. For d. From
2. The goat jumped...............the river.
a) in b) into c) to d) under

Q3. Fill in the blanks with suitable answers:: (1x2=2)

1. Water is.............most precious thing in our life

a) a b. an c. the d. one
2. Population of...............country is increasing very
a) we b. us c. our d. ours

Q4. Change the following sentence as directed: (

1x2 =2)
1. He plays basketball very well . ( negative)
2. Will Kamal go to Hyderabad? ( affirmative)

Q5. Write a letter to the editor of a reputed newspaper, making a plea to the common
people to switch over to solar energy toconserve electricity. ( 3)

Q6. You are Karan . You have been distracting

From your studies and have not performed well in SA -1 . Write a diary entry describing why
this has happened and your resolution to do Better in SA-2. ( 1x3=3)

Q7. Read the passage given below and answer the following questions: ( 2x4= 8 )
At a time when the use of fossil fuel to power vehicles is making environmental least
angry 'an
atternative source of fuel biodiesel has emerged as a useful solution additional it's use solves a disposal
problem. The fuel is nothing but used negative oil which has been tested satis factorily
. It has made a vehicle called the veggie van run more than 1600km across the united stales . Also it has
visited 20 major cities cassing absolutely on harm in the environment vegetables oils from various
restaurant in America were all that used along the entire journey. The novel experiment was started as a
college project by two students joshna and kaia it eventually
ended in a massive public awareness programme.

1. What is the atternative source of fuel discussed in the above passage ?

2. What kind of fuel is this ?
3. Where did the veggie van run ?
4. Give a suitable title for the above paragraph.

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