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MR Training

Hello! Welcome to Beachside Cafe's MR Training! Thank you so much for working hard
and congratulations for making it this far.

I'm (name) and I will be your trainer for this session. If you need to ask any
questions throughout the training, please feel free to ask and I will try my best
to answer your questions.

Before we begin, do you have anything to say/ask?

(Answer any questions that the trainee has.)

Great! If that is all the questions, I will begin the training now.

Once you pass this training, you will become a Supervisor which is the lowest
Middle Rank. You must earn at least 3 points to pass. When I am explaining things,
please pay attention.
This training consists of 2 sections. In the first section, I will explain what
your job is and what you have to do as an MR. In the last section, there will be a
quiz to see whether you can become an MR or not. There will be 3 questions in the
quiz. For each question you answer correctly, you will earn 1 point.

MRs are extremely important. They help to make sure the cafe is doing well and that
workers are working properly. Some workers might be slacking and not doing their
work or there might be trollers/hackers in the game which is why the MRs are
needed. We also have Shift Assistants and Shift Managers who are in charge of the
cafe shifts that are hosted regularly. The cafe shifts are meant to motivate our
workers to work hard and continue doing so. Shift Assistants assist the Shift
Managers to see who is working hard. They can choose which are the staff who may
join the Shift Picture. Once the shift picture has been taken, it must be sent in
the cafe shift pics channel which is in our discord group, Beachside Cafe.

Shift Managers can host Cafe shifts. To host a Cafe Shift, you must ask permission
from a HR whether you can host it or not. If they have gave you the permission to
do so, you can make an announcement in the Cafe Shifts channel. Please give the
correct details and type the announcement in the correct format. You must delete
the announcement once the Shift has ended and the Shift Picture has been sent in
the Cafe Shift Pics channel.

Supervisors must walk around the cafe to supervise the people and handle any
problems going on in the game. Experienced Supervisors do the same too but they are
more experienced than supervisors. Since supervisors are still quite new, they can
seek help or information from the experienced supervisors.

To be able to rank up to the next Middle Rank, you must work hard and be active in
the game. Being active shows that you are dedicated to your job. When you are
noticed working hard, you will receive a promotion by someone higher rank than you.
Make sure that you are respectful to all of them and be grateful. Also, you must
thank them for your promotion. Remember that you should NOT ask for promotions or
this will lead you to a demotion.
When you ask for a promotion, it shows that you are greedy and you want to rank up
faster. This is someone we do not want in our cafe.

Do not worry as we will definitely promote you if you work hard and is dedicated to
your job. Sometimes, the same thing can happen to Low Ranks too. Some low ranks
might also ask for promotions without taking training or completing the requirement
they need to complete to rank up. Therefore, you must immediately inform someone
higher rank than you about the low rank.
In our discord server, we have a channel for emergency response. Low ranks will be
able to report there when they see trollers/hackers in the game. They are only
allowed to report there when there are no MRs in their server. MRs are in charge of
this as well, they will have to join the server and handle the situation. When
someone has made a report, you must reply to them that you are coming. Once the
situation has been handled, you must type in the chat that it has been handled and
the next report will be sent below. Please make sure that the low ranks are not
double reporting or spamming their report. If you see anything like that, remember
to give them a warning. However, if they still continue, you can inform someone
higher rank than you and they will take action.

Shift Managers are the highest middle ranks. To rank up to a HR, you must inform a
SHR and they will tell you the instructions. Now that I've finished explaining, we
will be doing the quiz which will consist of 3 questions. You must get all the
questions correct to pass this training. Do you have any questions before we begin
the quiz?
(Answer any questions the trainee has.)

Great! We will begin the quiz now.

Possible Questions to be asked:

Question: What is the job of a Supervisor?
Correct Answer: The job of a Supervisor is to make sure that everything in the cafe
is doing well. When there are staff who are not doing their work properly or
trollers/hackers, they are in charge of handling them.
(+1 Point if correct answer)

Question: What do Shift Assistants and Shift Managers do?

Correct Answer: Shift Assistants must assist Shift Managers with their cafe shifts.
They will choose the hard working staff who may join the Shift Picture. Shift
Managers host cafe shifts regularly in the Cafe Shifts channel which is in our
discord group, Beachside Cafe. They must seek permission from a HR whether or not
they can host one. If they have been given permission to host a shift, they will
need to make an announcement in the cafe shifts channel. Once the cafe shift has
ended and the shift picture has been taken, the Shift Manager will have to send the
Shift Picture in the cafe shift pics channel of our discord server.

Question: How to rank up to a HR?

Correct Answer: To rank up to a HR, you must inform an SHR and the SHR will tell
you instructions about what to do.

Question: What do you do if you are a Supervisor and you need help/information?
Correct Answer: Approach an Experienced Supervisor and ask them for

Question: How do you respond to a report in the Emergency Response channel found in
our Discord Group, Beachside Cafe?
Correct Answer: Reply to the low rank who made the report that you are coming. Once
the situation is handled, type in the chat that it has already been dealt with and
that the next report can be sent below.

Question: What do you do when a low rank asks you for a promotion?
Correct Answer: I must immediately inform someone higher rank than me and they will
take action so that the low rank receives a demotion.

The quiz has finally ended! I will now be calculating your results so please give
me a moment while I do so.
If the trainee has passed: I have finished calculating your results!
Congratulations! You have passed the MR Training and you will be ranked to
Supervisor shortly. Please make sure to follow all the rules that you have been
told and apply what you have learnt in this training. If you ever need help from a
higher rank, be sure to ask an Experienced Supervisor. Enjoy your MR journey! Bye!

If the trainee has failed: I have finished calculating your results! I'm sad to
inform you that you've failed the MR Training. You will not be able to take the
training again. I hope you will still enjoy your time at the cafe though! See you
next time, bye!

The MR Training has ended. The ticket will be closed now.

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