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Client : SAUDI ARAMCO Doc. No.: ALM-IMS-PRC-SI-013
Project : Contract No. 3000842798 Rev. No.: 01
Sea Island #4 T&I
Date: 15-JUN-2020 Page 1 of 11
Location : Rastanura AlMeer Job Ref. No.: SI04

Procedure No.: ALM-IMS-PRC-SI-013

Almeer Saudi Technical Services Co.

01 Issued for Approval Jayant S Sarma 13-July-20 Zameel Haris 14-July-20

00 Issued for Approval Jayant S Sarma 14-Jun-20 Zameel Haris 15-Jun-20

Rev Issue or Revision Description Originated By Date Checked By Date Approved By Date

Client : SAUDI ARAMCO Doc. No.: ALM-IMS-PRC-SI-013
Project : Contract No. 3000842798 Rev. No.: 01
Sea Island #4 T&I
Date: 15-JUN-2020 Page 2 of 11
Location : Rastanura AlMeer Job Ref. No.: SI04

To ensure that all welding inspection activities are performed in a satisfactory and
controlled manner, in accordance with the appropriate project procedures and
instructions. This procedure defines the actions and responsibilities necessary to achieve
quality welding to meet with the customers specified requirements.

This procedure is designed to cover all site permanent welding works performed by Al
Meer. Exceptions to this procedure shall be specialized work scopes which have their own
dedicated manuals


PQAM : Project Quality Assurance Manual

QCIP : Quality Control Inspection Plan
NDT : Non-Destructive Testing
WIR : Welding Inspection Request
WPS : Welding Procedure Specification
WPQR : Welding Procedure Qualification Record
NCR : Non-Conformance Report
Fit-up : An inspection carried out prior to welding to verify joint geometry
identification tack welding and materials are in accordance WPS and the
customer specifications.
Monitoring : Inspections carried out during welding activities to confirm compliance by
operatives to requirements detailed in WPS and WPQR.
Final Visual : Inspections carried out after completion of welding activities and prior to
any testing. To confirm compliance with specified requirements and that
marking, and identification requirements are in compliance.


ASME IX : Welding and Brazing Qualifications

ASME 831.3 : Process Piping
ASME B31.4 : Liquid Transportation System
ASME B31.1 : Power Piping
AWS D1.1 : Structural Welding Code


5.1 Project Manager

Ensures that all project supervision is sufficiently qualified and experienced to carry out

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Client : SAUDI ARAMCO Doc. No.: ALM-IMS-PRC-SI-013
Project : Contract No. 3000842798 Rev. No.: 01
Sea Island #4 T&I
Date: 15-JUN-2020 Page 3 of 11
Location : Rastanura AlMeer Job Ref. No.: SI04

their assigned duties.

Ensure that the Site QC Section are provided with the necessary facilities and co-
operation from all Superintendents. Foremen and labour to enable satisfactory
Inspection and Verification of activities performed by the Welding Sections.

5.2 Welding Engineer

The Welding Engineer will provide welding data sheets these will identify all weld
procedural requirements and specifications for project application approvals.
Will be responsible for approval welding operator certification control and ongoing
performance monitoring.

5.3 Welding Supervisor

Ensures compliance by all Foreman and Labour to the QCIP, associated procedures,
data sheets and instructions in accordance with the customer Specifications.
Ensures that all supervision and labour have the necessary understanding of project
Provides the QC Section with the relevant documentation requests, with sufficient notice
to enable stage inspections to be completed in a convenient manner. Monitors welder
qualification status and updates as required.

5.4 Welding Consumable Store man

Shall be responsible for ensuring that the requirements welding consumable control
procedure is enforced in its entirety.

5.5 Project Quality Control Supervisor

Provides the relevant statistical reports on progress and quality to the QA/QC
Ensures compliance by the Site Welding Section to the project requirements showed in
the PQAM.
Ensures that work is examined by appropriate experienced and qualified personnel.
Monitors the QC Personnel in their daily functions to ensure the compliance to the QCIP.
Conducts reviews of Documentation and Inspection I Verification activities and
maintains a close liaison with customer representative on quality matters.
The QC Supervisor will ensure that all welding supervision, consumable stores personnel
are provided with the required controlled copies of procedures, welding data sheets,
and QCIP so that the operations can be effectively controlled.

