Class X Science 23-24 Pre-Board Sol

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1. (c) Magnesium ribbon burns with brilliant white light
Explanation: Magnesium ribbon burns with a dazzling white light and
produces a white powder which is magnesium oxide as shown in the figure.
The reaction can be represented as:
2Mg + O2 → 2MgO
(White powder)

2. (d) Y is a non-metal and Z is a metal

Explanation: Atomic number of X is 10, so this must be Ne (Neon), a noble
or inert gas. This gas has complete octet configuration.
Atomic number of Y is 17 as [2, 8, 7], so this must be chlorine (Cl). Chlorine
is a non–metal. Non-metals have 5 to 7 electrons in their valence shell.
Atomic number of Z is 12 as [2, 8, 2], so this must be magnesium (Mg).
Magnesium is a metal. Metals have 1, 2 or 3 electrons in their valence shell.
 (yellow ppt.)

3. Green
Explanation: If 10 mL of H2SO4 is mixed with 10 mL of Mg(OH)2 of the
same concentration, the resultant solution is MgSO4 which is a neutral salt
along with water and universal indicator will give the green colour in this
H2SO4(aq) + Mg(OH)2(aq) → MgSO4(aq) + 2H2O(l)
(Acid)     (Base)       (Salt) (Water)

4. (b) Purple
Explanation: All progeny plants will have the genotype Pp, and because P
is a dominant allele, which means that purple colour is dominant, all plants
with the Pp genotype will have purple flowers.

5. (c) (II) and (III)

Explanation: All carbon compounds when burn in a sufficient supply of air,
then carbon dioxide and water vapour are formed and a lot of heat is also pro-
duced. Carbon compounds burn in presence of oxygen but they do not release
oxygen on burning. For example:
CH4 + 2O2 Combustion →
 CO2 + 2H2O +
heat and light

6. (b) Only (III)

31/1/1 1 P.T.O.
Explanation: First we have to know that how much pH value we want to
decrease from the solution. If we want to neutralize a solution which have
pH value around 12.1 then we should add acid whose pH value is 2

7. (a) two times

Explanation: Resistance of a resistor R W
New resistance of a resistor R W
All other parameters of the circuit remain unchanged
R R/2

By applying Joule’s law of heating

H = I2Rt
As per Ohm’s law V = IR Or I =
V V V2
H= × ×R×t Or ×t
Case I Case II

H= V ×t
H’ = R × t
R 2

V2 × 2
= ×t

H’= H × 2
Hence, the heating effect in the resistor will become two times if all other
parameter of the circuit remain same.
8. (a) small intestine.
Explanation: Small intestine receives juices from liver, pancreas and walls
of small intestine.
Bile juice from liver emulsifies the fats and makes the medium alkaline.
Pancreas and small intestine juices contain amylase, lipase and tryspin.
The function of these enzymes are:
Carbohydrate → glucose

Proteins → Amino acid

9. (a) Testis → vas deferens → urethra

Explanation: Testis produce sperms or germ cells. The sperms formed are
delivered through the vas deferens which unites with a tube coming from
31/1/1 2
the urinary bladder. The urethra thus forms a common passage for both the
sperms and urine

10. (c) To extend its own kind

Explanation: Organisms have the natural ability to safeguard their spe-
cies through reproducing. Although reproduction is not required for surviv-
al, it is the only way to ensure the survival of species. If an organism does
not reproduce, it will not create offspring and will eventually become ex-
tinct. The existence of organisms is a basic reason for their reproduction.

11. (b)testosterone
Explanation: Testosterone is the male sex hormone necessary for sperm
production. In addition to regulating the formation of sperms, testosterone
brings changes in appearance seen in boys, at the time of puberty.

12. (a)(I) and (III)

Explanation: Na2O and K2O are metal oxides which are basic in nature.
They dissolve in water to form alkaline solution.
Na2O(s) + H2O(l) → 2NaOH(aq)
Sodium oxide Water Sodium hydroxide
K2O(s) + H2O(l) → 2KOH(aq)
Potassium oxide Water Potassium hydroxide

Related Theory
 SO2 and NO2 are non-metallic oxides which are acidic in nature. They dissolve in water to
form acidic solution.
SO2(g) + H2O(l) → H2SO3(aq)
Sulphur dioxide Water Sulphurous acid
3NO2(g) + H2O(l) → 2HNO3(aq) + NO(g)
Nitrogen Water Nitric acid Nitric
dioxide oxide
 Sulphurous acid and nitric acid combine with water and other materials and fall on the
Earth as acid rain.

13. (a)I, III

Explanation: The angle of incidence is the angle between the incident ray
and the normal at the point of incidence.
The angle of emergence is the angle between the emergent ray and the nor-
mal at the point of emergence.
Moreover, the protractor should always be placed in such a way that its
base is always along the normal of the incident ray or the emergent ray.

