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Engfoh Workbook (22 10 1)

. C t the following sentences into Assertive sentenc

4 1 Sample Exercises: onver I
a) . How kind of him to help the poor man.
.u .~ ~··· · .
~.. .
.. 1. JJ.M .. Ju.Jvlr:rt..J.. ~ fY1.lvl .
* . . . . . . . . ·. .
Give me a cup of ten.

lA ~ CJ.J»p. ~
~)·er- ~ ~-e· tJ,ey. wi~c et~~ugh ~~ submit the proposal?
.-~ .w:u..-~ --~ .Ju..i v.Armlr .::ft-L ~
d) . mat a pleasant surprise!

n~a.. ~ .. ~ .J.'#.tfW.'s.~...... ..
~)· ~h~ manager discuss all the issues with you?
· · Doe~

1.4.2 Imperative sentences 1

lmperati,•e sentences are requests, suggestions, advice or commands. They often appear to
be missing subjects and use a base form of verb to begin the sentence. In fact, the subject is
the person listening or the audience.
Example: Bring me a glass of water.
1.4.2 Sample Exercises: Convert the following imperative sentences to assertive.

a) Please be quiet in the library .

..Ya.v.. .~ --~ -~~ei. .. Jo.& .., Ji1~Ah,.

b) Close the door. ·- --- ..,.,,.v;}

.. xOJ..>. ..~
Don't be so rude to him . ...

..X~..-~ -.N.r:.rt ..4 .~ :tr:,.~

d) Go to office and start the work .

. .)(.Qu.J.~ ~-.~ ¼.-~ ~u. .-~ S+c/lT-ftv. ~

0 . '
Sample Exercises: Convert the following assertive sentences into impe t·
a) You have to attend the seminar. ra ave.

-~ -~ --~ ~ -·- ·········· · ··

b) You must keep quiet. · · · ··

....!Cup.qjv.J .ei:-: ..... .... ....... ... ...... ............. ..

c) You do'h' t go there.

....DClJ'> '. f .~ -~ .... .............. .. ..... ... ...

d J You should come on time .

.. .~ .C¼il~ . '.' . . ... ' . . . . . ... ....... . . ' .... .

Maharashtra State Board of Techni cal [ ducation

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'\ English Workbook (221 OJ )
~ ' e) You must complete the assigned work in time.
~ .Y.dtu-... .~ .v !.~o~~~L4: __ b _ -r.rv. . _ . . J.
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1.4.3 lnterro2ative Sentence
An interro~ative_sentence is a type of sentence that asks a question. They are typically
~ ,\ marked by mvers1on o~ the subject and predicate: that is, the first verb in a verb phrase
~"' \ appears before the SUbJect. The sentence always ends with a question mark (?) .
Example: Why don ' t many people follow traffic rules?
t~ \
1.4.3 Sample Exercises: T ransform the followin g interrogative sentences to assertive.
t~, a) Did you pay th e bill?
~ PQ·n.t.~ -bjJJ.. _... .... ..... .
i; ..____:) b) Are you ready to leave?

'- ------~
~)···!.'~~ -~~~ ~ ~.J .
.. .TL >.t . -~ .we.± -~ -.;:M-~ -.Jiv. ~
~~ d) .. . -~ o doesn ' t know him?

~ ----J
Sample Exercises: Convert the following assertive sentences to interrogative.
~.. __") a) He will never learn manners .

G- ~ ..\i-rVJ.1:-e..t'l.<Vt .. -~ --~ .7.....

~ ---':) b) The workers are not going on strike.
ti-- :>
.. ~ .& .VflJl'J}-~ y.,A2d .~~~ ~
b -- -,
c) The production unit was equi pped w ith the latest machi neries.
G- -:,

c- ~

t - -:; d) The guest arrived late for the fu nction .

t-- -:, .J1~cl1:i.,.'+. .~ ~ -..Alvv~~ -~ -~ Jtv.- -lv..d-, W\ ~

f '- ~ e) Ananya doesn ' t refuse to talk with her fri ends.

t ~

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:, 1.4.4 E.xcJamatory Sen tences
An ex clamatory sentence. or exclamation. is a more forceful ve rsion of a
~ declarative sentence. In other words. an exclamatory sentence makes a statement but it also
conveys excitement or emotion. An exclamatory sentence ends with an exclam atio n mark(!).
I . ~

, - ~
Maharashtra St.ate Board of Technical Educanon 11

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l(xnmplc: Whnt o plcasunt surpri se it is !
1.4.4 Snmpl~ Exercise: Trnnsform the following excla mator y sentences to as serttve

u) I low big thut mango tn.:c is!

.n:w f ~ .. ~ .._k.~ lr; ►

b) 0
What a beautiful picture it is!
-r+,. ~~
.. ~IT_ -~ .U . . . .~
. . ·'f!""·vv '<.
c) Hur~ c have wont e match .

.T±.0J . ~ ..-~~ -~ \JNiSV\+0 l'YW:f-rA j

d) Yf ol{f
1~ere a king!

.. -..l.Y'f:l' ...s.h...~~ 4 . . _l (1J ~ .......

Sample Exercise: Conv ert the following asser tive sente nces into exclam
a) It is very fine weath er today.

b) It is joyfu l that T won a lottery .

.l ~ .~.I~ o...~ .. L •• •• • •.••••. ..

c) It is sad that I could not qualif y the comp etitio n.

~ . I. .I .~/' ,/C J.T .~~<F.~ .~ ~a,,,

d) He is a ve.r y noble man.

e) You seem to be much upset.

··~ ·~ ·~ .'5~ .. Jo.~.'. ..

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l . . , ,ce \1'
In gramm ar, tense is a cate o refere nce with r
refe. eI . ,..
g ry t lat expre sses tune
moment of speak ing · Tenses are usual • .• • . . 0 1 ,,
ly ·.e:
. man1iested bv the use ot soec1hc tonn~ .. ,,

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