5.6 Quality Control Welding Inspector

Monitors daily welding activities and verifies compliance to project procedures and
Customer Specifications. Conduct Inspections in accordance with the approved QCIP.

5.7 Engineering Section

Engineering will provide weld maps that uniquely identify all welded joints and collate
final records for handover to customer.

pg. 3

Client : SAUDI ARAMCO Doc. No.: ALM-IMS-PRC-SI-013
Project : Contract No. 3000842798 Rev. No.: 01
Sea Island #4 T&I
Date: 15-JUN-2020 Page 4 of 11
Location : Rastanura AlMeer Job Ref. No.: SI04


6.1 Equipment Qualification

6.1.1 Prior to mobilization to a project site all welding equipment’s are calibrated, the results
of which are recorded on Calibration Record. Variations between “meter” and
“indicated” readings are noted on welding equipment calibration labels These shall
be attached to the welding machines in close proximity to the current/ voltage
regulators. Where possible, machine current indicators are to be adjusted to match the
actual “meter” reading.

6.1.2 A copy of Calibration Certificate accompanies the welding equipment to site and is
forwarded to the Project QC section verification and retention. Re-calibration is
required after 12 months. Irrespective of this Project QC will complete random surveys,
of ongoing compliance using tong tester

6.2 Documentation

6.2.1 All pipework actions shall be conducted in accordance with the latest revision of the IFC
drawings, which shall be distribution controlled. QC inspector Pipe/Weld shall use his set
to monitor inspection status. When not in use this shall be retained within a dedicated file
within the QC section.

6.2.2 It is essential that all relevant operating instructions are available for reference at the
work area, together with the pertinent section of the QCIP. All issues of these documents
shall be controlled.

6.2.3 There are many report formats and records generated during the course of welding
operational activities. These shall be identified within the project QCIP which is an
integral part of the PQAM. The QCIP will identify in detail the appropriate forms to be
used for each and every recordable action.
The QCIP shall be regarded as the key reference document for all activities described
within this procedure, wherever feasible computerization of all these records will be
implemented and this method is preferable for report completion.

6.2.4 The Welding Summary is the prime controlling document to monitor all welding
inspections. This shall be completed up to the "WPS" section, by the QC Document
Controller once the weld map drawings are made available to the responsible QC. All
remaining details shall be input on an ongoing basis with information taken from

pg. 4

Client : SAUDI ARAMCO Doc. No.: ALM-IMS-PRC-SI-013
Project : Contract No. 3000842798 Rev. No.: 01
Sea Island #4 T&I
Date: 15-JUN-2020 Page 5 of 11
Location : Rastanura AlMeer Job Ref. No.: SI04

approved WIR's. Care must be taken with regard to shop and erection scope weld
identification numbers. Irrespective of this, and where applicable, work shop and field
erection scopes shall be two separate actions requiring separate weld summaries. All
fabrication shop weld numbers shall be prefixed SW. Where additional site fabrication is
required, the welds can also be identified as SW on the field erection weld summaries
since work shop is a separate action. Actual field weld numbers shall be prefixed FW.

To enable effective monitoring of weld joints subject to repair, it will be necessary to allow
three lines on the welding summary for each identified weld, to allow for the permissible
repairing attempts. This will not be problem where the system has been computerized.

6.2.5 To ensure that welding actions are conducted in an efficient manner at appropriate
timings, supervisory notification will be essential. This notification will be achieved by use
of the weld inspection request (WIR) this will be the trigger for all notified welding
inspection activities described in this procedure. Released from this requirement will be
ongoing random monitoring activity, described in the QCIP.

6.2.6 The WIR form is divided into two parts, which considers two distinct inspection and
clearance stages, those being joint fit-up and final inspection. Each of these stages in all
cases are separate activities; and require to be treated as such.

6.2.7 Once welding supervision, with reference to the QCIP, have identified that an inspection
activity is prescribed for anyone of the described clearance stages, he will complete a
review of the particular joints to ensure that all activities are complete and acceptable
to the specified requirements.

