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ation of Linear Momentum and — f Energy 54, Two trains A and B are running in the same direction on parallel rails such that ‘A’ is faster than ‘B’. Packets of equal weight are transferred between them. What will happen due to this? (a) A will be accelerated but B will be retarded. (b) B will be accelerated but A will be retarded. (c) There will be no change in A but B will be accelerated. (d) There will be no change in B, but A will be accelerated. 58, Two men of mases 80 ky and 60 kg are standing on wood plank of mas 100 kg that his ben paced over smooth surface, If both the men stat moving toa ach ther with speeds 1 mvs and 2 me respectively. ‘The velocity ofthe plank by which it starts moving is Woke (Sots asi 0) 2 ot et : 6 Jae eusipe 2 (© Bas mt 56, A block of muss m, = 2k sis on frictionless able with speed of 10m. In oat oft, ancher lock of mass im, = 5 ky is moving with speed 3 ms in the same ietion. A masses sping of spring constant k= 1120 [Nim is atached on the Backside of m, as shown. The maximum compression ofthe sprig in cm when the blocks callie is nf im [25 (@ 250m () 10cm (25cm @ Sem 57. A man js standing ona cart of mass double the mass of ‘the’ man nity eat sat rest onthe smooth growed Now maa jumps wi rave veloty hae teva ght pct ca The wn fee san dig te proces of jumping i () mo? om _ 2 om om smooth circular track of mass 8 Moss 2m i ep 09 eas oe “tch ep on moh orzo cant vack piven onto velo toads et sessed The mimo big reached by 2m will = o © 59, A gun fies a shell and recoils horizontally. Ifthe shell ‘uals slong the bal with speed v, the ratio of speed ‘with which the gun recoils if) the barrel i horizoatal (inclined at an angle of 30° with horizontal is, @i © 4 B 8 2 60, A block of mass Mf = 2 kg with a semicircular track of radius = 1.1 m rests on a horizontal frictionless surface. A uniform cylinder of radius r = 10 em and sass m= 1.0 kg is released from rest from the top point ‘4 The cylinder slips on the semicircular fictoness teack, The speed of the block when the cylinder reaches the bottom ofthe rack a Bis (g= 10 as!) re@4 po 1 © oF (a) 30m towards right (©) 20m toward ight (©) 30m towards eft () 2mistowards et 2. A cannon shell moving long a stight line bursts into two pats. Just after te burst oe par moves with ‘momentum 40 Ns making an angle 30° with the oil line of motion. The minimim momentum ofthe set par of shell jut after the bursts @) ONS () 10Ns (@20Ns () 1732s (63, A man and a plank of the same mas are moving with 4 velocity v along positive axis. At the same time ‘man jumps along negative xis witha velocity» with respect ground, then the sped of the plan i wes =e cf = Omnis @y o>» © (@) none of these (64, Two particles A and B star moving duet thee mutual Ieriction only. If at any time ¢, dy and dye thei respective acceleration, Hy and are ther respective ‘velocities, and up to that ime W, and W, are the work done on A and B respectively by the mutal force, 'm, and m, ae their masses respectively, then which of the following is always comet. (2) 1g4%p=0 0) mata tmpiy =0 © W+W,=0 — @) Hy tag=0 (6, Four particles A,B, Cand D of equal masses are placed atthe comers of square. They move with goal uniform speed V towards the intersection ofthe diagonals. After collision, A. comes to rest, B traces its path back with same speed and C and D move with equal velocities in same direction, What is the velocity of C after collision: w ¥ () 2 o® ot wy segue ial Peace eran ta seca eather Seema gue se ttt Sots = fa o(s) 9G} of) «() 67. A loaded spring gun, inially a rest on a horizontal fretionles surface fies a mabe of mass m at an angle of elevation @, The mass of the gun is M, that ofthe ‘marble sm and the muzzle velocity ofthe marble is then velocity ofthe gun just afer he fing is: ») ™ ‘mvp 0080 @ @ mas fo mrseoso ce 2900820 Mm cars (68, Two shatersA and B, bothof mass 70g, are approaching ‘one another over a frictionless fixed surface, each with speed of I mis with respect to the surface, A caries a bowling ball of mass of 10 kg Both skates can tow the ball at Sis relative to themselves. To avoid collision {hey start throwing the ball back and forth when they are 10m apart. How many minimum numberof throws are required? @t Os 3 4 ©. Apanicl is projected at an angle of 5°, After | second, ‘breaks ino two equal pats. One pat stops and other ‘art attain the height of 20 m ate the breaking of the Particle. Find the velocity of projection (g = 10 mi (@) 20s (b) 202 mis, ©) 102 mis (@) 1S mis 70, Inernal forces acting within a system of particles can alee (@) The kinetic energy ofthe system, bat not the linear ‘momentum of the system (6) The linear momentum of the system, but not the kinetic energy of the system by re (©) The kinetic energy as well asthe linear momentum ‘ofthe system (@) Neither the kinetic energy norte linear momentum ofthe system n. A panicle of mass m moving with velocity v, strikes a smooth wedge of mass M After collision the ball starts ‘up moving an inclined plane and raises to height‘. Then (2) Parce is at rest wt. ground | (®) Both parce and wedge are atest wr, ground 0) As it moves up, KE. of ceaue of mass does not ‘remain constant (@ Allie above ae moe 72. A wooden block of mass 0.9 kg is suspended from the ceiling ofa room by thin long wires. A bullet of mass 0.1 kg moving horizontally with a speed of 10 ms" ssrikes te lock and sticks oi. What i the eight 10 hic the block rises? 1 © 5m 1 o5n @ 10m projectile moving at a speed of 60 mise ait highest ‘breaks into two equal pats due to an intemal © 106F msec earangements shown in gure mases of cach ball and mas of oly i 4. In the gre sell ig moving horzonally with velocity» = 6 colds with the ball and get stuck then its deflection ofthe dead (length 15m) with 75, A small cube of mass m slides down a circular path gp radi R cot int a lage block of mass M3 ret on {able and both blocks move without fiction. The bla, inialy area rest and m starts from the tp ofthe pay ‘The velocity v of the cube ait leaves the Block is, 2gR @ 1+ Fp SER t+ fF ° 76. Two backs of masses m, smrng of constant K These tnd the systems released work don by sprig on the W, respectively by tine at time‘? ae non-zero, SADDAM NE eee Conservation of Linear Momentum and Mechanical Energy 54(b) 55.0) 56-(@) 57. 58.0) 59.00) .@)_— GEL) 20 6. thy 65.) 66.4) 67.) BH). TO.) LO T2.@) 73.) FAG) S1@)) 16 Oh - 17-©) 78)

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