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Bharat mun 2

Ladies and gentlemen,

The role of extremist propaganda in religious extremism is a concerning

issue that demands our attention. In an age of rapid communication and
global connectivity, the power of propaganda has intensified. Extremist
groups often exploit these channels to disseminate distorted ideologies
that manipulate vulnerable minds.

Extremist propaganda plays a pivotal role in fueling religious extremism by

exploiting grievances, spreading hatred, and fostering an "us versus them"
mentality. Through online platforms and social media, these messages can
reach individuals across borders, transcending physical boundaries and
inciting violence in the name of faith.

We must recognize that combating religious extremism requires a

multifaceted approach. It involves promoting tolerance, education, and
critical thinking, while simultaneously monitoring and countering extremist
narratives. By addressing the root causes and dismantling the machinery of
extremist propaganda, we can pave the way for a more peaceful and
harmonious world.

In conclusion, let us unite in the battle against extremist propaganda,

upholding the values of compassion, understanding, and respect for all
faiths. Only by working together can we effectively counter the divisive
forces that threaten our shared humanity. Thank you.

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