6.2.8 The welding Supervisor once satisfied that particular weld/welds are acceptable, he shall
issue the appropriate section of the WIR to the QC section for verification. It is important
that the WIR is completed in full and is legible.

6.2.9 Inspection and test status shall be controlled and shall be referenced for acceptance
and rejection marking.

6.3 Inspections

6.3.1 Inspections performed by the Project QC Welding Inspectors must be carried out in an
expedient and timely manner, as soon as possible after receipt of the WIR. The results of
inspections are advised to the request originator as early as possible after the event; to
prevent any impact to production activities or schedule.

6.3.2 It is the responsibility of the QC Welding Inspector to ensure that all welds in receipt of a
WIR are inspected for full compliance to specified requirements. Particular attention
should be given to the requirements for weld and operator traceability and compliance

pg. 5

Client : SAUDI ARAMCO Doc. No.: ALM-IMS-PRC-SI-013
Project : Contract No. 3000842798 Rev. No.: 01
Sea Island #4 T&I
Date: 15-JUN-2020 Page 6 of 11
Location : Rastanura AlMeer Job Ref. No.: SI04

to specific project requirements. The QCIP will provide guidance. However, as a minimum
the following identification shall appear adjacent to each particular joint.

• Weld Number
• Welding operator symbol
• WPS proposed, or used
• Date welded

6.3.3 Marking methods shall be in accordance with Procedures. However, it will be necessary to
consider the restricted chemical compositions of certain products and their effect on
certain materials.

6.3.4 Reports associated with the inspections identified within this procedure are to be
completed and if required progressively reviewed by the direct contract customer, with
his endorsement as soon as possible after the event. Copy distribution of reports are to be
determined by the project. However, these must be kept to the absolute minimum and
only as specified in the contract.
Continuous update of inspection monitoring systems is crucial. No records should be
longer than one working day in arrears.

6.3.5 The following inspection tools will be required as a minimum to enable the QC Inspector to
effectively fulfil his duties:

a) Fillet Gauge g) Temperature Indicators

b) Bevel Gauge h) Hand Held Monitor
c) Root Spacing Gauge i) Inspection Mirror
d) Hi-Lo Gauge j) Measuring Tape
e) Depth Gauge k) Spirit Level
f) Inspection Lamp / Torch l) Marking Pen

6.3.6 Welding inspections must be considered at three separate stages. Before, during and
after welding; these stages and the frequency of surveillance shall be described in the
QCIP. However. at least 5% of all welding fit-ups. in process welding and 100% of final
inspection shall be conducted, unless specified to the contrary.

6.4 Fit-up Inspection

6.4.1 Inspection scopes described on the submitted WIR stage will be allocated to the
responsible discipline inspector by the Project QC Supervisor. This may be within an
assigned area of responsibility which is always preferable in this case a natural
connection with the responsible supervision should be allowed to develop. In the
majority of cases fit-up inspection may only be designated on the QCIP as a monitoring
stage inspection, in this case monitoring shall be identified on the WIR. However, specific
examined welds shall be noted.

6.4.2 The QC Inspector assigned reviews the WIR and the specific requirements of the QCIP

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Client : SAUDI ARAMCO Doc. No.: ALM-IMS-PRC-SI-013
Project : Contract No. 3000842798 Rev. No.: 01
Sea Island #4 T&I
Date: 15-JUN-2020 Page 7 of 11
Location : Rastanura AlMeer Job Ref. No.: SI04

drawings, WPS, procedure and appropriate operating instructions, prior to conducting

the required inspection which could cover any or all the following elements.

a) Joint location in accordance with drawing.

b) Weld preparation in accordance with the approved WPS
c) Cleanliness of fusion faces
d) Alignment (Hi-Lo)
e) Longitudinal seam offset (if required)
f)Materials correct grade and rating / schedule
g)Temporary attachments / lacking adequacy
h)Joined members are square, plumb or level
i)Adequate protection from adverse weather conditions
j)Weld Identification,
k) Identification of WPS to be used.
I)Tack welds
m) Identification tags.

