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MBOXUDP Data area 55 sa 0 00 13 01 0 Gl fo we CO Oo oO 1 © 09 00 09 00 © MW Gv 00 G0 GOOD OO 00 0 WO O0 00 0 -W® 09 00 00°00 (© 0 OU 00 12 34 So 78 ab ed UDP pete arca for cxaple Exnmmle.The stroke of the electric crlinder is 50mm. the Lead is Sime, and the palxe fe 10000 Yah electric cylinder 15 calculated from 0 to 25 mm the wamber oF pulses required: 29/5 % 10000 = 30000, converted to heradecteal 15 Oxe0WICI30 (can De set according to the need for each cylinder length, The emaple is thet the Jength of each cylinder is the sume. 1, Six axes of date, and for absolute time mode (fmction cole is 1301) 55 4a 00 00 1 of fF fF 7 09 00 01 © 09 00 00 senaNresD 30 123456 78 ab ed Six axes of data, and for the relative tine mode (function code is 1401) Sa wo Trt fa 00 U0 01 go 09 00 00 00250900. a0 ae Bei ed ‘3, Three axes of data and for absolute tine mode (function mde is 1301) 3S ao tO 0) 1 ot tf 00 00 1 co 0 0¢ 00 OomoomexS0 12 34 56 78 ab ed 4, Three exes of dete, and for the relative tine mode (Fuuction code is 1401) 5S ca 0 00 1% & © 0 00 00 01 00 00 00 64 omooweRyso 12 34 5678 ab od If the UDP instruction is XIZWW six axes of the data, end the platfore is three axes, it wil] take YZ three axis data, discard the dita behind the UTR. so the 411 platsore. 5. Platfora exergency stop command (function ends is 1201) Ss 2a 0) 0) 1201 00 0) f ff © OO 90 00 o_o or eee Verification code Br cove ee —_____ Yanetion code ] ——— Determine which platfors to receive UDF data, which Dlatfore to reply (“HF Sepizes) (Gent ent Ge seal mater) of the INP comand Six axes of date, four brtes ‘@x00000064 = 100 milliseconds) within 100 silliseconds to couplete the WP instruction specified action. J o00w0cd = 00 aint tzeconls} ‘Sin 100 allt {sects to eplete te WF sostrection Spek tiea actin, ‘e ahieet Geeta ne ee yerlster ts modified but at ‘The start address of the parameter exister 15 20030. ——, Pargacter reetstey value, ‘site briodicto aaarens Tro0so, "so tat the blatfom 6, Cancel the platform’ s emergency stop command (function code is 1201) 5S sa 00 00 12701 00 Of T f F OO 90 00 The object chanel is 0, a1 0 09 PE mate pe eer eee) prance eerie eter Docamtenting tat only cae fscranneeed 7. Plattom reset comand (function code is 1701) soem wo) zon WO on ft @O0 OO Tae object Gamal i= 2 a1 wo Teicatine he commend "Fag coment rorlzor 57h] Slafgae control cman “The Learth of the resister fi Daacates tnt only one eestor ea 4 Special effect ontput ‘The command renicter date fe The 12-my ovitch in the instruction corresponds to the autpat of the special 0000 to implement the reset ffect. overation, This is a 16bit data, high Abit reserved, low 12bit that 12 digital output. sis [814 | 613 |B | B11 | B10 |B Reserved T2 digital output settings

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