14. (c) scattering of light

Explanation: The bluish colour of water in deep sea is due to scattering of
light. The fine particles in water scatter mainly blue light having shortest
31/1/1 3 P.T.O.
Related Theory
 W ater appears blue because when white light from the Sun falls on the water molecules,
only blue light is reflected and scattered and reaches our eyes.
  The absorption of light by a molecule depends on the wavelength and the size of the
molecule. A molecule absorbs light of a wavelength either equal to or greater than the size
of the object.
 S ince red, orange and yellow have longer wavelengths, they are absorbed by the water
molecules, whereas blue, having a shorter wavelength, is scattered.

15. (c) 1%
Explanation: Only 1% of the Sun’s energy is utilized by the plants that
falls on the leaves of green plants in the process of photosynthesis and get
stored in the form of chemical energy.

16. (c) Biological magnification

Explanation: Biological magnification or biomagnification is the process of
accumulation of harmful chemicals and pesticides in the human bodies and
affect them as the humans occupy the topmost trophic level in food chain..

17. (b)Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
Explanation: Ionic compounds on burning produce characteristic colours
to the flame of bunsen burner. These compounds don’t melt on heating but
are soluble in water, not in organic solvents.

18. (d) (A) is false but (R) is true.

Explanation: All flowers do not produce pollen grains as flowers may be
unisexual when they contain either stamens or pistil or bisexual when they
contain both stamens and pistil. Stamen is the male reproductive part of a
flower and produces pollen grains that are yellowish in colour.

19. (c) (A) is true but (R) is false.

Explanation: The three pin connection of electric appliances with metallic
body are live wire, neutral wire and earth wire. The live and neutral wire
supply electric current to the appliance, whereas the earth wire, which is
connected to the metal body of the electric appliance, protects us from elec-
tric shock in case we touch the metal body of appliances.
In case of an electric shock, the current passes directly to the earth through
the earth wire and we do not feel the electric shock.
On the contrary, three-pin connection do not reduce heating of connecting wires.
Also, we hardly touch electric bulb with hands, so three pin connection is
not required. The earth wire connection is not present in a bulb.

20. (d) (A) is false but (R) is true.

Explanation: Improvements in our lifestyle have resulted in greater amounts
of waste material generation due to changes in attitude and more and more
things we use becoming disposable, which are also non-biodegradable.

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21. In the absence of litmus paper, other natural or synthetic substances can be
used to test acid and bases. Such substances are called indicators. Indicators
such as methyl orange and phenolphthalein can be used to test the nature
of a solution.
These indicators show change in their colour in acidic, neutral and basic
solutions. We can also use natural indicators such as turmeric and grape
Related Theory
 few indicators with characteristic colour change are shown alongside:

pH Colour in Colour in Neutral Colour in Basic

Indicator Acidic Medium Medium Medium
Litmus Red Purple Blue
Phenol red Yellow Red Red
Phenol- Colourless Colourless Pink
Methyl orange Red/Pink Orange Yellow
Turmeric Yellow Yellow Reddish brown
Red cabbage Red Purple Bluish green

22. (i) Neuron or nerve cell is the longest cell present in the human body.
Chemical coordinators (messengers) is the alternative name for Hor-
Urea present in urine gets decomposed into ammonia by the action of
bacteria. So, it smells strongly of ammonia.
Related Theory
 T
 he purpose of making urine is to filter out waste products from the blood. Nitrogenous
waste such as urea or uric acid are removed from blood in the kidneys.

24. (A) X stands for air

 edium 2 is rarer as the refracted ray bends away from the normal. ∠r
(B) M
> ∠i also indicates that the refracted ray bends away from the normal.

25. (A) Given, Charge (q) = 2C, Voltage (V1) = 118, Voltage (V2) = 128V
DV = V2 – V1 = 128 – 118 = 10V
Using formula W = qDV
W =10 × 2 = 20J
Hence, work done in moving a charge of 2C from a point of 118V to a point
of 128 V is 20J.

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26. The primary cause of presbyopia is ageing or odd age. The power of
accommodation of the eye decreases with ageing. The defect presbyopia
arises due to gradual weakening of the cilialy muscles and diminishing
flexibility of the eye lens. In this case the old person cannot read and write
comfortably. That is why presbyopia is also called old sight. To correct
presbyopia, the old person has to use spectacles with a convex lens of
suitable focal length or power.