6.4.3 If rejected, the fit-up request is annotated "reject", the workpiece suitably marked and the
WIR returned to the originator with the reasons for rejection stated in the remarks section
of the form. When fit-up is a monitoring only exercise a rejection will require, 100%
surveillance of future works in the relevant section, or area until confidence returns.

6.4.4 When the rejected item has been reworked, the WIR is returned to Project QC identifying
rework completed.

6.4.5 On acceptance the Project QC Inspector will identify actions, endorse WIR and return the
copy of the fit-up request to the production supervision noted accepted.

6.4.6 The original of the fit-up request will be forwarded to the Project QC Document Controller,
who will up-date the relevant weld summary and file the WIR as completed.

6.4.7 Where cases of continued rejection of the WIR due to non compliance's occurs, an entry
in the inspection log book must be made. Further non compliance shall result in the
raising of an NCR in accordance with the procedures.

6.5 In-Process Monitoring

6.5.1 During the normal course of his duties the Project QC Welding Inspector will conduct
periodic monitoring of the welding cycle, the following items should be checked:-

a) Preheat and Inter pass temperatures are maintained in accordance with the WPS
b) Control of welding consumables meet the requirements of the customer specifications
and QCD-3-002.
c) Welding parameters detailed in the WPS are maintained.
d) General workmanship is satisfactory.
e) Welder Qualification is correct and current.
f) Equipment calibrations are in compliance.

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Client : SAUDI ARAMCO Doc. No.: ALM-IMS-PRC-SI-013
Project : Contract No. 3000842798 Rev. No.: 01
Sea Island #4 T&I
Date: 15-JUN-2020 Page 8 of 11
Location : Rastanura AlMeer Job Ref. No.: SI04

g) Relevant WPS's are available for reference.

Any discrepancies shall be brought immediately to the welding Supervisors attention and
an inspection log book entry made for infringements. In cases of serious deviations
welding work shall stop and an NCR shall be issued.

6.5.2 Welder Surveillance

At least once in 3 months each welder will be subjected to a formal surveillance of his
performance and compliance to the procedural requirements.

These surveillance's will be conducted on checklist I report. The report on completion will
be forwarded to the QC Supervisor for review and the stipulation of any required
Corrective Actions and their responsibility.

Copies of the checklist will be forwarded to persons nominated for any Corrective Actions,
the original reports will be retained in the QC files for the project duration.
Repetitive or general non compliance's will result in an NCR being raised in accordance
with Procedures.

6.6 Final Visual Inspection

6.6.1 When welding has been completed for all items detailed on the WIR fit-up request, the
Welding Supervisor I Foreman verifies acceptance, enters the welder details on the
remaining portion of form (WIR) and submits to the QC Section.

6.6.2 The following points should be observed during this final visual inspection:-

a) Weld profile is adequate and acceptable

b) All slag I weld spatter has been removed
c) Arc strikes are removed by filing I careful grinding
d) Sharp edges of plate have sufficient radius of 2mm minimum, to allow coating
applications to proceed in an acceptable manner
e) Unacceptable undercut I porosity I cracks or any reject able defects are not present.
f) All joint identifications are still legible.
g) Flange protection I pipe end cover in place.

6.6.3 Rejections of Final Visual Inspections are identified and notified in accordance with (6.4.3
and 6.4.4).
Where cases of continued rejection of the WIR due to non compliance's, an entry in the
inspection log book, must be made. Further occurrence shall result in the raising of an

6.6.4 The original WIR is identified with any required Non Destructive Testing requirements based
on the percent category I class stated in the project specifications. This information will
be added to the Daily Welding Log.

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Client : SAUDI ARAMCO Doc. No.: ALM-IMS-PRC-SI-013
Project : Contract No. 3000842798 Rev. No.: 01
Sea Island #4 T&I
Date: 15-JUN-2020 Page 9 of 11
Location : Rastanura AlMeer Job Ref. No.: SI04

6.6.5 The information contained on the Final Visual Inspection Report will be transferred on to
the weld summary and where applicable the details are input into the computer system
and the WIR filed as completed.
WIR's do not form part of the final project documentation.

