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Practice Exercise

1. When zinc is added to CuSO4 solution, copper is precipitated. It is

because of

A. reduction of zinc

B. reduction of Cu 2+

C. hydrolysis of CuSO 4

D. reduction of SO 2−

Answer: B
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2. Which of the following is the most powerful oxidising agent ?

A. F 2

B. Cl 2

C. Br 2

D. l

Answer: A

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3. The strongest reducing agent is

A. H N O 3

B. H 2

C. H 2
D. SnCl 2

Answer: B

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4. Which of the following is a reducing agent ?

A. N aH CO 3

B. N aH SO 3

C. N a 2

D. N aH SO 4

Answer: B

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5. In which one of the following reactions, hydrogen is acts as an

oxidising agent ?

A. With Li to form LiH

B. with l to form H i

C. with N to form N H
2 3

D. with S to form H 2

Answer: A

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6. Which of the following reactions has the underlined substance been

reduced ?


Carbon monoxide + Copper oxide → Carbon dioxide + Copper


Copper oxide + Hydrochloric acid → Copper chloride + Water


C. Hydrogen + Iron oxide → Iron + Water


D. Steam
+ Iron → Iron oxide + Hydrogen

Answer: D

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7. Nitric oxide acts as a reducing agent in which of the following reaction

A. 4N H 3
+ 5O2 → 2N O + 6H2 O

B. 2N O + 3l 2
+ 4H2 O → 2N O

+ 6l

+ 8H

C. 2N O + H 2
SO3 → N2 SO4

D. 2N O + H 2
S → N2 O + S + H2 O

Answer: B
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8. In acidic medium, equivalent weight of K2 Cr 2 O7 (molecular weight

= M ) is

A. M / 3

B. M / 4

C. M / 6

D. M / 2

Answer: C

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9. In the reaction, l2 + 2S2 O


→ 2l

+ S4 O

, equivalent weight of

iodine will be equal to

A. M
B. M / 2

C. M / 4

D. 2M

Answer: B

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10. The process in which oxidation number increase, is

A. reduction

B. hydrolysis

C. oxidation

D. decomposition

Answer: C

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11. In which of the following, oxidation number of chloride is + 5 ?

A. Cl2

B. ClO −

C. ClO −

D. ClO

Answer: B

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12. Carbon has zero oxidation number in

A. CH 4

B. CH 3

C. CCl 4

D. CH 2
Answer: D

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13. Oxidation states of iodine vary from

A. − 1 to + 1

B. − 1 to + 7

C. + 3 to + 5

D. − 1 to 5

Answer: B

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14. The oxidation number of S in N a 2

S4 O6 is

A. 1.5
B. 2.5

C. 3

D. 2

Answer: B

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15. The brown ring complex compound is formulated as

[F e(H2 O) N O]SO4
. The oxidation state of F e is

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 0

Answer: B

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16. Oxidation number of oxygen in F 2
O is

A. − 1

B. + 1

C. + 2

D. − 2

Answer: C

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17. The oxidation state of nitrogen in N 3

H is

A. +

B. + 3

C. − 1

D. −
Answer: D

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18. The oxidation state of chromium in Cr(CO) is6

A. 0

B. + 2

C. − 2

D. + 6

Answer: A

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19. Phosphorus has the oxidation state + 3 in

A. orthophosphoric
B. phosphorous acid

C. metaphosphoric acid

D. pyrophosphoric acid

Answer: B

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20. In which of the following, increasing orders the oxidation number of

oxygen has been arranged ?

A. BaO 2
< O3 < OF2 < KO2

B. BaO 2
< KO2 < O3 < OF2

C. OF 2
< KO2 < BaO2 < O3

D. KO 2
< OF2 < O3 < BaO2

Answer: B

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21. The oxidation number of an element in a compound is evaluated on

the basis of certain rules. Which of the following rules is not correct in

this respect ?

A. The oxidation number of hydrogen is always + 1

B. The algebraic sum of all the oxidation number in a compuound is


C. An element in the free or the uncombined state bears oxidation

number zero

D. In all of its compound, the oxidation number of fluorine is − 1

Answer: A

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22. In which of the following pairs, there is greatest difference in the

oxidation number of the underlined elements ?

A. N O2 and N O4
–– –– 2

B. –P
– 2
O5 and P

– 4

C. N O and NO
–– 2 ––

D. –S

O 2
and S O3

Answer: D

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23. A compound contains atoms A, B and C. the oxidation number of A is

+2 , of B is + 5 and of C is − 2. The possible formula of the compound is

A. ABC 3

B. B 2
(AC3 )

C. A 3
(BC4 )

D. A 3
(BC3 )

Answer: C
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24. Which of the following reactions is a redox reaction?

A. N aBr + H Cl → N aCl + H Br

B. H Br + AgN O3 → AgBr + H N O3

C. H 2
+ Br 2 → 2H Br

D. N a 2
O + H2 SO4 → N a2 SO4 + H2 O

Answer: C

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25. White phosphorus reacts with caustic soda to form P H3 and

N aH2 P O2 . This reaction is an example of

A. oxidation

B. reduction
C. hydrolysis

D. disproportionation

Answer: D

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26. Following reaction is an example of

2+ +
Ag (aq) + Ag(s) ⇔ 2Ag (aq)

A. reduction

B. oxidation

C. comproportionation

D. disproportionation

Answer: C

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27. Which of the following is a redox reaction?

