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Vocabulary Words

Year 8
Note: Practice synonyms, antonyms and make sentences of these
words for vocabulary Test
1. Abundant:
 Synonyms: plentiful, ample, copious
 Antonyms: scarce, limited, insufficient
2. Apt:
 Synonyms: appropriate, suitable, fitting
 Antonyms: inappropriate, unsuitable, unfitting
3. Banter:
 Synonyms: jesting, joking, teasing
 Antonyms: serious, solemn, earnest
4. Deduce:
 Synonyms: infer, conclude, derive
 Antonyms: guess, speculate, assume
5. Dialect:
 Synonyms: vernacular, language variety, idiom
 Antonyms: standard language, mainstream, universal language
6. Endeavor:
 Synonyms: strive, attempt, undertake
 Antonyms: abandon, give up, surrender
7. Intervene:
 Synonyms: mediate, intercede, interfere
 Antonyms: ignore, neglect, abstain
8. Ostentatious:
 Synonyms: showy, flamboyant, extravagant
 Antonyms: modest, simple, unpretentious
9. Persecute:
 Synonyms: oppress, harass, victimize
 Antonyms: protect, support, defend
10. Plagiarise:
 Synonyms: copy, steal, plagiarise
 Antonyms: create, invent, originate
11. Ponder:
 Synonyms: contemplate, consider, reflect
 Antonyms: disregard, ignore, neglect
12. Profound:
 Synonyms: deep, insightful, significant
 Antonyms: shallow, superficial, trivial
13. Speculation:
 Synonyms: conjecture, assumption, hypothesis
 Antonyms: fact, evidence, certainty
14. Sporadic:
 Synonyms: intermittent, occasional, irregular
 Antonyms: constant, continuous, regular
15. Stint:
 Synonyms: limit, restriction, allocation
 Antonyms: abundance, excess, indulgence
16. Versatile:
 Synonyms: adaptable, flexible, multifaceted
 Antonyms: inflexible, limited, specialised

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