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Linear Momentum and Impulse 44. Which one of the following statements is not true? (a) The same force for the same time causes the same change in momentum for different bodies. (b) The rate of change of momentum of a body is direct- ly proportional to the applied force and takes place in the direction in which the force acts. (c) A greater opposing force is needed to stop a heavy body than a light body in the same time, if they are moving with the same speed. (d) The greater the change in the momentum in a given time, the lesser is the force that needs to be applied. séenly disintegrates imo 0 pai, 45 Apaniloa rs wich stat moving: THe Fare of equal masses veins rctn wh a et : ae & scree et {8 oven ponte etn wit en Pe process: ) | dle 48, radioactive nce intl at ret (gs eleton and neutron at right angles to one ‘The momentum ofthe elecon i 32 10 gms ad the momentum of neutron is 6.4 x 10 kgmisee. The Giecton ofthe eolng cleus with that oe elexca ‘motion is (@) x-tan'(@2) © tan") © tan (05) @ Fruita 49,_ A shells fired from a cannon with velocity v mis tar angle @ with the horizontal direction. Atte highest poit inits path itexplodes into two pices of equal mass. One ofthe pieces retraces its path tothe cannon and the sped inis ofthe other pice immediatly after the explosia (0) 3ve0s 0 (b 29608 8 > Fivcoso © Yoose ae 50, Three paicis 4, Band C of equal masses move with equal speeds v along the medians of an equilateral triangle. They collide atthe centeid 0 of the tangle. After colision 4 comes to rest while B retraces itspath with sped . The velocity of Cis then (@) niresion 04 (©) 2» diection 0 (©) 2 direction OB © vdirection BO st. Astellas 20g red by» gn of mas 100g. thomuzl ed ofthe 0m ten eee speed the gun is Dim () Beme @ sme (6) lems" {2.100 gu res bal of | orzo from li ‘ofheight 50m. falls nthe pound at dance of 00 tffom the boom ofthe cif The eal velo ofthe ganis Take 10ms) ( 02ms! ()04ms? @ 06ms (08m? 13 Ady of mas M at est explodes ino thee pees, two ‘fwich of mass Mi each are how off in pend irdeto with Velocities of mis and 4 vs espee- tively. Teh piece wllbetivown offwita velo of @ 1sms (@) 20m © 25m @ 30m 4 Able ised from a gun, The force onthe ballet is jvenby F= 600-2 101, were Fis in newton and {nsezonds. The force on the bullet becomes zero 000 a eves the bal, Wht ithe average impulse in pared othe bullet? (a) 9Ns () Ze (6) 09% (8) 18Ns 5 A parle moves inthe yplane under the action of 3 fore F sich atthe commponets ofits linear moment pat anytime fare p,= 2608p, 2 sin The angle be- tweeoFand p atime ris @) 90" oo © te (@) 30° |6, Figure shows the positon time (1 graph of one dimen- sional ration of body of mas 50 g. What isthe ime Interval bebwcen to consecutive impulses received by thebody? 0) 4 TONING ees was (6s () 4s (ss 7. Figure shows the position-time graph of 2 particle of ‘mass 4 ke. Let the force on the patel forr<0,0-<¢<4 5. 4 she Fi, Fyand Fy respectively. Then Sane neers MARR OAS © RR @ AAA ‘8. Inte figure given blow, the postonsime graph of atile of mass 0.1 KE 4m) shown, Theimpuleat= 2." (@) O2kg msec! 4 (©) -O2kgmsec! 