Do You Think New Tecnology Has Had A Positive or A Negative Influence On Our Lives Today?

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SWT1 Jordi Chica

Do you think new tecnology has had a positive or a negative influence on our lives today?

In my case, technology is an aspect that I need in my day-to-day life since for me it is very

necessary to be able to better enjoy friendships, free time... And for this reason. I think that

there are very positive for our lives.

In my opinion the most necessary are friendships, fortunately, technology or social media help

a lot to be able to communicate with other people. For example, if you have a friend outside

your country, you can talk to him whenever you want. In addition, it helps a lot to make new

friends. Although it is possible that this may cause you to stop being in person with your

friends and completely depend on technology.

in addition, technology can also help you at some point when you have free time or are bored

since it has a large number of very fun games or applications to pass the time. However, this

can cause you to reach a point where every free moment you have is devoted to technology.

In addition, technology can also help the world of work since there are jobs where you can use

telecommuting to make your working time more pleasant. Instead of physically going to work,
SWT1 Jordi Chica

you can work virtually without any problema.

Finally, we can see that there are a loto f positive arguments tos ay that tecnology is very

positive and useful.



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