DCET - IT Skills - Design and Develpment Web Pages Practice MCQs and Key Ans

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(TTT Publications Book Questions)

1. What is CSS?
a) CSS is a style sheet language
b) CSS is designed to separate the presentation and content, including layout, colors, and fonts
c) CSS is the language used to style the HTML documents
d) All of the mentioned

2.Which of the following tag is used to embed css in html page?

a) <css>
b) <!DOCTYPE html>
c) <script>
d) <style>

3. Which of the following CSS selectors are used to specify a group of elements?
a) tag
b) id
c) class
d) both class and tag

4. Which of the following has introduced text, list, box, margin, border, color, and background
b) PHP
c) CSS
d) Ajax

5. Which of the following CSS framework is used to create a responsive design?

a) django
b) rails
c) larawell
d) bootstrap

6. Which of the following CSS selector is used to specify a rule to bind a particular unique
a) tag
b) id
c) class
d) both class and tag
7. Which of the following type of HTML tag is used to define an internal style sheet?
a) <script>
b) <link>
c) <class>
d) <style>

8. Which of the following CSS property is used to make the text bold?
a) text-decoration: bold
b) font-weight: bold
c) font-style: bold
d) text-align: bold

9. Which of the following CSS style property is used to specify an italic text?
a) style
b) font
c) font-style
d) @font-face

10. Which of the following are the CSS Extension Prefixes for Webkit?
a) -chrome
b) -web
c) -o-
d) -webkit

11. Which of the following is the correct syntax to link an external style sheet in the HTML file?
a) <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”style.css” />
b) <link rel=”stylesheet” src=”style.css” />
c) <style rel=”stylesheet” src=”style.css” />
d) <style rel=”stylesheet” link=”style.css” />

12.Which of the following CSS property can be used to set the image as a border instead of the
border style?
a) background-image-source
b) background-image
c) border-image-source
d) border-image

13. Which of the following CSS property defines the different properties of all four sides of an
element’s border in a single declaration?
a) border-collapse
b) border-width
c) padding
d) border
14. Which of the following is the correct way to apply CSS Styles?
a) in an external CSS file
b) inside an HTML element
c) inside the <head> section of an HTML page
d) all of the mentioned

15. Which of the following CSS property sets the font size of text?
a) font-size
b) text-size
c) text
d) size

16. Which of the following is not the property of the CSS box model?
a) margin
b) color
c) width
d) height

17. Which of the following CSS property specifies the look and design of an outline?
a) outline-style
b) outline-format
c) outline-font
d) none of the mentioned

18. Which of the following CSS property is used to set the color of the text?
a) text-decoration
b) pallet
c) colour
d) color

19. Which of the following CSS property is used to specify table borders in CSS?
a) table:border
b) table
c) border
d) none of the mentioned

20. Which of the following CSS property defines the space between cells in a table?
a) border-spacing
b) border-style
c) border
d) none of the mentioned

21. What is HTML?

a) HTML describes the structure of a webpage
b) HTML is the standard markup language mainly used to create web pages
c) HTML consists of a set of elements that helps the browser how to view the content
d) All of the mentioned

22. Who is the father of HTML?

a) Rasmus Lerdorf
b) Tim Berners-Lee
c) Brendan Eich
d) Sergey Brin

23. HTML stands for __________

a) HyperText Markup Language
b) HyperText Machine Language
c) HyperText Marking Language
d) HighText Marking Language

24. Which of the following is used to read an HTML page and render it?
a) Web server
b) Web network
c) Web browser
d) Web matrix

25. Which of the following tag is used for inserting the largest heading in HTML?
a) head
b) <h1>
c) <h6>
d) heading

26. In which part of the HTML metadata is contained?

a) head tag
b) title tag
c) html tag
d) body tag

27. Which element is used to get highlighted text in HTML5?

a) <u>
b) <mark>
c) <highlight>
d) <b>

28.Which of the following is not a HTML5 tag?

a) <track>
b) <video>
c) <slider>
d) <source>
29. Which of the following is not the element associated with the HTML table layout?
a) alignment
b) color
c) size
d) spanning

