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Title of Assignment

What is the role of students in online courses? Reflecting upon your own experience as a
student on a self-paced online module and bringing in other examples from academic
literature, discuss the main responsibilities of students undertaking an online module and
suggest ways in which students can co-create an active learning environment.

Blessing Mutero Chikwanha

Your student ID number
Induction Module
Module code: LJMU-IND-M-100-47113

25 June 2023
Online learning has become increasingly popular in recent years, and
with the COVID-19 pandemic, it has become even more prevalent. As a
result, students have taken on a more significant role in their online
courses. In this essay, I will reflect on my own experience as a student
on a self-paced online module and discuss the main responsibilities of
students undertaking an online module. I will also suggest ways in which
students can co-create an active learning environment.

As a student on a self-paced online module, I found that my role was

much more independent than in a traditional classroom setting. I had to
take responsibility for my own learning and manage my time effectively.
This meant that I had to set my own goals and deadlines and ensure
that I stayed on track. I also had to be proactive in seeking out resources
and support when needed.

According to academic literature, the main responsibilities of students

undertaking an online module include active participation, time
management, and self-directed learning (Boettcher & Conrad, 2016).
Active participation involves engaging with the course material and
participating in discussions and other activities. Time management is
crucial in online learning, as students must balance their coursework
with other responsibilities. Self-directed learning involves taking
ownership of one's learning and seeking out resources and support
when needed.

To co-create an active learning environment, students can take several

steps. First, they can engage with the course material and participate in
discussions and other activities. This not only helps them to learn but
also contributes to the learning of their peers. Second, they can
collaborate with their peers and provide feedback on each other's work.
This helps to create a sense of community and fosters a culture of
learning. Third, they can seek out resources and support when needed,
such as online tutoring or academic advising. Finally, they can take
ownership of their learning by setting goals and deadlines and holding
themselves accountable.

In conclusion, students play a crucial role in online courses. They must

take responsibility for their own learning and manage their time
effectively. The main responsibilities of students undertaking an online
module include active participation, time management, and self-directed
learning. To co-create an active learning environment, students can
engage with the course material, collaborate with their peers, seek out
resources and support, and take ownership of their learning. By doing
so, they can maximize their learning outcomes and contribute to the
overall success of the course.


Boettcher, J. V., & Conrad, R. M. (2016). The online teaching survival

guide: Simple and practical pedagogical tips. John Wiley & Sons.
The role of students in online courses is crucial as they are responsible
for their own learning and success. Compared to traditional classroom-
based courses, online courses require students to be more self-directed,
motivated and engaged in the learning process.

Drawing from my own experience as a student on a self-paced online

module, I can say that the main responsibilities of students undertaking
an online module include the following:

1. Time management: Students must be able to manage their time

effectively to complete the course on time. They need to set aside
sufficient time for reading, watching lectures, submitting assignments,
and participating in discussions.

2. Active engagement: Students must actively engage in the learning

process by asking questions, seeking clarification, and participating in
discussions. This can be achieved through online discussion forums,
virtual meetings, and email communication with instructors and fellow

3. Self-motivation: Students must be self-motivated and driven to

succeed. They need to set achievable goals and work towards them

4. Responsibility: Students must take responsibility for their learning.

They need to be proactive in seeking help when needed and taking
ownership of their progress.
To co-create an active learning environment, students can take the
following steps:

1. Collaborate with peers: Students can collaborate with their peers to

share knowledge, discuss course content, and provide feedback. This
can be done through online discussion forums, group projects, and
virtual study groups.

2. Participate in discussions: Students can participate in online

discussions by asking questions, sharing their perspectives, and
responding to their peers. This can help to deepen their understanding
of the course content and provide opportunities for critical thinking.

3. Provide feedback: Students can provide feedback to their instructors

on the course materials, assignments, and assessments. This can help
to improve the course design and delivery.

4. Seek help: Students should not hesitate to seek help from their
instructors or support staff if they encounter challenges in the course.
This can help to ensure that they stay on track and achieve their learning

Overall, students play a critical role in online courses and must take an
active approach to their learning. By co-creating an active learning
environment with their peers and instructors, students can enhance their
learning experience and achieve their learning goals.
The role of students in online courses is crucial as they are responsible
for their own learning and success. According to Moore and Kearsley
(2012), online learning requires students to be more self-directed,
motivated, and engaged in the learning process.

Drawing from my own experience as a student on a self-paced online

module, I can say that the main responsibilities of students undertaking
an online module include the following:

1. Time management: Students must be able to manage their time

effectively to complete the course on time. They need to set aside
sufficient time for reading, watching lectures, submitting assignments,
and participating in discussions. According to Swan (2001), time
management is a critical skill for success in online learning.

2. Active engagement: Students must actively engage in the learning

process by asking questions, seeking clarification, and participating in
discussions. This can be achieved through online discussion forums,
virtual meetings, and email communication with instructors and fellow
students. According to Wang and Chen (2008), active engagement is
essential for online learning, as it promotes critical thinking and
knowledge construction.

3. Self-motivation: Students must be self-motivated and driven to

succeed. They need to set achievable goals and work towards them
consistently. According to Garrison and Kanuka (2004), self-motivation is
a key factor in successful online learning.
4. Responsibility: Students must take responsibility for their learning.
They need to be proactive in seeking help when needed and taking
ownership of their progress. According to Palloff and Pratt (2007),
responsibility is an important aspect of online learning, as it fosters self-
directed learning and accountability.

To co-create an active learning environment, students can take the

following steps:

1. Collaborate with peers: Students can collaborate with their peers to

share knowledge, discuss course content, and provide feedback. This
can be done through online discussion forums, group projects, and
virtual study groups. According to Wang and Chen (2008), collaborative
learning is an effective strategy for promoting active engagement and
knowledge construction in online courses.

2. Participate in discussions: Students can participate in online

discussions by asking questions, sharing their perspectives, and
responding to their peers. This can help to deepen their understanding
of the course content and provide opportunities for critical thinking.
According to Salmon (2004), online discussions are a key component of
online learning, as they provide opportunities for reflection and dialogue.

3. Provide feedback: Students can provide feedback to their instructors

on the course materials, assignments, and assessments. This can help
to improve the course design and delivery. According to Palloff and Pratt
(2007), feedback is an important aspect of online learning, as it
promotes continuous improvement and student engagement.
4. Seek help: Students should not hesitate to seek help from their
instructors or support staff if they encounter challenges in the course.
This can help to ensure that they stay on track and achieve their learning
goals. According to Anderson (2008), seeking help is an important
aspect of self-directed learning, as it promotes autonomy and problem-
solving skills.

Overall, students play a critical role in online courses and must take an
active approach to their learning. By co-creating an active learning
environment with their peers and instructors, students can enhance their
learning experience and achieve their learning goals.


Anderson, T. (2008). Towards a Theory of Online Learning. In T.

Anderson & F. Elloumi (Eds.), Theory and Practice of Online Learning

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