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No: 54136/MTM.Tech.

I-Semester Regular Examinations, March-2008

VLSI TECHNOLOGY AND DESIGN(Common to Embedded Systems, Digital Systems & ComputerElectronics,
VLSI System Design

Communication Systems)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 60Answer any FIVE questionsAll questions carry
equal marks.---

1.a) Briefly describe the functioning of MOS Transistors.

b) Compare Bipolar Technology with MOS Technology. When isBICMOS Technology employed in I.C.

3.a) With suitable diagrams, Explain about various layout design and Tools in VLSI design.b) Write notes
on static Complementary Gates

.4.a) By considering the various relevant parameters explain aboutcombinational Network Delay.b) With
suitable example explain about Sequential System Design.

5.a) Explain about off-chip connections related to Floor planning inVLSI design.b) Explain the Design
Methodology of IBM High-Level Synthesissystem.

6.a) Explain about the process sequence in the realization of CMOSInverter.b) Write notes on Latch-up in
CMOS circuits.

7.a) With respect to various relevant parameters explain about LayoutSynthesis.b) Write notes on
Hardware/Software Co-design.8. Write notes on any TWO of the following:

a) The current state of art in VLSI Design and Technologyb) Resistive and Inductive interconnect delaysc)
Power Optimization in Combinational Logic Networks.

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