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Activity 1

My 5 criteria for creating teaching excellence are:

The interactions that develop in the classroom between teachers and students as well as
between the students themselves are crucial. In order to nurture the growth of the
cooperation and collaboration abilities needed for learning, educators should support these
interactions. This will give students the essential skills they need to succeed outside of the
classroom. The relationship between the teacher and their students is crucial because only
then can the students feel at ease and start to trust the teacher (Levy, 2012).

Students who have positive relationships with their educators feel more connected to the
school and have a higher feeling of belonging, which motivates them to engage in more
activities. A sense of identity and improved academic success are both related to student
participation in learning and their relationship with the educator. The bond that forms
between an instructor and their students is crucial since it will help the students feel at ease
and gain their trust. In addition to providing a healthy learning environment wherein esteem
for others are valued, this relationship will promote successful learning since the students
will look up to the educator and want to get their approval. In order to preserve a sense of
connection inside the classroom context, educators must also "build supportive interactions
with parents and other members involved" (Department of Education, 2000:13).

The phrase "assessment" in education refers to the vast range of techniques or instruments
that teachers employ to assess, gauge, and record pupils' academic preparedness, learning
progress, skill development, or educational requirements. While tests are frequently
associated with assessments, particularly the standardized exams created by testing
companies and given to huge student populations, educators employ a wide range of
assessment tools and approaches to gauge most academic outcomes (S., 2017).
Assessments are frequently created to gauge particular aspects of learning, such as a
student's level of familiarity with the subject or skill the teacher plans to teach, or their
capacity to understand and evaluate a variety of texts and readings, much as academic
sessions serve varied purposes. Additionally, assessments help teachers determine the
strengths and limitations of each individual student so that they can offer specialized
academic assistance and educational material.

Assessments are a crucial way in teaching excellence as it provides the educator with the
best possible way to monitor learner progress and also for the educator to reflect on their
own practice if for example majority of the class are struggling with a certain section in the

"Learning through and from experiences toward getting new understanding of oneself and
practice" is what reflective practice entails (Finlay, 2008).
All teachers should use reflection as a methodical evaluation process since it enables you to
link one experience to the next and ensure that your pupils advance as much as possible.
A fundamental component of teaching and learning is reflection. Through "challenging
assumptions of everyday practice and critically evaluating practitioners' own responses to
practice circumstances," it seeks to increase your awareness of your own professional
knowledge and behavior (Finlay, 2008). Working with others is encouraged by the reflective
process since you may share best practices and rely on others for support. In the end,
reflection ensures that all students learn more successfully since learning may be
personalized for each student. Reflection is very important for educators to determine their
own strengths and weaknesses so that the delivery of the lesson works out all the better for
the students in your classroom, it also allows you to rectify any errors you have made, and it
can be used to monitor learner progress as well.

The manner the teacher relays or conveys the students' subject-matter knowledge is
referred to as mediation in the context of teaching and learning. This is crucial for
developing a productive learning environment since it is a requirement for inclusivity,
respect, and teamwork. It is important to present learning scenarios in an orderly,
sequential, engaging, and relevant manner to encourage students' emotional and active
participation in the processes. Therefore, in order to make the activities make sense, the
mediator must explain their purpose. He or she needs to talk about the value of tasks and
look for methods to make them more interesting (Jan., 2002).

In order to ensure that all students are given equal educational chances to reach their full
potential, it is essential that the educator has a thorough grasp of the various learning
barriers as well as knowledge of how to make accommodations for them. In addition to the
diversity of culture, language, and ancestry, educators must have a thorough awareness of
learning hurdles and how to make accommodations for them (Jan., 2002).

Lifelong learner
However, lifelong learning does not have to be limited to unstructured learning. It is best
described as voluntary and intended to bring about personal fulfillment. This could be
accomplished through informal or formal education.
By paying attention to the ideas and objectives that motivate us, it encourages us to better
our own quality of life and feeling of self-worth. It acknowledges that humans have a natural
desire to explore, learn, and grow (Dhaliwal, 2015).

Lifelong learning is viewed as a comprehensive approach to education that acknowledges

learning from various situations. The ability to continue learning throughout one's lifetime is
stressed, along with learning how to learn. In order to fully engage the brain, increase
physical activity, and maintain healthy social relationships, lifelong learning uses non-credit
academic courses, educational travel, and community service and volunteerism.

Activity 2.1
I am an educator with ambition a person who wants to continually improve myself and my
students. For my pupils, I serve as a positive role model who exhibits compassion, honesty,
understanding, accountability, punctuality, and a motivation to learn. I am able to stoke a
desire for further learning within students as well as within myself.