27. (A) It turns yellow due to formation of lead
oxide and reddish brown fumes evolve.
(B) Thermal decomposition reaction.
(C) 2Pb(NO3)2 Heat → 2PbO + 4NO2 + O2

28. (A) If we want minimum current,

we will connect the resistors in series.
R1 = 5 Ohms; R2 = 10 Ohms
When connected in series,
R = R1 + R2
R = 10 + 5 = 15 Ohms
V = 6V
V 6
Therefore, I= = 0.4 A
R 15
(B) If we want maximum current we will connect them in parallel,
When the resistors are connected in parallel
1 = 1 + 1
R R1 R 2
R1 ×R 2
R = R +R = 50
1 2 15
= 3.33 Ohms
Therefore, I = V = 6
R 3.33
= 1.801 A
31/1/1 6
(A) T
 his metal is sodium. This metal is extracted from sodium chloride by
electrolytic reduction of molten sodium chloride. This metal gets depos-
ited at negatively charged electrode or cathode whereas chlorine is liber-
ated at positively charged electrode or anode. The reactions involved are:
At cathode: Na+ + e– → Na
At anode: 2Cl– → Cl2 + 2e–
(B) When ore is heated in the absence of air, it is known as calcination.
For example,
ZnCO3 → ZnO + CO2.
Whereas, heating of ore in the presence of air is known as roasting.
For example,
2ZnS+3O2 → 2ZnO+2SO2

29. (A) pH of solution A = 6

pH of solution B = 8
(i) S
 olution A will have the higher hydrogen ion concentration.
Related Theory
 We know that the pH of any solution is inversely proportional to the hydrogen ion
concentration. This means that the solution that has lower pH number will have the higher
hydrogen ion concentration.
(ii) Also solution A is acidic and solution B is basic because H+ ion concentration is
higher in acidic solution.
(B) M
 ixing an acid or base with water results in decrease in concentration
of ions (H3O+/OH–) per unit volume. Such process is called dilution and
the acid or base is said to be diluted. The process of dissolving an acid or
a base in water is a highly exothermic reaction.
30. (A) Cells of root are in close contact with soil and so actively take up ions.
The ion concentration increases inside the root and hence osmotic
pressure increases the movement of water from the soil into the root
which occurs continuously.
(B) T
 he bile salts breakdown the fat present in the food into smaller glob-
ules. This increases the efficiency of enzymes in the small intestine to
digest the food effectively.
31. (A) Y
 es, a convergent lens becomes divergent when the refractive index of
the medium is greater than the refractive index of material of lens.
(B) f1 = + 10 cm
f2 = – 5 cm
1 = 1+1
f f f

1 2
1 = 1
+ 1
f +10 (–5)
31/1/1 7 P.T.O.
= 1 – 1 = 1 – 2 = –1
10 5 10 10
f = – 10 cm.
1 = –1
f 10
f = 10 cm
Power, P = 1
P = (in cm)

P = –100
= – 10 D
(C) Here, size of image / size of object = n
In case of concave mirror, if image is real then it must be inverted
m = – n = –v

m=n= v
From mirror formula
1+1 = 1
v u f
1+ u = f

or 1+ 1 = u
n f

or u = (n – 1) f

32. (A) M
 athematical expression for Joule’s law of Heating:
H = I2Rt
Joule’s law of heating implies that heat produced in a resistor is:
(i) directly proportional to the square of Current.
(ii) directly proportional to the resistance for a given current.
(iii) directly proportional to the time for which current flows through the
(B) Given, Q = 96000 C.
t = 2h
V = 40 V
Current I = Q
31/1/1 8
I = 96000
(  1 hour = 60 × 60)
I= 3 A

by applying Ohm's law, we can calculate resistance

R= V

R = 40 × 3 = 3Ω
heat Produved H = I2Rt
H =  40  ×3×2×60×60
 
 3 

40 × 40 ×3×2×60×60
3 3
3,840,000 J
or 3840 kJ
The heat produced is 3840 kJ
Alternate method:
H = Power × Time
 Q
= V ×I×t =V ×  ×t

= V × Q = 40 × 96000J
= 3840000J
= 3840kJ
Related Theory
 The heating effect of electric current is utilised in:
(I) Working of electrical heating devices such as electric kettle, electric iron, toaster, over etc.
(II) Electric bulbs for producing light.
(III) electric fuse for protecting household wiring and electrical appliances

33. (A)Given, Charge (q) = 2C, Voltage (V1) = 118, Voltage (V2) = 128V
DV = V2 – V1 = 128 – 118 = 10V
Using formula W = qDV
W = 10 × 2 = 20J
Hence, work done in moving a charge of 2C from a point of 118V to a point
of 128 V is 20J.

