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Activity Planner for STEAMMakerspaces

Teacher: Subject: Physics

Robert Hugo Taylor

Project / Experiment on Grade: 11th Grade Duration: 1 week

Activity: Newton’s laws

Project Overview

• Statement of inquiry
• Summary of the project
• Description of the relationship of the subject with the project, exploring the interconnection
with the achievement of the expected learning and the development of competencies of the
graduation profile.
• Challenge to the students or delimitation of the project.

Expected Learning Competences for the graduation profile



Didactic Planning

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Select and describe how it will be applied:

PBL – Project based learning
PBL – Problem Based Learning
VT – Visible thinking
MI – Multiple Intelligences
AC – Collaborative learning
E – Experiments ( inquiry-based)
MC – Case method
CBL – Challenge-based learning
DT – Design thinking
ID – Differentiated Instruction


Assessment (formative and summative)

• Rubrics
• Evaluation moments and methods – clearly defined.
• Form of application of hetero, formal and informal peer-assessments and self-assessments.
• Moments of incorporating evidence and reflections into the portfolio.
Indicate, with dates, the communication proposals during the project and at the end of the
project, such as presentations to students of different groups or grades, invitation to parents or
professionals, exhibitions or face-to-face and virtual events, competition dynamics between
teams (if the project was a challenge to the students in which they must demonstrate how their
product works).

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