My motto to live by as an educator is, the subpar educator narrates. A skilled educator
explains. A good educator gives demonstrations, but the best educator inspires. And it is my
hope to always live by this motto and strive day by day to inspire every learner in my
classroom and ensure they become the best versions of themselves.

I want to become an educator because I enjoy the influence that one may have on students
and because I think I have the necessary skill, character, and approach to do so. I also want
to see myself being a good role model for kids by communicating with them, relating to
them, and attempting to comprehend their emotional world. The thing I enjoy most about
teaching is when I impart knowledge into the classroom and see the learners understand
and thrive from it, for me that is the most fulfilling thing about this profession. My vision as
an educator is to always be the best version of myself and to always want to continue to
learn and my goal is to never let a student down, to always try to inspire and be a role
model for all the learners in my class. I want teaching in my classroom to be informative yet
fun, a safe place to be in where learners can always be themselves and take as much
knowledge as possible from my lessons. I am a unique teacher because I focus on the well-
being of every student in my classroom, I treat my learners with the same respect I would
like to be treated with and I often integrate knowledge about life rather than just subject
content into my lessons.

Activity 2.2

Criteria 1: Relationships

The interactions that develop in the classroom between teachers and students as well as
between the students themselves are crucial. In order to nurture the growth of the
cooperation and collaboration abilities needed for learning, educators should support these
interactions. This will give students the essential skills they need to succeed outside of the
classroom. Additionally, by encouraging teamwork and collaboration among the students
and supporting the development of relationships among them, the students become more
conscious of those around them, as well as of their viewpoints, emotions, and ideas.
Additionally, students will esteem one another and respect one another's differences,
viewing them as strengths rather than liabilities (Spence, 2014).

A classroom code of behaviour, anti-bullying policies, and an environment where students

support one another all contribute to a pleasant learning environment. In a learning
environment, interaction between students is the norm and a crucial component of the
learning process that shapes students' behaviours of lifelong learning. Presently, diversity in
all aspects are present in the class within a South African teaching setting. Students have
preconceived notions about the racial, religious, and cultural backgrounds of those who will
be in their friend circle. It will be quite challenging to change each student's viewpoint on
equality and democracy in the classroom and to encourage them to develop relationships
with one another (Sparks, 2019).

My vision is to have a classroom where everything and everyone get along and build good
strong relationships ,however it is not always easy to achieve this I am a bit behind in
achieving this vision of mine as it takes a lot of time for students to build complete trust in a
new educator and immediately have a good, lasting relationship with them and that will
require some time to achieve my complete vision.

Effective learning environments are fostered by interconnected interactions based on a
strong teaching style. Furthermore, despite the diversity and distinctions among the
students, I want to utilize my classroom as a space for them to develop enduring and
positive interactions with each other that will lead to cooperation and peer-learning. I want
to make sure that students let go of their preconceived notions and assumptions about
students who are different in terms of ethnicity, culture, or physical impairments and
instead embrace those differences and see them as benefits in their learning (Sphero, 2020).
Therefore, I will include teamwork, collaboration, and establishing relationships into as
many facets of the teaching and learning process as I can in order to achieve my goal of
cultivating connections. My goal as an educator is also to build a solid foundation and
trusting relationship with the students in my classroom which will in turn boost learners’
confidence and hopefully their academic results as well as personal well-being.

Achieving this goal would impact extremely positively on learners learning and on teaching
practice as there would be a well-founded respect throughout the classroom which would
make for a very efficient and positive learning environment wherein learners would thrive
both mentally and academically.

This goal presents the challenge of learners having to learn to develop trust for their fellow
peers as well as the educator in the classroom which isn’t an easy thing to achieve, and it
would take quite a while to do so. Another emotional hurdle to achieving this aim is my
worry that I would upend existing friendships and peer groups. I worry that the students I
have placed together will not complement each other in the manner that peer learning will
not materialize, and the students will develop unhealthy sentiments towards one another
rather than develop relationships with them.

Mentoring and learning feedback
Feedback gives the educator and learner proof of current understanding and skill
advancement. The teacher might choose the following phases to plan in the learning
program by knowing the learner's progress and degree of achievement. It gives the learner
the opportunity to consider their study habits and confirm or modify them as necessary to
enhance their understanding. The progressive process of continuing learning and
assessment relies heavily on feedback (Spiller, 2022). Giving feedback on a regular basis can
significantly increase learning achievement. It entails the dissemination of knowledge
regarding many areas of comprehension and performance, and it can be done so
by educators, mentors, peers, oneself, and learners.

