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LAGOS STATE GOVERN EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE IMENT, MINISTRY OF EDUCATION . EDUCATION SCHEMES OF work iee NUMBER WORK KINDERARTEN- AGE 5 15° TERM WKS | TOPICS CONTENT/ACTIVITIES LEARNING 1 Counting and i. Encourage the child to count, rs writing of Numbers | write and identify numbers 1- | - Paper 1-20 20, ant ii. Stimulate the child to colour/ | newspaper paint a particular number - Calendar instructed out of many. - Cups iii. Child matches numbers with | - Posters/charts the pictures Correctly. - Picture books 2 Numbers 21-25 i, Present the number cards of | - Small white 21-25 and encourage the child | board +pen to count and write numbers 1- | - Clay 20 and then 1-25. - Sand and ii, Stimulate the child to write | Water 1-25, 25-1, - Crayons iii. Matching of numbers with - Pencils corresponding objects correctly | - Chalk and appropriately. - Plasticine 3 Odd and Even i. Teacher gives a simple - Paint Numbers meaning of odd and even in - Pair of relation to numbers. scissors ii. Present the number cards to_ | - Chalk board pupils to illustrate odd number | - Flash light and even number. - Movable ili. Stimulate the child to alphabets and identify odd numbers or even | figures numbers from numbers 1-20. _| - Jig-saw puzzle 4 Time Measurement _| i. Showa sample of clock face _| - Lego 189 LAGOS STATE GOV! EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE EDUCATION Si = O'clock, half past To the child pointing to second, minute and hour hands. Use ‘analogue and digital clocks. ii, Guide the child to learn O'clock e.g 8 O'clock, 2 O'clock etc. IiiGuide the child to learn half past eg half past 6 iv. Discuss days, weeks, months and year with pupils (use calendar, birthdays and songs) Numbers 25-30 i. Present the number cards of 26-30 and encourage the child to count and write numbers 1- 25 then 26-30. ii, Stimulate the child to write 1-30 and 30-1. ii, Counting and matching of objects to the right number. iv. Fill in the gap the missing numbers. MID TERM BREAK MID TERM BREAK Shapes, Circle, i. Sing the shapes songs or triangle, square, | rhyme, rectangle ii Introduce the child to different shapes of objects in the class e.g table top ~ rectangle, ball or bottle top circle, yoghurt packtriangle, wall socket - square. li, Draw and name the shapes UCATION: ENT, MINISTRY OF ED! a {CHEMES OF WORK Building block - Matching cards and other objects - Musical instruments = Clock face - Objects of different: shapes — sugar cube, dice, bottle tops. Sticks - Flash cards = Counting balls, ~Slate - Number puzzle Clock ~ Picture -Ball - Orange - Egg ~Cone ~ Sugar ~ Box 190 LAGOS STATE GOVERNMENT, MINISTRY OF EDUCATION EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE EDUCATION SCHEMES OF WORK. # for the child, rectangle square © cide ili, Guide the child to colour/ paint shapes with different colours. Roman Numerals: | i, Teacher discusses Roman tox numerals as one of the indigenous ways of writing numbers. ji. Introduce the roman numerals of ito x with songs or rhyme e.g iis 1, jiis 2, i . song, the use of left and right fingers ili, Display the number cards on roman numerals e.g x Moulding of numbers| i. Encourage the child to mould 1-30, Roman numbers 1-10, 11-20 and 21 - Numerals xi - xx 30 with the use of plasticine or 191 LAGOS STATE GOVERNMENT, MINISTRY OF EDUCATION EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE EDUCATION SCHEMES OF WORI i aby. ii Engage the child in using number cards to play games e.g playing cards, whot, Sudoku, tudo games ete, il, Teacher introduces roman numerals xi with songs or rhymes: xiis 11, xis 12, xii is 13, xivis 14, xvis 15, xviis 16, veil is 17, xvii is 18, xixis 19, xx is 20. iv, Teacher gives activities on identification, matching, colouring, sorting, counting of roman numerals 1 to 20. 