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1 Listen to Melanie’s favourite Indian tale.Write T (TRUE) or F (FALSE).Poslušaj

Melinu najdražu priču i napiši T ili F na rečenicu.

1 Indians live far away, in the desert __________

2 They go fishing and hunting in canoes or on wild horses ________

3 Paco is a young boy ______

4 Akando is an evil old man _______

5 Akando wants to take Paco’s place _______

2 Listen to Melanie’s favourite Indian tale again.Choose the correct answer.Poslušaj

Melinu najdražu priču ponovno i zaokruži jedan točan odgovor.

1 Paco knows every a) Indian tale b) answers.

2 A tepee is a) an Indian canoe b) an Indian tent.

3 Akando thinks of a) a little bird b) a question Paco can’t answer.

4 All the Indians rush to Paco’s a) tepee b) canoe.

5 Paco finally says: a) “ That, my boy,depends on you “ b) “ That, my son,depends on

you “ .

3 Listen to Melanie’s favourite Indian tale again.Circle all the words you hear from
the listening.Zaokruži sve riječi koje čuješ iz priče.

plump white squeeze sea lake

bird evil respected tepee silent


1 Listen to Melanie’s favourite Indian tale.Write T (TRUE) or F (FALSE).Poslušaj
Melinu najdražu priču i napiši T ili F na rečenicu.

1 Indians live around a mountain, a green forest and a green lake ______

2 Paco doesn’t know all the answers ______

3 Akando is a wise man ______

4 Paco isn’t young ________

5 Akando catches a little bird _______

2 Listen to Melanie’s favourite Indian tale again.Choose the correct answer.Poslušaj

Melinu najdražu priču ponovno i zaokruži jedan točan odgovor.

1 Everybody a) respects b) doesn’t respect Paco.

2 Akando holds a little birds a) in his tepee b) in his hands.

3 A canoe is a) a tent b) a a boat.

4 The bird’s life depends on a) Akando b) Paco.

5 All the Indians a) clap b) listen.

3 Listen to Melanie’s favourite Indian tale again.Circle all the words you hear from
the listening.Zaokruži sve riječi koje čuješ iz priče.

green fire running fishing hill

young canoes loved alive impatient 7

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