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ISLA SOMBRERO NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Poblacion, Aborian, Palawan PLANNING WORKSHEET FOR ACCESS AND QUALITY ‘DEPED LEARNING | INTERMEDIATE | PRIORITY IMPROVEMENT | GENERAL OBJECTIVES ROOT CAUSE STAGE ‘ouTCOMES, AREAS [School enreiment rate not] Increased enrolment rate every | Wansfr of residency, cildlabor, 201, Leamers are in| consistent school year financial problem school and inthe: learning enters 103. Leamer's enjoy | Physical facies To repair 75% of makeshih Baling learner frendiy rade of light materials Sehoolfundis not enough | 232 | 202 | 2025 JUNIOR HS To increas the functional tole and GRADE ?-10 hand washing faites of the schoo! TO’. Learners acivel | 25% ofthe students population | To atain 75% responsive leamers partipate in their | donot do their learning task on | who can do task on time ack of interest/ motivation | 82 | 282 | 2028 leatningenvionment | ime | 305. Learners attain 6 out of 10 students con't| Strengthen motivational {ack of nterest/ mativaton T leamingstondards | master the lesson/_lering | technique, teaching stratepes of zon | aon standards the learners | Tow literacy ratein English | To decreased the number of G7 “Lack oFinterest/ motivation frustration PLANNING WORKSHEET FOR GOVERNANCE | DEPED INTERMEDIATE PRIORITY GENERAL | OUTCOMES IMPROVEMENT AREA OBJECTIVE/S ROOT | CAUSE/S TO: kducatonaders nd manages pracice | Schoolenrimentrateis | Toatain atleast 2% | Parents source oficome most af portcpaie andincasve management | which below the dion tet. |inceaseinenromentate | themare fermen process ‘by the end of S¥.2021- 2022 _ Independent level in reading Toattain atleast 3% | which istelow. increasein independent | Lackofstudentsinerestin | 202 | 2022 | 2023 reading byte endo reading 2202 | |_| ‘AI dossoomi fave no|To purcase set of solor 1 | funciona! instructional meia| pone! and battery for| Limtedfundsavaoleandno | 2621 | 2022 2023 3 proper vntation insutonl med sued tlecrcty | as televson and | projector | 2 makeshift dasiroom need major repair and faculty office To have major repair 2 dassroom and fealty United funds avaliable programs need msorrepir ofc fr enon WO lerralaytem and proces neededior | Thetwodlssoonsneed | Tohaveconducie Not enough funds | ae | HORE | OS cominuousimpeoverentin piace resirand maintenance dlasrooms RepirfSeheocereen | Conduc/Repar for good wat | maa a delveryof aod nd Not enough funds servers TR Growing noriber of wakeoldersacvely | _fnaverage of 75% nurberof | Encourage at ast 10% } paricipateandcolaborate convergence | PTA homeroom ofcesareacve| aftendence/partcistion on | 202 am ‘mechanisms at all levels ‘in school activities ‘of homeroom PTA officers Availability of free time | inschol cvs and

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