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> UNIT 1 G R A M M A R P R A C T I C E


1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Continuous or the
Past Perfect Continuous.
1 We ................................................................... (wait) here for three hours. When is the plane going to take off?
2 They ................................................................... (come) here for years. They love Greece.
3 Before the hotel closed down, it ................................................................... (welcome) guests for over 80 years.
4 I love it here in Italy. I ................................................................... (practise) my Italian in shops and restaurants.
5 When we arrived, it was obvious that it ................................................................... (rain) for several hours.

2 Choose the correct answer.

1 How long have you read / have you been reading this book?
2 How many countries have you visited / have you been visiting so far?
3 How many countries had you visited / had you been visiting before you were 10?
4 How long had you learned / had you been learning English before you started this school?

3 Complete both sentences with the correct form of the verbs in capitals. Use a Perfect Continuous tense.
a I ................................................ all morning. I need a break.
b My head was aching because I ................................................ all day.
a We ................................................ for hours and we still haven’t arrived.
b By the time we arrived, we ................................................ for 17 hours!
a The guide ................................................ for five minutes before he realised someone was missing.
b You ................................................ for ages. Switch off your phone and come and have dinner.
a We ................................................ for ages. Can’t we go home?
b Jenny ................................................ all morning, but she still hadn’t found what she was looking for.


4 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use a Perfect Simple or Perfect Continuous tense.
1 ...................................................................
A report says that 80% of British people (stay) in a holiday resort more than
once and that, on average, each person goes to their favourite holiday destination six times in their
lifetime. I’m here at one of Britain’s busiest airports and I 2 . ................................................................... (interview) travellers
about their holiday plans.
3 ...................................................................
The Newton family are fairly typical. They (visit) Gran Canaria for the last six
4 ...................................................................
years and they (look) forward to going there again ever since they arrived home
last August. Now they are on their way there.
“So why are you returning there?”
“We like meeting the same people and eating in the same restaurants. It’s like visiting family. Before we
5 ...................................................................
went to Gran Canaria the first time, I (never / hear) of it. I didn’t know where it
6 ...................................................................
It was my first holiday abroad and I (not fly) in a plane before! Now, I have
7 ................................................
a map of the Canary Islands on my bedroom wall. I (look) at it for the last three weeks!

I 8 ................................................................... (also / learn) Spanish for the last few months. Sorry, we have to go. We don’t
want to miss our plane!”

5 Complete the sentences with a logical ending. Use a Perfect Simple or Perfect Continuous tense of the verbs in
1 She stopped talking to me after I ................................................................................................................................................................................. . (insult)
2 By the time I heard about their accident, they ........................................................................................................................... .................. . (return)
3 Ever since I saw the programme about Japan, I ......................................................................................................................................... . (want)
4 I’m sure you’ll do well in the exam because you .......................................................................................................................... .......... . (study)

5 It’s a good thing you reminded me about Mum’s birthday because .................................................................................... . (forget)

> UNIT 1 G R A M M A R P R A C T I C E


1 Complete the e-mail with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use a Perfect Simple or Perfect Continuous tense.

Hi Josh,
1 ....................................................................
How are you? Are you missing us? The school trip is going well. We (be)
2 ....................................................................
here for three days now and we (sightsee) in the old town.
3 .................................................................... 4 ....................................................................
We (plan) to go on a boat trip, but it (not rain) here
for months, so the level of the river is very low. When we got to the place where the boats leave from,
we found out that they 5 .................................................................... (cancel) all the tours several weeks ago.
6 ....................................................................
The journey here wasn’t great. We (sit) on the coach for about 20 minutes
7 ....................................................................
when it suddenly stopped. It turned out that the driver (forget) to fill it up
8 ....................................................................
with petrol. After we (wait) by the side of the road for about an hour, a new
bus came and we all got on and continued our journey. However, by the time we arrived, the hotel
9 ....................................................................
(stop) serving dinner. Luckily, there’s a great fast-food place next door.
10 ....................................................................
I (eat) there three times already!
Hope all is well.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in capital letters. Use a Perfect Simple or Continuous
a By the time the hotel manager woke up, the guests .................................................................... without saying goodbye.
b The guests .................................................................... , so you can clean the rooms now.
a Where have you been? We .................................................................... you for ages.
b We were starving. We .................................................................... a nice restaurant for hours, but only found fast-food places.
a Steve .................................................................... his travel blog for several months before anyone noticed it.
b A lot of people .................................................................... positive reviews of this hotel.
a Four flights .................................................................... just a few minutes before we landed.
b The viewpoint was packed. Coaches .................................................................... since 8 am.


3 Rewrite the sentences with the words in brackets. Use a Perfect Simple or Perfect Continuous tense. Do not change
the meaning of the original sentence.
1 He left five minutes ago. (just)

2 He hasn’t stopped calling this morning. (all)


3 Is this your first time here? (before)


4 I started playing in a band five years ago. (for)


5 It took months of saving. Then I was able to buy a car. (before)


6 She was too impatient to wait for us to arrive, so she left. (by the time)

4 Complete the text with a suitable verb below. Use a Perfect Simple or Perfect Continuous tense.
try | speak | own | be | read | want | live | work | think

Emily Baker 1 .................................................................... in the tiny community of Khamlia in Morocco for the last five
2 ....................................................................
years. For the last four years, she a popular guest house in the village. So how
did she get there?
“Before I came here, I 3 .................................................................... for 10 years in a bank in Manchester. I was bored and
I 4 .................................................................... about leaving England for quite a long time. Then about eight years ago,
5 ....................................................................
a friend phoned and asked me if I wanted to go to Morocco. I several books
6 ....................................................................
about Morocco and I to visit the country for quite a long time, so I agreed

My friend hated the holiday, but I loved it and went back the following year. I met a Dutch woman there
who 7 .................................................................... to open a café for several months without success. Talking to her gave me
my idea.
8 ....................................................................
By the time I started looking for a place for my guest house, I Arabic and
French for two years, so I was able to communicate, which made things easier. Now I’m part of the
community and I 9 .................................................................... married to a local man for the last six months.”

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