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How I see America (1S1)

I see America as a very modern country.First,the United States of America is the computer's
paradise: Microsoft is the world leader. Hollywood is a famous town.There,we can find celebrities
who come from Europa,Asia,Africa and America to shoot a film. There,I think that basket-ball is a
very important sport,a religion.In America,all the people have already played basket-ball or
baseball.America has champions:Magic Johnson,Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant. America
dominates the world because it has the most powerful army. New York,Washington,Chicago are the
most important towns.They have a lot of suburbs.There,the people are poor.There is
violence.Africans,Asians and Europeans live in this country:"The Melting Pot". So,America is
modern but the industry pollutes.Georges Bush,the president,doesn't want to do anything:It's not
good for this country. (Julien)
America for me means "big". What I mean by that is that everythings is big and huge over
there, just the country then the cities, they all have buildings,huge streets and thousands of yellow
cabs, they've also got huge stadiums for every sport, America love sport. In fact they are nearly the
best in every sport, at the olympics or at the worlcups they always end in the top ten. They are the
creators of lots of games, and there games are the best ones to watch, like basketball, football or
Icehockey, their championship rules all the others. America also means to me the most powerful
country, they do as they like and nobody is allowed to dominate them, US politics managers think
nothing can get in their way, they have and only they have to rule the world, they can always do as
they like. Also, when we see films (and by the way most of themare American) where the scene
takes place in America, we usually see different kinds of religions and colours, most cities are
habited by Blacks, Latinos, Mexicans, Japanese. But it still is a great country with a great
population. (Laurent V)

For me America is a great and powerful country which influences and dominates the entire
world. All the etnies, races are represented in America because it's a great melting-pot so I think
that people are more tolerant and less racist. I'd like to go to America to try and test the American
way of lifefor the holiday or maybe to live there if I like the American ideology, the American way
of life. America for me symbolizes success and liberty : you can do what you want, have the style
that you want, be yourself because nobody'll be there to judge you : it's a great nation with tolerant
people. In America there's too the only place to become a star, Hollywood for sure. All the famous
people started there. American are almost the best in every possible way. Except cooking : the food
isn't really good and I being kind to them; because they really have some progress to make in this
field. (Christelle)
I see America as a very big, nice and powerful country. America is a country which may be
very intersting: I'm speaking of economy, fashion, business,... . America hasn't such a very long
historical past because it was discovered in 1492 (by Christopher Colombus). The history of
America started after 1492, because, before 1492, There were "Indians" in this country. The French
have a longer historical past than the American because French history started hundreds of years
earlier. In America, there are very big cities and all sorts of nationalities: it's named "the melting
pot" I see America as the country of liberty. In America, we can study, there are the bigest and most
famous universities.
I'm keen on USA music, the best singers are in America. I love American fashion, I think
Americans are very pretty. I said only great things about America, but don't forget that, in the
suburbs, there is a lot of violence, prostitution, drugs, ...and it's a very polluted country. Americans
don't have a healthy life. They are always drinking cola and eating chips, crisps, cakes, sandwiches
and ice creams. Ten percent of Americans are very fat. But now, America dominates the whole
planet. (Clémentine)
America is a big country.In America, all things are enormous: few American too.They eat
Hamburgers and chips and they became big. Many Americans think that they are the best. But I
don't agree with them. Our Ideas and ways of life are different but we are the same. I don't like their
president: Georges Bush.He hasn't been to Johannesburg and he thinks that the environment isn't
important. In point of fact he says that because he earns a lot of money with oil which pollutes the
environment. So, he doesn't want to protect Nature. If he does that, He will earn less money. I don't
like him but I like the country. It's large and I'm interested in Indians. I think that they were
intelligent people. They protected their environment and they lived in harmony with it. But as
Americans made slaves out of them, today, there aren't Indians anymore. (Claire T)


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