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Hi guys welcome to SMP PKC

Mur : Introduce! Bey,Mur,Tar : My name is (Your freaking name)

We, together are from ninesky, and today we will be your tour guide
Mur : Without further a do, lets begin the wonderful tour

Ruang Guru
Bey : First, let’s take a look at our beloved teacher room
Bey : This is the place, where our teacher prepare every needs for teaching and do other works
Bey : This room is really cozy, cold, and comfortable for our teacher to prepare the material

Ruang BK
Bey : Then, lets go on to the next room, which is the counseling room
Bey : This room is perfect for student to talk about their problem

Who : This room has a lot of book, even if this room is really cold, it still perfect for studying
Who : Yep, you guessed it, It’s library!

Who : On to the next one and this is our computer room, a room that was made up of …. Fully
working computer, a room that could also be used as a 2nd teaching room

Who : Sitting right beside the computer room is the chemistry lab, a room that was used for
multiple chemical experiment

Koperasi :
Who : Exiting the chemistry lab and taking right and there you found yourself our school
Canteent 2, the food here is actually really delicious and healthy

Who : Here in SMP Pupuk Kujang we’re not only has 1 canteen but 2
Who : This second canteen is called pujaserra, if the school canteen is more focused on healthy
beverages, this independent one is more free in terms of beverages

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