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The follow ing will be a detailed project management plan for the construction of a new

Business School which will be done in three years period. Project is planned set of .

connected activities that ar e to be implem ented within a speci fic time and with avai lable
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resources and other bou ndaries is known as a pr oject. It is a task nee ded to be do ne at
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the given deadline. Pr oject management is a vital role in the suc cess and fai lure of a
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business. A high-qu ality project ma nagement is a promisi ng indicator of succ ess and
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keeps organizations a head of their com petitors. It is nece ssary for the busine sses to
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acknowledge signi ficance of project manag ement in ord er in order to rem ain in . . . .

business. It is not incor rect to say, that the mana ging skills of manag ers in an
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organization assure suc cess of the busin ess. . . .

Therefore, project mana gement can be descr ibed as a team, wh ere individuals work
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together tow ards a set of object ives. Tasks are alloc ated to the memb ers of the team
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belonging to different factio ns within an organiz ation in order to achi eve the goals of the
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project. Thus, Project management is the implement ation and execution of proc esses,
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methods, skills, know ledge, and experien ce that produces perce ived output of the
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invested endeavors. Thus, a project is better to be de fined as exclusively underta ken . . . .

objectives, which are jointly plan ned under the super vision of higher mana gement in
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order to achieve suppo sed output and advanta ges. (Beardwell and Holden, 2007)
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Project Plann ing . .

Business project mana gement also called pr oject manageme nt is a sk ill set exerted by
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the management ofan organ ization to achi eve financial goals. Improvemen ts are made
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to t he goals that benefit th e company asa wh ole. It is imp erative to unders tand t hat itis
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planning of a task, which is proj ectile at achi eving outcom es through produ ction
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products that are touch able as well as intang ible. It is nece ssary to pin po int the thin line
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between project manage ment and simple manage ment. Project mana gement is inclined
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towards achieving objectiv es of the project wit hin a decided time line; day-to-day
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management is the simple manage ment and thus should not be co nfused with pro ject
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management. The managers mu st possess technical sk ills, a profo und business

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knowledge, mastery in comm unication and client deal ing, and time manage ment. It is
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imperative to point here th at change manag ement plays a sign ificant function with
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progression of the project. It is mandat ory to men tion here that progre ssing project
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brings with it nece ssity of modificatio n in the tasks, thus this re quires management to be
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supple in or der to be accusto med to the ch anges and simi larly administer the m. Thus,
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change mana gement becomes a skill that man agers should pos sess while lea ding . . . .

projects. (Broderick and Boudreau, 2011)


Certain projects dem and attention continuo usly, this clea rly means inc essant
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monitoring, controlling, co ordination, and comm unication with the clie nt as we ll as

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managers; nevertheless, some tas ks can be per formed prior but neces sitates
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development and rethinking s uch as, scheduling, bud geting, plann ing etc.
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Time, Quality, and Co st are the three mai n phases of proje ct management. It is
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imperative to understand t hat these three fac tors are import ant for the overall succe ss
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of the proj ect as well as organiza tions. It is impor tant for business es to mana ge projects
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within the given peri od without compromi sing the quality of the p roduct. It is importa nt to
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point out here that a succ essful project is one that is fin ished within decid ed budget.
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(Bradford & Burke, 2015)

Project Life Cyc le

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There are four phas es of a project life cycl e, which aids in achie ving the goa ls of the
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project. However, a sequ ence must be follo wed in order to a chieve the proje ct goals.
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While managing a pr oject following phase s must be fol lowed:

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1. Initi ating proje ct: This is the initiati on phase, where the n eed of the proj ect is
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realized and a feasibility rep ort is built up consid ering all the fa ctors that c an aid
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in achieving the objectiv es. Factors that m ay become dete rrent are also poi nted
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out. It is at this stag e the project m anagement team is deci ded.

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2. Preparing, organi zing, and contro lling: This pla nning, organizing and
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controlling stage; it is at this particu lar stage of a financ ial plan, risk pl an,
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procurement plan and medi ums of communi cations are sketch ed for the proj ect.
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Suppliers and vendors are also confir med at this sta ge.
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3. Executing the pro ject: This is the executi on phase whe re all the plann ing and
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organizing is p ut to action und er the super vis ion and contr ol of the pro ject
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manager. Manager’s main du ty is to manag e the costs and han dle time as w ell
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as quality of the finis hed product.

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4. Closing: This is the closu re phase of the proj ect. The pro ject is comp leted and
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the deliver ables are hande d over to the clie nt. A feed back is receiv ed tin order to
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access the performance of the tea m and to make improvem ents in the fut ure.
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Gantt chart
It includes implementing the proje ct plan and to en sure that the pl an is being man aged
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according to pla n. The Gantt cha rt is a speciali zed bar chart used to pro vide a grap hical
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overview and sche dule of all task s or to indi cate the work eleme nts and depende ncies
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of project. This is a chart with rectangular ba rs. (Anthony, et al, 2013)

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The chart above shows how the project will be started at the initial phase. All the
detailed planning and scheduling has been shown that will be following by every
individual who is involved in the project.

