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Notification No, SLICE! gl UNIVERSITY OF SARGODHA TENTATIVE DATE SHEET late Degree in Arts/ Science Part ‘Combine Commerce Pa ‘Supplementary Examination 2023 daca: (BFF ‘The candidates must Keep with them their ORIGINAL COMPUTERIZED NATIONAL IDENTITY CARDS, Roll No. Slips, wear masks and follow all SOPs notified by Govt. of the Punjab regarding COVID-19 during the course of examination failing which they would not be allowed to take the Examination. WRITTEN EXAMINATION EEE T= ie Tene foun TES an ees ee eet asjoynoae| thursty (2OANPAD liam Suds ether comp. [2 ne ASIC) same Suds ets comp. [2 DAC) lenges anguage ‘comp. [1 | ab) [computer appleaton neuaness | A | —100n zeyovenze| —rusoy ADAP engin anguage ‘cong. 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Seog os n0n ose ia apa Pte = ‘Statistics "28-03-2024 to 20-03-2028 vi ‘practical (= 8) aed eT Sagan ioara00 i eal BT cra Grose ie eosane ro sea) ee ‘aa Spare ee tren 030 fo 30020 researc TERETE geal aera | — seonsomt teas ar ont rasa sonny (Et8alt tone eeonnieed_[ —aeosaoztre 723004 rs i=8] Then srosanittororo2t ase BOT esa Seoganae 3603020 Fase | Tanger SoeneT ae 1083008 fiscal a) [Fee Sede! 195208 150020 Pisce =a) Tied Pla 195200 37.0700 ree (=a) teenal offs 5300 1.0700 racer) thse FEEPETICTESORPETIN Pratl =) tee tena FEETEUIEYISPEOI Fate 1-€ 81) ae Cheenti 14-03-2024 to 15-03-2026 Practical (i= C get Sonn IPOS Facies 1-8-0) ea WoT Seonn0n Ose race Tass Sea a0 IEOTIE rae emai ‘Fine Arts 25-03-2024 to 26-03-2024 Practical |8.C BO) TESETE Physal ovations —| cee 35-330 Pete 8 20Ci_| Gast ppatonin anes | 2803-20041 30-03208 Pasi (66-300 1. tombe spf guar studs il ben tous ete Pinot of th rempecve cleges whereas rite ots wil downoad her ol Number sip (hen Praca am Unverty of Sorgodha webiste 1 fatiNumberspscfandsts wil not be depetched a er po addresses MW, —ethesvlecse nl Language Computer ADA & ADS) amicus (Comput nd Patan Studies Conpsr tee wl be townie Gopi 1, Baton tte Ee apr Al be 3 ours, ani Ste Bis Compson ours Pakistan Sues Computory1% hours ‘ale curton ofa eter papers will 3 owe Gas of sbjecs it ny i requted tobe informed tothe undersigned immediately Impacant nutans forthe Candidates, Ral No, sould be wren onthe eh of hele page ofthe newer book oni and nat st anyother pice, Answer book number should sieo not be mentone nade the answer book, Marks ofigentiication should nt be made arrwhee nthe answer ook onthe tle page. Denoting material relevant to the sylabu into te Examination Hal Donot ke appeal tote Examine inthe snore book. Donatus abusive or obscene anguage i the are bok Donot disobey Cente Superintendent, change Your Rll No / Seat wth anther candidate. De not eeaeslsturbane, stage walkout resort to xen down site or stipe cers todos, or otherwise misbehave ino” sound the Donot ring reams or anything capable cf eingueed sr 3 weapon cf fence n or around Examination al Ne ones alowed to leave the Carnation Hal efore half ine anvone intends tenes before hal ime, he/she hal not be alowed totake away ne Gestion Paper Unauthorized change of centers svi prhibied f anyone changes his er center of examination at his her own, unfair mens ease wile estered aginst h/her,simiary no enange of sujet is alowed unless permed by the Universi Ne one can apearn the Examination without geting his/her Rol Number lip. Unlai-means. eae hall be registered agains these who ve oat he inseuctions and ruls/reglaton of te Unser The canléstes ae not lowed to brngluse miniomputer, smart wate, clulator and bie telephone Sets in the examination Hall na eans Cas shal be egstered appint nose wh vate the above 6 Such other instruction 357 sued, Cofftroller of Examinations

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