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WORKSHOP: Infinitive Preview

Tell how each infinitive/infinitive phrase is used: as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb.

EXAMPLE 1. I would like to help you.
1. to help—noun
its a noun if you can replace
1. Carla’s ambition is to write a book. withit
nour can sometimes be a sign of stubbornness.
2. To persist

3. That is not the correct way to pronounce his name.

4. I am happy to finishadju
the project alone.

5. An easy way to study for math does not exist.
6. We need to weed the garden soon.
7. The hockey team went to Coach Norton’s house to study last night.
8. We met at the lake to fish for trout.
9. Joseph has learned to play the trumpet.

10. According to Robert Frost, the road toAdj

take is the one less traveled.

Adjective Questions: Adverb Questions:
Which one? How?
What kind? Where
How many? When?
To what degree/extent?
Under what condition?

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