31/1/1 9 P.T.O.
34. When strip of copper are added to ferrous sulphate solution taken in a
beaker, no change is observed.
On adding strips of aluminium to ferrous sulphate solution taken in anoth-
er beaker, we observe that the greenish colour of ferrous sulphate solution
starts fading and it becomes colourless after about an hour.
Reaction taking place is displacement reaction as iron is displaced by alu-
minium in ferrous sulphate solution which leads to the formation of alu-
minium sulphate and iron is separated out.
Equation of the reaction taking place is:
2Al + 3FeSO4 → 3Fe + Al2(SO4)3
Aluminium Ferrous Iron Aluminium
sulphate sulphate
The water of crystallisation gives the crystals of the salts their shape and
colour. For example, the presence of water of crystallisation in copper sul-
phate crystals imparts them blue colour and crystalline shape.
Heat a few crystals of CuSO4.5H2O which are blue in colour in a dry boiling
On heating, the blue copper sulphate crystals turn white and a powdery
substance is formed. Tiny droplets of water are seen in the boiling tube.
CuSO4.5H2O → CuSO4 + 5H2O
Cool the boiling tube and add 2-3 drops of water on the white copper sul-
phate powder. The crystals of copper sulphate again become blue in colour.
CuSO4 + 5H2O → CuSO4.5H2O

A pair of tongs
Boiling tube
Water droplets
Copper sulphate crystals


Removing Water of Crystallisation

35. (A) Diagram of longitudinal section of a bisexual flower is drawn below:

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Stigma Anther




The female reproductive organs are ovary, style and stigma. Their functions
are mentioned below:
Ovary: It is the swollen bottom part of the pistil and contains ovules which
has the female gamete, the egg cell.
Style: A pollen tube grows out of the pollen grain and travels through the
style, which is the middle part of the pistil, to reach the ovary.
Stigma: It is the terminal part of the pistil and may be sticky and on which
the pollen grains are deposited.
When adrenaline is released into the bloodstream, our bodies react in a va-
riety of ways.
(1) When it reaches the heart, it beats faster to give our muscles more ox-
ygen. Because the diaphragm and rib muscles contract, the breathing
rate increases even more.
(2) It also increases blood pressure and allows more glucose into the blood-
stream. All of these responses work together to help our bodies to han-
dle emergency situations.
(3) When adrenaline is secreted into the blood, it prepares our body for ac-
tion. It causes the heart to beat faster so that more oxygen reaches the
(4) The blood supply to the digestive system and skin is reduced due to the
contraction of muscles around the small arteries and blood is diverted
to our skeletal muscles.
(5) The breathing rate increases because of contractions of the diaphragm
and rib muscles. All these responses help the individual to get ready to
deal with emergency situation.

36. (A) The parts are iris and pupil.

Between the cornea and the lens we have a muscular diaphragm called iris,
in which a small hole is present which is called pupil.
Iris is the coloured part that we see in the eye. The size of the pupil varies
with the help of iris. In dim light, the size of the pupil increases with the
help of Iris, so that more light enters the eye. While in bright light, the size
of the pupil decreases, so that less light enters the eye.

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In other words, when the light is dim, iris expands the pupil and when the
light is bright, Iris contracts the pupil.
(B) R
 etina is a thin membrane with large number of sensitive cells. When
image is formed at retina, light sensitive cells gets activated and gen-
erate electrical signal. These signals are sent to brain via optic nerve.
Brain analyses these signals after which we perceive objects as they are.
(C) Following methods may be opted:
(1) By advertising through various sources
(2) Start awareness program.

37. (A) T
 he reaction rate is fastest at the start in the flask. As the magnesium is
used up, the rate of reaction falls as seen in the graph. At time interval
between 4-5 minutes and beyond, the reaction has stopped as all the
magnesium has been used up.
(B) S tatements P, Q and R all are correct as heating the acid in the flask
means increasing the temperature which results in increasing the rate
of reaction in the flask. Higher concentration of acid also increases the
rate of reaction in the flask as more hydrogen ions would be available.
(C) T he reaction rate will increase and therefore, the volume of hydrogen
formed at 2 minutes will be higher. The reaction rate also increases as
the surface area of Mg powder is more than the ribbon.
38. (A) F
 1 progenies of tall plants with round seeds and short plants with
wrinkled seeds will be tall plants with rounded seeds.
Parents : TTRR × ttrr
Gametes TR tr

F1 TtRr
(Tall plant with rounded seeds)
(B) Recessive triats are short and wrinkled as they will be expressed only
when present in homozygous state.
(C) When F1 progeny i.e. TtRr is allowed to self pollinate, the ratio and the
type of new combinations of plants obtained in F2 progeny will be (Tall
plants with wrinkled seeds) : 3 (Short plants with round seeds) : 1 (Short
plants with wrinkled seeds).

39. (A) M
 agnetic field lines determine both the direction and the relative
strength of the magnetic field.
(B) Magnetic field lines would be on all the planes around the magnet.

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31/1/1 13 P.T.O.

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