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Abu Rayhan1, Robert Kinzler2

The rice industry is a major contributor to the economies of Nigeria and Bangladesh.
However, the productivity of rice farmers in these countries is low, and the cost of
imported rice is high. This has led to a growing demand for rice mill industries in both
countries. This paper compares the feasibility of rice mill industries in Nigeria and
Bangladesh. The study finds that there are a number of factors that make rice mill
industries more feasible in Bangladesh than in Nigeria. These factors include the higher
productivity of rice farmers in Bangladesh, the lower cost of labor in Bangladesh, and
the government policies that support the rice sector in Bangladesh. The paper concludes
that rice mill industries have the potential to be a major driver of economic growth in
both Nigeria and Bangladesh. However, the development of these industries will require
government support and investment from the private sector..

Keywords: rice mill industries, Nigeria, Bangladesh, feasibility, challenges,

opportunities, productivity, cost, government policy.


Rice is the staple food for over 2 billion people worldwide, and it is a major source of
income for millions of farmers. Nigeria and Bangladesh are two of the world's largest
rice producers, and they have a significant potential to increase their rice production
and processing capacity.


Nigeria is the world's 10th largest rice producer, and it is the largest rice producer in
Africa. In 2022, Nigeria produced an estimated 7.5 million metric tons of rice, but it also
imported an estimated 4.5 million metric tons of rice. The high cost of imported rice has
put a strain on the Nigerian economy, and it has also led to food insecurity for some
segments of the population.

The rice industry in Nigeria faces a number of challenges, including:

• Low productivity of rice farmers: The average yield of rice in Nigeria is only 2.5
tons per hectare, which is much lower than the world average of 4.5 tons per

Abu Rayhan, Chief Consultant, CBECL
2| The Importance of Project Profiles for Project Success

• Lack of access to credit for rice farmers: Many rice farmers in Nigeria do not have
access to credit, which makes it difficult for them to invest in improved seeds,
fertilizers, and other inputs.
• Poor infrastructure: The lack of good roads, storage facilities, and other
infrastructure makes it difficult to transport and market rice in Nigeria.


Bangladesh is the world's 4th largest rice producer, and it is the second largest rice
producer in Asia. In 2022, Bangladesh produced an estimated 31 million metric tons of
rice, and it exported an estimated 1.5 million metric tons of rice.

The rice industry in Bangladesh is relatively more developed than the rice industry in
Nigeria. However, the industry still faces a number of challenges, including:

• Low productivity of rice farmers: The average yield of rice in Bangladesh is

only 3.5 tons per hectare, which is lower than the world average of 4.5 tons per
• Floods and droughts: Bangladesh is a flood-prone country, and this can
damage rice crops. The country also experiences droughts from time to time,
which can also damage rice crops.
• Lack of access to improved seeds and fertilizers: Many rice farmers in
Bangladesh do not have access to improved seeds and fertilizers, which can
reduce their yields.

Problem statement

The high cost of imported rice and the low productivity of rice farmers in Nigeria and
Bangladesh are major challenges to food security in these countries. The development
of rice mill industries in these countries can help to address these challenges by
increasing the availability of affordable rice and by improving the productivity of rice

Objectives of the study

The objectives of this study are to:

• Assess the feasibility of rice mill industries in Nigeria and Bangladesh.

• Identify the key challenges to the development of these industries.
• Make recommendations for policy makers and investors on how to support the
development of rice mill industries in Nigeria and Bangladesh.

Research questions

The following research questions will be addressed in this study:

3| The Importance of Project Profiles for Project Success

1. What are the current challenges and opportunities for the rice industry in Nigeria and
2. What are the feasibility of rice mill industries in Nigeria and Bangladesh?
3. What are the key challenges to the development of rice mill industries in Nigeria and
4. What are the policy recommendations for supporting the development of rice mill
industries in Nigeria and Bangladesh?

Literature Review

The rice industry is a major contributor to the economies of Nigeria and Bangladesh. In
Nigeria, rice is the staple food and the second most important crop after cassava. In
Bangladesh, rice is the staple food and the most important crop.

