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In choosing the instrument to be purchased and to be used in forensic lab, explain the
importance of considering the following criteria:

a. Sensitivity - Sensitivity, which establishes the capacity to detect even minute amounts of evidence
or substances, is an important consideration in the selection of instruments for forensic laboratories.
High sensitivity instruments are critical for detecting traces of materials, as samples from crime
scenes may contain sparse or diluted evidence. Insufficient sensitivity may cause significant hints to
be missed, which could impede investigations and jeopardize justice. Thus, forensic scientists can
increase the likelihood of correctly identifying and analyzing relevant evidence by selecting
instruments with high sensitivity.

b. Specificity - Another important consideration when choosing tools for forensic analysis is
specificity. It speaks to the instrument's accuracy in differentiating between related substances or
pieces of evidence, reducing the possibility of false positive results. Specificity is essential in forensic
investigations because mistakes can have serious consequences and there are high stakes involved.
High specificity instruments are dependable in their ability to distinguish between materials that
share similar characteristics, giving confidence in the precision of the findings. As a result, giving
specificity top priority when choosing instruments guarantees the accuracy and consistency of
forensic analyses, enhancing the validity of the results of investigations.

c. Rapidity - Rapidity is an important factor to take into consideration when choosing forensic tools,
especially in situations where immediate findings are necessary for wise decision-making. Quick
analysis can speed up investigations, enabling law enforcement to react quickly to new threats or
catch suspects before they manage to escape. Forensic labs can handle large case volumes effectively
with the help of instruments with quick processing times, which improves overall operational
efficiency. Furthermore, quick analysis can help maintain the integrity of the evidence by reducing the
possibility of contamination or deterioration over time. Consequently, giving priority to the speed of
analysis when choosing an instrument aids in the efficient and timely settlement of criminal cases,
ultimately advancing the goals of justice.

2. Explain why this statement is very important in the practice of forensics. -"Every object, natural
or man-made has an individuality that is not duplicated in any other object"

-The statement, "Every object, natural or man-made, has an individuality that is not duplicated in
any other object" highlights the importance of evidence uniqueness and is an essential concept of
forensic science. In forensic investigations, the identification and comparison of evidence is based on
its uniqueness. Forensic scientists use the unique properties of evidence, such as fingerprints, DNA
profiles, or ballistic markings, to connect it to a specific source or person, supporting criminal
investigations and court cases.

3. How is probability used in criminology?

-The use of probability in decision-making regarding criminal justice policies, investigation

techniques, and crime prevention plays an important role in the field of criminology. The probability
of a crime being committed in a particular location or the likelihood of a person committing another
crime after being released from prison are just two examples of how probability is used in criminology
to evaluate the likelihood that particular events will occur. Statistical analysis of past data is utilized to
forecast future criminal activity and to comprehend patterns of criminal behavior. Aspects of
criminological research that use probability models to improve the efficacy of law enforcement and
crime prevention initiatives include predictive policing tactics, risk assessment, and crime mapping.

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