10 | REVISION REVISION 11 _| REVISION REVISION 12 _| EXAMINATION EXAMINATION 13 [ EXAMINATION. EXAMINATION 192 LAGOS STATE GOVERNMENT, MINISTRY OF EDUCATION: EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE EDUCATION SCHEMES OF WORK. NUMBER WORK KINDERGARTEN - AGES 2*° TERM WKS | TOPICS CONTENT/ACTIVITIES LEARNING MATERIALS 1 REVISION Revision of 1* Term’s work, ~Toys 2 Number Group |i, Encourage the child to count _ | - Paper sets of objects in groups from | - Old numbers 11-30e.g. 12 books, | newspaper 23 pens, 17 lorries etc. ~ Calendar fi, Engage child to count the sets | - Cups of objects in groups upto 30. _| - 3 Numbers 31 to 35. | i. Present number cards of 31 to | Posters/charts 35 to pupils for identification _| - Picture and encourage the child to books count and write numbers 31 to | - Small white 35,110.35. board +pen ii, Engage the pupils in reverse | - Clay counting activities 35 ~ 1. + Sand and ill. Stimulate the child to Water perform tasks on number ~ Crayons Brouping, sorting, matching, _| - Pencils counting. = Chalk 4 Ordinal Numbers | i, Explain the ordinal numbers, | - Plasticine (Positioning): 1° to | state the positioning of a person | - Paint ” or object e.g. first (1*), second | - Pair of (2%), third (3°) ete scissors ii, Organise an indoor or outdoor | - Chalk board game to determine position + Flash light among the children = Movable 193 LAGOS STATE GOVERNMENT, MINISTRY OF EDUCATION: EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE EDUCATION SCHEMES OF Work. EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE EDUCATION SCHEMES OF WORK. LAGOS STATE GOVERNMENT, MINISTRY OF SOF woReae faGO@ 220230 24 2526 QQ @@@ Number cards Re-arrangement. Fraction: Half (4) i. Give simple meaning of fraction. ii, Teacher presents objects or food items that can be divided into two equal halves. e.g. groundnut, egg, tomato, paper, cake etc. half half ii Give tasks on dividing, colouring, matching of halves. with their objects appropriately. ‘Numbers 36-40 i. Teacher sings number songs or rhymes to pupils, ii, Present number cards 36-40 to pupils to read, count and write numbers 36-40, 1-40, Stimulate the child on reverse counting activities of numbers 40-1. iv. Engage the pupils on tasks ~Cone Sugar = Box related to grouping, sorting, Descending Order | i. Give simple meaning of alphabets and ‘of Numbers descending. figures ii Stimulate the child tore- | -Jig-saw arrange numbers (1-30) from | puzzle the highest to the lowest. = Lego a - Building ‘TOD 9 Gs u = Matching cards and 14 13:12 soe 10 other objects 8 OVOVG| me instruments Help the child to practise the | ” Cock are Quantity value of each number. z eens . different esc9co coo shapes ~ sos “os suger cube, T huts S nuts ee, bottle 7 has more nuts tops. Shas less nuts pine Therefore, 7is bigger thang __| “Flash cards MID TERM BREAK | MID TERM BREAK ae Ascending Order i. Give simple Meaning of balls of Numbers ascending. =Sinta ii. Help the child to practise om more on the quantity value of | PUZIE each numbers (1-30) poo il-Stimulate the child tore. |” Picture arrange numbers 1-30 from the | “al! lowest to the highest, eens ee. J 194 195 LAGOS STATE GOVERNMENT, MINISTRY OF EDUCATION EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE EDUCATION SCHEMES OF WORK. dictating, matching, counting. ¥. Guide the child to write numbers 1-40 on plain paper, cut them out and paste with gum on a cardboard. ) | REVISION REVISION, 1 | REVISION REVISION 2813 | EXAMINATION EXAMINATION, 196 LAGOS STATE GOVERNMENT, MINISTRY OF EDUCATION? EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE EDUCATION SCHEMES OF WORK. NUMBER WORK KINDERGARTEN — AGES 3° TERM WKS | TOPICS CONTENT/ACTIVITIES, LEARNING MATERIALS 1_| REVISION Revision of 24 Term’s work ~Toys Numbers 41-45 |i. Teacher sings number songs or _| - Paper rhymes to pupils. -Old li, Present the number cards 41-45 | newspaper to pupils to