Optimizing Efficiency and Viability in Automatic Clay Brick Production

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years, the pursuit of enhanced

Optimizing Efficiency efficiency, reduced environmental

and Viability in impact, and increased automation has
driven innovation within brick
Automatic Clay Brick production. This research paper delves
into a significant project that
Production: A Case exemplifies these aspirations—the
Study establishment of an automatic clay brick
production plant in Vogirothpur,
Hemayetpur, Pabna.
Abu Rayhan1, David Gross2
Abu Rayhan, CBECL, Dhaka, Bangladesh The automatic clay brick production
rayhan@cbecl.com plant represents a convergence of
David Gross, Advisor, Research Division, cutting-edge technology and traditional
CBECL construction materials. With a focus on
advanced kiln technology and full
Abstract: automation, this project seeks to
In the pursuit of enhancing efficiency revolutionize brick manufacturing. The
and viability within the brick study of this case holds profound
manufacturing sector, this research relevance in the context of the brick
paper delves into a comprehensive case manufacturing industry, as it not only
study centered on the establishment of showcases the potential for
an automatic clay brick production plant technological advancement but also
in Vogirothpur, Hemayetpur, Pabna. The highlights the economic and
study meticulously examines various environmental implications of such
facets of the project, including its innovations. By delving into the
geographical location, innovative intricacies of this project, this paper
technological integration, financial aims to provide valuable insights into
projections, and potential industry the feasibility, viability, and long-term
impact. By dissecting these critical sustainability of modern brick
elements, this paper aims to present a production methods. Through a
detailed narrative that underscores the comprehensive analysis of its various
project's feasibility and its potential to facets, this case study aims to guide
revolutionize modern brick production. industry stakeholders, investors, and
professionals in their pursuit of efficient
Keywords: automatic clay brick and sustainable construction practices.
production, efficiency, viability, In the subsequent sections, we will
technological integration, financial explore the project's key details,
projections, industry impact. financial projections, and potential for
success in further detail.
1. Introduction
2. Project Details
The construction industry forms the
backbone of any nation's development, In the pursuit of modernizing brick
with brick manufacturing playing a manufacturing and enhancing its
pivotal role in this sector. In recent

This Research is funded by www.cbecl.com

efficiency, the establishment of an technology and comprehensive
automatic clay brick production plant automation. Drawing inspiration from
emerges as a pioneering endeavor. This successful practices in China and other
section provides a comprehensive developed nations, this venture seeks to
insight into the essential project details, revolutionize traditional brick
encompassing its strategic location, land manufacturing processes. The proposed
specifications, technological approach, plant envisions the utilization of the
and legal framework. most modern and highly efficient kiln
technology available today. This
2.1 Location: Vogirothpur, Hemayetpur, approach aims to optimize production
Pabna efficiency, reduce labor dependency, and
enhance the overall quality of the
The project finds its roots in manufactured bricks. Through full
Vogirothpur, a locale nestled within the automation, the project intends to
scenic landscapes of Hemayetpur, minimize manual interventions and
Pabna. This strategically chosen location human error, thereby further boosting
offers a confluence of factors conducive operational precision and productivity.
to the successful implementation of the
automatic clay brick production plant. 2.4 Legal Status: Proprietorship
Situated in close proximity to key Company
transportation routes and resources,
Vogirothpur serves as an optimal site for Operating within a clear legal
harnessing the project's potential. framework, the project is established as
a Proprietorship Company. This legal
2.2 Project Land Specifications and structure not only provides a foundation
Encumbrance for organized and accountable
operations but also facilitates seamless
The project's land spans an extensive decision-making and resource
area of 8.72 acres, providing ample room allocation. The Proprietorship Company
for the establishment of advanced brick model allows for efficient management
manufacturing infrastructure. A of ownership and responsibilities,
notable hallmark of this land is its enabling the project to navigate the
unencumbered status, signifying a complexities of the industry with agility
significant advantage in terms of and purpose.
unobstructed development and
operation. This absence of In conclusion, the project's intricate
encumbrances alleviates potential legal details, encompassing its strategic
and logistical challenges, streamlining location, unencumbered land,
the realization of the project's objectives. technological innovation, and legal
structure, set the stage for a
2.3 Nature of the Project: Technological transformative endeavor in the field of
Innovation and Automation brick manufacturing. Through a
harmonious blend of visionary concepts
Central to the project's vision is the and pragmatic execution, the automatic
integration of cutting-edge kiln clay brick production plant aims to

