Literary Analysis (Feminist Criticism) - Angelica A. Garcia

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Approaching "A Thousand Splendid Suns" from a feminist perspective opens up a window into
the lives of Afghan women facing tough challenges. In the story, Mariam and Laila, the main characters,
deal with the tough stuff that comes with being a woman in Afghanistan. They live in a place where
people expect women to act in certain ways, and these expectations limit their choices and dreams.

Mariam, born outside of marriage, carries the weight of society's judgment. Laila, even though
she dreams big, faces the harsh realities of a society that doesn't give women many chances. The mean
character, Rasheed, represents the unfair power men can have over women. His controlling and hurtful
actions show how women often suffer in a society where men call the shots.

Yet, amidst all this, the friendship between Mariam and Laila shines as a powerful part of the
story. Their bond becomes a symbol of women supporting each other despite the tough circumstances.
"A Thousand Splendid Suns" gives us a close look at the difficulties women face, but it also shows their
strength and courage. Through the characters, the book tells a story of women finding power in their
connection, breaking free from stereotypes, and standing up against the limits placed on them.

Submitted by: GARCIA, ANGELICA A.


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