Work breakdown stru cture

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Work breakd own structure acts as a founda tion of the proj ect plan. It is basic ally a task
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list. The w ork brea kdown structure is a nece ssary proj ect tool. It is a proje ct oriented
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assembling of elem ents of the pr oject in order to sub divid es the activ ities of a pr oject.
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(Anderson, 2000)
WBS for Business School is as bellow:

Computation of the pa yback period

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Cost management plan is ne cessary for the pro ject due to the fol lowing reasons:
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o To determine the co sts of the proj ect

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o To evaluate the eff ort estimat es

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o To know the factors that will incre ase the pr oject’s cost
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Net cash flow

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Numberof schools = 1
Cost of school = 1400000
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Earning = 1* 1400000 = 1400000


Payback period = req uired inves tment / net cashflow

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= 1400000/500000 = 28 years
It’s a desirable project because its payback period is less than 30 years.
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Quality Management Plan

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The Quality Management Plan defines the acceptable level of quality, which is typically
defined by the customer, and describes how the project will ensure this level of quality
in its deliverables and work processes. ((Joel, et al, 2002)

. . How to improve/attain quality
. . . .

Identify the quality control and quality

. . . . The quality roles and respon sibilities were. .

assurance roles and responsibilities for

. . . identified in the proje ct charter, and act ual
. . .

the project and actual resources assigned

. . . . . resources were assi gned in the sta ffing
. . .


Identify any qu ality-related tools used to

. . . . Identify the tools yo u will use an d their
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support quality.. . purposes or uses.

. .

Define the quality control and qua lity

. . . . Describe the pla n to ite mize, document
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assurance problem rep orting plan

. . . . and track to closure items reported . . . .

through the quality control and quality

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assurance activities. . .

All problems must be tra cked to closure . . .

and feedback provided to appropriate . . .

stakeholders and the pro ject team . . .

concerning the statu s of the probl em. . . .

Communication Manag ement . .

It is th e process that shows how to pl an communication process to the proje ct

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audiences. Every proj ect needs communication management pl an. There are diffe rent
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types of communi cation chan nels thro ugh which inf ormation is con veyed from one
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person to an other. Manage ment of communication is do ne by the com munication

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manager and he is respo nsible for thi s. If inform ation is n ot conveyed properly then it
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will create barriers. So, communication manage ment plan is mu st for eve ry kin d of
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project. (Anthony, et al, 2013)

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The communication management plan of Business School is;

Audience Information Method Frequency Who is
Project team . . Status
. of Email . Weekly . Team leaders . .

detailed project .

Project team . . Collaboration . Email . As required . Team leaders

. .

Project team . . Collaboration . Meeting . Every . other Project .

week. manager .

Stakeholders . . Approval. Email / v oice As required

. . . Project .

mail . manager .

Stakeholders . Stakeholders . Meeting . Monthly . Project


project status . manager .

Vendors . Detailed . Email

. Weekly . Project

project status . manager .

Vendors . Collaboration . Email . As required . Project .

manager .

Change Manage ment Plan
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Change man agement plan refers to a ny approach to transiti oning individuals, teams,
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and organizations using methods inte nded to re-dire ct the use of resou rces, business
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process, budget alloca tions, or other mode s of opera tion that signifi cantly reshape a
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company or organization. (Beardwell and Holden, 2007)

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Risk Management Pl an . .

Risk Management is an integr al part of a projec t and is an on going process. When

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initiated at the beginn ing of a project, mo st risks may be identifi ed and cont rolled or
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measures to counter act the m may be deve loped su ch as involved wi th Change

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Management. (Broderick and Boudreau, 2011)


Risks . Actions .

Unforeseen risks To assess the risks before th ey arise

. .

Risk of low quality material To assess the quality manage ment at top
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priority .

Finishing the proje ct on time

. . . To follow the right sch edule and com plete
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the ta sks on time.

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Once the manag ement has the risk mana gement plan outli ned, you can start ad ding
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tasks to your pr oject plan for help ing mitigate or elimin ate risk. In the ex ample above,
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we can a dd tasks to our proje ct plan for hir ing an add itional gardener and looki ng for a
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new subcont ractor in case the curre nt one does not w ork out. Pr oject Risk
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Management, with the help of the abo ve mentioned factors and do cuments, depe nds
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primarily on the th ree major step s of Risk Identifica tion, Risk Assessm ent and Risk
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Resolution. It is a sequen tial process which inv olves assessing and classif ying risks.
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Undertaking a project and then managing and controlling is a major task that not every
project managet is able to successful perform. Skills, experience, qualification is
required to successfully handle any project given by the company. The construction
project of Business School has been discussed in the above project whereby all the
necessary steps that would be taken has been shown in the report that would make a
project successful. All the necessary considerations have also been listed.

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