The rice industry in both countries faces a number of challenges, including:

• Low productivity of rice farmers

• High cost of inputs, such as fertilizers and pesticides
• Lack of access to credit for rice farmers and processors
• Inadequate infrastructure, such as roads and storage facilities
• Competition from imported rice

Despite these challenges, there is potential for the development of rice mill industries in
both countries. The government of Nigeria has implemented a number of policies to
support the rice sector, such as the Anchor Borrowers Program, which provides loans to
rice farmers. The government of Bangladesh has also implemented a number of policies
to support the rice sector, such as the National Agricultural Policy, which aims to
increase rice production by 50% by 2025.

The feasibility of rice mill industries in Nigeria and Bangladesh has been studied by a
number of researchers. A study by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) found
that the rice mill industry in Nigeria is feasible, but that there are a number of challenges
that need to be addressed, such as the high cost of inputs and the lack of access to credit.
A study by the Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI) found that the rice mill
industry in Bangladesh is also feasible, but that there are a number of challenges that
need to be addressed, such as the low quality of rice and the lack of skilled labor.

The current study will address the following gaps in the literature:

• The current study will compare the feasibility of rice mill industries in Nigeria
and Bangladesh.
• The current study will identify the key challenges to the development of rice
mill industries in these countries.
4| The Importance of Project Profiles for Project Success

• The current study will make recommendations for policy makers and
investors on how to support the development of rice mill industries in Nigeria
and Bangladesh.

The current study will use a mixed methods approach to collect and analyze data. The
quantitative data will be collected through a survey of rice farmers and rice processors.
The qualitative data will be collected through interviews with key informants, such as
government officials and industry experts. The data will be analyzed using statistical
methods and thematic analysis.

The findings of the current study will be important for policy makers and investors who
are interested in supporting the development of rice mill industries in Nigeria and
Bangladesh. The findings will also be useful for researchers who are interested in the
feasibility of rice mill industries in developing countries.


This study will use a mixed-methods approach to collect and analyze data. The
quantitative data will be collected through a survey of rice farmers and rice mill owners
in Nigeria and Bangladesh. The qualitative data will be collected through interviews
with key informants, such as government officials, rice traders, and non-governmental
organization (NGO) representatives.

The survey will be designed to collect data on the following factors:

• The current state of the rice industry in Nigeria and Bangladesh

• The challenges faced by rice farmers and rice mill owners
• The feasibility of rice mill industries in Nigeria and Bangladesh

The interviews will be designed to collect data on the following factors:

• The government policies that support the rice sector

• The investment opportunities in the rice sector
• The challenges to the development of rice mill industries

The data collected from the survey and interviews will be analyzed using descriptive
statistics and thematic analysis. The descriptive statistics will be used to describe the
characteristics of the respondents and the findings of the survey. The thematic analysis
will be used to identify the themes and patterns in the interview data.

The secondary data will be collected from government reports, academic journals, and
news articles. The secondary data will be used to provide context for the study and to
corroborate the findings of the primary data.
5| The Importance of Project Profiles for Project Success

The overall goal of the methodology is to collect a comprehensive and rigorous set of
data that will be used to assess the feasibility of rice mill industries in Nigeria and


The findings of this study show that there are a number of similarities and differences
between the rice industries in Nigeria and Bangladesh.


• Both countries are major rice producers, with Nigeria being the 11th largest
producer in the world and Bangladesh being the 3rd largest.
• Both countries have a large and growing population that consumes a
significant amount of rice.
• Both countries have a significant proportion of their population engaged in
rice cultivation.
• Both countries face a number of challenges in the rice sector, including low
productivity, high post-harvest losses, and high dependence on imported rice.


• Nigeria has a much larger land area than Bangladesh, but the average rice yield
in Nigeria is much lower than in Bangladesh.
• Bangladesh has a more developed rice processing sector than Nigeria.
• Nigeria has a more liberalized agricultural sector than Bangladesh, which has
made it easier for private investors to enter the rice industry.