read, count and write | - Calendar 41-45, 1-45. ~ Cups iii, Stimulate the child to perform | - tasks on reverse counting 45-1. __| Posters/charts, 3° | Greaterthan (>), | i. Teacher helps the child to Picture Less than (<) practise the quantity value of each | books number. - Small white eg. a 6 board +pen S2S® OS® |-ciy SSS OS® B)-sand and ee 6balls | Water 9 balls ~ Crayons 9 balls are more than 6 balls ~Pencils il, Give simple meaning of greater | ~ Chalk han and less than. ~ Plasticine |. Teacher folds the right arm and | - Paint left arm to illustrate the signs. - Pair of scissors “s NY = Chalk board Flash light less than greater than _| - Movable 197 LAGOS STATE GOVERNMENT, MINISTRY OF EDUCATION EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE EDUCATION SCHEMES OF WORK. © e) alphabets and Use the illustration in (i) above to | figures introduce the signs, that is9>6. | - Jig-saw iv, Encourage the child to perform | puzzle tasks on number comparison from_ | - Lego 130. Building Place Valueof | i. Teacher gives simple meaning of | block Numbers place value in relation to numbers. | - Matching ii. Engage the pupils with the use _| cards and of abacus to arrange the place other objects value of numbers 1-50 ~ Musical ee tT UT U_| instruments ~ Clock face ~ Objects of different shapes - 2 4 3 7 | sugar cube, Beads beads beads dice, bottle beads tops. Pry 37 = Sticks i. Encourage the child to Flash cards terpret the place value number | - Counting on abacus. balls eg. Tae - Slate ~ Number iS = puzzle - Clock Length Give simple icine le meaning of length, | - Ball Encourage pupils to take the | - Orange ‘Measurement of short - Eee. 198 EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE EDUCATION SCHEMES OF WORK. LAGOS STATE GOVERNMENT, MINISTRY OF sor wom distances/length of the classroom with the use of tape rule, lil, Guide pupils to use the words ‘Tonger/taller and shorter’ to compare length of two objects. £8. CT log of wood A aD wood 8 log of wood A is shorter log of wood B is longer MID TERM BREAK MID TERM BREAK Numbers 46-50. Number in words 1:10 i. Sing songs or rhymes to pupils on numbers 1-50. Ii Present the number cards 46-50 to pupils to read, count and write 46-50 and 1-50. ili, Stimulate the child to perform tasks on reverse counting 50-1. iv. Display number cards having the words written on them for numbers 1-10. Songs and rhymes can be adopted. eg, one two | | Three 1 2 3 ete. ‘Simple Addition (Numbers 1-9) 7. Teacher illustrates simple meaning of addition and its sign (+) ~Cone 199 LAGOS STATE GOVERNMENT, MINISTRY OF EDUCATION LAGOS STATE GOVERNMENT, MINISTRY OF EDUCATION EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE EDUCATION SCHEMES OF WORK. EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE EDUCATION SCHEMES OF WORI to pupils. | ii Guide pupils to give answer to pictorial addition of objects. eg. a) NN4 FANN FA 44 3 5 8 (00 +0000 =u 00 000 5 Elerere ‘Simple i. Teacher gives simple meaning of Subtraction subtraction and its sign (-) to {Numbers 1-9) | pupils. ii, Teacher sings songs or rhymes to illustrate the concept of subtraction e.g. ten green bottles standing on wall~2ce, if one Breen bottle is taken out of them all, ‘9 green bottle standing on the wall. ii, Guide pupils to give answers to pictorial subtraction of objects, eg. ve 3 aid el uU (AAAAA -AA 8 AAA A .3 8 305 =5 10 | Money: Ni to N20 i, Discuss simple meaning of money and its uses. ii, Provide shopping corner in the classroom and label each item with price tag for pupils to interpret e.g. E+ ii, Present denomination of Nigerian currencies to pupils. iv. Engage pupils in role play of buying and selling of commodities (Ni to N20) Note: Teachers are to encourage pupils on saving culture. 11. | REVISION REVISION 12 | EXAMINATION (1 @@ - @@ a EXAMINATION 13 | EXAMINATION EXAMINATION 201

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