Page 2 of 10 Automatic Clay Brick Production: A Case Study

redefine industry standards and diverse clientele, and stimulate
contribute to the sustainable consistent demand.
advancement of construction materials.
3.3 Revenue Potential and Industry
3. Production Capacity and Pricing: Contribution

The heart of the Automatic Clay Brick The synergy between the substantial
Production Plant project lies in its annual production capacity and the
impressive production capacity and strategic pricing strategy translates into
strategic pricing approach. This section a remarkable revenue potential for the
unveils the remarkable capacity of the project. At a selling price of Tk. 9.50 per
proposed plant, its pricing strategy, and brick, the projected total revenue from
the substantial revenue potential it auto brick sales is estimated to reach an
holds, thereby underscoring its valuable impressive Tk. 342 million annually.
contribution to the brick manufacturing
industry. This significant revenue stream not only
contributes to the project's financial
3.1 Annual Production Capacity viability and sustainability but also
makes a meaningful impact on the brick
The envisioned project is poised to manufacturing industry. The project's
deliver a staggering annual production capacity to produce high-quality auto
capacity of 36 million units of auto bricks at scale is expected to address the
bricks. These bricks, encompassing industry's demands, potentially
various forms including solid and influencing market dynamics and
hollow designs, will be manufactured setting new standards for production
through an innovative process that efficiency and product quality.
embraces advanced kiln technology and
full automation. This capacity sets a new In conclusion, the Automatic Clay Brick
benchmark within the industry and Production Plant's production capacity
positions the project as a major player in and pricing strategy stand as key pillars
addressing the growing demand for of its viability and potential impact on
quality bricks. the industry. By efficiently producing
millions of bricks annually and
3.2 Pricing Strategy strategically pricing them, the project is
poised to not only achieve financial
A pivotal element in the project's success success but also leave an indelible mark
lies in its pricing strategy. The proposed on the brick manufacturing landscape.
selling price for each brick is set at Tk.
9.50. This pricing approach has been
strategically determined to strike a
balance between affordability for
customers and sustainable profitability
for the project. By offering competitive
pricing, the project aims to secure a
strong foothold in the market, attract a

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4. Project Costs and Investment:

Figure 1: Modern Bricks production process flow

The success of any ambitious project hinges on a meticulous evaluation of its costs and
investment structure. In the case of the Automatic Clay Brick Production Plant, a
comprehensive breakdown of project costs and the intricacies of investment are
essential to ensure not only the project's feasibility but also its long-term sustainability.

Figure 2: Modern kiln and dryer of Clay bricks

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4.1 Breakdown of Project Costs:
A detailed dissection of project costs reveals the financial intricacies involved in
establishing the automatic clay brick production plant. The following table outlines the
specific categories of costs and their corresponding amounts:

Table 1: Project Costs

Sl. Particulars Sponsors Equity (Tk. Bank Equity (Tk. Total Cost (Tk.
No. '000) '000) '000)
1 Cost of Land 87,200.00 0.00 87,200.00
2 Building & Civil works with 29,102.39 116,409.57 145,511.97
Land Dev.
3 Imported Machinery and 5,080.00 45,720.00 50,800.00
4 VAT, Tax, Insurance (6.5%) 508.00 4,572.00 5,080.00

5 Local Machinery 9,596.60 38,386.40 47,983.00

6 Installation, Erection & 1,368.00 5,472.00 6,840.00
7 Vehicle 1,780.00 7,120.00 8,900.00
8 Furniture, Fixture & Office 137.40 549.60 687.00
9 Pre-operating Expenses & 1,140.00 4,560.00 5,700.00
Total Fixed Cost 135,912.39 222,789.57 358,701.97
10 Working Capital 4,720.94 11,015.53 15,736.48
Total Cost 140,633.34 233,805.11 374,438.44

The above table provides a comprehensive overview of the project's fixed costs,
including land, building, machinery, equipment, and other associated expenses. It also
details the working capital required to ensure smooth operations.