A. Formation of glucose from CO and water 2

B. Reaction of potassium cyanide with silver cyanide

C. Hydration of rubidium

D. Reaction of barium chloride with sulphuric acid

Answer: A

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28. Identify the disproportionation reaction.

A. CH 4
+ 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2 O

B. CH 4
+ 4Cl2 → CCl4 + 4H Cl

C. 2F 2
+ 2OH

→ 2F

+ OF2 + H2 O

D. 2N O 2
+ 2OH

→ NO

+ NO

+ H2 O
Answer: D

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29. Which of the following is not an intermolecular redox reaction?

A. M gCO 3
→ M gO + CO2

B. O 2
+ 3H2 → 2H3 O

C. K + H2 O → KOH + ( )H2

D. M nBr 3
→ M nBr 2 + ( )Br 2

Answer: A

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30. Consider the following reactions,

(I) 2M n 2
O7 → 4M nO2 + 3O2

(II) SnCl 2
+ 2F eCl3 → SnCl4 + 2F eCl2
A. intermolecular redox reaction and intramolecular redox reactions


B. Both reaction I and II are intermolecular redox reaction

C. Both reaction I and II are intramolecular redox reactions

D. intramolecular redox reactions and intermolecular redox reaction


Answer: D

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31. For the redox reaction,

− 2− + 2+
M nO + C2 O + H → Mn + CO2 + H2 O
4 4

the correct coefficients of the reactants for the balanced reaction are

− 2− +
M nO C2 O H
A. 4 4

2 5 16
− 2− +
M nO C2 O H
B. 4 4

16 5 2
− 2− +
M nO C2 O H
C. 4 4

5 16 2
− 2− +
M nO C2 O H
D. 4 4

2 16 5

Answer: A

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32. Consider the following reactions,

C2 H6 (g) + nO2 → CO2 (g) + H2 O(l)

In this equation, ratio of the coefficient of CO and H

2 2
O is

A. 1 : 1

B. 2 : 3

C. 3 : 2

D. 1 : 3

Answer: B

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33. Which of the following statement is true regarding the following

balanced half-reaction?

− −

A. Carbon is losing two electrons per atom

B. Oxidation number of carbon increase from + 1 to + 3

C. Oxidation number of nitrogen remains constant

D. Both (a) and (c)

Answer: D

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34. In the ions equatio, BrO

+ 6H
+ xe

→ Br
+ 3H2 O , the

value of x is

A. 6

B. 2
C. 4

D. 3

Answer: B

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35. In the redox reaction,

xKM nO4 + N H3 → yKN O3 + M nO2 + M nO2 + KOH + H2 O , x

and y are

A. x = 4, y = 6

B. x = 3, y = 8

C. x = 8, y = 6

D. x = 8, y = 3

Answer: D

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36. Consider the following reaction 2F e 3+
+ 2l

→ 2F e
+ l2

The half-reactions for the given reaction are

A. 2l −
→ l2 + 2e

and F e 3+
+ e

→ Fe

B. l
→ 2l

+ 2e

and F e 2+
+ e

→ Fe

C. l
→ 2Θ

+ 2l

and F e 2+
→ Fe
+ e

D. None of the above

Answer: A

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Bitsat Archives

1. The ratio of oxidation states of Cl in potassium chloride to that in

potassium chlorate is

A. +
B. −

C. −

D. +

Answer: B

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2. The oxidation number of sulphur in N a 2

S4 O6 is

A. + 6

B. +

C. +

D. − 2

Answer: C

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3. 2M nO

+ 5H2 O2 + 6H
→ 2Z + 5O2 + 8H2 O Identify Z in the

above reaction.

A. M n 2+

B. M n 4+

C. M n

D. M nO 2

Answer: A

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4. The oxidation number of N and Cl in N OClO respectively are


A. + 2 and + 7

B. + 3 and + 7

C. − 3 and + 5

D. + 2 and − 7
Answer: B

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5. Which one of the following reactions represent the oxidising properly

of H 2
O2 ?


2KM nO4 + 3H2 SO4 + 5H2 O2 → K2 SO4 + 2M nSO4 + 8H2 O + 5O


2K3 [F e(CN ) ] + 2KOH + H2 O2 → 2K4 [F e(CN ) ] + 2H2 O + O2

6 6

C. P bO 2
+ H2 O2 → P bO + H2 O + O2

D. 2Kl + H 2
SO4 + H2 O2 → K2 SO4 + l2 + 2H2 O

Answer: D

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6. The speicies that undergoes disproportionation in an alkaline medium


A. M nO 2−

B. ClO 4

C. N O 2

D. All of these

Answer: C

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7. A compound contains X, Y and Z atoms. The oxidation state of X, Y and

Z are + 2, + 2 and −2 respectively. The possible formula of the

compound is

A. XY Z 2

B. Y 2
(XZ3 )

C. X 3
(Y4 Z)
D. X 3
(Y Z4 )

Answer: A

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8. The oxidation number of oxygen in hydrogen peroxide is

A. + 1

B. − 1

C. + 2

D. − 2

Answer: B

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