I will create a lesson feedback report, one for learners and one for supervisors in the
feedback report learners can determine their take on how the progress of my vision and
goal for the classroom is set out and with that it is a good way to monitor the progress of
what is happening.

By observing the classroom atmosphere in terms of how the students communicate to one
another, their empathy toward one another, in addition to the establishment of new and
significant friend groups, I will be able to reflect on how the students are developing
relationships with one another. But this objective creates an emotional hurdle for me
because I worry about upsetting current connections and social groups. I worry that the
students I have placed together will not complement one another in the sense that peer
learning will not occur, and the students will develop negative attitudes towards one
another rather than develop relationships with them.

To integrate technology into the classroom and my reflection I will use

( Teachers can build both personal and school blogs on the free
Wordpress blogging platform called Edublog. Users are assisted in mastering both technical
and pedagogical elements via Edublog's step-by-step tutorial. This will help create more
excitement in learners for doing an arduous task like reflecting, it will also help in achieving
my goal of creating better relationships among students and for students with their

The learners will be expected to complete an exercise that I previously designed at the
beginning of the academic year that is based on getting to know my learners; this will serve
as data that I will use when I need to pair or group the learners. In order to promote new
and unexpected connections or interactions, I am able to identify commonalities and shared
interests among my students. Then, I will introduce my students to the website where the
previously covered activity will be posted along with a photo of each student for the other
students to view, comment on, and get to know.
If learners are communicating well and their relationships in class have been improved as
well as their student-teacher relationship and their results, classroom behavior and overall
setting and mood in the classroom is improved then the implementation was a success

Criteria 2 Mediation

The manner the teacher relays or conveys the students' subject-matter knowledge is
referred to as mediation in the context of teaching and learning. This is crucial for
developing a productive learning environment since it is a requirement for inclusivity,
respect, and teamwork (Department of Education, 2000). The diversity of the students in
South African classrooms makes teaching there special. As a result, the teacher will be
aware of the learners' differences and promote respect for them in the classroom
(Department of Education, 2000).

A classroom atmosphere that promotes inclusivity, respect, and collaboration will be built
using a variety of teaching styles and carefully chosen resources. In order to effectively
"mediate learning in a manner which is sensitive to diverse needs of all learners, the
effective education system ensured the careful design and creation of educational
materials, resources, and materials. This ensures inclusivity in the classroom and an
improved positive school climate. The issue is that the existing curriculum used in schools
does not provide deviation enough time to produce these tools. The curriculum also
provides a list of teaching resources and tools that are relevant to the course material.
However, I think that rather than being restricted to the material being taught, learning is
improved when it is made relevant to learners' own experiences. It enhances the learners'
engagement with the material and encourages their active participation in the creation of
knowledge and meaning.

Converting lessons into projects that will start allowing my students to pursue their interests
and use their inquiries as a starting point for further inquiry while still accomplishing the
lesson's goals. My goal is to use students' natural curiosity to help them decide which
questions to research, to show them how to get the most out of using technology or books
to find information, and, most importantly, to demonstrate how their questions can inspire
experiments, explorations, and the discovery of new information. Focusing on me as the
mediator shifts my role from knowledge transmission at the front of the classroom to a
supporting role from the side, allowing my students to actively construct their own
Employ curriculum integrating to show how things are linked - I would like to give my
students’ academic content that prioritizes cross-curricular education and gives equal merit
to overall educational, social, moral, and creative growth. When students are fully engaged
in their studies, they make connections between the material they are trying to learn and
what they already know and lastly to provide genuine diversity - Programs that foster
creative, logical, and reflective thinking; provide content in a hands-on, interactive way to
let my students learn through exploration; and make use of personalized, small-group
instruction to address varying learning styles

Mentoring: Learning from Feedback
For my strategy I will use learning from feedback, I would like a detailed feedback report
from my mentor teacher when the lesson is completed so that I can see and relate to what
aspects of the lesson was good and what aspects need more work. This will help me to
ensure that I improve on myself constantly, as professional feedback is vitally important to
always strive to be better. I will use this strategy to ensure quality lessons so that learners
will begin to trust in me as a mediator.

A barrier to learning that may come about is that learners may focus too much on mediation
and not so much their actual work which could cause a hindrance and might not completely
be beneficial.

Technology can be implemented this way by learners using a platform to give anonymous
feedback about the lesson and I can use that feedback as well as the mentor teachers
feedback to improve on all lessons.