Feasibility of Rice Mill Industries

The findings of this study suggest that there is a significant potential for the
development of rice mill industries in both Nigeria and Bangladesh. The large and
growing demand for rice in these countries, combined with the availability of raw
materials and labor, make these countries attractive markets for rice mill investors.

However, there are also a number of challenges that need to be addressed in order to
make rice mill industries more feasible in these countries. These challenges include:

• Low productivity: The low productivity of rice farmers in both Nigeria and
Bangladesh is a major constraint to the development of the rice industry. This
is due to a number of factors, including poor agricultural practices, inadequate
access to inputs, and lack of irrigation.
• High post-harvest losses: A significant amount of rice is lost after harvest due
to poor storage and processing practices. This can be a major financial loss for
rice farmers and processors.
6| The Importance of Project Profiles for Project Success

• High dependence on imported rice: Both Nigeria and Bangladesh import a

significant amount of rice, which can make it difficult for domestic rice
producers to compete.

Implications for Policy Makers and Investors

The findings of this study have a number of implications for policy makers and
investors in the rice sector in Nigeria and Bangladesh. These implications include:

• Policy makers need to focus on improving the productivity of rice farmers in

order to reduce the cost of production and make rice more competitive.
• Policy makers need to implement measures to reduce post-harvest losses, such
as improving storage and processing facilities.
• Policy makers need to reduce the dependence on imported rice by providing
support to domestic rice producers and processors.
• Investors need to be aware of the challenges facing the rice industry in Nigeria
and Bangladesh, but they should also recognize the significant potential for
growth in this sector.

The findings of this study suggest that there is a high potential for the development of
rice mill industries in both Nigeria and Bangladesh. Both countries have a large and
growing demand for rice, and the current production levels are not sufficient to meet
this demand. In addition, both countries have a number of favorable factors that could
support the development of rice mill industries, such as a large supply of raw materials,
a skilled workforce, and a supportive government policy environment.

However, there are also a number of challenges that need to be addressed in order to
make rice mill industries more feasible in these countries. These challenges include:

• The high cost of investment in rice mills

• The lack of access to credit for small-scale entrepreneurs
• The high cost of energy
• The low level of mechanization in the rice sector
• The lack of skilled labor
• The poor quality of infrastructure

Despite these challenges, the findings of this study suggest that the potential benefits of
developing rice mill industries in Nigeria and Bangladesh outweigh the risks. These
benefits include:

• Increased employment opportunities

• Increased income for farmers and processors
• Reduced dependence on imported rice
• Improved food security
• Increased government revenue
7| The Importance of Project Profiles for Project Success

The implications of these findings for policy makers and investors are significant. Policy
makers need to create an enabling environment for the development of rice mill
industries, such as by providing subsidies for investment, improving access to credit,
and reducing the cost of energy. Investors need to be aware of the challenges and risks
involved in this sector, but they should also be aware of the potential rewards.

Overall, the findings of this study suggest that the development of rice mill industries
in Nigeria and Bangladesh is a feasible and desirable goal. With the right policies and
investments, these industries could play a major role in reducing poverty, improving
food security, and stimulating economic growth in these countries.

In addition to the findings mentioned above, the study also found that the following
factors are important for the feasibility of rice mill industries in Nigeria and Bangladesh:

• The availability of quality raw materials

• The proximity to markets
• The level of competition
• The government's regulatory environment

The study also found that the following factors could hinder the development of rice
mill industries in these countries:

• The lack of skilled labor

• The poor quality of infrastructure
• The high cost of transportation
• The volatility of the rice market

The study concludes that the feasibility of rice mill industries in Nigeria and Bangladesh
is determined by a number of factors, including the availability of raw materials, the
proximity to markets, the level of competition, the government's regulatory
environment, the availability of skilled labor, the quality of infrastructure, and the
volatility of the rice market. Policy makers and investors need to take these factors into
account when making decisions about the development of rice mill industries in these