30. Which HTML tag is used to insert an image?

a) <img url=”htmllogo.jpg” />
b) <img alt=”htmllogo.jpg” />
c) <img src=”htmllogo.jpg” />
d) <img link=”htmllogo.jpg” />

31. URL is ___________

a) web address
b) source code
c) user’s address
d) an attribute

32. ASCII is _____________

a) 6-bit character set
b) 7-bit character set
c) 9-bit character set
d) 3-bit character set

33. A DNS client is called _________

a) DNS updater
b) DNS resolver
c) DNS handler
d) none of the mentioned

34.DNS database contains _______

a) name server records
b) hostname-to-address records
c) hostname aliases
d) all of the mentioned

35. The domain name system is maintained by _______

a) distributed database system
b) a single server
c) a single computer
d) none of the mentioned

36. Each cell of the table can be represented by using __________

a) <tr>
b) <td>
c) <th>
d) <thead>

37. For heading we can use ____________

a) <td>
b) <tr>
c) <thead>
d) <th>

38. Headings of table lies inside ___________

a) <thead>
b) <tfoot>
c) <th>
d) <tbody>

39 .Which of the following is not the element associated with HTML table layout?
a) size
b) spanning
c) alignment
d) color

40. Which of the following element is not associated with a class attribute?
a) Row
b) <thead>
c) Column cell
d) Rows

41. For adding caption to the table we use ____________

a) <caption>
b) <thead>
c) <th>
d) <tr>

42. border-spacing is given in _____________

a) pixels
b) cm
c) mm
d) inch

43.Borders can’t be applied on ________________

a) <th>
b) <td>
c) <tr>
d) <thead>
44. Which attribute defines numbers of columns in a group?
a) width=multi-length[CN].
b) span=number[CN].
c) scope=scope-name[CN].
d) headers=idrefs[CS].

45 Which of the following does not specify a column width?

a) Fixed
b) Percentage
c) Proportional
d) Pixels

46. A ______ Web page contains controls with which the user can interact.
a) Static
b) Dynamic
c) Server
d) Client

47. A button’s _______ event is used to run code.

a) OnClick
b) onclick
c) Click
d) click

48.The ______ validator is used to compare an entry with a constant value or the property stored
in a control.
a) Compare Validator
b) Range Validator
c) Required Field Validator
d) Validation Summary

49. To make text appear around image ______ section is used.

a) Wrapping style
b) Text style
c) Image properties
d) Align

50. A Rendering engine is not responsible for ________

a) parsing the markup content (HTML)
b) parsing style information (CSS, XSL, and so on)
c) generating a visual presentation of the formatted content including media files referenced
d) parsing style information (CSS only)

51. Firefox uses _________ rendering engine.

a) WebKit
b) Gecko
c) Trident
d) Presto

52. Which of the following is used to read a HTML page and render it?
a) Web browser
b) Web server
c) Web matrix
d) Web network

53. What is the use of “defer” attribute?

a) It defers rendering of html page
b) It defers script execution until the page has been rendered
c) It defers rendering of css attributes
d) It is only for internal scripts

54 Which of the following statements is false?

a) async and defer attributes of script tag execute before the DOMContentLoaded event
b) defer executes each script sequentially
c) async executes each script when it is ready
d) all older browsers supports async attribute

55 Which of the following is not a web server?

a) Apache tomcat
b) BlueGriffon
c) Jetty
d) Tornado

56 Which of the following interface is not supported by LightTPD?

a) FastCGI
d) CGI

57 Which of the following is not a prepackaged server stack?


58Which of the following is not a channel of mozilla?

a) Firefox
b) Firefox alpha
c) Firefox Beta
d) Firefox Aurora

59Which of the following are automatically loaded and operates as a part of browser?
a) Add-ons
b) Plug-ins
c) Utilities
d) Widgets

60 The ______ validator is used to verify that control contains data verify that an entry passes the
specified validation logic.
a) Compare Validator
b) Range Validator
c) Custom Validator
d) Validation Summary

61. URL stands for?

a. Universal Research List
b. Universal Resource List

c. Uniform Resource Locator

d. Uniform Research Locator

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