6.6.6 A copy of the" Non Destructive Testing Request I Record is issued by QC to welding
supervisor & NDT Technicians which will form the basis of the day" NDT requirements, and is
also used for the purpose of tracking status, items inspection and test status marking
provided shall be strictly followed for all examinations and instances of rejection. The
welding supervisor upon receipt of NDT request shall facilitate the transfer & proper
arrangement of the items involved as early as possible to prevent any delays on schedule.

6.7 Repairs

6.7.1 All NDT reports are forwarded to the QC Section with any associated radiographic films
on the morning after the request issuance. The results are recorded on the required
summary sheets after check and endorsement by the NDT supervisor.

6.7.2 Weld defects requiring repair as a result of a NDT will be recorded on the weld summary
identifying an "R" repair requirement. Any further actions required by the Code, Standard
or Specification which may include additional penalty examination, will be identified by
prefixing the weld number by the letter "P" and entering the details after the last entry on
the weld summary.

6.7.3 Repairs are entered on the "Weld Repair Log" form and monitored on a daily basis.
"Penalties" (tracers) are selected for additional testing when required by the
specification. Any further repairs required will be identified by "R1", "R2".

Should a weld require to be cut out completely and re-welded due to extensive defects,
or repetitive repairs, the weld number is prefixed CO and this information is added to the
end of the drawing weld summary list.

6.7.4 Should it be necessary due to unforeseen circumstances for welds to be added to a

drawing scope these will also be included at the end of the weld summary, using an
A/B/C prefixed by the nearest identified weld number to the new joint.

On completion of the drawing work scope the welding summary, the weld identification
drawing and associated QC reports shall be added to the test package on receipt from
the Engineering section. These will be transmitted to the engineering section after all
testing is completed in accordance with the requirements detailed in Preparation of
Quality Records.

NDT reports shall be filled by type and in numerical sequence. These shall be transmitted
to the Engineering section on project completion to be included in mechanical
completion handover.

pg. 9

Client : SAUDI ARAMCO Doc. No.: ALM-IMS-PRC-SI-013
Project : Contract No. 3000842798 Rev. No.: 01
Sea Island #4 T&I
Date: 15-JUN-2020 Page 10 of 11
Location : Rastanura AlMeer Job Ref. No.: SI04

6.7.5 Welding operator’s performance will be monitored and reported in accordance with
Weld Statistics Reporting.

6.8 Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT)

6.8.1 PWHT requirements are provided with the Welding data sheets, provided within the PQAM
and the extent of this requirement on the specific IFC drawings.

6.8.2 When items are to be subjected to PWHT should be referenced. The requirements
detailed shall be closely monitored and the records and subsequent tests verified by the
QC Inspector Pipe/Weld.

6.9 Reports and Records

ASME B31.3 which is the common piping specification used projects, requires that
percentage NDT is monitored against welder production. When this is required and to
ensure that requirements are fully complied with, a record of welds completed against
percentage NDT surveillance carried out is required. Weekly Welder Non Destructive
Testing Report will be maintained for this purpose. All figures reported will be weekly and

6.10 Reports and inspection records shall be compiled, maintained and transmitted in
accordance with Preparation of Quality Records.

6.11 Inspection Log Book

Inspection log book entry's in accordance with shall be used to identify and record
ongoing inspection difficulties frequent occurrence, or systematic / procedural non
compliance shall result in an NCR being raised.

6.12 Non Conformance and Corrective Actions

Non Conformance reports NCR's shall be used for all cases of system failures, non
procedural compliance, damaged or incorrect materials and reoccurring non
compliance difficulties.


Welding Plant Calibration Record

Welding Plant Calibration Label
Welding Summary
Welding Inspection Request
Daily Welding Log
Weld Repair Log


Client : SAUDI ARAMCO Doc. No.: ALM-IMS-PRC-SI-013
Project : Contract No. 3000842798 Rev. No.: 01
Sea Island #4 T&I
Date: 15-JUN-2020 Page 11 of 11
Location : Rastanura AlMeer Job Ref. No.: SI04

Welder Surveillance Report

Weekly Welder Non Destructive Testing Report
Welding Data Sheets
Non Destructive Testing Request / Record

--- End of Document ---


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