4 (Gt kgmsec ae (6) -D4 kg mses 158, Nbody of kha ann speed Sms" A force acts on info sme ine in the dectio of metion The fore time raph shown niga. Te nal speedo the body is om (@ 9255 © Sms (©) 1425ms" 60. A forcestime graph for the shotion ofa body is shown inthe figure. The hangs inthe moments ofthe body between zero and 10sec is @ 20 (©) Skg avs © Stemi (@) 3g 61, 2 kg toy car can move slong an x ais. Graph shows farce Fy ating on theca which begins at res atime (0. The vlociy ofthe pail at = 10s: Fn @ -ims (©) 6Sims © -Lsims @ Bim (A panicle of mass ‘mand intally at rest is acted by @ force F= at, Newtons best representation of Frce-di- placement graph is o oO F (a) te (b) F F (©) SG @ 63. A 15 kg block is initially moving along a smooth hori- Zontal surface with a speed of v = 4 m/s to the left. It is acted by a force F, which varies in the manner shown. Determine the Velocity of the block at t= 15 seconds. “Th Given that, F = 40 cos (Z}. (a) 12.5 m/s (b) 8.5 m/s (c) 20 m/s (a) 9.5 m/s Linear Momentum and Impulse 44. (d) The greater the change in the momentum in a given time, the greater is the force that needs to be applied. 45.(c) AS Fog =0, hence 7+ P, = constant Because the system was at rest initially, hence P+ P,=0 or B,=-B or my,=—-m,¥, Because m, = mz hence ¥,=—% 46. (d) As Fx = 0, hence P, = constant or B+ By = constant Because nuclide was at rest before emission of o par- ticle, hence according to law of conservation of mo- _ mentum, B, + Py =0 Z 3. ne my OF Maiq MyVy=0 oF Iy=-— dy Ma Thus, ceparticle and the nucleus move in opposite di- rections. Further, as my >> mg, hence Vy >> Yv- le ae ay Suppose be the mss of ach piece, ying off er 40 et oe i fe pew 30 Ps) Thea 3m stems fe hid pee La 7 {ee velit of pee. Acortng gue. cos 8% mi, 3 sin O= ma! Lor 8= 45 ay 10r8=45° o¢ wr ee vst0V2 ms" (oto a 135 direction of exch one ‘(9 P= 324107 kes, P,= 64x10 kanis 30m Muzzle sped ofthe Recall eed ‘According tothe ve sign shows thatthe recoil spect of the gu wil Be ina direction oposite ttt ofthe shel 52. (0) Here, Mas ofthe gun, M= 100 kg Mase of the ball m= Ik Height ofthe ei, = 500m go 10ms? “Time taken by the all treach the ground is Ph, PXS00m 10, gions orignal distance éovered = ut 40=x10 ‘vere sthe velocity ofthe ball According ola of conservation of linear momen- tum, we et 0= My mu ve sign shows thatthe direction ve sign shows tha the direction of col of ‘53. (©) Momentum of ove piece ata Nope otter pe Mes ‘The third piece should also have the same momen- tum, Let its velocity bev, then sM_M 54 (0) P600-2«10" 1-0-5 1~3 10 see i (o0—2«10% nat ON xsee Jneost7 +28in1} asinti +2 081) Now, FBO ie,angle between Fand ps 90" '56,(a) Figure shows that slope of graph changes from postive to negative at = 2s, andi changes from Iegative to postive at = 4s and 9 on. Thus drec- tion of velocity is reversed afer evry two seconds Hence, the body must be rceving consecutive im poles afer every two seconds. (a) For <0 and ¢> 4, the poston of the particle isnot ‘hanging i the pre i at est So no ere is ct ing onthe pail at these intervals. For 0<1<4, the postin ofthe particle is con- tinwously changing. As the postion-time graph is stright line, the motion ofthe particle is uniform, 50 scceeration, a= 0, Hence no force acts onthe particle uring this interval aso. 58.) Velocity berween = Oand 2 see Velocity at =2ee, y= 0 Impulse = Change in momentum = m(~¥) 0.1(0-2)=-0.2 kg m see 59.(6) Impulse = Change in momentum = m(v;~¥) ‘Again impalse ~ Area between the graph and time naxds2nde der x05+2x25 4484 1625 +5= 18625 i) From i and (i,m v1) = 18.625 pel, HBS rans ldp=| Fat ‘4p = area under F graph dpa fxbxl-2085=3 ke mls 61.6) Sdp= pyr, = Area under the curve. {As momentum is postive, particle is moving along positive.x axis] 62. (a) F= arm = at; mdv = Jat ae ds_at® m= >m—=— ied ind 2 Jmds =f a1 Z os ” i R/O =—4 pet) =—125 ms t

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