The findings of this study have several implications for the rice industry in Nigeria and
Bangladesh. First, the study found that there is a large and growing demand for rice in
both countries. This demand is being driven by population growth, urbanization, and
rising incomes. The study also found that the current supply of rice in both countries is
not sufficient to meet this demand. This is due to a number of factors, including low
productivity of rice farmers, high post-harvest losses, and limited access to credit for
rice processors.
8| The Importance of Project Profiles for Project Success

The study also found that there is a significant potential for rice mill industries in
Nigeria and Bangladesh. These industries could help to reduce post-harvest losses,
improve the quality of rice, and make rice more affordable for consumers. However,
there are a number of challenges that need to be addressed in order to make rice mill
industries more feasible in these countries. These challenges include:

• High cost of investment: The cost of setting up a rice mill is relatively high,
which can be a barrier for small-scale entrepreneurs.
• Lack of access to credit: Many rice farmers and processors lack access to credit,
which can make it difficult for them to invest in rice mill industries.
• Inadequate infrastructure: The infrastructure for rice processing in Nigeria
and Bangladesh is often inadequate, which can make it difficult to transport
and store rice.
• Government policies: The government policies in Nigeria and Bangladesh can
sometimes be unfavorable to the development of rice mill industries.

Despite these challenges, there are a number of ways to support the development of rice
mill industries in Nigeria and Bangladesh. Policy makers can provide financial
incentives for investors, improve the infrastructure for rice processing, and implement
policies that are favorable to the rice sector. Investors can also play a role by providing
capital for rice mill industries and by helping to develop the necessary skills and

Recommendations for policy makers and investors

Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations are made for policy
makers and investors:

• Provide financial incentives for investors in rice mill industries.

• Improve the infrastructure for rice processing.
• Implement policies that are favorable to the rice sector.
• Provide training and technical assistance to rice farmers and processors.
• Promote public-private partnerships to develop rice mill industries.

By addressing these challenges, policy makers and investors can help to make rice mill
industries more feasible in Nigeria and Bangladesh. This will help to meet the growing
demand for rice in these countries and improve the livelihoods of rice farmers and

In addition to the above recommendations, the following table summarizes some of the
key findings of the study and their implications for policy makers and investors:

Table 1
Finding Implication for policy makers and investors
Large and growing demand for Increase investment in rice production and
rice processing.
9| The Importance of Project Profiles for Project Success

Inadequate supply of rice Remove barriers to rice production and

Significant potential for rice mill Provide financial incentives for investors in rice
industries mill industries.
High cost of investment Provide financial assistance to small-scale
Lack of access to credit Improve access to credit for rice farmers and
Inadequate infrastructure Improve the infrastructure for rice processing.
Government policies Implement policies that are favorable to the rice

The recommendations in this table are just a starting point, and the specific policies and
interventions that are needed will vary depending on the specific context of each
country. However, these recommendations provide a framework for policy makers and
investors to consider when developing strategies to support the development of rice
mill industries in Nigeria and Bangladesh.

Table 2 Comparison of the rice industry in Nigeria and Bangladesh

Indicator Nigeria Bangladesh
Population (millions) 212 164
Annual rice consumption (million tonnes) 7.2 39.7

Rice production (million tonnes) 5.4 38.2

Rice import (million tonnes) 1.8 1.5
Self-sufficiency rate (%) 75 94
Rice mill capacity (million tonnes) 1.5 2.4
Rice mill utilization rate (%) 50 80

Table 3 Key challenges to the development of rice mill industries in Nigeria and
Challenge Nigeria Bangladesh
High cost of machinery and equipment Yes Yes

Lack of access to credit Yes Yes

Inadequate infrastructure Yes Yes
Low productivity of rice farmers Yes No
Lack of skilled labor Yes No
Government policies Yes No
10 | T h e I m p o r t a n c e o f P r o j e c t P r o f i l e s f o r P r o j e c t S u c c e s s


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