I will study the curriculum document in advance of the academic year to determine the
knowledge strands and concepts for the first term for which I will develop materials. Each
term will begin with the completion of this process. I'll take photos and post them, along
with any videos, presentations, or documents I've made, onto a social platform created
where I'll solicit comments and ideas from my coworkers and the general public. In
accordance with the phases of the first action research cycle, I will utilize that criticism and
feedback to evaluate my resources and make any required adjustments prior to the start of
each term.

At the beginning of the academic year, I will set aside time to introduce students to this new
style of teaching and time to allow students to come up with their own creative and
innovative ideas of feedback. I will also ask that the learners create a profile on this social
platform where they add their likes, dislikes, objectives, and aspirations for the academic
year. This will allow me to understand and connect with students better

Criteria 3 Assessment


To make sure that my students understand what it takes to achieve the intended learning
outcome, my objective is to analyze the abilities and competencies displayed and offered by
the learner and actively engage in offering constructive feedback through assistance and

preparing the evaluations that students must complete.

- Carrying out assessments (such as examinations and assignments) and marking
assessments to make sure students meet the necessary requirements.
- Giving criticism. In order for improvements to be made, the assessor must give the
students thorough feedback.
- I must possess subject-matter expertise with regard to the material I'm evaluating.
- I might not just be doing my job as an assessor; I might also need to help students who are
having trouble understanding the material and completing the requirements.

My objective is to evaluate students. These evaluations are made in relation to the
standards established by the CAPS curriculum for the given year. My responsibility is to
make sure that my students acquire the necessary competence to move on to the following
- Specific: This objective is focused on conducting assessments and offering helpful criticism.
- Measurable: The objective will be gauged by the students' grades.
- Achievable: Because the assessment is done at the conclusion of the learning unit, after
the material has been taught, this aim is reachable. Additionally, additional classes are given
to the students as additional support.
- Achievable: If the students study the material and get whatever further help they need,
this is an achievable aim.
-Time: Throughout the course of the academic year, formal and informal assessments will
be used to carry out this objective. The goal is for the students to advance to the following


Support for Professionals: Learning Communities

A professional learning community, or PLC, is a group of educators who frequently get
together to exchange knowledge and collaborate on raising students' academic
achievement and teaching effectiveness.

- Talking about teacher work: Workshops can be held where teachers can learn together
how to create interesting lesson plans or assessments, then they can review their own
lesson plans and assessments that have been used in a class, and they can then provide
critical feedback and suggestions for improvement. This is an illustration of official backing.

- Talking about learner data: School personnel, such as IT, can help analyze learner-
performance data from a class to identify trends, such as which students are consistently
failing or underperforming on the online learning platform. Working with the teachers, they
can then develop proactive teaching methods and strategies to support students who may
be experiencing academic difficulties. An illustration of informal assistance is this.
Professional learning communities are almost usually an intentional method for school
reform meant to lessen professional isolation, promote better faculty collaboration, and
disperse individual teachers' knowledge and insights throughout a school. The quality of
lessons and instruction might differ greatly from class to class since teachers may work
independently (they will develop and carry out lessons on their own, behind closed doors,
without much input from colleagues).

I will lead a session on reflection at the beginning of the academic year where the value of
feedback and reflection will be discussed. The students and I will practice providing
thorough responses to reflection questions (these questions will be of an appropriate level
according to grade in which I am teaching). After then, the students and I will decide jointly
on a minimum of 10 short questions, which will be modified as the year goes on. Prior to the
workshop, I will put together an activity booklet that will be distributed to the participants
and will offer them the knowledge they need regarding reflection and feedback.

Students will be expected to use the online system and respond to the reflection and
evaluation questions I originally posted by a certain deadline. After the students have
finished posting, I will pull the comments from the online system, analyze the information,
and utilize the results to guide my observations on the efficiency and effectiveness of the

Levy, J. (2012, November Wednesday). Relationship between student and educator.
Retrieved from linkspringer:
Spence, D. (2014). Exploring relationships in education: A phenomenological inquiry.
Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 214-226.
Sparks, S. D. (2019, November Thursday). Important student teachher relationship.
Retrieved from edweek:
S., C. (2017, November Tuesday). Assesments. Retrieved from
Sphero. (2020, Novemeber Wednesday). effective learning . Retrieved from
Spiller. (2022, November Wednesday). Feedback in education . Retrieved from
Jan., B. (2002, November Wednesday). Mediation. Retrieved from scieo:
Dhaliwal, M. (2015, November Tuesday). lifelong learner. Retrieved from cberuk:
Department of Education. 2000. Norms and Standards for Educators. [Online]. Available at:
educators [Accessed 20 October 2022].

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