4.2 Investment Structure: The ratio of investment between the

The investment structure is a critical sponsor and the bank is a fundamental
aspect of project planning, as it indicator of the financial collaboration
determines the financial responsibilities in the project. In this case, the
of both the sponsor and the bank. In the investment ratio stands at 38:62,
case of the Automatic Clay Brick signifying a significant contribution
Production Plant, the investment is from both parties towards realizing the
distributed as follows: project's vision.
Sponsor’s Equity: Tk. 140,633,340.00
Bank Financing: Tk. 233,805,110.00 The comprehensive understanding of
project costs, investment structure, and
4.3 Ratio of Investment: Sponsor vs. the ratio of investment allows us to
Bank: gauge the financial commitment,
distribution, and collaborative efforts

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involved in establishing the Automatic project over a span of five years. This
Clay Brick Production Plant. This comprehensive assessment includes
detailed analysis lays the foundation for projections of key financial metrics,
sound financial planning and evaluation of essential financial ratios,
sustainable project execution. break-even analysis, determination of
the pay-back period, and a thorough
5. Financial Performance Analysis analysis of the Internal Rate of Return
(IRR). The following sub-sections
In this section, we delve into the critical provide an in-depth exploration of each
financial performance analysis of the aspect.
Automatic Clay Brick Production Plant

5.1 Five-Year Financial Projections

The financial projections presented below offer insights into the anticipated
performance of the Automatic Clay Brick Production Plant project over a five-year
horizon. These projections take into account sales revenue, cost of goods sold (COGS),
gross profit, and net profit. The table illustrates the expected financial performance year
by year:

Table 2: Financial Projections (in '000 Tk.)

Year Sales Revenue Cost of Goods Sold Gross Profit Net Profit

Year - 1 232,255 116,394 115,861 73,508

Year - 2 255,813 128,793 127,020 84,356

Year - 3 273,073 134,928 138,144 95,276

Year - 4 290,177 140,943 149,233 106,147

Year - 5 307,277 146,992 160,285 116,974

5.2 Evaluation of Financial Ratios

The financial ratios play a pivotal role in assessing the project's financial health and
efficiency. Here, we analyze three key ratios: Gross profit to sales, operating profit to
sales, and net profit to sales. These ratios provide insights into the project's profitability
and effectiveness in generating earnings relative to revenue. The following table
illustrates the calculated ratios for each year:

Table 3: Financial Ratios

Year Gross Profit to Sales (%) Operating Profit to Sales (%) Net Profit to Sales (%)

Year - 1 49.89 47.90 31.65

Year - 2 49.65 47.73 32.98

Page 6 of 10 Automatic Clay Brick Production: A Case Study

Year - 3 50.59 48.71 34.89

Year - 4 51.43 49.59 36.58

Year - 5 52.16 50.35 38.07

5.3 Break-Even Analysis

The Break-Even Analysis is a critical tool to assess the point at which the project's total
revenue equals its total costs, resulting in neither profit nor loss. This analysis aids in
determining the minimum level of sales required for the project to cover its expenses.
The Break-Even Point (BEP) is calculated as follows:

Table 4: Break-Even Analysis

Break-Even Point (%)


5.4 Pay-Back Period

The Pay-Back Period represents the time it takes for the initial investment to be
recovered through generated profits. It is a key indicator of the project's ability to
generate returns within a reasonable timeframe. The Pay-Back Period for the Automatic
Clay Brick Production Plant project is:

Pay-Back Period: 3 years and 6 months

5.5 Internal Rate of Return (IRR) revenue, gross profit, and net profit
demonstrate a promising outlook, with
The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is a favorable financial ratios highlighting
fundamental measure of a project's the project's efficiency. The Break-Even
profitability, indicating the annualized Analysis, Pay-Back Period, and Internal
rate at which the project's net cash flows Rate of Return collectively affirm the
equate to zero. A higher IRR signifies a project's viability and potential for
more attractive investment substantial returns, making it an
opportunity. For the Automatic Clay attractive proposition in the realm of
Brick Production Plant project: brick manufacturing.

Internal Rate of Return (IRR): 35.48% 6. Conclusion:

In conclusion, the financial performance In conclusion, the case study of the

analysis reveals a positive trajectory for Automatic Clay Brick Production Plant
the Automatic Clay Brick Production in Vogirothpur, Hemayetpur, Pabna,
Plant project. The projected sales presents a comprehensive exploration of

