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Academic year 2023-2024

Second Semester Mid Term
Social Sciences – Grade 8
WORKBOOK (Answers)

K;l fecChapter 3: Europe

Lesson 1: (Pages 43 – 46)
Question Two: Give one example of the following.
1-World greatest civilizations emerged in Europe:
Ancient Greece or the Roman Empire

2-The biggest wars in modern history:

World War 1 or World War 2

3-European language groups:

The Germanic, Romance, and Slavic

4- Europe’s bodies of water:

1. Atlantic Ocean Ocean West of Europe

2. Baltic Sea a sea in Northern Europe

Activity One: The Roman Empire

1-Based on the map, why might the Roman Empire have a hard time defending
all of its territory?
1-There were too many mountains.
2- It was too big and stretched over Asia and Europe and had a diversity of

2-What was the most important city in the Roman Empire?


3-Based on the map, what geographic feature was at the center of the
Roman Empire?
The Mediterranean Sea

Activity Two: Reading Pie Chart

Study the pie chart below. Then fill in the blanks with information from the
The largest country market is Germany, with a 28% share of the total 2009 West
European canned products market. The second largest country market is France
makes up 15% of the total canned food market. The total Canned Food market is
worth Euros 3 2.3 billion.
Lesson 2: (Pages 47 – 48)
Question One: Explain why:
1- The Volga River is often called Mother Volga.
The Russians often call the Volga River Mother Volga because it has played
an important part in the life of the Russian people.
2- The Danube River is one of the most significant commercial
waterways on the continent.
Because it provides the chief corridor between central and southeastern Europe.
Question Three: River Riddles
Write the name of the river:
1- The longest river in Italy: The Po
2- The longest river in Europe: The Volga
3- The second longest river in Europe: The Danube
4- The longest river in France: The Loire River

Question One: Answer the following questions:

A- Where does the Volga River basin lie?
Its basin lies entirely within the Russian Federation.

B- Where does the Danube River end?

It ends in the Black Sea.
Lesson3: (Pages 49 – 50)

Question One: Fill in the table with information about the Rhine River:

Question Two: Fill in each blank with a suitable word from the table below.
The Rhine begins as a small stream in the Swiss Alps but soon gathers speed and
volume on its way to Lake Constance, a source of drinking water for large parts
of southern Germany. As the Rhine enters Germany, it becomes the border
between Germany and France.
Question Three: Fill in the table with information about the importance of the
Rhine River:
The importance of The importance of The Importance of
the Rhine River in the Rhine River to the Rhine River to
the past Europe Germany
1- In the Middle Ages, the 1-In its upper course, the 1- The Rhine River is one of
Rhine was a major Rhine is a source of the most important
communications route hydroelectric power. waterways in Germany and
between northern and is linked by canals to other
southern Europe. major rivers in Western

2- From 1800 into the 2- The fertile soils along 2- German manufacturing
twentieth century, the river the Rhine. and industrial cities are
played an important role as located along the Rhine.
a frontier between France
and the German states.

Lesson 4: (Pages 51 – 52)

Mountains of the World
Directions: Using all of the resources your teacher has made available, answer
the following questions and include the source you used to find the answer.
1- How high is Mt. Everest, the highest mountain in the world?
Answer: 29000 ft (8839.2 m) high
2- What is the longest mountain range in the world?
Answer: The Andes
3- What is the highest peak in the Western Hemisphere?
Answer: Argentina’s Aconcagua
4- In which country is Mount Fuji located?
Answer: Japan
5- In which country is Mount Kilimanjaro located?
Answer: Tanzania
Question One: Fill in the table below with one fact about each mountain/range.
The Pyrenees Mountains: The Pyrenees Mountains form the natural border
between France and Spain.

Balkan Mountains: Bears, wolves, deer, and boar are among the Balkan’s
Ural Mountains: The location of the Ural Mountains creates the separation of
Asia from Europe.
Lesson 5: (Pages 53 – 54)
Question One: Answer the following questions:
A- How is Fold Mountain created?
A Fold Mountain is created when two tectonic plates come together. The
movement of the two plates forces sedimentary rocks upwards into a series of
folds. This causes them to rise out of the Earth.

B- Where are the Alps located?

The Alps are located in south-central Europe, to the immediate north of the
Mediterranean Sea.

C- What is the economy of the Alps based on?

The economy of this region is based on the exploitation of the coniferous
forest, pasturing dairy cattle, and tourism.

Question One: Give one reason of each statement:

A- The location of the Alps is ideal for the production of Hydropower.
There are steep slopes to produce fast-flowing streams. The area has high rainfall
and the snow melts in the spring and summer.

B- The valley floor of the Alps makes the area ideal for farming.
The land is flatter and the soil is fertile. The main type of farming is dairy

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