Page 7 of 10 Automatic Clay Brick Production: A Case Study

a visionary project that combines successful integration of advanced
technological innovation, strategic technology and automation highlights
planning, and financial foresight. The the importance of embracing innovation
project's key findings and insights and adapting to changing market
underscore its immense potential for dynamics. As industries continue to
success and its significant contribution evolve, the brick manufacturing sector
to the ever-evolving brick can draw inspiration from this case
manufacturing industry. study to drive efficiency, optimize
financial performance, and achieve
Throughout the analysis, it becomes sustainable growth.
evident that the integration of advanced
kiln technology and full automation sets In conclusion, the Automatic Clay Brick
the stage for a new era in brick Production Plant stands as a testament
production. The utilization of these to the potential of human ingenuity,
modern techniques not only enhances strategic planning, and technological
the efficiency of the manufacturing advancement. By presenting a holistic
process but also reduces operational view of the project's prospects and
complexities and minimizes manual contributions, this case study provides
labor. This, in turn, has the potential to valuable insights that can inform and
revolutionize the industry's landscape shape the future trajectory of brick
by setting a benchmark for future manufacturing, inspiring progress and
projects seeking to embrace cutting-edge innovation in the field.
7. Recommendations:
The financial performance projections
showcased in the case study In light of the detailed analysis of the
demonstrate a robust outlook for the automatic clay brick production plant
project. The favorable financial ratios, project, several strategic
including gross profit to sales, operating recommendations emerge to further
profit to sales, and net profit to sales, enhance project efficiency, profitability,
underscore the potential for sustainable and long-term sustainability. These
profitability. Furthermore, the recommendations are rooted in
calculated Break-Even Analysis, Pay- leveraging advanced kiln technology,
Back Period, and Internal Rate of Return optimizing automation processes, and
(IRR) provide quantifiable evidence of ensuring prudent financial
the project's viability and attractiveness management.
to potential investors and stakeholders.
7.1 Enhancing Project Efficiency and
The implications of this case study Profitability:
extend beyond the confines of a single
project. The insights gained from the 1. Continuous Technological
careful examination of the Automatic Integration: The project should consider
Clay Brick Production Plant can serve as ongoing research and development to
a guidepost for future projects in the integrate the latest advancements in
brick manufacturing industry. The kiln technology. Regular updates to the

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automated processes can lead to higher downtime and maximizing production
efficiency, reduced energy efficiency.
consumption, and improved brick
quality. 3. Data-Driven Decision-Making:
Establish a data analytics framework to
2. Quality Control Measures: analyze production data and trends. By
Implementing stringent quality control harnessing data insights, the project can
protocols throughout the production make informed decisions to optimize
process is essential. Regular monitoring production schedules, minimize
and testing of raw materials, resource wastage, and maximize output.
manufacturing processes, and final
products can minimize defects and 7.3 Strategies for Optimal Financial
waste, thereby enhancing overall Performance and Long-Term
efficiency and customer satisfaction. Sustainability:

3. Supply Chain Optimization: 1. Diversification of Product Portfolio:

Establishing robust supply chain Explore opportunities to diversify the
management practices, including product portfolio beyond auto bricks.
efficient procurement of raw materials Investigate the demand for specialized
and timely delivery of finished products, brick variants, such as eco-friendly
can contribute to streamlined bricks or those tailored for specific
operations and reduced production construction purposes, to tap into new
costs. markets and revenue streams.

7.2 Leveraging Advanced Kiln 2. Energy Efficiency Initiatives:

Technology and Automation: Undertake energy efficiency audits to
identify areas where energy
1. Smart Manufacturing Solutions: The consumption can be minimized.
project should explore the integration of Investing in renewable energy sources,
Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to such as solar panels, can reduce
enable real-time monitoring and control operating costs over time and contribute
of the production process. IoT sensors to environmental sustainability.
can provide valuable data on
temperature, humidity, and other 3. Employee Training and Development:
variables, enabling swift adjustments Prioritize continuous training and skill
for optimal production. development for the workforce. A skilled
and knowledgeable workforce can
2. Artificial Intelligence (AI) contribute to increased productivity,
Applications: Consider utilizing AI reduced errors, and smoother adoption
algorithms for predictive maintenance of new technologies.
of machinery and equipment. AI-
powered predictive analytics can help In conclusion, the success of the
identify potential maintenance issues automatic clay brick production plant
before they escalate, minimizing hinges on a comprehensive approach
that embraces advanced kiln

Page 9 of 10 Automatic Clay Brick Production: A Case Study

technology, automation, and prudent enhance efficiency, profitability, and
financial management. By long-term sustainability, thereby
implementing the aforementioned making a significant impact in the brick
recommendations, the project can manufacturing industry and beyond.

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